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<br /> 5, �ed oP Prope�4y Insurnnae. Borro�vcr ShnU keep the impmvements now ex�snng or hereafter crected an t�sc � �
<br /> Property insurcd aguixest loss by fire. ha•wrds includcd w[ihin the term "extended covemge"and nny ather huzurds, inctuding —
<br /> flaads or floading. far which I.er.der ca�uires insurnnce. ThiK insurnnce rhaU bc maintnfnecl in the umounts und fur the pedads �
<br /> that urtder r�equires.The insumnce carrier pravlding the insurnnce shull be chosen by Barrow..r subject to Lender'�npp�oval �
<br /> �vhich shall nat be unrea.sonably withhcld. If Barrower fatls to muintuin covemge described above, Lender may. at I.ender's �
<br /> aptian,obtnin wv�mge to pratect l.e;nder's rights in the Property in uccordance with pamgmph 7. �
<br /> All insuranc�: policIes and renewnls shall b�acceptable eo L.ender nnd shall include a swridaud mortguge clause. l.ender
<br /> shNl have the dght ta hold d�e policics wt�!renetivals. If L.eader renuires,Borrower Fhall promptly give tatender ull receipts of �
<br /> paid premiums and rene�val notices.I�t the event of loss.Borcower shall give prompt natice to the insu�nce cuttier and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof of loss if not mnde prom�ily by Borrower.
<br /> Onics.s L.endar und Borrower othenvise agrec 1n writing. insuriu►ce proceeds shall be applied to restorntion or repair of thc
<br /> Pmperty damagad.if the restoratiom or repair ls ecunomicullp feaslble and Lender's sccudty is n�t lessened.If the restoradon or
<br /> repair ia not economicaUy feaslble as Lendor's secur�ty would be I�sencd.the insur�r►ce pmce�9 shall be appltad to the sums
<br /> fir.cured by this Security Insuument. whathar or not then duo, with any cxcess paid ro�airower. If Horrower abandons the
<br /> property,or dces not anawer within 30 days a notioe from Lender that the insurancc carri2r has affen°.d w settle u c1aIm,then
<br /> Lender mny colleci th� insurance proceeds. Lender may use thes praceeds to repnir or r�stote the Prnperty or to pay sums
<br /> secu�eG by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.'dY�a 30�day poriod wiU begi�Nban the natice is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender and aorrawer otherwise ngree in ariting, any nppliattion of pr�cea;ls to princlpal shnll not enten� or
<br /> postpone tha due dftte of tiig monthly paymenta referred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 oi�bs►nge the amot�nt of the paycracnts. lf
<br /> under paragcaph 21 �hc�raperty is acyuired by Y.ender. Borrawer's r�ght to aay Insutnnce pollcies and proceeda resulting from
<br /> dam�r e to the Proparty prlor to the acquisftlon shali pass to Lender W the cxi�nt af the susng secured by thia Secudty Insuument .
<br /> icnmediately prtor to the ecqulsltion.
<br /> 6,OscupAUCy,Preservutton,Dinintenancc and Protection of the P'roperty:Barro�vor's Loan Appliuttton;I.e�seholds.
<br /> Boaowcr shull occapy.establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence withln sixty d�ya ttt�er th�executlon of
<br /> this Secudty Instr�ment nnd shall oontinue w occupY the ProPertY as B°n'°„'er's prlacips�l residence for at least one year after
<br /> the dute of occupancy,.+�nless Lender otherwIse agrees in�vtidns,which cansent shall nat be unreasonably wtthheld.or unless
<br /> exeenuating ciccumswnces exist which ane beyond Borrow�zr's control. Borrower sh�ll not destroy> dumaBO or impa3r the
<br /> peoperty,nllow ihe Property to detedorate.or eommit wasYO on the Propeity. Botrower shall be in default if any forFaltur�s
<br /> actlon or prooeoding,whether civil or cdminal. is begvn that in l.ender's gaod faith jud�meut wuid resutt in forfeiturc of the
<br /> Property or oiherwise muter[e11y impair the lien created by this Secudty Insirument or Lender's secudty lnterest. Borrower mi+y
<br /> cun such a default and minstate.as provlded in paragraph 18.by causiqg the action or proceeding w be dismissed wtth a niliag
<br /> thut,i� i.ereder's good faith de{er�rrvtrarion. P�:iu�#ea fcsrF'si:uc af s2se F�rraws.!'s In�,r._st in the Property or ather materiul
<br /> Irap�irment of the liea createc! by i�ia Se�:uriry Insmunent or Lender's securiry Interest• Born►wer shsll also be in default If
<br /> Borrower,dudng the loan upplicutlbn p�ooess�gave materinlly false or inncc�unte infarrnation or stateaeents to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide l.ender�vtth any muteriui informadon){n oo�ection w[th the loan evldenced bg the No�e, iucluding.but nat timiPed
<br /> to,repreaentattons onuceming B4mower's oaupanay of the�coperty us a princlpal resldence.If thie Secu��y Instcttment is on a ,
<br /> leasehuld;iiocrovi+ar s}uill oomply with all the provisions of the lease. If Rorrower uequioes fee tiUe to the Proporty. t1�4
<br /> leasa'�v1tl.s►�d the fee title sS�all r�ot mer�e unlas I.end�r ag�ees ta the mecger!n wridng. � :
<br /> �.�iPratecttop of I�ender's�Righte in!t►e Froperiy.If Borrower faiis to perfann the a�venaus und ag�ents ca�alned ir+
<br /> this Security Insuument.ar there is u legal pmceatin�that rt�ny significantly affect Lender's rights fn the PropertY(such us�;
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.probute. for eondemnadon or forfeituce or to�+n�oree luws or reguludons). then Lender may do and�-, �.
<br /> pay for whntever is neoessary to pmtect the value uf the Property and.Lertd�r's rights in the Property.LeRder's actions n�ay . . '
<br /> inctude paying anY sums securad by a lien�whtcb has pdor�ty over thia Securicy I►}suuinent. appearing in cou�t. payin� �"�,
<br /> reasonable attomays'fees and enteXln�o�the Pmperry W m�1ce rePairs•Althon�t►Le�er nu�y tekc acilon under this parugrnph
<br /> 7.Lcreder does not huve w do so.
<br /> Any c+mounts disbursed by I.ender under this parasrupli 7 shatl become additional�debt of Bocrower �securod by this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument.Unless Borrower cend Lender agree to other terms of payment,Wese amounts shull h�ar interest from t11e
<br /> drite of disbursem�nt at the Note rnte nnd shall b� paynble. with interesi.upon notice from Le�xler to Boreower•seqaesting
<br /> �Sayrttcnt.
<br /> S.Mortgage Insuranoe.If Lender required rnortgnge insucnnce a.s a rn�ition of making the loan recauad by this Securicy
<br /> Inswene�ut. 8ornower shull puy the prem[um� required to matntain the�purtgage insnrunce in effett.If. far nny ceason. dia .
<br /> = rnotc�,e Insurc��e cov-raga rcqairai iuv Li;:.-==t t��=�or r.:�.�!�b�e in effe�*,Rnrrower shall pay ttus Dremiums required to
<br /> obialn ooverage substantially e.�utvulem to the mort�a,�e ins�rance prevtously in effect,at n cost subsia��tial{y equlva�ent:o tha
<br /> cost tn 8orrower of thr morr$age insurnnce previously in effe�t,from nn altemate martBage insurer appmved by I.ender. If
<br /> su�stantiully cqtaav�le�►t mortgpge insurance covetase is nni avuilable.Bomower shall Qay to Lender each monih a sum equ�l ta
<br /> one-t�vclfth of t�as y�arly mortgnge insurnnce premium bcing pAid by Botrower when the insuranoe�ovcroge lapsed or ceasod to
<br /> be in effect.LerttJet n�lt acocpt.use and rdnin these paymenta us a loss reserve in lteu of naortgage insurance. Loss rmserv..
<br /> Fortn 36Y0 BfOQ
<br /> Papo 3 ot 0
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