:., ,;,:
<br /> .� . .
<br /> �
<br /> ' �,
<br /> ,,. .
<br /> ..__ ... .
<br /> , _
<br /> . .. .,. . . ..
<br /> „ . ,
<br /> {� ., ..
<br /> ..a�. .�R�r.'�i4/�tU�/�.....� . •. ��- . . ' ... ....... __._..._.
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<br /> _ .. . _... .. . 3
<br /> � • 1T. Trnna4ev o4 the Praperty or a Benef�elet Inte�ea2 In Bo►POwer. if all or nny pnR of tho PropctAy or
<br /> � any intoraat N e b oold ar trensfamod tar tf a bsnetblat Interest In Bortow4r Is sold or transterred and 8orcowe►Is not a natural �•.
<br /> peroon)r�f2hout lat+dcttt prlor written aoneant,L��+der may,at ke option,requke 4nmediato p�yment N tuli ot AII ouma oocurod by
<br /> � ihls&eourlty Inetrument. Nowevor,Mis optlon eneU not be exerolsod by lendar It oxereiso ts prohibh�d by tadCml law na ot tho �
<br /> date of tht9 Scaurfty InatnimenL
<br /> ' If Lvndnr oxeralsos tht� optton, Lendar shali flNa Oo�rorrer notiCO of ecceleretton. Tho �otl�o shuli provlds n perlod ol not �
<br /> ' l0�0 thnn 30 days Pram tht� dnle the notl�o Is deiNarad or mAli�d v,ithln whioh 8orcowor mu6t pey nll oumo ocaursd Oy thls �
<br /> . 6�o�nity Instrum�nt. It f3orrocaa Itlta to pay thaao sume prtor to the expkutlon of tAl� perlod,Lend9r m9y tnvoko flny remodls3
<br /> p�mnittad by tAt�fiecurity Inotrun�erft wtthou!NRha notbo or demand on Borrowat. �
<br /> ' 18. Botarower'S RIgh4 to �tetna4nfe. tf 8otrower rrteete certak� oondllWna,Dorraws•r ofloU iwv� lho tlpht to hnvo _
<br /> r . �,..—.
<br /> enloroemon! uf ihls &eourily inetrumant disoont{nued at any tima prior to the esAbr of: (e)B doye (or duoh ofller psrlod ae
<br /> •''`"� eppll�ahle tuw may op0oly far rolnetntomenq betoro oale ot the Prqparty pureuant to any power of oab oontahed In thls Seaurlty �
<br /> �u°""'"L � Inetrumtmh,or(b)tmtry ot a Judpment anloroinp this 8eaurfty Inatrument.Thoao aondAtons ure tAat Borrower:tn)Pe9s Londer all :,�
<br /> ° ��� numa whioh then would be duo undor thb Seour(ly instrumon!nnd tho Noto ao If no cccol8retlon hfld oeourrod; (b)curos any �_-
<br /> c, d�nuit of nny othflr oovenant ar a8rocmonM; (a)pays Atl oxpenaes Incurtod In enforot�p thfs 8eoudty Instniment, inotuding,but
<br /> ; no!Lhnttad to,reaoonnbte nttomflye'fo�a;und(d)ta7coo suoh aotion as lnndar may roaaonubp requiro to nssure that the Ihn ot {`�-
<br /> this 8oaurfly inotrument, Londo�o �iphta H tho Pro�mly and 8orrowers obligutton to pny the oums aeourod by th19 &ucudty {,
<br /> instrumpnt ehall oontinuo unohanged. Upon rehstatomcant by Borrower, this Se�udty Inatrumant and tho obligationa soourod "E
<br /> : , hemby shnti romAlr►Nlry ofteatA�o es tf no accebmtton had oacurted. Ho�vovor,thla ri8ht to rehstate ehaU not�Apti��he Qa$o E��''
<br /> P.:
<br /> ot ecceloratfon undor pamgrt�h 17. "�-
<br /> ' . 18. Sele ot Note; Change ot L4an Servieer. The No;o ot t►8 paRlai hterest In the NOtu (topothor with thb �`T�
<br /> Sacudty Uetrument)may be sold one or more tYnes wlthout prfor aatkx�to eortowor.A eat�may resuR�A ohunge h tho antity
<br /> " � (kno►vn es the"Wan 3enAcer')that eoileots mpnMb p�Ymanta due under tho Note and Nls SecurBy�nstrument. There atso may -
<br /> � be one or mora ahange3 of tha Loan Se�vicsr unrelatod to a ssb of the Nato.If there b a chnngo of tha Loan 8ontcer, �_
<br /> BonoNrer wlil bo gken wriKen notice of tho chenge h sccordanco wRh parapraph t4 ebove end aQRllcabt� Iaw. Tha not�e wiD "
<br /> " ' atnto the nnm�and addross ot lho now I.onn Servicer und the addross to wht�h paymonta shoutrl ba mada. The notico w@ atso �..
<br /> aontnin any othor tniar►mth+n requYed by ttppilaabla law. '
<br /> �,;;� . . 20. HQZEI'dOli� St1�8�11CC�.Borrowt�t shnll�ot oause ot pefmit tRa prosanoB. uso, d�posat,storaga.or retease ot ;^
<br />°'�' " any Hazcudous Subutunces on or In the Prop�hr. eorrowet nhan not do,nor al'.ow anyana otae to do,anythtr+g ntteothg tho
<br /> �:--
<br /> Properiy thst ts!n viotatbn of any Environmar►tat Law. 1Tte preceAlrtO tM►o sentoneos sha0 not �p1y to the presenco, use,or _
<br /> storage on the PropeRy of amalt quantftles ot Harardoua�bstancm�¢hat are generatry reco0nised to be app�opriato to normal _,
<br /> � . restdential uses and to maintenence oT the Properiy.
<br />- ° 8orrower shalt promptry qke Londer wrilton noUCO ot any hvestigatton, olaim, demerd� �awauk or other aetbn by any
<br /> "�'" govemmental or regutatory e8er►o�r or prNate party hvoMng the Proparty and any Masardcua Substence or Environmentel law of
<br /> � which Borrower hae aowal knowledge. If Borcower k�ame, or ts notified by any govemmemal or reguiatary authority,that eny --
<br /> ' removel or othsr remBdl9tlon of any Heretdous Subatence sfteCtlnD PropeKY Is n0Ce9aery� DertO��e� e�a� PromPi� iak° °" _
<br /> i::... � neceasury remedk�l aotions k►accordenoo wRh�nvaonmental Law.
<br /> 1�: ;: AS usad Y►thb peregreph 20�"HBTII�d0U8 bllblite�ICeS"8�6 1h088 BUbSf9tIC3$d84if10d as toxic or harflrdous subetaneos by _-
<br />_,�,.:'�r_,,.�.�� Environmentat Lew and thP lolbwhfl subatences: 8asolhe, kerosono, ot�er �ammebie or toxb petroteum produota, toxb =
<br />--::.h,,i'..:�• pestieide�end herb�idlos,vatatlb soMante�mato�lais eontahing asbestos or fortnaWehyde, and radbeotNo rt�atertats. As used fn
<br />��7A. 4,.,_�::,. r w
<br />�;�..�,,,,,,. pttrepre=f11 P0, Environmontai Law means federal tawa tu�d laws ot tho jurisd�ttan wnere the Property is located that ratate t0
<br />_�.�;�-,,, •' hoakh,satety ar arnYonmentnl proteotfon.
<br />_=.y..:.,-�
<br /> �� �•• NQP�UNIFOAM COVENANTB.8ortower and Lendor tuAher covenant and agree es bllowa:
<br />�,;,;���-;�;_• 41. Aaeetere4�on; Remedioa. Lender ahail give �ottae to Borrower prtor to eacelereUon Y
<br />_��,._��� foitawia�g Borrow�r'o breach of eny covennnt o� eg�eeman4 �c�thle Securriy Inetrument (but not __
<br />;=„-�;�,_m,HI,-„ pNor B4 acceter�lafl under peregraph 17 unless spplicebto !aw providea otherwiaa). The noUca
<br /> ""�
<br /> •-�m�������= ehalf spe�ly: (�) 4ha det��I4; �b) the aatton roquer�d to cure the default; (c) a date. not tes� n
<br /> _t:"�„�;;���'� 30 deys trom t�� date 3�� �v?lae Is gtven to BArrov�er,by wrhloh the def�utt maat ba curcd; en�8
<br />>>�,; . � j, (d) that tailure 2a�u�e tho tleMalt on or befo�e tha dete s�eciflet9 In the rtotiee may resutt in
<br />,;;� eeceleretton of the sums seaured by thS$�el�urity laetrun�e�eII�nd sale of iho �roperty.The nmtiae _
<br /> ++�'i:�a shsll Q�arthar intorm 8orrower ot the right to rede�a3ate aiter accetaretioro end the rt�M to bri�g •
<br />��,,...,,.,
<br />=�-:.�....,,;,;Y� court action to assen tha non-exist�nae of a �l�fault or eny other defenae of Borro�ee
<br />=^}x� neceteratton end aele. I4 4he deinuit !a Rot cured on or pot�re the date s�octfled to t�ee aee���, -
<br />�`-�- :�- Ler►der at Its o�uon mey roqutra tnna�edlate peyment in tutl of�0 sum� aecured ay thls Seaur]3y
<br />:�� Instrument �vithout turther demand �m� m�y Invoko the pawcr of �elo end any other remadtes
<br /> -,�,,,,�,;�-:� per��3ted by ap{pltaable law. Lender ehall be entitted to cotteot nil expenaea incurred M pueautre�
<br />-.°:�- --- t�o Pet�ncsllca pr�vidoai in tini� ��eyT�i� a1� i���a�#�ng� bui �sai ii��ica ico� scr.�seat�c aics'ni�==�'s' �
<br /> rc* �� -
<br /> a;�}��ju!/ tees nnd costa ot tielo evfdonco. -
<br />'.t'�''�'�1.._".` 4r` .
<br />,.�.,,,� , If the �ower of eate [s Invoked, Trus�e at�a!! recard e notlae of dofnult In each eeunty n
<br />_�` _..••;::"_-. ' whteh eny part of the� Properiy ta IocaSzd end otwtl mau ���aa ot eueh notice in the mnnncr u;
<br />_�:: . :..�-. � p iic�bte taw. -
<br />_ .. .. ,�� pseaarib�d by epplieal�Ia [�w to Borrower and tm 9l�to other a�ne retsoribed by app .
<br /> � . d4�der �'�e Umo requtved by eppl�cabto lew, Tno�^a m3�ntt give pubilc notiee et cale to the per�ws
<br /> �� anB �u�thfl rroanner prescrtbed by appl➢cable law.4buatee�without deme�nd o�Borrower. sleatl ��1 =_
<br />"� � � tAe Rroperty a4 publta aucuon to the hl�heat bidder et the time and ptace ertd under the teema _
<br />:: � , dcalgneted In Uee no4lae ot sate In ono ar more pnraals and tn any ordcr Trustee deter�nirtes. _
<br />_ ��� • � �, T�uttee m�y poatpone sate of all or eny parcet oP the Properiy b�t pubitc annourtczment at the
<br /> -. .. � � time and ptnce of nny praviousty achaduled sate. Lender or its dealanee may purchaae thv
<br />-�ti ..�,�,. ', �raperry at mny eale. -
<br /> .. Up�on r�eetpt of payment of tho priae bld. Trustee mhatt detiv+er to the purchuser Truetee's
<br /> -. � 1��f V���Lr� W�� A����Y�A�
<br /> - . deed conveymp tne Property.imo Poeimia m me 7n�siee'o vao� .��•.o M••*�� � •-^�-��-- --
<br /> �� � the truth ot tha ets4em�ntr ma�de thereln. Yruneo ehalt apply Ne proceeds of the sato In tho
<br /> � . fottov�tap order: (a� to a�! aaote end e�xpenaes oi exeretatnp the power o4 eale, �nd tho eato�
<br /> � .: � Inatudtn�the peyme�ot of tleo Trustee'a t�ea actuatty IsauRe6�not td exaeed threo
<br /> , 95 of t�e pr[nci�sl amsunt of Lhe _
<br /> � - ����-��--- -�- note et the time of the deataratton of defnutt,and �eesonai�i@ aEurr��ey'a 4ee�es per.:�t�d �y�:r:;
<br /> -, . � (b)ta sll sums aacurcd by this 8ceurity Instrument; n�d (c) any oxceas to tho person or persons
<br /> • tegetfy enUtled 4014.
<br />-� ...__ ' , .. Ff010.LM0(t/00� Pap�4 of 5 � =��'•�+ -
<br /> ' .� . 00017 -
<br />