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<br /> ,,;�. , .,�• aurruwer ehall prumptty Qivc l ender wdtten nuticc af any Invcstigution. rlaim, demimd. luw�.uit ar othcr uction by any
<br /> _, .� ., y�� guvr��iji«r�tNl,:r regulututy a;;enc;or privute p:�ny invnivina the Property and any Nninrduus Substunce or�nvlromnental l.u�a __
<br /> � uf which l3orrowcr hus actuul k�wwlc dge. If e�irrower leurn�, or Is nrnifEc�d by uny �overnmm�tul ur regulatary�u�i��+►+ry,ti�u► L�f
<br /> - �` "��`� any rcmuvul or athcr rcmcdiution oFany Hu�ainlou5 Substunce uffecting the Pn�pcny iy ncrc+�ury.Hurrowcr shidl prampAy takc
<br /> .' •;.��, nll nece.+ury remediul uctions in accardiuue�vith Enviranroiental l.uw. --
<br /> ;,4,,, A�uscd in thiw par�gmph 2U. "Hur.anluur:Substunca.�s'nrc those+ubstuncc�dcfinrd u+tuxic ar hazc+rJous substundc�by
<br /> Envir�»>mentul Luw nnd the toll��wing substunces: gaeoline, kerosenc, ather flmnmable or tuxic petroleum products, toxic _
<br /> =;=,,,::.,,..,;�� petitictdes and herbicides, volatile���Ivents, materialn cuntuinins c�sbestos ur furn�uldchyde,and rudlc�uctive matcryulr. Ay u�czi in —
<br /> this paraIIrupl�J0. "�nvironmentul i.uw" nuans federal luws und luw�uf the Jurisdiction where the Praperty is lacuted that �
<br /> � relute w liculth,nafcty ur cnvlronmcnt�d pmtc�ction. �
<br /> '�; NUN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.BUrrower and t.crtder funher covenant�nd ugrce ax fnllciws:
<br /> ����� al.Accelerattan=Remediey.I.ender xhnll�Give notice to Bflrrnwer prtor ta accelerntion faltowing Burm�ver's brcach
<br /> of any covenant ur ag�eement in this Secu�ity Instcument (but noi priur to ucceleration under pnrng�ph Y7 unl�.s �
<br /> �•�'��' uppltcnble law pmvides otherwlse).The natise shnll specii'y: (n) the defnult;(b)the ucttun required tu cure the defuulti
<br /> � "-• (c)a date, nut I�s thun 30 dayA�rom thr dBEe the nottce ts�tven to iDorro�ver,by which the default must be curedi nnd �
<br />"��,��.w� (d1 thut tailure ta cure the dePault on or It¢fUre the dvte specified tn the nottco muy result in occelerntion of the sums � `
<br /> �� ' = seau�ed by �hts�u r Uy In�;irwn e n t end �i�le�f the P+ro p ert y.The nollce shall turther lnfucm Borrower of the right to
<br />!°�'�''`'`-'��: relnstn4e After nccx�eratlon nnd the righft to b r irtg u cou r t s�c t ion to asse ri t h e n o r.-e x i s t e n ce of u defnult or an� other ,;
<br />:�.�..._.,.
<br />-..��::�..
<br /> ,�� defense of Borruwer tu ecceleration nnd bnle. It the dletnuEE is not cured an or bPfare the dnte specifled 1n the a�otice,
<br /> T.:�±���-;�1 Lender, at its uptlon,rnoyre�uire immediate pnyment In full uf oit Sumx�ecured by thlti Securtty Inytrument v�ithoat��
<br /> =�-"'°�' tl�rther demand oRd moy Invoke the pawer o�sate und nny other remedies permitted by Appli�ble Inw. I.endcr sheil bc�i
<br /> �=";�� entitled to collect all expens�w iucurrcd M pursce6ng the remed1es prov[ded in this purnRrnph 21,inciudin�,but rtot limttecl�
<br /> to�ccusonable attorneys'fees und rnstr►oP tttie evtdence.
<br /> �--= Yt the po�ver of snle is invoketl, 'Prustee shall record u notice of defuult in euch county in which any paiR af thd:1
<br /> — _— Property is l�teel n�td shall�uf!sa�i oq s�rh not[ce in�A�e msinner prescribed by applicable luw to Bnrro���es�ud to
<br /> � the other persons prescrlbecl by opp4i�ble law.After the tlme re�uired by upplicnbte luw,Tnutee shull Rive��9G�mottce
<br /> �l� of snle to the pe�ons and in the macmer pmscribed by oppltatble Iaw.Trustee.without demand on Borrower�s'hse!!scll _
<br />;;� the Property at public uuctlon to the highest k72?�lar uR the ttane and place and und stth�tecros oe�j8nor�any parcel tof the
<br /> � sale in one or more pnrcels and in�y order'��atee determines.Teuatee muy po pn �0
<br /> ----- property by pabifc nmiouncement ut the ttme pnd pince a!C any previonsly scheduled sate. Y.ender or its desfgnee ms►y
<br />-��--� purchase the Pooperty at nny bale.
<br /> — Upon recelpt of p�yment of the prlce bJd, Trustee si�ail deliver to the purcha5er Trustee's deed conYeying the _
<br /> — ~ propey�ty. The rect8�ls in the Trustee's deed s�h�9! be pdmra fucie evidertce of the truth of the stutements mude themin.
<br /> Trustee shall npp9y ¢hr proceed�of th�aple tn tme follo�vin�ord�r:(n)to all costs and exprnses of exercising the power of
<br /> - sale,and the snte�facludtn�the payment af the Trustee's fees uMaally incurmd•not to exceed the�o f 50.00 o r��lfo
<br /> st-,�m of the prinsJpal amount oY the roa�o a4 the ttmc I f�n,anent:and (c1 nn.v ex1tcess to th�n*s�n or E►ersons legally en�ed o
<br /> -'- - oy iawi�j te&i.s�mo�us�!.,,�,�s�x�_r4�_� .
<br /> it.
<br /> ZZ. lteconveyance. Upon puyment of alt suma secured by this Security Instrument, I.ender 9half•request tustce ta
<br /> reconvey the Pcoperty nnd shal! surcender this Secut�ty Instrument and all notes evidenein�dcbt x�rured by this 3ecurity
<br /> lnstcumcnt to Truatee.Trustee ahull recanvey the Property without werrunry and without churge to thc pgrso»or persons logally
<br /> entitlt�8 to it.Such penson or persana shall pay any recordudan coats. '
<br /> 23.Substitute Trustce.Lender, at ►t�aption. may from time to timc remove Trustce und appoint a succcssor trustee to
<br /> nny Trustee appointetl hereunder by an(nstru�recnt rtxorded 9n the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded• Wlthuut
<br /> conveyunce of the Praperty. the suocessor trustee shull suca�i to all the title,power and duties can4'erred upon Trustee hercin .
<br /> and by applicstble Ic►w. �
<br /> - 24. Request cor Not(et�. Borrpwer requests that eoples of the nocices of default and sale be sene to Borcower's address
<br /> "'`:'�'� which is die Property Addr�s.
<br /> �" - 25.Rtders to this Sccurity Instrumcnt.IF one or mo� dders are executed by Borrowei and recorded together witA this
<br /> Securlty Insirument.th�s covennnt�and ug�+eeraents•af each such dder ahc�ll be incorporaYed into and ahall amend and supplement
<br /> the covcnants und a}�oeeincnts of this Securfty instrament as if the rider(s)were a part of thls Security InstruAZent.
<br />_ [Check applicnble box(es)] �
<br /> []Adjusiublo Rnte Rider �Cot�dnminium Rider � (�1-0 Famity ltider .,
<br /> [_J Graduatod l�ayment Rtder Plenned Unit Developmcnt Rider [�Biweekly As►ymeAt Rider
<br /> -- - C]Baltoon Ri�ler ��tate Improvement Rider �� �]Se�ond Home Rider �
<br /> [_]V.A. Ridctr C�Other(s)Ispecifyl • � •
<br /> — BY SIGNINCi BEL.OW.&►rrower nccepts und a6rcxs to the terms :uM eovenunts contaEned in this�ecudty[nsuumunt and
<br /> in any rtder(s)exocuted by I3orrower and cecorded wtth it.
<br /> ;;� Witntsses: � (Se�4
<br /> ;;
<br /> �' -__— Oh11 W. Ci'eigh •Bo�ro�vcr -
<br /> v • -
<br /> _� — ���Y�ro�'L, cs�►�
<br /> w..� Brenda L. Creigh •eoroower
<br /> ---��.=m�-•-
<br /> �-_=�� (Seat) (Seap
<br /> _--_ -- -Hormu�er -eAOrmwcr
<br /> � tl S'1'ATE Or NCG3EtASKA. Coanty ss: Ha 11
<br /> ���<«�� ThNforceoineinytn�mentwusurkno�vlecigalbeforemethis lS�h dnyof Fnbruary. 1999 .
<br />°°�-�*s�.,�`r ' by John W. Creiah und 9renda L. Creigh, huebaa�d ana wiie
<br /> -`'''��;�- � Wltne��my hand nnd notuaiul seai ut Grnnd Island, Nebras � y in safd Caunty,the date aforesuid.
<br /> -.�;ir:•::��t f � .,�!%�rll�
<br />-- �=.
<br /> �-"`""°`'°'�'.�" My Cnmmission�xpins: ---
<br /> --_--�'� (Vicki S. Goet
<br />_ ��.�"# Nut1ry Publt�
<br /> — ;�r, . 2/23/2000
<br />�`��"'�'�-'' GElIERA1 NOIARr•ShteolHeO�nAa
<br />..��f��lf�44 �
<br /> • . VrC�tl Gogtt P,�,o„�. �orm 302o erao
<br /> ` ... � �1Qor.nn.Etp Qts.Y3,Y000
<br />