�T�;ti���l,'S�`j'i�';.t�1 . . . . T: �:;?�, i.�,, . ... ;
<br /> ,:,��rt,��.j, .,. ; �'f� ' „
<br /> . r " . •, tL'hG�.a'A.
<br /> � � . . . _..__ ..�..�L...._._. .. _ .. . . __-- '_._
<br /> ... . . .. � . _ _ , _ ...... „ _ .—�... . . "—___ . .�_._1 _
<br /> . - . .In.l.���Is... .. .. �\ ' - ._ . . -. ...__.__.._.._�y��
<br /> .R"'41' [ '... �1 . . .� . , . .. . .. -- . . . ����^'
<br /> _
<br /> . . "
<br /> ��Y1AIAerA�•r.n' ..��.`-• .. ' _.._"'._._.........._:i"'...:_... .... . .
<br /> L.....
<br /> .'.—�_..__
<br /> . • Bonowor may auro ouch n t4�faut! and rolnatuto, an providod in paraflraph t8, by oauufng lho natlon or procaodirtg to Oe _
<br /> `�� • � dlsmisaed with e NUnp lhat,In l.ene?srB Qood fnQh dot¢rtninatlon,prealudos toRoltum of tho Borrowor'a Intorost In tho PropaAyr or i_
<br /> ... .. . -. Olher meterlSl Impe4wlont ofi tho 6en cranttid Ly tiii3 SCtut�t]I Iratrt+nsnt!or t.nd-r'9 e�u��ht Int�aat. 8ar�owcr ohnll ntso bo in
<br /> detauh if Bor►ow�r,dur�9 tho toan uppl3eutlon prucaso, gavo mstcrt�lry fniso or�nnccuroto Intormstion�r o4at¢mente to Lendaz(or �
<br /> tal�d to pravtdo LAr�dnr v�ph csny mnteril� tntortnntlon) b► eonneation wtth tho toun evtd�neetd by the Note, hoiudk�p, bul not _
<br /> • Ilmlt�d to, ropmsr�nlettona oonaemNp Bqrtovror'a ocoupanoy ot t7�o Proparty aa a prksaipnl raldunco. If thls ticcurity �
<br /> tahold Borcowsr shalt eom�ry v�Uh ati tAe pnvislano ot the tnasa. If �oao�var aoqulres toe ttib to the �,',
<br /> Inatrumvnt Is on a 6ea , -
<br /> Proparty�tho teanehold and tho(se titb ohail not marpo unb3a Lendcr nDroos to tho mcrQcr tn�ritMg. �
<br />� �� 7. Proteotlon ot Lewdcr'o RiphU In tho Proparty.��eonower tpi�a to perform the covenants end sgreee�er.te �._
<br /> aanWlrtad In thu&s�urily InaWment,ar Ihero la n laant proccsdfnp that may ei�n84antry nfiaot Londare riphto In the Property
<br /> � (euah Qo e pmCSe91n0 h btnkruptoy,probato,tor aon�mnatbn or ronetturo or to a-►(oraa lawa or rcpulsUana),thrn Lcn�1�rn�Y l,
<br /> � ��" do and pay tor whatover le nec�aary to prot�ot ths valb ot th�Property or►d L.�ndere dpht��the PropeM• Lendere aotlono _..
<br /> •':'��r� mvy holude paylnp enY auma eeaured by a Iien r,�bA h4e prtorlly avar this 8ecurky inot�ur�ent, appoarinp In couA. paytnp
<br /> ��"','y;,�,.� r�asonabt�attameya'tNS�nd ant�rmg on the PropeRy b rnnke ropnlre.Arthouph Ler�der may tatce eotton under thly prarapreph
<br /> 7,Lendnr dosu�ot heve to do eo. �:
<br /> �� ' My anounta dl�buFaed by Lender under parapr¢ph 7 ahnll bcaeaome eddltlonal debt of BoROwar ceoured by tht� 6ecu►Ity !
<br /> �' �r Inatrurrtont. Un{ese �orrowe 8nd Lender eQree to othor terma ot payment, lhesa emounts shell bear intereat hnm tho dato ol
<br /> ' x dlsburOttntw�t at th� Note rete end ehnll be payabb,wtth Intorest,uyon notice from i.cnd(u to 8oaower repuoatlnp pnYmr.rU. _
<br /> 8. Moetgapo Insure��►ee. if londer roqutred moR�ege haurance as n aandftbn o}makln0 tha loan eeaurod by this �
<br /> � `� Socurilyr lnaWment. 8orrowe►ehall pay tho premiums�quYed to mahtain the mortpago�naurnnco in oNect.If,for any reason,the C°
<br /> r• martpnao Inauranca covcue9e roquked by lnndor Wipaes or ceasos to be In etteat,Borrowt�r ahall poy tho promlums requted to _
<br /> r
<br /> obteh eoveraea cu�stfnt6ily equlvnlent to the moRmaQe hsurenco prev�ousry in eNaat, at a cost aubstantlaty equNale�et to the _
<br /> ; ,;� oont to eortowor ot Ih�mortpeg� hauranco previousry h eNOCt, hom en aRomste martgngv Insurer apProved by Lendaz. If _
<br /> subsmntisly e4uNaEant iseo�t8ags insuranoe eovereQe ts not avaital�i�, 8o�owm ehaU pny to Londer oaeh montb 4 sum equal ro
<br /> o�tweYih ot tha y�tj mortgga Ins�►enoe Rremium beY►g pab by Borrowar when tha Insurenca oovarepe Inpsed or ceaaed to
<br /> � pp h pNept. Londrat nUl accept,uso and retah thosa paym�nts as s toa8 resenro 1n tkiu af mortga8a Ineurertce. loas reserve
<br />-� � . pnymnntu may no tong,�x bo requMd,gt tha optlon oS tsnder,H moRgape lnaurenoe covoraDe(h the+unaunt end tor the pnrlod
<br /> ' thqt Lendor roqufoss)pravidcd by an InQUror npprowd by Lendar egnh bocomss avnilebb nnd Is obtalnsd. Bortower ohan qay �
<br /> _- ..•:,,+4 the premM�ma requ�od oo mainteh mort4aQe insurance h affeot, �r to provtdo a bsa reservo.untll the resulremont fur mortgapo -
<br /> .;. insumnco onds N mxordance w�h any wrtlten c�err�ent�etw�m Borrower and londer or eppUcable law• _
<br /> , 9. 1118�9@64Y�h�L+9nder or Its agont msy mako ressonabie ontrles upon and hopeotions ot the Propariy. Lendor eheU glv0 _
<br /> � ' Borto�rar notice ut tAO ttne o!ot prbr to an hspectbn speaxy„g reasonable oause fot the inspeatbn. ___
<br /> 10. Co�de�nnrYt�on. TAa proceeds of any awerd Ar ola{m for damages.dteot or consequentlat, b conneotl�n wRh any
<br /> .� �} condomnntlDn or�v tnkhg of any part ot tho Propany, or lor oonveyance In Iieu of oon0amnnttoe,are heroby aselgned end
<br /> , ty,�. .
<br /> 7,_.:�:�,,, •, eha0 bo paid to l�m�tr.
<br />;`�;.y;i�� In the cwa�s o1 n totel telcinp of the Property. the proceeda shaU ba applied to tho suma ceaured by thb Securqy
<br /> ==;_�t:�'-•., inaWmont,whC,T�v or not then duo,wkh eny excesa Oald to Bortowut. in the 6vent�than th'e amo�t of tho s ms seaured
<br />`�'c�_,.m�;;`� tno�ar maricet vaius of �he P��y i��nsrfaisy�^�a t!��k�t!s squs!!n e{g�!. ,
<br />+�; :• � '•' by thta Securily Irssbus:�nt immedletery betore the takNg. unlnas Bon�wer and Londer otheiwiso egree b wr(tlnC� the ea�ma
<br />---.�..:...�.
<br />-�_Wc���. seoured by thb&ecurt,y.Instroment shali be redua�d by the emount ot the proceeds muftiplied by the tollowMg fraotbm (t� the
<br /> �.�,� tatat am4unt o t t h m e w c w s e c u re d Y n m e d l a t e t y b etore the takh p, dMidod by(b)the tair markot vatue ot tdo Pro�qr YnmedfateN
<br /> _`. botore the taktn0. AnT bt78rtCe ehelt be patd to 8orrower• fn the tnrer►t ot tt pflRiel tekhg of the Ptoas�ly fi wAiCh tho taY market
<br /> ���a��� valuo of the Properry Invne�leteb betore the taking 13 less t�an tho amoant of the suma 8eaured ImmDQletay bofore the tsichp,
<br /> =_`i,:
<br /> -;;r,, unbsa Boaower and Landm ot�awlse apree b writin0 or untess eppt�abie lew o4herwtse pravkJOS� tho proceeds ehail be
<br />.- " -��:' appl4�d to the surc�e�red by this Securily Instrume.�t whethe►o�aot the sums are thon duo.
<br /> :,.�u+"
<br />•^�-a--='� If tho Pron¢Ry b�'Dendonad by BoROwer,ar N, after notlso by Lender to 8orro�ver thpt tAo ooademnor otters tn milce an
<br /> '� �'�g`'T�� award or se:tb� chim•tor damapes, Bortower taits to �[:spond to Londor wRhln 30 days after the date the not�e Is qhren,
<br /> --`�`-�'=''�� Londor Is au3ha�Yrod K��cotieot end appy the procesds,nt►ta optton,e8h�r to roatoratbn or�ak o!tho Praperty ar to lhe
<br />� -�o���� sumo oecurod by thb Fiacurity InsWment,w�ether or not then due.
<br /> Unisaa Leede►er�A Borrorrer othenwise apr�eo h writ�9, anY applicatbn ot proccs8da to princpat ehall not �eta�d or
<br />__ ____�__ po5t"e{he��Q��Ot ROICtOSOd;Fo bearan e BypLenders Not�Wetver�e�nsron of c e c�ne tor pa�t or
<br /> — er,
<br /> "°"""'�°``� modHlaatfon o4 t�r�odtWtiun ot lhe sums secared by thb Securlty Instrumont grented by Lendor to any eucoassur h inlerest of
<br /> --_--=--_--- 8orrower shflli no9 opecrAte to rek�aso tho tiubllity of the oriDt�nl BOaowet or 8orrower's sucCeGBOrs N Onterost. Lender 6hn11 not
<br /> ��� bo roQutred to amanxislce proceodhgs cqahat any eucceseor In htere�st or reNse to extand tYno tor paymu►t or othe�wlse
<br /> "�"„��"�� modHy emori6mtfa�ot Yae�ums sxured by this SeaurKy tnaUument by reason ot any damnnd made by ths orlph�t Bortower or
<br /> ---- 8orrowera oacc�so� h Interest MY tor�Oaranae by Lendar Y� exerolsing ony righ! or remody shalt not be a walutr of or
<br />° -- — preoludo the exetoao of eny dpht or remedy.
<br /> -------- 1�. Suaae�aora eryd Asal�ns �ound; Jolnt and Sevaral Llabiitry; Co-algnera.Tne covanNm nna
<br /> - npreoments o!th3s&cur�r Inetrvment shall bad and benefA the succesaors and aeatpna ot I.ender and 8artowor.aub)oct to the
<br /> - provtsbna of pu��aph 17. Borvowers aovonante and asroementa oAal!be Joht and eeveraL MY Borro�ra who co-alpnls thks
<br /> - __-�� ��cu:�tf�nssnrr..�.:t trs.�t ecr-no!�wh t!r Not•� te)�+? �n.atnnhg te�9 9ecur�r inawment ony to m�artaepe.'�t odDay� _
<br /> - --= � that Borrowefs Er�is�o,st h the Properiy unacu trte te�ms ot thtu 8oaariqr I�bumenfi N) �s not pers �Y � _
<br /> -- _ - = omns secu;ad by thka SeaurAyr Inatrumon� and(o)eproes that Lendor�nd eny other 8orrower may epree to ex4end,mod�r.
<br /> —_�- - torbeat or make ony usxommodatbna wltA reg3rd to tha te�ms of this Sucurity InsWmant or tho Nain wRhout that Borrowefs
<br />_--�'=��`�"° consenR
<br /> =-�-�° v � � 19. L�man C{tRtg��It Yhe bM seCUred by thl� SCaurity Inutrumont fs aubjoct t0 a bw whbA sets ma�dnwm �an
<br />:�?:���: -
<br /> � � aharyos,anel thts4 t�r+ ls fina�y tntarproUtd so thnt tho lntarost or other toan ahargss eoitnotod or to bo aoU9ated In eonneotbn _
<br /> - '`�` ����� wfth tho lCr,.y EccCa�eld t1Y�pemtittod I�init(3,thon: (u) any suoh Mun charpe shalt bo redueod by tho amount nocassary to reduae =
<br /> �:�.:.:':T tho oherge to :1ha pltmHtod Iimth, und (b)any 3ums akaaQy colbct� ttom Bortower whbh oxcoedod portnUted Umite wll►ba =
<br /> ,�'=�_,, �.�'.� raNnd[3d to eor�crntt. ler+da mny ohooue to make this �efund by�►aMD tho prineipal owad unda tHa Note ar by nukMp a �
<br /> - � ' ''`'� dfreot paymont tci BCrrower. It e rotund reduces prinolp�U,the redu0fion wl;!bo Veated ae a paAk� Pt�P�l�t wRAOUt my _
<br /> -.-.t�•; rir
<br /> --: �.�'r': propayrtmnt ch�s under thu Note.
<br />''".'"�. ��'",� '� 14. NAUOea My notbo to Bortawer provklsd for h this Soaurit�r Inawment oha0 bo g►ven bY doUue�MiO h or by malllnp it
<br /> �;-s�_':c::s.i: �
<br /> - ° - - by farst et�aa m�ti un�e eppl!cabla�Sw�Gutres usn ot enother method. TRe noUca shntl bo direoted to tho Property so
<br /> :�a1�`';.�, ,�; or any othet ad�ass 8orrower deai�nntes �y notfce to Lartdsr. Any eoties to Lendx shatl be ptuan by IYBt 4ldet maG t�D
<br /> - _...r_��y.r..�...w...w„�.�..c..,.�,�w. Anv naUcs crovlded fOt(n lhls
<br /> -�' .'�;,*+µ'ral, 1.0116!!f8 UQII�7Q35 6ldL6O tt9�ii oi inj inr�a sv�nwo w..vw ..wM....��r ..�.-.� ^--'•-.._..
<br /> �5�1� ` �'�'' ° Saoufdy InsWn92nt ehaU bo doecrred to have boen pWan to Bomower Ar Lender when giren as provided In thb parearsAh,
<br /> � • �� ' 16. �ovurning Lew; SevE�abiltry. Thts Socurity InoWmant ahnil bo goverrted by NQdernt yw and ths aw or crte
<br /> ' �, juriBdbtbn N�rhkh the Prope�ty i� toontod. In the evont that nny provisbn or atauao ot this Securfty �natrument or 1he Nois
<br /> ` conRiotu wtiA tlyp6rADls inw,BuCh conObt eh&II nct eff�eCt othe►prCvision8 of thN�Sttourtt�r inatntrt�ent�r the Nut�whbh can b�
<br /> ° gNQn Oiteot�WA�ut th0 Conllioting pnovi5�n.To thb ond the provl3tans ot thi�S;�.wdty lnaoums�►t and the NoW are dectared to
<br /> ---_�._ - bo aovoreD7o.
<br /> 1G. Bvrr��ver'e Copy.8orrower ohnli bo giron ono eontortnod copy of the Note and ot tMis 6eourity InaWmont.
<br /> . ' F10t0.1Ma(t/00) P�O�0 of 6 �-- -�'-°�
<br />� oQOtl
<br />