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<br /> � Thc F'undti shuU bc held in un institutiun whosc depu�its crcc insurcd hy n fMtcrul ugcnry, in+trument.�lity, ur cmity ��_
<br /> - - (1n:tuding l.etider.If L rrd��r i�hucl►un institutlun►�,r in uny Fcdcr.d Hamc l.a+m Bank.L.cndec�huil apply thc Funds tu puy the �:r;. .
<br /> ' - �'+crow Itc�uy. 1.�:ndQr mny aint churgc Hurr�»vcr f��n c�,ldin�:u��a ur�iy��u cn��u��,. +�wiuuliy �u►.d��ing thc rrrr�lw:�rcuu��t,c�r �..-:z_
<br /> vcril'ying ti�c�ticrow itcmv. unlrtis I.endcr puys Burruwcr intcrest�m thc Hund�uid u�pliruble luw Fnr�uu.Ixnder to�uakc,uch ----
<br /> °' u cliurgc. Huwc�•cr,l.cndcr mny ccquirc Aurruwcr ta p;�y u unr-timc clour�:c fu� un i�idcprndcnt rcal�+tut�a�x itipurting scrvirc _
<br /> ,� uti�l by L.cttdcr in cunncrtion witli thi� luan. unlc+y upplicubtc luw pruvide�ntticnv►tic. Unl�:�, un ugrrcmcnt i, mudc ur r-Y--
<br /> upplicnble law requires intcre�t t��hc paid. d.cnder yhadl n��t he r�quircd tu pay Borruwcr uny interc�t ur curitiing+un tlie hunJ,. � �YP c
<br /> '�°` Burrower iuid l.ender may ugree in wi�iting. huwevcr. IIIII� Ulll'�CyI SIIAU�)L'�1ui�i M� tire f�unds. l.a:ndrr.huii bive tu H��rrwvcr. .� -
<br /> •' . �vithuut churgc, mi unnunl acrnunting uf thc rundti. +huwing crcdit+ana d�hltti N� the Fund�iuid thc purpu,r fi�r which c:►�h /
<br />� debit ta the Hund4 wiis made.'fhe Fuud+ure plcdgcat a+:�dditinnaf�ecurity f�x e�t 1�unr.cairrd hy thi,Secdtuy Intitruntent. �r:°•°
<br />, _n';��r if'the Fundy heW by 1_cndcr excccd the umaunl,permltted ti►be hcld by applirablc luw, l.cndcr tihull ucc«unt to Hi�rrowc�
<br /> - fur the exctws Fundx in uc�:u�ianre witb Uu reyuircments�it'ap�licublc lu�v. If the umount nf thc Fund�helJ hy l.ender ut un �
<br /> time is nut+ufficient tu pay thc E.icrow Itcros whcn due.Ls_�ndcr muy s�i nutify Horr��wcr in writing.and.in�urh ru+c Horrowc
<br /> H
<br /> +hall pay u�l.ender the anount neccssury tu ntukc up thc Jcficicncy. &umwcrshull mulec up thc dcrricncy in no more tha
<br /> twe1ve mimthly pay�nents,:�t 1.e�1d�r's.r�ile discretiun. -
<br /> _ "`� U�n payment in fu11 ot'all sums secured by this Sccurity 1►uttuntent, [xnder shall promptly ��ef'und tu B��rn»ver un�. _
<br /> • Funds held by l.e��der.Tf,under�V,un��nia n Lcn�ier t�the timc c�t acqu�is tfun o��a r n�a crcditri►bain t the um.st,cured by °
<br /> , . of the Pmperry.shull apQly uny Y
<br /> -. . . �hi�Scrurlry tnstruntent.
<br /> i.Applicutivn of Atymen4s.lJnlcsr uppliruble law•provides othcnvi�c.ul l ay mcnt�reccrvcd by LcnJrr unJcr parugraph�
<br />�-- �. 1 und 2 shall bc upplied:fint.to any prcpuynunt rhargrs duc under thc Nntc: +a��ix1. to amaunt�puynhlr undcr paragraph 2:
<br /> ' "'' third,to interest due: fourth,m princ ipa l Jue:und lutit,tu un y lut�churgeti duc under thc Nate.
<br /> i-�:;:�,.
<br />=:���w�'� 4. Charges:Liens.Burrowcr shaq pay aQ taxeti,ur+c.yments,chargcs, fems :.ind impo�itionx uttributablc to t c mp�rty
<br /> - which may uttuin prinriry ovcr this Sccurity lnstrument, und Iea.chuld p•rymcnts��r graund rents, if uny. Borrower shull puy
<br />� ���R �hcse�►btigatlons in thc mu�nncr providcd in paragruNh 2,or if not paid in that mwner,Rnrn�wer shull puy tliem on time directly
<br /> ..._`�`
<br /> �, y.�t(;� to the per.on owed payment.Burrower tihall promptly furnish to l..ender ull notir.s ut umounts to be pmd under this paragraph.
<br /> If�nrcnwer mukes these puyment�directty. Burmwer shull prom�tly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br />�.. ..',�,; Barruwer shail pronptly di�churge uny IIen which has priunty o�'er this Sccurity Instrum2nt unless Borrotver: (a)a�rmes in —
<br />_,,,�,;«;"`�� writing ta the payment of the obligatton secured by the lien in a manner acceptuNe ta Lender;(b>contests in gaod faith th�lien
<br />_- 4_�� by, or defends again,t enforcement af the tien in, legul pmceedings which an the L.ender'c opinion ope�ate to prevent the
<br />�;� enfumement of the ilen;os(c)secures from the f►oldcr of the lien un ngreemcntsatiafacmry to L.�nder su�►t�nlinnting the Iten to
<br />�.�<�� this Security instn�ment.IIS I.ender determine+that any part uf the Property is wbject to u lien which mav attain priority over
<br />-s,`G,� th�s Sccurity Instrument.�.endcr may give BorrRwer u notice idcntifying thc liea.BoROwcr shull sati�!y th�licn or tuke one or
<br /> ` h more of the uctions set farth ab.�,� ..�ihin lU days��C thc�iving of natice.
<br /> --��`��•��� 5. Huwrd or Pmperty Insneemnce. Bormwer shall keep the improvernrnts nnw existing ur hereaiftcr erected un the
<br />�='=;;�;� pre�perty insured against loss by firc. hazards included within the tern► "extend�d coverngc° und any ather hazards,includfog
<br />--���,� flonds or flooding, for which Lender requires imurancc.This intiurance shal^bemT�hv A�nowerc ubic�:t taal.enderts upprnvai
<br /> __.=a1:,a„� thnt Lertder requires. 'I'he insurnnce cnmer pnwi.ii�ig ihc insurassre::hs!!be _lr.�.__. ,
<br /> - - �vhich shall not be unreasunnbly withheld. If Horrower fuils to mAint�in cuvcr+�e described ubove. I.ender may. at I.ender'�
<br /> --� uption.o�..t�in coverage to protect Lender's rights in che Pmperty in uccorda►ce�rith puragruph 7.
<br /> All insuruttce polic[es und renewuls shull be acceptabla to Lender and stwll include u stundurd martguge cluuse. V.ender
<br /> shull have the ri�ht to hold the polictes and rrnewais.If A.ender requircs. Bon'ou'cr shull prumpdy give to Lender all recAipie of
<br /> paid premtums nnd renewul nusices.[n the event of toss,Dono�ver shuil give pranpt noticc to tha insurunce carrier and Lender.
<br /> �� Lcndcr n�ay malce p�oofof loss if not made pmmptty by BaROwer.
<br />� Unless Lender und Barrower othenvise�grce in�vritinb,insur.mcc procceds shall bc appllod to restoration or rcpAir of the
<br /> Property dumaged,if the vestorution or raps:ir�s econamlcaliy feasible and I.end�r'ti security�s nat lossened.If the restoration or
<br /> �� rcpair is not ecoaomically feasible��r 4cnder's security would be tessened,the intiurunce proaRds shall be applied to the sums
<br />�-�,_--- s�cuted by this Secueiry lnstrument, whether or rtat then due, with uny exceu paid to Banuwer. If Banower abandons the
<br /> Property.or does nut answer wtthin 30 days u notice from Lender that the inswunce currier hos offecod p sy le u cluim,uhms
<br /> Lender may collect the insurunoe proceeds. L.ender may use the procrxds to rcpair ur restore the PPO ert or to pay .
<br />���' secured by this SECUrity Instcument,whether or not then due.The 30-duy perlodwiU begin when the notice is�;iven.
<br /> - - Unless I.ender ;u�d Bomower otherwise a�±ree in writing, uny application of proceesis to principal xhali not extend or
<br />--- pastporos ihe due date of the monthly payments referred t�in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of the paytuttnt&. If
<br /> - under para�rnph 21 the Propercy is ucquimd by L.ender,Borrower's right to unp ie�surunce policics nnd proceeds resultdng from
<br /> ��� damage t<�the Property prior to the ucqwsitiun sholl pass ta I.ender tu the extem of the sums sexured by this Security In�tniment
<br /> ----- lmmedi�ttcly priur to the ncqutsition.
<br /> IG.4lbcupAncy. Preservutton.Mointent�nce t�nd Protectlon of the 1'rop�rtv; Bo►�a�nwer's[.oun App�ication; Leuseholdg.
<br /> �� Borro�ver shnll a:cupy,estnblish.and use Uie Property as Bormwer's pri��cipal ressdence wlthin sixty days after the exer.ution of
<br /> this Security instcument �+nd sltall contiaue to occupy the Property as Bc�rcower s pdncip�l residence far nt tca.st one yeur ufter
<br /> --- the date of occupancy,unless Lettder othcrwise agrccc tn writing, which cunsent rhall not He unreasonubfy withheld,or unless
<br />� extenuating circumc4lncs:s exest which ure beyond Borruwer's cuntrol. Bc�rrower shall not destruy. damage or impuir the
<br /> �'� propercy, ullow thc Pmperry to detcrior.�te. ur commit �vustc on the Property Borrower shall be in defuult if uny forfeiture
<br /> -` �"-� action or pro�.�dm�.whcthcr ei�•i! u� c�im}n�l, ic hrruse thst in �'eadec's��f:iith judgment rnuld result in forfeitrce of the f
<br /> ------ � pwperty or oiherwise materially impair the tien crcatcd by this Security Instrume�u ar L.endcr'r.security iotcresc.Burcu�ver i��uy
<br />=;�-�� r,ure sucM n defnuit und reinstate.�.+provided in pamgrnph 18.by cuustng the at[�n or procceding to be dismissed with n ruling
<br />�:-�� that, in Lender's good fuith detcrminution. pmcludcs forfeiturc uf the&�rra�ver'� interest in the Property or oiher matcriui
<br /> - impairment of the lien crcrted by this Se�:urity Instrument nr Lender's,�ruri;y intomst. Borcawer shafl a{i:o be in defnult if
<br />_��� Borrower,during ttie luan applicuHon pmcetis,guve mi�teriully fulae or inacti:ur�e infc.rniatian or+tatement�to Lender(ur fuiled
<br /> -_=' to provide I.cnder with uny m:+terial infonnatiun)in c�m�tection wleh thc loan evldenaeci by the Note.+nclading,but not limitccl
<br />-'"`="r-'?'�� to.cepresentntions concerning Bunna•er's urcupuncy of the Pn►peny us u prinripal residencc. If this Sec:urity Instrumcnt is un u
<br /> -���� leaschold, Bormwer ehall rnmpty with utl the provislons of the lease• If Burruwer acqu{nzs fee titic to thc Property. the
<br /> a"`—�'�'� Icasehold und thc fce title shall nut merge unless L.cnder agrees m the rnerger in w riting. -
<br />==�me�:a�ai.� 7,Protectlnn ot Lcnder's ItiRhts in the Proprady.if Hnrrnwer f�ils tu perfortn the coven�nts und ugreements contnincd in
<br />��K�'�"� this Security Instrument. or there i►u legul proceesling thut may signific:u►tlynffoct Lender's rights in the Property(sueh as a
<br />�-.u�:;.;�x,
<br />-;,;;;:x_��h�� proc�ding in bankn�ptry,probate, for condemnatton or forteiture ar to enforce law�or rcgulations). then l.ender muy do and
<br />=- '���'_,.'�� pay for�vhatever i�nere�sury tu prcitect thc vutue uF the Property and LendK� rights in thc Pmpeny. Lcnder's uctions may •
<br />"''°��°'�`-��-�! includc v:tvinit uny sum:��ccurecl by � licn which huti prlurity over this Sccurity Instrumcnt, up}naring in caurt, paytng
<br /> ._.._ �:_. .�.a......a.�a.,�..�,a�c:�fce,utiun undcr tltis pan►�rnph
<br /> "-_�"••�: rcawnablc uuorncys fcrs and cntenn�on�iee rmperiy iv mu�����•••�•�••••••�e-•------• ••--
<br />=�•:::s�`?�...�: 7,Lendcr docs nut havc tadu w.
<br /> �;.;f":" " Any um�iunts dist�u��ci by l.cixtcr under this parugr.iph 7 tihull b��:umr additionul debt ot'$�xrawc�sEV:un�d by this
<br /> ;V y.
<br />- ...�� d•atc uf disbu ement ue,hc IVote�rate un d ha i l b e�p•ayublc�ttw'th intcretit�u�a�ninhrc�fmtn Lendcr't bBurmwcr�rc4ucstits� _
<br />= � ��' paymc�it. .
<br /> -_--- _- - 8.ilfort�;aAe tnwrun��.{f Lti'nd�r r�quircd mort�tag�imttr.uicc u n r•,�it ion�if making thc laan sccurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> � � In�trument. Borcci�ver�hall pay the pnmium. required to nwintain the mnngu�c intiun►nce in cftcct. U', tirr miy rea�on. the
<br /> murtgagc imurnnrr ruvcru�c rcyuintil hy I.endcr lup+cs ur ccascs to bc in c[kct.Aurn�wcr.hall pay the prentiums rcyuired to
<br /> �� "�'' �° " uhtuin�o�•cr�gc�ut+�tuntial�y cyuivulcnt tu thr murtgagc intiur�nrc prr.vioutily fn cff�tit,ut u ra+t sub+ta�itiully cyuiv►ticnt ta thc
<br /> s� rost ta &�rm�ver uf the mortgat_e in+urancr pnvi�iu�ly in cff�tit, frum an cd�crnatr m��rtgugr inwmr i�pproved by I.endcr. If
<br /> .� " , .. v,,,i�z�,�e Farm 3028 8180
<br /> U •
<br />