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� , � . . , <br /> �i ;��.. <br /> , ,: .,...J ' ;t. <br /> � ,z��� . <br /> - ' •� �.,,.°�.�.;�w;F„...., , ..' .. . `' � ... . / . .. ..,��-;�` <br /> . � <br /> �, ,. , ,.,...... . _......_.._._ . <br /> .., . <br /> �. ./�Mwnv�IUMM�\MiM1�'YF��q'N'�,.. . .. ' ... . . .._ ._. .• . , . <br /> o �---.. ._._. ... f,E.�. <br /> . .� .....___..__�._---...^.�. <br /> „ - , �. -'--'---'--'-...._. . <br /> .. ..,.... � .�-"..._.___._-. - � <br /> ..-_...._.__....__—'__-__...__�._'"�_._.�. 7�_4 i__ <br /> ,uhsluntially cyuivulcnt murtgi►go intiuruncr cuveragc i,n�,t av:i��h�Surruw.r��dhrn tlie�n�,wanrr cu�rraHc�lc�p,cd �,►��:�a,r�l w P #,,�.� <br /> .�� � �u��nr� re�uiuni hc�nR P > .. , � �� in,ur.�u.�. 1.�,�.� rr.rr.c �,`.--, <br /> � " �mc•nv�lfth.rf�iv ycarly nu rc�. �, P �_ ,�-., <br /> .� � Ik ineflcct. I.cnacr will ucicpt.usr and retuin tha,�sc paymcnt+u>, u lo�. reticn� iiz luu ��t m�rt�,�i�. ��¢,- <br /> ,� paymcnh muy no lungcr t+c rcyuircJ..0 tlic upti��nnl' l.cndcr. if murtH►►gc�ntiuranrc�.,�•eragc�in tlu•.�maunt:u�d t��r ii��:�k��u•t �_�,. <br /> ��F <br /> : that IsnJcr rrquirrcd��,m�iintiun mortgiur inPu�an��in cllirt1or�i�u�r���a��u�t��.•�r.�,����.1until thr�rr��ui��mrnt`tur uwrt��igc ��_:e;�; <br /> ►I�c prcmium.rcyu► n�a�_' <br /> imur:mrc end,in a.curdnncc with uny�vrittr��u�r�rn��nt hctwecn f�urruv�cr uud Ixnd�r ur applirahlr Iaw. � Y_:,.-- <br /> 9.Inw�tccthen.l.cndcr ur it+ugcnt may mulc re;�,����ahtr cntricti upun and in,P�cti�m.ut thr {'ruperty.�tcr�,hull ivc ���,, <br /> �° H��rrwvcr nud�r ut thr timc��f ur pri��r tu:+n insp��i�����p��ilying rca,an�►blc cuu.c li,r thc in�perti�n�. __4_ <br /> {t). Cu�tdennnntion.Thc pr�meed.��f uny a�wurJ or rluim I:,r�lwna��,. dircct ur cun,cqu�ntial. in rannectiun with uny �, l <br /> 4;i:, cundcmnuuunur �nhcr tnkinp uf►my part uf tho Fmpcny.or far cuu��y+ui�c iu licu��t condrmnuti„n. urc tirr�hy uh.irr.ncd an�i `j''; <br /> ' - tihall hr paid tn 1.c:nJcr. _:;_ <br /> r,,,,;:r�;:�' In thc cvent otu t��tatwith an��`cx«Nr�p��d ��1��Iniwer�In the ev n��f u pani d�t►kinE �fr IirhY�upcny�n��vlutith tl c�(air � ��,:" <br /> ....::;aip whcthee i�r nnt thcn duc. Y <br /> � markct �•ulue of the Prup�rty immrdiutcly fxfure ihc tuking is cyuut to ar greatrr thun thr:+muunt uf thc�um++ccured by t n� (,� �: <br /> ., SL�curity In�trumcnt i�nnx�l�utaly befi�re thc takina,unlc�s li�irruwcr anJ l.cndcr uthcrwi,r agrec in�vriting.thc�unt+•��ut�d hy A t1i' <br /> „� thi+Si��f t��tiu ns����ured�in mcJ atcly b for�h���k ng�tdivi�l�l"by 1bl�thetf ir nrarkct��vulu�'�u[�d c Pr�1}xrty i�i�e cJiatcly"� -:.-_ <br /> :�• unu�unt <br /> ;;:; bc:forc ��luckuf h Pr�perty immediut lyr�lx`furc hc: king i nle:+_y than thr amuu►n���f the�+um�+ecur��d Pnmudiatcly��bef ue'tho � _- <br /> murk�t <br /> ;;��' tuking.unless Bonower mid I.ender other�vi+c agrec in writing or unle+y applicuMc law utherwi,c pruvide.. thc pr.krcJs.httl - <br /> s�• he applicJ tu tlic Sums�c�u►ti'd by this Securiry Instrumcnt whether nr n��t thc�um+are then due. <br /> ;: . Ifthe Pmpeny i.ubunduned by&,rrowwer(a"Y1.+�tnrp�nd ayl.end�r witl�iin�30 duy.+i�ultcr the dute�thc�notice�is�given.t -•— <br /> �� uwarJ or tiettte u cla�m(or dumu�es. anrro <br />-� L.ender ia t�uthariud tA colles:t and apply the prcxce�is.ut its opttan,either tu retitaratiun or mpui�of thc Properiy��r to thc smns <br /> scxured by this Security Instrument.whether or rot then due. �icutton of roceeds ta principal shuli not cxtcnd or -- <br />- Unless L.�:nder :u�Horrowcr otherwise a6ree in writing, uny upp P <br /> ,; ';� pustpone thcdue d�te of the monthl payments n(e��°der N 4 a�Waiver.Exten ion i�f the ti ne f�r puyi��n�y'yn�iii�l►tI°n __-_ <br /> a., •. -�y„ I1.Borr��e•er Not Released;�orbearunce By <br /> ',�; uf amorti•r.utiun u(the sums sc�:aredi the oris nuI B rrowernor H�ow�by+u���+�ti` n yntcre ty1Lendcr�hull not i�reyuired�ta :_ - <br /> not operate to rclease the liability b - - <br />- �°m�etiu����byt h tistSecuri yclnsttuma�tt bry reus n`of ny demund nudrPby thetoris n Barr wer�f�r Bann wcr ti = "" <br /> �. . �� of thc <br />_ • , successors in interest.Any forbearunce by i..ender in exerctsing any right or remeaiy shull not be a wuiver uf��r preclude th�: <br />-Y-;..:.; �. <br /> , exercisc of eny right or remedy. <br />-r-�#�z�` ',� 'F ' 12. Successor's and AsslAns Boundt Joint and Several Liability; Co-si�ners. The covrnants und agreements of t na <br /> �`•r'•�>��. Security Instrumcnt shell bind und beneGt the sucttwsors und a�signs of Lender und B��rrawer, nubject to th�t pr�visions af <br /> �z�,x.���. .,t <br />�'�^��4�+. pa������ t, ga��;�•� �nv�nantti und u�rainents shull be juint und �evernl. Any Borrower whu ca-sigsa; this Secur ty <br />-,�;,- Instrument but daes not execute the Note:la)is co-signing this Securiiy I�i,tium.nt nn�Y tr mQno"E�'� ��t anc�convey thut _ <br /> "="-"""'��• Borrawer's intemt in the Property under the tcmis of th�s Security lnstrument:(b)is not p�T�ce toyextend t n rsdi y,forbeur��or <br /> _ „ <br /> T , secured by this Securit�Instrument;and(c)agr�es ih�t l.ender and any other Borrower muy a <br />�t�%�.�- � �I make uny accommodanons with re�ard to the tains of this Security Instrument or the Noto without that Bonov�c�'s consent. <br /> 1 • t 13. Loan Ch�rges.If ahE loan securai br this Security Instn�ment is sub ect to a law wh[ch seGs maxim:rrn�i toan chargeK. -- <br /> '�!`;;''t;;: -_- <br />��,•' ans� that law is finally interpreted so chat the iW�ech juan charg�e hy �lihbesredured by�the umaunt neccssa`n t I'CL�pC6.��lE CItUTgC <br /> ____a,.,- � ioun exceed the perm�tted��mics, then: (a)any <br /> ----- --= rmitted Iimit:and (b)any sums ulready collecteci from Borrower whia'ow�undcr hetNotem�4try'mr�slcinSu�dt�n�ra � <br />_=�•=;�,;��� to the pe <br />�.�:':_,a�F�� $orrower.Lender may choose to make thi5 refund by reducing the p ncp <br /> .:.�,:,;*b.::,;;:+:� payment ta Borrower. If a refunJ reduces principal, thc r�uction will be treuted us u purtinl pmpayment wlthout art,,u <br /> -�����..—:� prepuyment churge uncier the Note. <br /> - --- 14. Notices.Any notice to Barrower provided for in this Security Instn►ment shedt be given My delivecing it ar by muii ng <br /> �- ��= it b�� otherSnddre u Borrower1 destgnat�bI�otice rot I.enderr Any nottcecto�tl.endera1tih�di b 6tfven b•�fiPns[ctaCS Am al�tu <br />,._��:��I Lcnder's address stated herein or an` o��ta e��81V�no g�f rowertor I.enderiwhen given us pro id d in�,Ss pnruQ ph in thia <br /> �v,,��Y�,-- Security Instrument shall be deemed <br /> y�;.;�, iS.Governin� [.aw; Srverability. This Security Ins:n�menc shuti l,r govcrned by fedCral luw•artd thc luw uf thu <br /> -"``''"' jurisdiction in which the Property is�ocut�d.In the event that w�y provieion or clause af this Sccurity lr.a�tru��ent or tNe Nntu - <br />--u��z?'�r,+� conflicts with app�icable law,such confllct stwll not affect other prrnisions of this Security Instrument or tHe Noto which can bo __ <br /> F,:;,,��� given effect����thous the conflteting provision.To this end the provistons oY this Secudry instrument and the Noto aro dectured <br /> -- - _= to be severable. � g�ROwer sh�ll �e given one conformed copy of the Noto und��f this Security Instrument. <br /> ---- -_ 16.Ba�rrower e Copy. or o Besxticial Imtei+tst te�Borrower.lf ul!or any pact of the Properh'or uny intcrest in ir. <br /> - 17.Tra�nster oi the Pcopert3' <br /> -� is xold or transferred(or lf a benefictal r t�at� aptioniS soluire immedint�e paym nt in full of ull sums �curod b�th�p <br />_=- - - ::.a=� Lcndee'e prlar written consem, Lende Y req <br /> 1:-.��;�� Securtty insas��ment.However,this option slidl nat be exercised by Ixuder if cxcrclr•c is prohibEted by fe�Jernl ts�w,�a of the dutu <br /> r��� of this Securlty Instcument. <br />,W:-��:���'�' If Lender exercises tMs optton, Lender shall�ive Borrower nottce of accelersttian.'The nutice ahnil pnavide a pertod of nn1 <br /> ���,�',s{.�..:.���� , less thun 30 days from che date the notica �ese�sum.s pri�c�o t�he e�xpt a ion of tis perlod. Lendcr muyeinvulse anY modies - <br /> -• ����:-:•�;�- Security Instrument.If B�rrower fails to p y <br /> -�;..,.,, . ...�. - <br /> „s�,N;ti�.� ;: ..�f.,,. pern�itted by this Secur�ty Tnstrument withoutfurther notica ar denwnd on rrower. <br /> --',.., •..�v,1 I8. �orr ih srSecun�t Instrume n d��contnued ut uny�time p�r to the tea liur of: (a)e5 days(r sueheathcrtperiud� <br /> •. �•t�..°.., enforcemens ot ry ursu�un to uny po��er of sate .cantainod tn thi� <br /> -__ . �•;'... apPltcable law may specify fur reinstacement) before sale of the PropercY P uti • _ <br /> .a <br /> ' ;�� �`= A Security Instrument;or(M)entry of a judgmrnt enfotcin;this Security Inswment.Those condittons ure that 13orrower:(a)�tp •. ' <br /> � "" "' � �,ender ult tivars which then wauld be due under this Security Instn►ment and the Note us if no acceleration hac! ocCUrred:(b) <br /> cuces any default nf any othcr covenants oro�reements;(c)pays utl expcnscr.incurreci in enfiircing this Security In�ttvmcnt. <br /> . �!t„ .s, _. <br /> -- ��"'°``'`:' includin$, but not limited io. r�::�sonabie:�►arneys' fces:and td)takcs such urtion rs Lendcr may rcuscmubly requirc to assure <br /> _: .,,r:�'��� fi7.+ . thut the lien of ti�is Security[mtrument. I.ead�r s r�ght+in thc�'rop�rty:�nd R�n�"'�r'z aMi tminn to pay ttca sums secured by <br /> ,.,._:,;. •-..•-• <br /> ..._... .►,ou rnntinue wct�an�ed. Upon retnstntement,by Burrnweru t�,�.�.,S�hi��ivhzl o relnstut�s'�n".], <br /> , _,�_ c[tis �ecuriiy ��������....... _._.- - <br /> r:•Y i� •� <br /> - ,�.'��,. � ; obligutions saured hereby shat!remain fully effec h 17. if no ucceierauon��ao.�.�u�.w. ..��_._.. ..... ,. <br /> - . not eppiy in the case of acceleca:ion under pusigraP <br /> - „ ; ' 19. Sute o�Note;�chan�moo�f�time�!u�Y��p�nr notice to BorrPowe�r�. A sule mey mxuNin utchunge itt l�e cntitysknown <br /> ' Instrument)may be sold <br /> � •� ' us the "Loz►n Servfcer")that rnllects un�����o���le of the N teeif there i a ch n�ge of he�Loan 3�:rvicer�Bs�rmwer v�rl�be <br /> ar mflre chunges ot the Lu�u►Service {;cable lsti+'.Tlte n�Nirr w'ill xtute tbe name nnd <br /> - � �iven wdttcn noticc of the change in uccorda�►ce with parugraph t4 i�bove w�J app <br /> ccddress ut the new Lnsn Servicer and the eddress to which payments should be mude. The notice will ulsa contain any othur <br /> - ' ;nEomiation required by uppltcable tuw. <br /> JA. Hutardous 5uttstances. Borrovv�r �h Borrowcr shull o dio,t nn p u low unyonedelpe cci��YtEtirt�uffecting he <br /> -. . �{�rdous 5ubstances on or in the Proporty. p <br /> Pmpe�t on thc Pm V�y�f smait yu ntiti�ofeHnxi+rdous Subsptun�ithat arc�encn�iy�n.�b�tni•rxd�uYNe�apP pviut�t normul <br /> storu�,c <br /> _F " „ m!iidentlul uses • to maintenance of the PropertY• Form 3028 91fl0 <br /> . .. vauo 3 0�e <br /> __ .> <br /> — - - <br />