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<br /> TOt3ETHk?R!.!![Tw nll thc improvements rtow or hem,�fter erected on the pmperty.nttd all c.�scntcat�.appurtcnanccs,and �
<br /> tixtures now os hercaftar a part of the property. All replacements �usd udditians shnll al5o be covercd by this Stcvrity _
<br /> Instrument. All uFtha fufeBoin�is rcferrea!to in thl»Securiry Instrument as the"Praperty."
<br /> ti013[dOW�R CQdENAt�TS that�arrower ia luwfully ticisuf of the estate her�by a►rwcycd und iu►s thc right ro��runt and -.
<br /> canvey thc Peopc�ty and that the Pmacrly is uncncun�bemd.except fnr encumbrunces of rccurd. Bnrr�wcr�vnrrants und wlll
<br /> defend�etteruqy the dtle to tho Peoptrty ngafi�.st utl claims a�id demnnds.subJc�ct t�uny encumbmnres af mcard. �
<br /> TH[S SECURITY iNSTRUMSNT a�mbines uniform covenunt�for nattonal use artd non•uniform covenmus with llmited ,
<br /> vuriaduuy t�y jusiulicdun w�:nustitute n unlform sccuriry instn�m�nt rnvednB rral ntv►perty. ' � :
<br /> UNIFORM C�V�'NANTS.Bonower nnd I.ender covenant und ogre�ug fallowe: ,
<br /> 1. Faym�nt u4 PcincipAt aitd Interest= �egaymc�t und Late Chnrr��e!�. Barra�srer shall pron�ptly pay �vhen due thc �
<br /> principal of end interest on the debt evtdenced by the Note und nny prepayment and lute churges due urtder the Natc. j
<br /> 2. ��rd� for Taxa�and Insurau�. SubJcct to ngplicubia lnw or to n wdtten wuiver by i.ender.8arrawer shull pay ro ;
<br /> Lender an thc dny monthly pAymenta nre due urtdet the Nute.until iha Note ix paid in full.u sum("Funda")fur:(a)ycurly tnxes -
<br /> cutd ossess�uent��which may uttain priority over this Secority Instrument as u lien on the Property;(b)yeurly Ieusehold payneenta
<br /> or grouad rente.on Eha Prnperty,If any;(c)yerely hnaaod or property irtsuranv�premtvms;(d)yearly tlood insur.incc premiuma,
<br /> if any;(e)yearly rnvrt,Ago insumnce premlums,tf�ny; and(�vny sums puyabte by Borrowcr to Lettder. in acrnrdanw wlth
<br /> the provi�flons af psata�'uph S.in.lim+of the puyment of mon�oge insuruRCe premiums.Tfiese items nre cafted"Escrow Items,'
<br /> Lendee mmy,at any time,colle� ��.'�hold Fuads in nn u�naunt not to exceed the msuimum amount a lender for a falerally �
<br /> mintal�mortga�e loam m�y requfec�vr$omow�r's escrow�soount under the federnl Real Estnte Seltlement Procedures Art of
<br /> 1974 as umended fmm tiu�s to ttme, 12 IJ.S.G.�ei�tion 2G01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless onather luw thnt npplies tu ttta Funda
<br /> sets a lesscr amou�t[t'co. I.ender may, at nny time,witext artd hofd Funds in an amount not to exee�l the IccsE:r uianunt•
<br /> 1.end�,r n�c►y cstimate the amaunt oE Funds due on the bsisis of,cwrcnt duta und t+eusonable estimates af cxpendttua�uf future
<br /> Bscmw Itcros orathenvise in nccsintnr.ae with npplic:able law.
<br /> 1'h� Funds si�all be held in nn insUtutton whosa dcpos:ts are Insueed by n fedeml agency, instrumentality, r�r eatliry
<br /> (Includin�l.endor. if LendcY is such un institudan)c+r in any Fedeml t'�omz Lonn Bnnk•Lereder shall appl��tho Funds t�pay ihe
<br /> Escrow Items. Lcn�i�r,mny not charge Borrower for holdtng und upplyii�c;;�k��unds,unnually anulyzin�ttt�escm�v account�or
<br /> � varifying tl�e Escro�v Itains. unlass Lender pays Borrower intocc�*on tiie�xu��s and applicable Isw permits Lender to malce sach
<br /> A ChN'1?,0. Hotivever,Lender�z►;,u s�a�pire Borrower to pay a onc�rr:tie charge for un lndependent real estate utx reporti�;�rvice
<br /> used by I.ender in�nnection �,itii thia loun, unle� upplic,'�:e law provides atherwise. Untess nn agreement is mude or
<br /> • � applicable law �uitcs intonest to be puid.Lender shat!nut b�requ�c+�xl to F,ay Horrower any intertst or e�rnings on the Funds.
<br /> ' ��� Barrower and Len�iet inuy eg�in wrldng,Goivevet,that irterest s1►s�1 be patd on the Fund.v. L.ender sh�ll give to B�or�ower.
<br /> � withn)St:rhar�e,an anm�ai accvuuu�ig vf t1►o T'�.slia•.:�:�,csr�s:ass�sle�f�s t�rh�Funds and thc purQose far which each
<br /> debit��s,t�'te Funds was�nnde.l'�cQ i=�nds are piedged as add.�Vxor��2 security for utl sums secured by this Seca►rity Instrun►ent.
<br /> ' If the Funda held by Lender e,u.:e�d the cunuunts p�srnv►Mef!iA be held by upplicable luw.Lender shnll r�ccount to i�fltrower
<br /> for the exc�s Fonds in.nccordance�vith 1he mqutrements of rippllcAble luw.If the nmount of the Funds heid by I.�':ndicr as any
<br /> tim�ls not su�'4iei��t r���ay thc F.scrow Items�v�:asi duc.Lender mny so rcu�S�r.Borrower in wridx►g,and�in sush case lBon+ower
<br /> - �,. sh�111��y to LendQi��te nrreount ncces.ssuy to make up tho daGcicncy. Borto�ver shall muke up thc defictcncy in no more than
<br /> lur,!!'�ntonthly paywents,at L�tir.��r'A sole discretion. '
<br /> YJpon payment In tWl of tsSn sums secured by thiF Seciif�cy Instniment. Lender sha�1 promptly nfund to 8�rnr��!er a�y
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under purAgraph 21.I.ender shall acquirz ar sell the i>roperty.Lender.pdar to the acquis�2dmn ot,sele -
<br /> of the I'reperQy,shall apply nny Funds held by I,ender ut the time of ucqui9ition or salo as�cred[t u�ainst thv sums scxured by
<br /> this Security Insuurrtent.
<br /> � 3.ApplicaN��oi Paymente�XJnless applicable law prc�yEdes otherwiso�nit paym�nts re�ceived by Lender under paiagraphs
<br /> 1 ii�u1�.shnll be npplied:first,to e�ny prepuyment chur�ee�due alnder thci Note; second,to umaunts p�yabla under�r�ph 2:
<br /> thitrY.•ta interest due;f4unh.w princiNal due:und last.to anp'lA4e churges duQ under the Note. ' :' �
<br /> ' •• a.Cherges;,.'�R2x�s.Borrowtr shall pay ull tnxes.assessments, cl��es, fines urtd impositions attributubie to ti�p'Prapetty
<br /> _-t�.,�.�;., �vhfch a�ny nttalA�.;�rd9rity over this Secudty Insmiment. asid leaschold:,�ayments or ground rents,if a�y. Hoaowcr`'�ha�l pay::.. ;
<br /> ' ' thee�ia'�2igndans��i the manuer provided!n puraIIraph 2,or if�}at p�id in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on ti',�'d��y :;';' '�'`
<br /> � to tiYfe�rson owc�l payment.Ewprxowcr shall prompdy fumr,wh!to I,ender�11 notice.g of nq�,ouni�to bES paid w�der t��ta,�P.!►�8*�Ph•
<br /> ;,. IP Bormwer mekes tl►eso paym��ta''dlrectly.Borrower sh�lt�pram'pNy fumjsh to L�tder rea:ipts evidencing th�payr�r tjt6:
<br /> , Bonnwcr ahall pmmptly dischn�e any t's9n which hns pddriry ovcr this Secarity InUuument unlcss 13orrower:(e��agcecs in .
<br /> - , writing eo the p�ym:nt of thc ubifgutiv�i se+'�isc,d hgr ths iieu iu n uieu�tcr rc�t{usshle to I.tssder:{�?Cp23te°L9 4!!�°,C^�fnit�;jrs+��P_n .• _
<br /> ��;'•%� ' wy.;:ac defends ugnin.5t enforcement of the lion in,lo�al pra�ed�nge widcli in the Lender's apininn opemte to prevent the ,
<br /> en#'��Y�ement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of¢ho lien nn agr�ement sutisfactnry!o Lendrr suhordi«ati:�.�;;1he 1 ien td
<br /> tGis 5eeuriry Instrument.If Lender determines thnt any part of the Property ts subjsct to c►lien which mny ntwin Frioricy ov�r
<br /> ..`''' this Secudry instrument,Lxnder mny IIive Bonower a nodce ic�endfyin�the lien.Borrower shnii satlsfy the lien or tuke dno ar •
<br /> more of tho as�ic�aua set forth nbove v�ithin la�ays of the Biving of notice.• , •
<br /> _- , .. . form 3020 91H0
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