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� .� <br /> . ,. - „ , <br /> . � . . . <br /> � . <br /> _. .,. <br /> „ .;' ... <br /> � .....�►�►-�.^.�,- .. <br /> _.___ . _..._ . „ <br /> �. •, , ,. <br /> ' � ..' ,b • ' 99� dS��b�� Sffi3L'PON� I� •" <br /> - � � _ <br /> � <br /> , , � ���,�� �,aa�nr�rr�r �r:' .r <br />� � , �,� <br /> ; ,`�.; � 1 Thie Idea�i� ia eng�red into thfa ��day oP , ___ <br /> 19,�, by and batween James Riie and Dan iley , Leasorj and �=::r* <br /> .:. :-,L-� , Nebraska Cellular Talephone Corporat on Lessaa) . _ <br /> .•.-�. <br /> � Leasee aont�+mplatas the aons�ruation of a radio coauaianica- �� <br /> tion syatem in the stata oP Nebraslca. A� A par� of this radio •�t��sj <br /> � , aommuniaation system, Laaaae desireo to aonatruat and ins�tail a " <br /> � �: �oar�r � �. ment buildin and fence and maintain and operate �`=��' <br /> � � ]P �R.: <br /> '" � � aor�ain radio aomnnumicat on equipmmn� therein on Lessor•s �_,�;:� <br /> ' � �i proparty descr3bed on Exhibit �1 at�acYtod herato and ittcorporated ��, <br /> ��'�R hexein (�Propexty"') . � <br />_ � ' ,�f' � <br /> �� ia conaideratian of tYaa mutual, gromise$ xe�f��sd here�.n �:_•-- <br /> � .�y'�� Lossor and Lesaee agres as followa: . °�=~ <br /> '" 1. Grant of Lsase and Usc�. I�essor Aeases as��l grar►�a to '��'�- <br /> �� �; �esseo the r qh to aonetxuat and install a tower, er�uipmicant <br /> ,y�;. building and P�nce, and maintain and apesate raagio, cammunication ,�;;,�.__. <br /> equipTaent and outside anteausas upon the Pxapezty aa�d to condu�st -_ <br /> �, <br /> ,.� any lawSul bus iness on the Proporty. Lessar turth�r grants ry <br /> � . Lcjssoe all necess$ry righta of ingress and egxesa ta tihe =__ <br /> . Property. <br /> , : " : . � a� 4 th Ranew_ The Term 0� ti'ii� Lea8s Bh2t1]. <br /> - __ T_zz� �� �t�tf�n _ � <br /> ,. ':�i�:;t; bo Por cen ( lo ) years beg�a�ning on october l., 19 92 . <br /> ,; ��;;��:•� �ras�ee shaal nsve tw�� ( 2 I auaaese�ivs fsv____e (s ) <br /> � year options to extead the �erm of the Lesse on the sama tet�ts �a, <br />_�' �r' � ,:�- and aondition�a, except as to rent, by qiving Leseor iS0 days - <br /> written notiaQ prior to the end of the i�iti�l tearm, and i! en <br /> � � '. � option to ex�Qnd is exorciaed, by giving Lessor ono hundred <br />�"�� '` ��° Qighty (180) dla�ys written noti�e prioz to the en� o! the opt�on <br />_ ,; ,',;, ��rm. Thio Lense is conting�at upon Los�oo raceiving sll required goveznmantal <br /> . approvalo to con�truct and install th� tower aad oporate cnreain radio aquipment. <br /> � �,��., • 3. warrantiea_oP ownership and S�uiet En o ant. Lessor <br /> '�==x'�'"�� covenants �hat soa� s se zed of the Proper�ty fee simple and <br /> �"-�'�'-�������� has fuii riqhg to anake this Lease and that L�esee shall have <br /> ..�,�,, <br />��''`'"�-'""' yr�iot and peAaeablo possession of the 8xoper�y during th� term <br />_..y,.�y�J� �•�. <br />�'; .',:;," � hereof. <br />_.;,';�;`i:.7s%-• <br /> ;-i.�il�'i.� <br />- '�••',�t''"j 4. Title to ]�morovemeats. The tower and ail radici <br /> _ � ���:>.^�1� <br />__- ==�s';�;� aommunicat on equ pment, antsnnas, fenae and transmissiors lines - <br />�_.`::::fi.' sP�all be and remait� the Praperty oP T�essee. Lessee ahall remain <br /> �� � "�� the owner oP any improvem�r�ts on the property and shall have t�e _ <br /> ��'�'-�":� right to remav� same upore terminati.on of•�Chis Leaae. <br />�-_�;�'.Y". - <br /> ,��,�.. .yt,y,,. <br />= ��.?l���slj;;y;,� g. Indc�£��.�aat__ ia�. The t�wer and all ra���o aommuniaation _- <br /> := -- equipraen�,�antennas, fonca und tirr�n���.i�it bina� c�i�t k� _ <br /> '��'�� • installed, m�inteainQd and removed if and wh�n u].timately removed ° <br /> • .,,,�{; '*� a� the sol� �xponae arid risk oP Less�c. Los�ee s�all in�E+mnify <br /> ' ;,�,�;.��,:g;t� � �nd hoid ha�uleos L�s000r from and aq�ain�t any ancl all liabilitiy, �,_ <br /> - :�.2�;'.�. F;__ <br />-. ��i!�. :;;; � �.___ <br />- �•��i•, �• wa.. <br />�' .r �' �_;_ <br /> . _ �` — <br /> - ..j1;(1���'.-i.,,�„��'�*---�sc , .. • . � " " -- - _ <br /> • <br /> .. <br /> ' ,, " ' . . ' ' . ' __ <br /> ��: � .� . ., ' _ <br /> _� .:..� <br /> . , <br /> - --1— ----'--- ---� ---- - ------ .. .--- -----. __-___..J ...---- ---- --- - ----- - - - --- - .. <br /> -- _----- --.--- - -- - ---- __ - - -- --- <br /> --- - ----- _-. _� - -- -- - �� -�- - � - -� � --- - - - - - -- - ----- ---- - <br /> . : .. ,, .. -5 w -�-� - ,, _. - .. ., -:i . ° - <br /> - -'— <br /> u v ' � . '� - .. �t��{f � . . . - _ - <br /> � ". , ,r jf. ; , " ' , ° . . � ., . - <br /> � , - ..,1i7;���, .. . .. . _ . . � .. '� � _.�:. <br /> � �. . .� .. � o - . •. . . � !/ ,. '� <br /> .. ... , �. . .. y <br /> '• __ __ _ _ __ <br /> . . ._ ._ ��_. ' . .. . _ - '. _ _' __— —_._. — _—_ _— <br /> .. . <br /> .. .. . __- '-.- �_. �.� <br /> .- - ' _- _. � ' '�`- <br /> -;-�-._..._ . _. .. . . -- _'—_..--..._._�—�— —' ^'T.—, '. <br /> " .. ' .�. ' .. .. . ... . , u , ., � . <br />- ' _ ' ' .. . - • .. �. ' . .. N (. . <br /> . . .. / .. .. " ... .. .. . . n .. .. '•. „ ' .. <br /> ' ri <br />• - - . ., . .. '.. . . � ' � .�> t�.� <br /> .. .,. ' .� „ . . . . . �� .. . . . y <br /> . . .. „ .. _ .. .. O ' .. n ' � <br /> ., � ' ' .. .. , u___.•� --., _. . .__. . <br />