<br /> 99� �����,y LOAN N0. 1 5 3 9 2 1 8 33 9 ,
<br /> 7HI8 B�CURlTY IN8TPl1MENY combines unitorm cnvenant�tor natlonat use and non•uniform covenants wlth
<br /> , Ilmlted vaHatlons by Jurlsdlatlon to consNtute a unitorm securlty inetr�iment c�varing reat piGpo�ty. ,
<br /> ��� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end L�nder covona�t and agree as tufiows:
<br /> 1.Poyr�+ont of Prinet�pt cead le�tarost;Prepaymo�nt and LeRo Chnrpas, Borrower shall promptty pay when due
<br /> ths ptlnoip�l of and Ir►terest on the debt evtdenaed by Une Note and any p�epayment and lato charflas due�nder the
<br /> Note.
<br /> 2.Fundo tar Taxea end lneur�nae. 8ubject to ap{�Ilcabte law of to a wrltton watve�by Lender,�orrower�hell pay
<br /> to Lender on the day monthiy paymaMs are due under the Note. wtil the Note is patd In full,a sum("Funds')fc�b(a)a� �,;,,,;,
<br /> ' �� yeady taxea artrl assessmeMs which may attaln priority ove�thls 3ecurity Instrument as a Iten on the Property, ( Y Y
<br /> �'�""�'� Ieasehoid pt�ymer�ts or ground rents on the Property,if any; (c)yearfly hazard or property tnsuranae premiums: ble by
<br /> yea�iy flaad Insurance premiuma,lf any;(o)yearty mortgage Insurance premtuma,N any;and(�any aums paya
<br /> Borrower to Lender,ln accordance with the provisions of paragr�ph�,in ifou at the payment of mongage insurance
<br /> . premtums.7he.ae items arm ce,llcci"Esc�ow Items."Lert�er may,at any tlme,collect and hold Funds In an amour�t not ta , �,
<br /> e�xceed the�sicimu�n am�unt a tertder tor a federaily�elatECf mn�igaga loan maY paqufro for Berrower's esc►ow axau►rt .�
<br /> � 12 U.S.C. �2601 ot .'�•
<br /> ::,;',;;��,.. , .';,,�,` urtd�r t�e 9��rai Reai Estate Settlemerst Pr�lures Axt of 197�3 as�amended 9rom time t�nder may y ����
<br /> : $eq,("��r A'�,unless another law that ap�ties to the Funds soYS a I�ss�r amount It so, ,at an Ume,cofl�a4 ;;J.�..
<br /> �'. � . �nd hold Fun�s in an ameunt not to axceed the lesaer amoun�Len�ier may estimate the amount of Funda due on the
<br /> , �ASt�of euRarrt data artd reasonabia estlmatea of expendRures of fteiure Escruw Iterns or otherwis�in accorda�ce with �:::,�:_
<br /> ' { appllaabla iaw. �
<br /> S The Funds shail ba held In an InstRution whose depoaks are Inaured by a fedoral agenay,Instrumematlty,�r enti�y _
<br /> � (Ineiudinp i.ertder,H Lender la suoh an instltution)or in sny Feder�O�ome�Loan Benk.Lender shall apply the Funds to
<br /> ; � pay the Esaraw Itema,Lender may not chargo Borrower for holding and eppiying che Furt�is,annuatiy anatytlRp the ��_
<br /> • , e s o r o w a c c o u�t,o r v e r N y trtt�t he Eecraw�owov�or�l.c��n dar maype q�u lo 9 o r f a w on r t o p A y u o n o t m o c h�r g ep f o r an 1818W .;
<br /> pormits Lendar to mako euch o oharpo ��;:�
<br /> ; �, Indo�o�dent real eaia�te tax reportlnp sorvico used by Lender In con�oatlfln with thie IoAn,unio�appilc�fo►aw _ k«*
<br /> i • pravldea othorwiB�.Unioas en apraomont Is made nr ap�ilcaMe Iew requlrea Interest to be pald,Lender shsn not be -
<br /> �equtred to pay 8orrawee eny Inte►oat or oarnlnps on the Funde.Borrawar end Londor may aflree In wrrlting,however, ����_
<br /> tlu�t IMatost ehal!be Id on tho Funds.Londer ehnli givo to Bor�ower,wlthout oharge,an annuai accourttl��g of the , y_
<br /> • . ' F u n d o,s h o w i np c r l t a a n d d e b i t s t o the Funda and tho pu�posetor which each dabit to the Funds was made.The .,_-_
<br /> �� Fundo are pt e dpod�e addttianai gea�rity for ati suma seour e d byt h[s 8ecu r f t y I n s t r u m e n 4. R T�_�
<br /> ' if tho Funds hetd by Lsn�er exceed the amounta permftted to tae hefd by app1icable taw,Lender sha41 axount to N
<br /> � Bonowo�tar thp excesa Funds In accotdartce wfth Qh�eq�uRre vA��duepleinder maWy+sotnoilfy Berro er In�w�Ing�Id
<br /> . _ � _
<br /> _ _ . tyy l.stu!€t�si e,tsy i4s:���nt eaufflclent to�ay the Es
<br /> � and.in auoA caee BoROwer shatl pay to Lender the amour�t necessary to make u�i iii�rSai�ct�►.��'�����"�'
<br /> it up tho deflclency In no moro than twelve momhly paymenta,at Lender's sole discrettan. _
<br /> Upon payment in tuit of att eums secured by thts Security Instrument,lsnder shatt prompUy�o�p the acqulsft ony
<br /> �' Fundo held by Lender.It.under paragtaph 21.L.end�r shatl acqulre or seli the Property,Lender,p
<br /> or eale of the Property.shali apply any Funds held by 4ender at the time ot acqutsttion or sate as a cre�ft against the �;;`;��:
<br /> '� oumo secured by thts 3ecurity Instrument
<br /> 3.Appltaation ot Paymento. Untesa applicab►e Iaw provides oihorwise,ail�aymento recetved by Lender urtder _
<br /> paregrnphs 1 end 2 sha1D ba applled:flrst,to any pro�aymont charges duo under tha Note;second,to amounta payable
<br /> under pnragr�aph 2;thindi.Yo IMerest due;fouRh,to princlpsi dus;and lasi,to any late chargea due under the Noto.
<br /> � � � `�` 4.C�►�t�s;Uena Barrower shall pay atl taxea.asaessmems.charges�flnes artd tmposldons atMb�mb9eto the __
<br /> ,.,;�,;7�., merrts or round�ents,B�ny.
<br /> Property whioh may attatn prtortty overthia Security tnstrumem3,an�i leasehold pay 9 goRpWer ahalf
<br />-1� .Y�.��� 8omawer shal!pay these obttgatlons ire tha menner provlded in paragraPh 2.or R not patd In that manner.
<br />-�«' ' ' pt�y them on timo directDy to the persan owed paymeM.Borrowar shell prompdy fumish to Lender ell nottces of
<br />-�`�i` �� ';�� emounts to bg pald undat thls para9raph.If Borrouver makea these paymeMS direcUy�Borrower shatt pronptiy fumiah to -
<br /> � Lender recelpta evidenaing ihe paymente.
<br /> � � Bcrrawer shail promptly disaharg�any Ilan whlch has p��heite tn a manner scce�n�ble o Lende6(b or�esis in `_
<br /> �, agrses In writ(ng to the payment og th�t st enforcementraf the Ilen In,legat proceedtn s w�hich In the Lende�s opinlan
<br />_ . „ , �.: good fafth ths Iten by,or detends g
<br />- opo�te to preverd the eMorcement of the tlen;or(c)socures hcm the holder of the ten an ag�eement satisiactory to , �
<br /> l.ender eu b o r d inating the Iton to this Secudty Inst�umer�t. lt L�nder determinea that any part of tho Prop��By is aubJect to
<br /> � a Iten whic�may attain pdortry over thta Securtty�nstrumer�,Lender may give sonower a not lCe i de r�tNy f ng the Ilen.
<br /> � ��'`�:•" Bonrnver ehali sattsiy the lien or mke one o�mo�e of the actfona set tcrth above wfthtn 10 days of the givtng vt noitce. �
<br />,. ~ � . 6.Hs�rd or Pro�rty Ineuranca. Bo�ower sh�ll keepttee�rnprovemente now exiatin�or hareafter erectod on the ' ;
<br />�;��.__���_..�._..�_ PrepeRy Irtauted az4�►Inst toss by flre.hars�de Included w3thin the term"extended coverage and any oth�r hauircts, __ _
<br /> ::�-r�� -``�"��—�`-' It�ciudi�g Skfoda ar Raadtng.toe wriict�Lends;raquir�;s(or�ur��ce.Thl��n.,«rancc shal!be r�e!rttelnart��the�mounts and r__
<br /> � ° '� tor the�eribda that Lender�equt�es. The Insurattce oarrier provldtng tho inaucance ehali ba chosen by Borrower subj�ct `,= .
<br /> `�� � ta�.ander'o mpproval whtch shall not be�mruasor}abiy witfihels�.if Borrower falis to maintatn coverago d�sc�abed abwe, ___
<br /> " .� j � Lender may.at Lender'o optlon,obtatn coverage�to protoct L�r�dQr's�i9Ms U tho Proporty In accordance with =_
<br /> , � parflgraph 7. � -
<br /> , .:
<br /> : ; ' FORM30289/QO i.;.'::
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