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<br /> � payments may na ian�cr oG rcKui�c,i,ut tt�a aNt�an a:Le�er. !f m�rt�age;nc�!rnn!w«verngc(in the unmunt and far thc p�dad
<br /> th�t[.ender res�uiees)provtde�by nn in5urer�pprovcd by Lereder uBAin br,�omc9 availubte nnd iK obtuincd. Boreoelce�hnll pay
<br /> the prenniuma requfred to n�,intafn martgagc insumrtce in efFcct,or to provide a lns��cscrvc.mnil ih� reRuircmcns fur anuetU�e
<br /> in�urancc cnds in accordnnce�vlth nny wdttcn agrecment bctwc�n�onowcr un�i.9n�ler or npplirabie Inw.
<br /> y.G��x�rtt�n. Lender or its ugent may makc reasnnuble entdcs upun and inspectians of Riie Pmprrty•L�ender shnll pive
<br /> Qoreo�vcr�iatix ut the din�of ar prtor to zn inspcctian epecityin�Pensonablo cnuse far the inspr,ctlon. �
<br /> 10.Cut�dom�tattan. The pruceeds of ony awnrd or clnim far damages.direct or consequentiul. in rumiection �vith any �
<br /> condcmnncton or uther taking af nny purt Uf tlie Propxrty.or far conveynnc�e!n tieu of condemnnAnn.nre 6cccby aysiBned and �
<br /> shull bc paid to Lendcr. �
<br /> In tl►a event of u totnl mking c�f the Properey,the pro,xxds shnll be upplied to th�sums secured by this Security Instmment.
<br /> whether or nat tQecn due. with nny excess p:,id co Barroevor. In tho event of u puRial taking of tho Pruperty 1n which th�iuiP
<br /> nuuket v�lus of tho Propeny�immedintely before tlie tnking is equul to or gmatee than the nmount of!ho sums serured by this
<br /> Sscur�ty Instn�ment immedtettely befare the takinII,unlass Ronower and Lender atAenvise ugree i�writSnB.the sums secured by
<br /> this�eturdty lnstrumeat shull be reducdd by ti�e nmaunt of the proc�ds multiplIed by the faliowinp fi3ctlon: (n)the total �
<br /> umaunt of tho s�ams secumd immc�iately before the taking, dlvidPd bg(b)the fuir market vaivaof the Fcoperty immr,cfiately
<br /> before the tnkinb. Any balanaa skeull be paid to Borrower. Yn the cvent of n partlal talctnII of the Propea'ty In which the fn6t•
<br /> mauket value of the 1�nop�Ry immediutely before the Wcing is l�s than the nmaunt of the sums searcd immafiately Qefor�th�
<br /> tnking.unles�g Borrowor c;nd Lendor othenvlse agree in writing or unless epplicu�lo!nw othenuiseprovldes.the procee�s shall
<br /> b$appfied to the sums secured by this Securiry[nstnunent whether or aot tRe sums are then dae.
<br /> Ef tha,Pin�stcy �s abundmnecl6y Borrower.or if.nfter notice by I.ender to Borrower thut the condemnor offers w make un
<br /> uelun� or:sett9a.�rlaim for A.�ma�e�, Borrower fails to re4pond to Lendar within 30 da3rs ufter the dnte the naucx is given,
<br /> L,ender is sut9torized co collect r.nd apply the pmceeds,at itx optiar�,either to restomtion or repair oF the Fr�aperty or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Insaument.�vhether or.not then due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Horrau•�r otherwisQ ogree tn writlnB, �nriy applicntion of procecds to pris�c:pni shull not ext�nd or
<br /> postpisna the due date of the rriQntllniy payments xefeered to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change thc umouni of such payments.
<br /> Yl.Borrower Not Rel��l;,Forbea,racwe By Lender Not u Waiver.Bstenston�ff 1hu tixna for payment or mod[ficadon �
<br /> of amortiutdon of the susns secured by this SecuriRy Inshum�nt granted by Ixnder to any tsuocessor in interest af Borrower shnit '
<br /> not opemte co reieF�:t�e linbiUry of the original Borrower or Borrower's successots In iaterest. Lendet shull rtot be requited to �
<br /> cammence procr,e�lings egninst any successor in intetest or refuse to exten�time for payment or othetwlse modify nmottizndon
<br /> of ths sums recaued by this Sccudty Insuumsnt by m,uson of any demand made by the original Bornawcr or Borrowcr'R
<br /> suc�sors in intemsc.My farbeururtce by Lender in exercjsin� any tight or remcdy shnll not Iw n wuiver of or preclude thc:
<br /> P.xr.rci�of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�ssors and Assl�a�s 8onnd;Jqint and Severn7 X.iabi�lty; Caslgnesa. The covenants and agreememx of chis
<br /> Secarity Insuu�nent shnll bind nn�beneGt_qkae i�ucoessors and asslgns a�.l[�der and Borrower,s;��aect_to the provlsions of
<br /> .. pnragiaph 17. Bomower's oove�aiits and agrecments shall be joint and�''s�veral. Any Burrower�-�ha,r.asigns thia S�xudty
<br /> ' Insmament bnt does not executa,tc'�e Note: (a) !s co-slgning thfs �trtty Inshument c+�ly Ro mort&age,grunt und convey that
<br /> Bonower's interest in the PropeR�under the terms of this Secur[ty Instrument;(b)is nat personally obli�ated to pay tha sums
<br /> secuced by this Secudry Instrumenr,and(e)ugrees thnt Lender and any othex�orrower�riaayugctie to extaad�madify.fo�c�r or
<br /> m�lce any aocommodadons with regard to tha terms of this Secudty lnsuvpr,cnt or the Note without that�5nnbwer's consent. �'",'.
<br /> 13.Loen Charges.If the lpan secured by this Securlry Instrument�9a svbject to a taw which sets maximum loan cuarges.
<br /> nnd that low is firu�ily fnterprei�t7�ao thmt th0 interest or aihe�toan char��s�.viillected or,ta be wllected in cor+nection with tlro
<br /> loan eaceed the perniltted U��its;.�Z�en: (u)nny such loan chtw,�e shult tie ceduced by the umCwnt aecessacy to reducr;ShC•chnrgo
<br /> to the permItted liaait nnd(t►)aray,sun�s�Iready col[ected f'rom Borro�ver,wpich cxcceded permiaed li,ntts will bc refunded c�
<br /> : � Bomower. I.ender rt�sy choose to mnlce thi�•v�e3ltnd by reducin�the prtficipmt owed under the I�7s�iC�br by iu�lang a dirtci
<br /> payment to Borrowet. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction vu�11' be tmated as n paetiul �cdpayment without any
<br /> � pnpay�ttent chargo under the Npto. � •
<br /> 14.Not➢o�s.My aoticES to��gomower providal for ia th�is Security Instivment sha�R.+b�g[vc7►by deliverng it or by mailing
<br /> ii by first class�n�il unless u�aplicable Inw roquires use of.unodier method.;3he notica's�ell be dlrccted to the Froperty Address
<br /> � or any other atiG7rcgs:�nbwer designates by notlw to Lender. Any n�ot�oe �o Lender shnll be givcn by first clnss muil to
<br /> • I,ender's addn�e���'1cd berein or nny other address Y.ender designates 6y�na(ice co Borrower. Any norice pmvided for in this
<br /> S,�}trity Instruuxdt-�1tu11 be ii@eqted to hAVe been Qive��to Borrower or Lendcr when giuP.�ns provlded in thla pArugc:�ph. �
<br /> ' ..si3,t'.avernlua Laws,�ev8rabiUty. This Sccudty Insuument shall be gavent+�ft by fcdera! law nnd thG;,lew of the
<br /> - juttsdlc3ton In which the Prc�er.ty i�lcicatcd. L�th.e cveat that uny p�vvlSVan or ciauso ai this Ses�e�ity ie�.i,uu�ox tt»�?7a�c
<br /> ' conflicts wIth npplic�ble law,auch conflict str111 not nffect other pmv�si�ns of this Scxutiry lnstrumeAt r�r the Nato w6ich c�►be
<br /> � given eft'oct wit�oua•lh�conf]iCBn�provlsta're, �Tb thi�end the pu+ovisions�,o�p•Ufis Security Inst.rvmer�'anil the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable. , •, � •,,.
<br /> 16.Barrower's Copy.l�oxr•o,wer shall be�iven one confomicd copy of the MQ�e sc��+�f this Securiry Znst�vment.
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