. -i%` , . .>.�Y�S,.:
<br /> .. :, � ,_
<br /> w.
<br /> . .-. • i-.
<br /> . . - . � „ . . ---:� - _-i.
<br /> ` ' � � 99� 1c��a�� �, . `�
<br /> LOANNO. 1539218339 „
<br /> rr , . .. ...��..�.:
<br /> If Lertder exercisea this option,Lender shall gNe Borrower notice of accelEratlon.i he nutice ahali providE�a parivci „ � --
<br /> ot nat Ieaa than 30 days 4rom the date the notice Is delivored or mailed within�ruhich bor�ower must pay ail su�ns secured ,•
<br /> by this Security Instrument.If Bonower faits to pay these sums prlor to the expIraticn at this perlod,Londer may Invoke „ �Y�
<br /> any remedies permi4ted by thls 8ecurity Inst�umont wlthout turther notice ar demarsd an Borrower. ,
<br /> 18.E�oROwer'e iiiflM to Relnatate. It�orrower meets ceRa�n conditlons� Borrowe�sh�ll heve the rlght to have „
<br /> •, �ntoraement of this Secur(ty Instrument dlacontinued at any time prlor to the earlier ot:(a�S days(or such other period �
<br /> ae appiicabie law may speclty Qor relnstatennant) tuatoro�nio ot tho Prop�rt�pureuxnt to Any pnwer ot eale r.on4a(ned In
<br /> this 8eaurity Inst�ument;or(b)entry of a Judgment entorcing thia 3ecurlty inatrumern.Those conditions are that ..„ „ ., .
<br /> ' 8orrowor: (a)p�yu Lortdor all suma which than would be duo undor thls 3oaurtty Instrument and the Note As It no _
<br /> acCOloratlon hud ocaurred;(b)auros�tny dofa�(t of any othor aovenants or agreementa;(o) pays ali expansea Incurrad
<br /> and(d)tak�s such actlon
<br /> In orsfuroing this Securlty Inatrumont,lnctudlng,but not Ilmlted to,reasonabie attor�eys'feoa; � o.
<br /> as Lendor may�eason�6ly requlro to essurA that tho Ilen of thls 8ecurity Inatrument,Lender's rights(n the Propsrty and „ _.
<br /> 8onowor'a obliQatlon to pay tho sumo�ecured bythis Security inatrumont shali continue unchanged.Upon •, :,;Np-.-
<br /> - �¢inatatement by 8onower,this 9ecurlty Ina4eumer�and tNa obllguttons�ecured hereby ehall remeln futly eftectiva as If �t ,�.'.:_
<br /> no acaoteratlon had oc�urrs�.However,thts right to relnstate shail not epay In the cese of acceleration under ���,:��.�
<br /> pategreph 17. ;,�,,�.._;�--- -
<br /> � 18.Sale of Note;Chainge of Loan 8erviaer.The Note or a pactiai interest in the Note(together wlth this 8ecurity
<br /> Instrument)may be aold ono or moro times wfthout prlor notice to Borrower.A saie may resuit In a change in the entity :.�_�
<br /> (known as the"L oan Sendcer�)that collects monthly payments due underthe Note and this 3eaurfty Inatrument.There ;_� V
<br /> atso may be orte or more changes of tho Loan Senrlcer unrelated to a Eale of the Nate. If there Is a change of the Loan � • �
<br /> .
<br /> Sefvlaer,Borrower vr�l t�ghren written notice of th�ahange in accordae�ce with Fra►agraph 14 above and appllcabie taw. __
<br /> Ths notice will state the name artd address ot tho new Loan Servicer artd tha addr�ss to which paymer�s shouid be . _
<br /> " marl�. The notice wiil atso contatn any other IMormatlon�equirod by�pplksable taw.
<br /> 20.@�9a=ardous 3ubstencos. Borrower ahafl not cause or permft the presence,use,dispostial,storage,or release of
<br /> any Hazarctous 8ubstancea on or in the Property.Bonower shail not do.nor allow anyone etse to do,anything affecting ti.�-
<br /> the Property that is ia vioiation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not ap�ly to the presence,
<br /> use,or storage on tQ�a�ropertY ot smatl q�antftles of Hazardous Substances that are generaliy roco�nized to be
<br /> I' approp�tate to normal r�atdentlaf uses and to maUitenance ut the Properiy.
<br /> � � � Borrowe�shait prompUy gNe lender written notice of any Irnestigation,alaim.demand,lawauft or other actton by _ _
<br /> �ny govemmentat or r�gulatory agenay or prlva4e party involviny the Property and any Hezerdous 8ubstance or , �
<br /> �� � Environmente!La��of which Boerower has actuai k�rowledge.if Borrower Ieams,or Is notlfled by any govemmer�tal or �,.<.r• ' ' �,f.
<br /> regutaWry authorit��that any removat or other�emediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Pioperty ia �,�
<br /> ' �ry�garsa�rsr et�!!pr�m�+Uy take ali neceasaN remedlai ections in accordance with Emrironmentat Law. �,_�.
<br /> � !. Aa used U this paragraph 20,"Hazardoua Substances'ar�lhose oubstances deflnad as toxtc or hezardous �+r* � ,,.,,�
<br /> substancea by Ernironmerttal Law and the toll�wing eubsterecea:gasoline,kerosene,other flemmable or toxic �'���•� �
<br /> `t�`��r?`„
<br /> pet�cleum product�,toxic pesticldea and herbictdes,volatlle solvente,materlats containing asbestos or formaldehyde, ` ,,
<br /> � and radioacttve mgterials.As used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"me�ns federai laws and laws of the •. .�;_
<br /> ' l:.rr�':..
<br /> Jurlsdiction where tP�s 1'roperty is Iocated that retate to health,safety or�rnironmentai protection. , ;,k,�,,,;;_.
<br /> �� � NON-UNIFORMCOVENAfV�S.�oROwerandLenderfurthercovenar�andagreeasfollows: ;�,ti .i;,;�--
<br /> �y �4
<br /> � k 21.Acceleratlon;Rentedieo.Lender ehatt give notice to Borrower prlor to ecc�laratlon fotlowing eorrower's , ..,, r��:
<br /> breach af�ny co�venaM or agreemem in thts Seaurity InstwmeM(b�t not priarto acceleratlon under paregraph r};,,
<br /> �� 17 unteas appllcn�lo law provldes otherwtsa).The na4tae shelt epe��Py:(a)the def�uit;(b)the e by n�requ`8r1 to
<br /> 1. 1 h � _.
<br /> ,� care tha de�auri;Q�)e date not tess then 90 days irom the date the no9lce ia gtven to BOrrAwor� ��_
<br /> ;. dotautt must bo cured;an�(d)that feliureto cure the detauit on or betore the dete epeclfted in the notiee msy
<br /> �. reatnli i�tcceterstton ot the�ums secured by thls Seauriiv instn�moM and eate of the Properiy.Tho notice ehmtl ��
<br /> .,, iurthe�intorm Borrower of the Wght to retnetate aRer accelc+retlon and 4he rigM to brin�a court aetion to assert _�_ -
<br /> •• T the noraextKOna�of e deteult or sny otherdeferese o t Boerower t o a c c e l e r a t f o n e n d s a l e.!f t h e d e i a u i t i s n o t ��r�,
<br /> cured on or�etore the de4e opecifisd tn th��otice,L+ender st(ts op2�on ntayrequire imme�IQte paymar�t in tulf of - _ __,_.
<br /> `�1, �II sums seeured�y this Seourily IneVt�mer�4 wfthout turther demae�d end may Inwoko tho power of selo and eny ��T-- ��,,_:_
<br /> I other n:medles permltted by appticable te►Y.Lender ehall be es�titted to colleot e!i oxponaes lncurred In�uaulnp �.-�°° ------
<br /> the remedtes provlded tn thla�ara9rePh 21�inetudtng,but not Ilmlted to.�easanshle eltomeys'tees�nd costs of _
<br /> a� g tftte ev�dence. �`.-��! _
<br /> ��ns,�,-_=
<br /> It the porrer�!sate le Invoked�Trustee ohaii record a notice of doteuR in each county tn which any pa�t of =_.=_
<br /> ��. �, the Proporht t�lacat�d�nd ehalt mati aepies of sue�notice In the aa�anner pn�ecWberJ by applleabde t�wto __ _,
<br /> eoirower end to th�other p0r+sons preseribed by appitcable law. Rlfter the ttme requtred by applteable taw� � ����,,; -
<br /> � Tnas3ag�hatl give publlo nottce ot sel0 tothe pertona and�n the manner prosai0ad by appiicable law. 7ntstee, ,�,,—_
<br /> h..!!e_9!the�►o arty at pubite auatior�to the bigheet bldder et the timo and plece ���`"V_—�.�::-'
<br /> - �€�iot���a�,�t!Aa ec��es,. . n �-y --
<br /> end unafot the ter�rts destgnated in the�noticm o�8018 Iri Oi9fl 0T ii10i 8�}&1'COIG Lt�tR Bfi�f th"tIE'i Pii6#6��O�a►t�llii�3. �y �� =;_
<br /> rrua�msy�asYpono eaie of ail ot eny parcei o4 th�PropeRy by��1fU��nnor�naement atthv t�me anef plece of , ����.��.- ._ ....=_
<br /> �,�����
<br /> � eny provioualy ae heduted eale. Lvnder or is�des ipnee ma�y purc ha$�t h e Pro pe r t yat en y eate• ��,�,��.�,A=
<br /> Upan roeoip3 of paytrtoowB of the pelce btd�Teustee ahatl dotiver tothe puTCha�er Trurtee'u deed eonvoyIng __�_A��_.-`..¢'
<br /> ' ° the PtopoAy. 7foe reettels in tho Truateo's deed ehett be prims tecto eviderts�of 4ha tnrth of tho etatemer�te made . .,.,.•.�':':V:
<br /> thermfn. Tn+st�a mhali npptythe proceeds at the eeto in the toilowing order:(e)¢@ a0 cos3a ar�d oxponaca of �• . ��,�.,�:�
<br /> " FORM 3Q2e 9/eo '-"�'
<br /> pAGE S OF e "s �'
<br /> 18C/CMDTNE//0782/3028(9�90)•I. ,, , , , �'.y-.'�_
<br /> H u •. ,;.
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