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<br /> .. ' _'`.�M� � � - . . �,. _ , , 1, . ._�
<br /> �� .. .• �J ., . . " •
<br /> ��s;.'x-a'IfR.�.,+,,.rtl�i't'-• � _ _ `.i..._..._ . . -.. r�tfq�x�x�:a41t'tr�C. -
<br /> .
<br />- �- �ant ' �-:R�� +.. . .. �, . . .... . . ... '4...,,.. . . . .. '.�;",._.---- .....
<br /> ,��- ti.-.:anau�rtw.. - - +�S�iq�1M91f �' -,.,�_. ��. _.
<br />.. - -' J1+:SF�'�'�z?G_,'_`���..um ..__....::.-:�'._._-��-..._.--_-'�._._..- -'-..__�...�.._._.�_---'----'°- -._��—.__-._._.___:..______.--'----
<br /> �_ ���,�'; _--
<br /> 19.�rwufer of the�roperiy or n Rert�Rda!Inter�!�n�'ro�vee. If all or nny part af the Property or any interest in it 6
<br /> ia�old ar tmnsfernd(or if n benet7cinl interest in Bomnwer is sald ar tmnsfened and Horm�vcr lti not n nutuml perso�)wiEhaut
<br /> l.endcr's prlor �vritten canssne, L cndcr moy. at i�g �ption. requir� immediate payment 1n !'ui! of all sun�.c sccured by this
<br /> Sccurity ln`trumc�tt.Ho�vever.this optian shaU rtat be exercised by Lender if exercise ix prohibited by fedetul Inw i►s af the dats
<br /> of this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> lf l,ender exercises this option,I.ender shall alve Borrower noticc of ucrelerutian.The naticc ah:xll rovidc n period af nut
<br /> �ums secuted by this
<br /> less thun 30 ds�ys from thc datc ahc Roticc iti daliverecl ur mnlled within which Barrawer muat pay al :
<br /> Sesuriry Instrument.If Borrov�er fnfis to pay th�se sunu prior to the expiration of this pertod.I.ender muy invuke uny remxdies �
<br /> permitteaf by this Securiry lnstrument without 6urtF�er nntice or demnnd on Borra�ver. ,s
<br /> 18. Hortrower•s ttlght to �tefn.�tnte. !f glorrrnver uieets cerluin C(q1�S�IIOIIS. Borm�vcr sfiall hnve the ri�ht to have
<br /> enforcemcnt of this Secur�ty instrument discontinued uE any tlme prior ta the cArlier of: (u)S duys (or such athcr pedod ns �,
<br /> applicuble law may specifv for �^einstutement)bcfarG raile af 1he Propeny p�ar�uant tu u�y powcr af s-ale contuined in this �
<br /> Sc,curity insuument:or(b)entry�f a,�udgmant eeiforcin�this S�curity lnstn►rttent.Thase conditians are thnt Bonower:(u)pAys
<br /> Lender all suma which then would be due under thls Security Instrwnent nnd the Note ns if nu aa�lerntion hud oaurrecl;(b)
<br /> cures any dofault of any other covennnta or agreements; (c)pa s all expznses incumed i�i enforcinLq this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> including,but not limitexi to, musonable attorneys'fecs;wtd(d�tnices su�cnh�ac�tl�`�us LcQbl s t�no o p y tl,c s�umssecure by
<br /> ihat the lien of this Secutity Instrument,isnder'x d�i�t�in tiie Property °
<br /> this �urity Instrument shull condnuo unchar�ged. Upon minstatement by Burrawer. thls Secudry Insttument and the
<br /> obliIIations secured hereby shs►tl remain fully effective as if no uccelemtian hud occarrecl.However. thia rlght to celnstate shall
<br /> not npply in th�case of ucceleradon ur�der paragraph 17•
<br /> 19. Sule of Natc; Chande ot Lot►n Servlcee. The Note or a p�rt3a1 interest in the Note(together wtth this 5ecudty
<br /> Insirument)ntuy be stalsb�ano ar more times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a cE�an�e in the�ntity(kna�vn
<br /> os the"Lnan Setvic�er")that collecta monthly payments due urtder tha Nat6 and this Securiry lnstrurteent.There also may be one
<br /> or more cl�anges of the L.aan Servicer unrelated ta a sale ot the Na;s..If there is n change of th�Loan Servicer,Bormw¢r will lte
<br /> given�vrar;;n r,ntice cu�the chang�in accordanoa with ptungr3p�t4.:cbove anct uppticabte iav+.Tho notix will�u�te the n�me and .
<br /> address of the aetil H�;�m Servic$r and the addr�s to which paym�tns shou.dl be made.The nottce wtll alsa contaln any othsr
<br /> informatic�n require�9� applicuble In�v.
<br /> 20, �ia�strdosu��nb�tnr►tes.Bonower shall rtat cuuse or permit the ps�esence, use, disposal. stomge. or release of any
<br /> Hazarda�u:��bsta�a^� on or in the Ptoperty. Borrower shall not �io, nor allow anyone else to do, anqthing affectinB the
<br /> Pmperty t'nut is in violntton of any Environmental Luw.The p�in� two sentences shaii not apply to the presence.u�e,or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantlties of Hu�ardous Su�sstances that ure�enerally recognized to be uppmprinte to nornt:}!
<br /> restdential uses and to maintenurtce of the Property •
<br /> Boxrower shnll promptly give Lender written notice oF uny invatigudon,clatm. demartd, lawsult or other actlon by any .
<br /> governtnental or c�egulatory ngcncy or private party involvfng the pr+opecty nnd any Huzardous Substance or Environmenta!I.a�v
<br /> of w1�ic1�ljorrower has ucQUal kna�vle�ge. Ef 8orrower leams.or is not�tial by iu►y govemmentnl or regulatory author[ty,that
<br /> any m�UVat ar other remcdiatior�of t►ny Hazatdous Substance�ffect�n�the Propetty is necessnry.Barrower shall promptly Wce
<br /> all n�s'a�n+rcmedIril ttctionF in uaordnnce with Envlroz�mental L:iw.
<br /> As nsed in thJ.��arcigraph 20, "Hazardous Substances`cue�ose suosianccs�ef aod a�iu;.ic ssr harsrclous suts�_te�es�+y
<br /> �+nvironmenWl L,a�v aad the followjng substances: gasollne.•kerosene. othEr ticunmable oc toxic petroleum producta. toxic
<br /> pesticid��nd herbicldes.voladle solvenu. mntertate contnlnin�nsbastos or t'ornteldehyde.end rudioactiva mater�als.As used in
<br /> this��ph 28, "Envirunmental Lsiw' means fedarnl laws and laws of o��,judsdlctton where the Property is locuted thut ,.;:
<br /> ralate.tm�'1edlth,safcry or environmanutl protection. , .
<br /> ATG��t-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowerand Lra►dcr�fi�rthar covenarit and n�rce na 4'c�llows: y:
<br /> 2�i',�eceleriatt�n;Remedles.Lender shall give notice to�Wrmwtr.prior to accel�ration following,8ucrnw,��s 1b:�ACh
<br /> of any aovenant or egree�nent in this Security im�trument (but nat Qiiolr to acoelerallon undrr',�pr�grs�ph.�9,.iuxles� :
<br /> s�ppllc��bte law pmvldes otherwise).Ti�e notice s�ail spoctfy: (m)the d�'mv�t;(b)the actiox�e�equfe+�et4,��•cure t�e'�dMautt; ��" .
<br /> (c)m�Jst!te,not icsv thaa 30 days fcom th�dnte We nottcc ts.gt!�en to 13orrower,by wldch the defuult mu�t De 3�red;�and
<br /> (d)C�r»R�t�iture W cui+e the defoult on or before the date ap�ciited in the noNce may result!ai accderatton a�'R�e.�cume
<br /> seGired��by this Security Instrument and sale of thr Property '1Y►e notice shall further inforin 13ormwer of t�t�tsi�tit to
<br /> refnstate a:ter acoelaxat➢on and the dght W br[ng a oourt uctiw►to as5ed Wc aon-cadstence of a default or u��;��pthcr
<br /> detengt of Borrow�r.;�o AoceleraHon ttnd s�le.I�the detault Ls not curnd an or befare the date specified in itte�iMi�x,
<br /> I.ender,rt its opt(on, m�yreq�[r�Imrrnedtate payment Qn t1ii1 oi ull�:mjs eccnred by this Se�urity InsU'+�mGnt wCth�nut
<br /> turthex danand and Rtay iavoke¢h0 powcr of sale aad any otlier rQmcdies perniitfod by appIlcable iaw.E.endcr sha�l be :
<br /> enti6!l�d to�Ilect a!I expenses incuF�'�d!n pursutng the�edtes pmvlded in thia par�raph Zi,incledlr+g,but�u!Dm[ted
<br /> to,Qehcto�t�ble attorneys'feeg and costs of Ntte evidence.
<br /> ' I�idepo wer of salc[s E�rolced,'Trustee sh�ll reoord n nod+�e of deQault In eact►mounty in wMr.h aRY��fla'��ai tlx
<br /> p�,nPerty 1�Ikated and 6hal! matl copies af�uc3o notice in the�nanne►�smscr[bed by appllca��le law to I�oirowef and to " .
<br /> � the uther persons pnscrib�d by oppldcable la�+.r'Wter tAc time cequ9re�1 b�applicuble Iaw,Trustc��hal�give pnblic nuttee •
<br /> � ot !c 4o the persong�nd in the manner pt+e�.rlY�ed by applicpble law.Trustee,wttiwnt dcmand on Bon+oR�r,sltxll sell
<br /> tio� operty at pubiM aucttom to th:higt�est 6idder ut the timc and plaae And�nder tl�e temis deslg�►4ed ia h2�c.t�ottue ot
<br /> �L�i r���s:_••�•^��4*4!in any nt+dem Tn�staa d+ec�Mrnt�ntg.1'ntstec maY I�i�ne sa(e ot eelt or any�rs3t�re'i.of ihc
<br /> �------—M ^�
<br /> - p►Y►p�rty by pubitc annoi�acernait nt thz tIme und piac�nt gny�3'.vlou;iy s.��i�!le�i�;e.e.c:.c��:Ees��.s1�?i�s�..�
<br /> pvmhasc fhe t�m�erty st�ny�te.
<br /> '� Forrr�sb2e sleu
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