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<br /> . � loao, danaga, alaima, 8omando, aom�n anQ oxponr�o o� w�at�ovvur �
<br /> t��a�uro whissh r�uy x�oe�ult 8xo�n in}ury to or dmath c�E poxoorra ':'� "'
<br /> whomeoever, or damnge to or loss or destruaCion oP pxopo�ty ti�;;:^w-
<br /> � cak���r�eovar, ir�aludiRq damagna t� grcwf�g eropa, tahc�thar.by . ''; ;
<br /> ` instailation, maintenance, opera�ioa, repair, ronawal or rmma�al c�:-_
<br /> ° '' o� �P�e tower, gadio commun�aation equipm�a�, tonoo and entoanaa, ^�_�.,
<br /> �" •-' or ariy parts �he�aot, or by any negligont act or omis�sion o� tha ��-:_�:
<br /> ,:�r,-qi' � .;-
<br /> � .. -� Lesoee. In a�dition, LeseQe shali be roeponsible far all aa�n or ;;�.,`
<br /> omisaionfl oP oervice parsonnel or other pexaona on Lessor'r� ,t�._
<br /> . . . premimss in connoation 4�ith Lesaee�s squipment, Lessee sl�all -_
<br /> � '� indeiani�y and hald harmlass Lessor from and againet any 8nd all `=_
<br /> « :
<br /> liability, losa, damaga, claima, demamds, aoste and expo�nsn of ,,,�
<br /> � what�soever na�ure which may r�ault �rom th� activities of �ny nf ..__
<br /> thQSe service pereonnel or otYier persona.
<br /> e� FK—
<br /> 6. Rent. The ren'�al Pee shall ba S 700.00 per year --
<br /> � ��• ��� for �hs in t al �eria oP the T,ease �ae�►able by Lessee to Lessor on
<br /> ' � the ann3.vezsary date of thia Lease. I,esaor shall have t�e option __
<br /> to inarease the annual rent for any rdnewal term a maximum of _
<br /> <; �ent_ ( 20 ) percent for each such term upon a nimety (9Q) �:�__�_
<br /> �„���;�.1 �i ad y wr tten n���e to the Lesse� prior t� the end of the prior ��,�{�
<br /> '�'•'•'` � Lesaee ahall also provide Leasor 120 minutes of cellular airtime per �(� � _
<br /> I, ,�,}..;;}�y� t�YAI. u�� ✓ „�
<br /> '�.�;r+�", �n nt . I.ee or ehall be reaponsible for all roamer charges• taxea, eta for use
<br /> . o� t�ie?a�rt���siqnment and sub].ettin . Lesseo maY sublc3t the _�
<br /> � ' .���; property 3.n wlaole or n par w thout Lessor�s cansont, but the ----
<br /> ���'�•i�?` r•` � making oP any auah suY�lea�e shall not releas� Lessee from, or
<br /> ,,.:.���,,�, . �.•
<br /> �� �'•4'�,'�' otherwise affect in any mannar, any of Lessae�s obligat �ons
<br /> �+� , ��� h�rA�n��r= r,�,eaee ehai�. not aseicm ox txanefer thie Lee��e, or
<br /> � '; , any iatarest horein, without the priox written con�ant o� Lessor,
<br /> �'-'������ whi�ah� shali not be unraasonably withheld, aad a c�naer�C to an .
<br /> :i��,slra' : asc��g�u��nt shall no8 b� deemed to be a aonsent �o any subsequsn�
<br /> . assiqnment. �ny such assiqnment without suah aansent shall be
<br /> _ " void, aad shall, at the option of Lessor, terminate this Lease.
<br /> - � ' Neither thie LeaflQ nor the leaaehold estata ot Lesooe nor any
<br /> -'-��"'''•'�" intereet of �.ess�ee hersundor !n the Property shall ?�4 oubject to
<br /> ._;,..y
<br /> �;,__;,A�� involuntary assignment, transfer, or sale, or to assigna�mnt,
<br />°;'".. ...,� transPer, or sale by op�ration o! law in any mmnner whatsoever,
<br /> ��.:���� and any sueh attempted involuntarg� aseigntaen�, transter, or etale
<br />