„:,:i.h�.,,,�, ',.
<br /> . „ ,.�
<br /> . . • . . .. _..--�--.__.._�..
<br /> �ii� .._,....r".�i.-wi"r,'^4M�rr�r`__.._._._.._._._._......_...,......._�_..� .,__...._...._.__ . . .... .... .. . . ... . ..
<br /> • • � TOt�THER WRH eIi tAO ImprovcmCntB now on c�renRor oreotod on !ho property, and nt� cusomcnts, 4ppuRoncincos,and �..
<br /> �, � ibciuro3 now or he�aRsr a pert ot tho property.All roplacamanto t+nd nddittana shull olso be eovered by thls Seourity Inswmant. ��
<br /> ;�. -- Ati ot fno iu�ut3oi�a�rGtfm'cd to!n!hb�CttrUy InsWm9nt ae tho"PropcAy.' �--
<br /> BOARGWER COVENANTS rnnt Bortqvrcr i� l��rtully soimd ot tho ostntu hereby oonvoyed und has the right to grant and -
<br /> oonvoy tho PropaRy and thct tAo PropsRy b unoncumburod, arcept for onoumbrnnces of reoord. Borto►ver wartants and v+ill �
<br /> '� de.and Qenamiry tho t(2k�to tho Propsrty agatnst a11 atatm3 and damsnds.subJoet to any uncumbrancos of rccord.
<br /> � THiB &ECUAITY INBTRUMENY eombin�s unitortn eovunCnts to► nt�ttonal use ond non-unitortn eovonnnta v�kh Ilmiced ' _
<br /> varUtiana by Juri�dbtfon to oonst►tuto n unitorm Qocuriry tnaWmant aova�ing roal property. �
<br /> " � tiNIFOAM COVENANTB. Bortower and Lcmd�►aovenrst and agrcie as tolto�ys: ,��_,-
<br /> 1. PA�i11Q114 Ot��IfleIpH) Efld if1i��C8'� R���9j91110flt�fld I.!!tE ChAP�EB.Borcowor Bhtiil prOmptry pay whon �
<br /> duo the prhoqal ol end ntsreat an tRo d:bt cvtdcneed by the�Noto nnd any propaYment and ta4o ahargos duo und�r tho Noto. �_,_�'
<br /> Z. Funds tor Texes and insaranae.Subjeot to apF�bnbb law or to U wN►ten waMar by londor,8or►owar ehnu pny .:_
<br /> ...-,� to londor cn the day monthry payments are duo undar the Noto,untll thA Note ts paid i�futl, a aum("Funds”) tor. (s)yearry �--
<br />. " -:�;;;:�.-:', taxos and assessmonto whbh mAy attain p�tority ovEr thi3 &aourtty inaWmPnt na o Iien on tho P�oporty; (b)yenrty I��aohotd �:;:'',
<br /> .fia�+' payme�nto or Qround rento an the Propsrty.It anq: (o)v� herard or proporty Insurenae promium8; (d)yoarly ftaod Inauranao � [�r'
<br /> ' promiums,B nny;(e)yearly mortpape Inaurance premiuma,M any;and(f)eny ouma paynblo by Bortowor to Lender in acoordance 6,__,,._
<br /> �aRh tho provisbne of panarepA 8, In Ileu ot ths payment of moKpago Meur4neo promiums. Those Itsma are cnited "Hearow E.;_.
<br /> Itcma° Lcnder may, af any tbnv, aoliset and hold Funde In an nmount not to exaoed tho m�cNnum amount o lender br u - _
<br /> � tadenlry nkt�d moRpiao Ioan may requka tor Bonowire�sarow�ceount unaer�n�federYt Reai B�Ute Seilien�ent Ptaa:durca _
<br /> � A,pt of 1074 u trreendad trom thi�to tYn9,12 U.B.C.8 280/ n eeq. ("FIGSRA"), unwse anothe �w thtt �{+plbs to the fun6s
<br /> aete � ksasr amount. If eo, Lender may,a!an�tlmo, aall�ot�nd hotd Funds In an amount not to ozaeed 1he bne�r emount.
<br /> � {,end�r m�y a�tlmBtY tho tmount of Funda due on th��a�b ol ounorA daU and reabonable osllmatsa ot oxpond:turea of Nture �ti-:-
<br /> ° • �eCrow Itema or othenv�as In Yoourdanoe wRh opplbable I�w. -�°-
<br /> � `�� Tn�Funds thdl Ds hNd In an Imlkutbn whos�d�poeit�are intund by a toderal agenor,inetrumentalRy,or anttty(tnoludinp _ _
<br /> �snde►,(t�anMr is auoA tn hstftutlon)or N�ny F�daal Hom�LoRn Bank. L�r►da�hotl appry the Funda to pay Ihs Hecrow
<br /> T - �t�,�Q�r�►e�y npf phtsrge BoRawor for holdlrtp Ynd tppNMp ths funde,annutlry anahn„8 the escrow eeaount,or valyinp
<br /> thi EeOrow Itema, untesa 1.onder pay8 Bo�rowet intiro�+t on the FunOa nnA appt►aabfa iaw permfte �ender to rr�nko Guob a
<br /> � oherps. Mowwer, Lw�dsr may re4uke Bortower to pay a onuthw ohorpe for an hdo,pondant real eatate tax roportinp uervice
<br /> - ,s uaad by l.endor In oonneotlon with this Ioan, unlesa opp�bebb i�w provld3s otherwise. Unteas an ogreement Is mgde or -
<br /> y� aFpl�oebfe law roqulres hterest to be pnid,L�dtu ahltll not be roAukod to pay Bottovie►uny Interest or oaminQs on tho Funda.
<br /> ' �} Borrower and Londer may aaree N wrtthe, how�rer, thot hteroat shaU bo p8►d on the Funds.Lendor shall gtuo to 8ortower,
<br /> ;4# without oharga,nn annuai acoounthg ot the Funds,showing oredits and Eobiffi to tho Funds and tko purpose for which euoh =
<br /> �' debtt to the Funds was made. The Funds are piedged as ndditional security for aU auma seourod by tho S¢ourtty Inn�umont.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendor encoed the ctmounta pmmUtod to be hold by applbabte law, Lender shRii ecaount to Bortower
<br /> �� � tor tho excesa Funda h acoordance with tho requiren�ta of applbabb taw. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lender at eny
<br /> � ��r�,,. time Is not 3uNbient to pay the Esorow It9ms when due,Londcu m9iy so notiy 8ono►rar in wrNY+O.and� in auch r.aoo Bortower
<br /> ahall pay to lender the amount necassery to make up tho deflokinay. Borro►ver shnil make up the d�lolenoy tn no more than
<br /> � IweNe montAy payments,at Lon�s sole disoretton.
<br /> _�,���;s�_� Upon payment h Nu of aA sums sseurod br this Seaurhy tnetrurtrent,Lend�r shatl promptry rotund to 8ortowe►any Funda
<br /> �..� }ti�:1+� heb by Lender. If,untler pflra8raph ai,Lendar shaii ecqu:�ar s�t iha!'rcigesl;�la�er.L'►!�t�n thp acqutskion or safe of the ,
<br />., ^,�,:��•�;;; , , Properiy,ahall apPN enY Funds held by Lende�at the tima of acqulsitlon or onfe as e eredft agafnst tAO sums aeeurcd by thb
<br />„",..7`"lY,};}';' Soaurriy Inotrument,
<br />=:;�e��,�"i' 3. Appllcatlon O� PdyME114�. Un18SS flppib&bie Iew providCS otherwkte, all payments rc�stved by Lendet unde►
<br /> ' ' '�� Iled: tlrst,to�u►y prepayment ohsrges duo under the Note;second,to emounts payaDle under
<br />;=�,�;, *��" Pere9raPhs 1 end 2 shall ba ePP
<br />•'''��Y'' ,'•` paragreph 2;thkd,to intemst due;fourth,to prhoput due;and last,to nny latv ehEUpes due under tho Nate.
<br /> �;;;;7Dm�'�'i"', 4. Cltet�CS; uens. sorrower snan pay an ea�e3, assessmsnte, ohargus, flnos and impoaRlons attrPsut�bie to the
<br /> � �,R property whbh may attein priorky ovor th�$9eurHy Instrumnnt,nnd leesehold paymOnK►or ground t�ta,it anY. Borcower shall
<br /> � '� pay these obllgationa In the manner providad in paragreph 2, or if not paid in that menner. 8orrowe► sha0 pay them on dma
<br /> ._,r�. ;
<br /> +.. ;�_°"'��• daacty to tho porson owed payment. Bonower shali prompUy fumish to Lender a��notices at amnunta to bo Raid unOE� thls
<br /> -.:.�,.?,-,,;:;�-` paraprnph. It Borrower mnkes those peyments directy, Bortow� eha0 prompty tumish to 4ondar recepts svidencin0 the
<br /> ::...,, ,� payrnenta.
<br />•�•�'—i�?%�r��'� Bortower ahall promptly disoharqo any !bn whbh has prbrity over lh�s Seourity Instrumer►t unbse 8ortower. (a)eqroes h
<br /> ...w-�
<br /> _��.:��:}, ' � wrltMp to the parinont of tha obilgatlon secured by the Ibn in a marmer aCCepteble to Lender, (b)oontest�h Qood taRh the
<br />_-�,�,.ai'� ..�_._ Iten by, or defands epainst antomoment of tAe Iien h, lepat proeoodlnfls whbh In the lende�s opi�bn op�rato to prnver►t the
<br />=Twr-,Y�r;��:;�,� entoroement of the Iten;or(o)seaures hom Me hotder of tho Iien an agreement satlsfnotory to londu subard�atln9 the Iien to
<br /> this Seourky Instrument.If Lender detorminea that any part of tho Proporty ls subjeot to a Ibn wh6oh may ata!n pHorNy ovar this
<br /> -�-"==�"""���; Seeurriy insWrrtent,Le�der mey 8No 6orrowot a nOttae idbnt8ying tho I{erf.Borro�vOt shnll eattsty tho Aon or tetco one or more of
<br /> s n;,�� the aotlons sst foKh above w�htn 10 days of the gNMp ot not�e.
<br /> �,,,;,�;:..• 6. Herard or Properly Inss�ranae.8ortowor ahuU keop the Improvements now c�xxtsthg or he�Ror oreoted on the
<br /> .,�__�;� Pro p a ri y Insured e Q ainst bsa by fire, hemrd3 holuded wHhh tho term "sxWndod oovorege°nnd anY oth.r hozards. Nwtu0h9
<br /> �r:°w�:�� ttoods or�tooding,tor wDich lender roqutras haurence. T h i s I n au r fl n o o s h a l l b o m a t n t a t n a d I n t h o e m o u n t s n n d t o r t h�p e r t c d s
<br /> �'"''�'°`'' '''�°'�`i that Lender requlres. Tho hauranoo cnrtler providhg Rhe haumnao shall be ohosen by Borrower suDJoat to Lender's�pproval
<br /> �"�'�`*�����"� whioh shstt not bo unreasonabry withheld. It Borrower talt�to malntaln covemgo descrtbed abave, tandir may,at Lendefs
<br /> �,;����� optbn,obtsh aovorege to proteot lender's►Iphts h tho Property h accordance with pnrapreph 7.
<br /> :::,�i15;y_ra.����
<br /> •_-= ---: _--.— � ����n� p��hwa And a+newels shatl be� acce�tubte to Lender and sha0 inoludo a atanda►d rt�KS�Se otausv.Le+n r
<br /> '-- i_ •�� BhuQ hevPr Me�ipht to hotd the pofioles IInd ronewtiis. It l�ndCr roqulroa,6orrowcr aNnli pror�y�try piva to tsn�:a8�i�uf �
<br />-:��::i�.,,�.�},�'=, �'l�� paid ptomiuma ond renowat notices. In tho event of�oso,9orrower shatl pMe prompt entic0 to iha tnaurar�ca ca►r7er and Lander. _
<br /> „�r,,�,�;,z,_�.. �t•�� �aer may make proof ot tosa H net made prompty by Bortowor.
<br /> .�,..
<br />-%��.'��� ::.:._ i Uniasa Lnnder Fmd 9orrower othtuwlee agree In wrRhB, insuranee proeoeds uhati bs opplkttE to restoattbn or repsM oS t e
<br /> '�"�'r'r ' �"� � + PropeAg damflgod,M the rostorntlon or repnk ts eoonomlcaily tesaY�b and Londofa seoudh 1�not(essensd.If tho rostorntion or
<br />�� repak Is not eoonombaly teasmb or Lt:ndm's st�cuur(t!�woutd ba Ioscenad,t�o Insumnce proaeeda shali be appllnd to tho suma
<br /> c
<br /> seoursd by thi� Soourily Inatrumont, whothur or not thon duo, wfth sny �uoeoss pnW to Bortower. it Bortower abandona tho _
<br /> Property,or dac�s not onaruer wkhb 30 dnys o notico trom Londor that the Insurance anni¢r has oflered to sottto a elulm. ihen
<br /> �- Lcndcr mny col!eot tho Inauronca proaaeda. Londor may use the procesda to ropak or rostora Qna Propaty or to pay sums _
<br /> • � eooured by thta Seoutriy Instrumant,whothor ot not then duo. Tho 34day pertod w1li b0ph when tho notteo Is pAron.
<br /> ifeatlon ot roceoda to pflnetpal ahall not e�dond or
<br /> " • Unlesa Londer and t3orrowor othawhtv e►groo b wrftOng, sny app P _
<br /> ': poatpono tho du�date ot tho monthy paymenta rotonad 2o h pittragmphs 1 and 2 or ohange th�emount of th0 payments. It _
<br /> . �° under pnraareph 21 the PropOAy Is uequlred by tonder, Borrowe�'a Aght to any Inauranco potiobs and proeaeds rc�ulGng hom _
<br /> �=- �- Mmago to the Proporiy prtor to tho noqutskbn aha0 pass to Londer to tho extont ot th�sume by this Soaurkyr innWment
<br /> ;,•� ,_ Ynmedlatoty prior to tho aacfuiskton. --�-- -. ..._ �_...... o...,,..�....•+. �n.n
<br /> "- � � � �f 6. Occupancy, P�asorvouon, eeninionanoo and eTVivcw�. d� �� �•••r�•,. —�._^^ _ ---- _
<br /> t Appileetiom Leaseholds. eorrowor anan occapy.et►tnbllah, and use tho Propcsrty As Bonowofo prU►otpat rosldenco wkhin .
<br /> ° ob�ty days nftor tho oxeoution ot this Soeurlty Instrumont and shail aontWUe to oceupy tho Properiy oa Borro�ve�'o prinoipat =
<br /> rosldance tor at teast orto yoar aftor tho dato ot ocoupanoy.unbss Landor othmwbo agroeA h wrking,whbh aonaeM ohnll not =
<br /> bo unreaaonu►bly wRhhe�d,or unbsa oxtanuathg okeumst�rtcos ox�t whleh nre boyond Borrorie�s eontrol. 8orrowor aha0 not _
<br /> desUOy,dumngo or 4npaU tho Proparty�aIlO�v tho Property to doter�orate,or oommR wanto on th�'Properiy.Borrower uAan bo tn _
<br /> ---- - -- ° In�forfoUuro of thotProperty or othoiwisetlmaterlally impaa ho Ibncreat d by�lhls 80eunty�n�rrs�nt or Lendof eecuRty t ro t' _
<br /> . ._ Fs�t0.LM0 p/oo) Pap�II of 6 .�-� � _.
<br /> . „ G0017
<br />