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<br /> g, �iarA ar F�pe�iy Iasc�a�nc�. Qor�owe: sh�ll krxp the improvem2nts no�v exist(nB or henafter emcted �n the �
<br /> Peu}s��ty insur�oBainst�n�g by fi�. hn�.�'+rds included within thc t.rni "extendcd coveeage"unci nny ather hau�r�ds. incladinn �� ,
<br /> iloac�s or tlo�inQ. for whish I.cnder requires insurnnca.Th4a insurance ehnil be muMtained In the umaunts nnd fu•c the periada �
<br /> tha� I.snder ra:quir��. Tho insumrtce carrier pruvidinII tho insumnce shni�bs chasen by�9rco�ver subject to Lender's npprovol a
<br /> whic0��hnll not be u�►reaQ.�nabty wi�hheld.if Borrower fnila w m�lntain covcmge descri6esl a�ave. [.ender m�y. ut l.cnder's �
<br /> aptton.obtnin oovcrago to prutc;ct l.endcr`s riBlue in thc Pmper�y in accorduna�vith pumBruph 7•
<br /> Ail insurance palicles and renewal�: ehall be ucceptable ta Lender arui shAll include u standnrd mortgwge clause. Lender _
<br /> sSt�ll have thc rlgiu ta hold the pnHci�nrtd rette���nlK. If i.ender rcquire.4,R�rravYCr shal!promptly give ta i.ender nll receipts of
<br /> �paid peemfums nnd renewul naitces. Yn thc evcnt af loss.Ba�rower shall give promnt notfce to the insurartce enrri�r ctnd Lender.
<br /> lxnder may makc proof af lass if nat madc prumpily by Horrower. !
<br /> Unless lrendor nnd Eorro�ver othenviFe aQree in writing.insumnce proceais shall bc ap�lfcai to restoratian ur cepair of the
<br /> !'togerty dtunaged.if 1hc restor�tion�r reg�air ie economlcolly feusible und I.ender's secudty is not lesseited.di tha restorutlan ar ,
<br /> rcpair is not ecannmicully feasible ur Leadcr's�ecurity would be Icssenad. the insumnce pmceeds shall be applied to th�sums
<br /> secuc..d by this Secudty Instnuaent. whethcr or rtot then due. with any exces�paid to Borrower. If Borrowor abundo��s the
<br /> propetiy.or does noi nRSwer wtthin 30 ci�►ys a noaice from Lender that the inswnnce csrrier hes offered to seide a cluim.then
<br /> Lcndcr mny collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender mny use the proce�x to repnir or restore the Properiy ar to puy sums
<br /> secured by this Serur�ry lnstrument. whetfi�er or not then duo.The 3O-cWy pedod will be�tn when the rrutice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender nnd �amower o16ei�vlse aBree in writin�, nny applicatton of proceeds w principal slinll not extend or
<br /> postpone t!►e dae dute of the monthiy payments refernd to in paragrapha 1 artd 2 or ehnnge the erttount of tho payments. If
<br /> under paragmph 21 the Frv�erty�s s�cqulred by Lender.Borrov�er's rigbt to any insumnce pulkies nnd procee�ls resulNng fmm
<br /> duma�qe to the Pr�etty pr'sar to the u��uiaftluii shaii pass to C�cndcr to the extent o!4he sums secured My thi.Q�e:c�rity lnsuument .._
<br /> Immadiataly prlor to the acquisttton.
<br /> 6.Qceu;tc�ncy,Pr�setvatlon,Mlntatensuise and Protertio�c�'tl�e P�+a�perty;Bomswer'e[.omnn Appllc�ttoni�=���'-�•
<br /> Borrower shall axupy.cstablish.a�nd use the Property ns Borrower's principal residcnce�viti�in sixty days after t31e escer�,tn�i�a af ;
<br /> this Security Instrument nnd shalt condnue to occupy the Property+�s Borrouer's principal residence for ut i•ri.�:one y►�r bfter
<br /> the dnte of occupar►cy.unless Lsnder othenvlse n�re�;in wdcin�,which consent shull not be unreason:tbty•.�r�1�n�hvld.or,unless
<br /> extenuating circumstnnc�s exist which are beyond Bonower's control. Bomower shali not destroy. damage or impsit the
<br /> pnnperry. allow the Property to det�doratc, or canuidt waste on che Prope�tyr. Bo�n+ower shall be in defaulf if any forS'ai_LU+e
<br /> action or ptoceed�ng.whether civil or ceiminal,is begun that In Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of fho
<br /> pmperty or othenvise cnutedully impair the fiea cm.ated by this Security Inswment or Lender's security intemst.Borrower muy '
<br /> wre such n default and�rtia.�tate,as provided in parc�mph 18.by causins the actlan ar proceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruting .��,.
<br /> thut. in i.cnder's b�ni €tath d�xr�sinai'suss, prec3uc�xs fusf�it�re�f�R.,mawer's tncemst in tho Property or other matetinl --
<br /> impair.m�II.t cf the lien created by Ed�fx S�euriry Iristnunent or L�n�•�r'ss securtty lnterest. Racrower shnll ulso ba in def��uit if
<br /> Borrower.��nb the loan npplicuUon prt�cess.�ave motednlly falsq or innccurate infomu�tion or stntements to I.ender(sr�t►fled �
<br /> to pravide Lender wIth nny mutedul infornu►tion)in oom�ecHon with the lonn evidenced by the Note,including.but not 4ii�A�'ied �
<br /> �� repiesenWt�ons a�nceming�rrower's occupansy,of the Property as a piinceFai nesidence.If this Sec�rity Instrument fa on a
<br /> ' � Deasehold. �arrower shc�ll comply with all the pmvisions of tha lon�e. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propet4y, thv
<br /> leaseha!�;nnd t1►e fee tIde shull not mer�cs unless Lender agrees tc�tJ�e ruot�csr in writi�g. •''�•�
<br /> 7.}�t,��on oi I.ender•e Rlghts iR�the Properly.If Borrowes t`aito to perform the covemutro und o�reements oonwiriod in
<br /> this Securiry Ynstrument, or tbeue is a le�al proceedin�that may sf�iifecxutdy af't'ect l.ender's r�ghts in the�rope�ty(sach as u
<br /> procoedinII in bannkruptcy.probuGa. for condemnation or forfeitru+e or to enforce laws or regulations). Hten Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whuteve,r is R�ssary to prataet the velue of the Property and 1.�nder's r3ghta in the Pcoperty. l.eader's ncdoris mny
<br /> is�lude paying any sums s(xured by a lien whtch hos prlodty over thia S�ecurity Instevment. appear[ag in oourt, paying
<br /> rEa,sonAble sttomeys'fees und entering�n the 1'roperty w malce npairs.Althovgh Lender may tako uctian under this pnru��,�h
<br /> 7,f.enctcr docs aot huve to da so. •
<br /> A►�y amourtts disbursed by Leader under this pam�uph 7 shall becoma additional debt of Barrower secural by thie
<br /> �'� Security Instrument. Unless Boncower and l.ender agc+eE to other temos of payment.these amounts shall benr interest frotl�the ,
<br /> date of dis�rursement at the Note rwte and shall ba payuble. wltl� interest,upon notioe !'rom Lcnder w Borrower requesting .
<br /> PaYnteut. "`
<br /> 8.Moctgt+ge Ittsurnnce.lf 1.ender tequirai mortgage inswY+ttce ns a a�adidon of making ths loan secured by this Sccurl4y
<br /> Instiument, Borrower.sb�ll puy tlte premiuma requirod to mninta[n the ttnortguge insttr�nce In effe�ct. If, for any rcason, the
<br /> mortgagc in�uruu��a c,:,Ve�RS�c rc�uis�l by Ix,csEc: Enpsea a;a:�,:s ta�.:in�ff�,Eorra:ver ahe!!g?Y�1i!'P"Pmi��ma rm;uired tu �
<br /> obtain cov�ra�e substant�i111y equivalent to ths mortgaga insur,�nce.prevlously in effect.at a cost substm�tially equivalent to the ,
<br /> oost w �t+r�wer of the mortgage i�,vurance prevtovsly in effect, from nn nitemate mortga�e Insarer uppmved by Lender. If -
<br /> eubstnntially equivalent mertgngc in:strrance coveru$e is not avnilnblc�Borrower ahall pay to L�nder each month u sum cyunt to �
<br /> one•tvrelRh of the yearly mortIIaIIe insurnnce premtum beina paid by Borrower when the insurance oaverage�apsed or oease�to �
<br /> be in effect. Lender will accepi,use nnd �ntn th�payments us a loss resetve in Neu of mort�ge 'ssisu�ance. Loss rescrvo �
<br /> . Form 3028 9I90 �
<br /> • ' . rai7a9otm . • ',
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