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<br /> o TO L��6OIis .Iam4�+ Itila� Ann Ri�.Qy .,.�"-
<br /> �� . � U S`f1c.(;it ro It,�, Aax 7
<br /> �,j,�a¢, v���. N� bH�A� 3hc„�tan, N1� 68A76 ,,.
<br /> TO LESSEEt Nebraska Celiular TelePha�� Coxgor����t�
<br /> � tUat tv_ WAbb Rd
<br /> ��„�'' Arnnei Talnnd_ NE 6��3 =
<br /> ;� •�'�'� Attns Goneral Manager
<br /> ° - COPY TO: Paul M. Schudol, £sq.
<br /> • WAOUS & AITKEN -
<br /> � 1500 Ameriaaa Charte�r C�r�tax t_.
<br /> � . . � 2os south 13th stre�� _
<br /> � .. Linacrin, Nebraska 685�8 �_
<br /> � The addre�s to which any notice, domand, ar o�hor cariting �`��_
<br /> �� � may be given or made or sent to any party as a�c�� Srovided may �
<br /> .. be changed by wrf�te� no�ice given by cuoh party as above `..=
<br />. �' provided. • ��.
<br />:;;�' . -jn`�
<br /> Y t> 10. Tax�s. All real estate taxes on tbe Proper�y shall be �%Yh��
<br /> ''''�`'''� timely paid by Lessox. Any pex�son�l property taxes on the —
<br /> ;rt��f; improvement� to the real estate shall be paid by L���ao. W,
<br /> 11. Subordinat on. Lsssee hereby aqraes that iCs loasaehold r=_ _
<br /> :Y ...f . interast hereunder � aubordinate to any mortgage ox d�sad a� �,,
<br /> '� '�'��"- txvs� now an, or hsreafter to be placed an the Proper� provided,
<br /> .,.,:F,o?�;� Q --
<br /> r as a aandition preaedent to suoh Q�„X�A1'�tROB/crad�a�d nf�xua�t
<br /> `� o► s?naI I �i�s oas 2y Ct3L�2isltt �yC ea� _z_ _ �g-a,�.
<br /> shall exprea�iy provide t4�at so lung as the 7�ssee is nc� �lse '�s��;
<br /> ''` default under th�s Lease, the Leseee�a quiet pomaes��oas aR �m , ,,.
<br /> ,=�7�`�°';.��1 groperty shall remain undisturbed, on the tenas and aa�diCfona
<br /> 1 r»,:;;&�; c�tated herein, whether ar aAt ttte mortgaqe or deed oP trust ia i�
<br />:_,:;��;;� doYault ana notwithstazading any foreclosure or othor a�ti oa
<br /> .::� .�3•;� brought by thg 1 ier+holder in conneation therewith.
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<br />- x�'��� 12. L'�nin�nt Domain.
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<br /> ��:�.�__� �a) Yn the eventi the entire Properry shall bo '
<br /> �..�_'_�°� appropriatesd or tak�n under the powar o! eminenti dOmQf.n by eny
<br /> - --�= publia or quasi-publia authority, this Leaas ��1.1 �eaeminato and _
<br /> ---�:=r?������F axpirQ ag of the fla�e o! such t�lting, and Le��seaQ ata�all �hoxau�sn
<br /> -"``-'�"� be selease�l Prom any liab�lity thoxeafter a�arcuiaag horeundo�. �
<br />—"°1 j� (bj xn t�e event a portion of tinc� ]�ro�e�ct�y shall� hc� so _. -
<br />-=`�=��K;-� app�opriated or taken $nd t:he rema�nder a� �a Proporty ahall no� _
<br /> :_-��: b� suitable Por the use thQn being made a� �ha� Y�scoperty by
<br /> LesseR, i.essae shall havo tho riqht to t�AmS.nmta thie Lea�o ae oS
<br /> ` �� the date of such taking an givinq to Les���r w�itten no�iae oi�
<br />' --��� suah tes�airn�tiar. arithin ,�� t�_9 d�ay� ffiffior Leseox bua
<br /> --=�:}��= �4t�.i�Qd I,�SSee in writiaq thatc o Prog+na^�� 2t�a� boon so
<br /> .-��.*�:.;.=��,;;'}' aPPrnpriated or �aKen. �
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