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<br /> p�yments may na!o»ser h:required,�t�t«optiaa af I..ender.if mortgaIIe insurnnoe covem6e(in the wttount nnd far dio period �
<br /> thnt I..�iider rc�ulr�s)pmvided by nn insumr appcoved by l.�ender apaln becarr�es uva{lablc and i:�abtnlneA. linrrower shall pay
<br /> the prcmiumv required eo maintain►nnrt�n�e inc:�mnr.e In eifect.or to provide u 4ass reserve. emtil the requir�ment�or mosgAge
<br /> insurnnce e�tds in accardance v�ith any writtnn nIIreenunt betwe�n Barrawer and i.ender ar applicable law.
<br /> 4.Ins�erllan.l.�nder ar its ngent mny make musanable enMes upon and inspectians of the ProRerty. Lcnder sh�ll give
<br /> Borro�ver natico at the t{�of ar pdor ta nn ine,}tc�cti�n specifyin�reusonable cause for the inspoction.
<br /> 10.Condemotnttan.The pracecds of un�� uwnrd or cinim Cor damages. dirrGt or mns^quentiul. in connection�vtth any (� __
<br /> rnndemnutian or other tnking of any pn�t af thH Pmperty.or for conveynnce in lieu of condemnat�on, am hereby a5signed und �
<br /> s1�a11 Ue puid to Lcnder. �
<br /> In thu evcnt af u total tnkinB of tha Pmpcct;r.tha proceais shall he upplied to the sums securod by this Sccudty Instnnnent,
<br /> ahether or not then due,with any excess paid ta Bar�U��er. In the event of u partiul¢aking of the P�nperty in which the fntr
<br /> murket vuluc of the Pmpcny lmmediately befot�e tita tnhing ia equ�l to or greater thun the c�nmunt of the sums secural by thls
<br /> Security Instmment immediately before th�tnking,unlcss Borrower nnd i.ender oth�rwise agree i�wdting,the�um�secured by �
<br /> thia Sscurity Instn�ment shall be ceduaasf by Wc 4maunt of the prooeeds multiplied by the fallowin� fructton: (a) the totnl
<br /> nmount of th:sams cecured Immediately bef�iu�th�tnlcing, divided by(b)the&tir mnrket vnlue af the Property irrurtediately
<br /> beforc the eulcing. Any b�lance shnil ba paid t�sa�r:u�vQr. In the event of u partial wking of thc Property in which the fair
<br /> maricet vnlue af thc PropeYty tauncdintot�►befure thc tnicing is less 11�an tho amount af the sums secured immtdiatcly b$fore the
<br /> tnkIn�.untess Borrower�ued Lender athe�cr�t agrec in wridng or unless applicuble law othenvtse providcs,tt�e proceeds shall
<br /> be applied ao the sums securc,d by tltis Sernorty Instts�ment whether or noi the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrowar,ot!f,after notice by Lender to Borrower thnt the condamnor offers to mn7:o an
<br /> lward or settle u ctuim for dumnges, Botx+u►vpr f�lla t,a Qespond to Lender wlthin 30 days nRer thc date the notice is givrn,
<br /> li�atder is authorized to collect and apply tha pn�u�;�N.�ui E�s option,cithcr to restorsdon or repair of the Property or to the sums .
<br /> secured by t!►is Security Instrwnent.wholhar or•naU thu»�ae.
<br /> Unl�s Lender and Barrower othanvice ngcoe in writing. any appliastton af procttxls to princtpal shall not eatcar.�or
<br /> �ostpane t�e due dace of the monthly puymant�n3fatmd to in para�rupha 1 und 2 or chenge the umount of such paymEnta.
<br /> 11.Barrower l�'ot Release�;For#�e�ranaa QE��I.�+rr.�er Not a Weiver.Extensian oP the time for puy�tr�ent or modiftcatlon
<br /> of amartixatian of the sums secured by thls 8ecudbj�Yuf�ent grantc:d by L�ercder 1�a any successor tn tnte�st nf Sormwer shall
<br /> not opern.te ta release the linbility of tha ari�tnnt Hottower or Borrower's succe,ssors in inte�st. I.ender shal)not be r�qui�+ed to
<br /> oommence prcx:eodings aguinst any saar.essar in interest or refuse to extend tiene for p�yment or otherwise mudify amortization
<br /> af the sums secured by thia Security �ti».nunent by reason of any demur�d mude by the origina! Borrowor or Bp�wer's
<br /> isuocessors in InYerest. My fotbearanoa by Lender ttt exercislnII nny right or remedy shell not be u waiver of or preclud�the
<br /> ' exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> ll.�tt�18 ttau n83i�iiS a8iii3�;a��w� Lf9��3'±� '���?°�'-a►ven8tll8 i3Ld 3gitP�D1CIIt8 0�Q1�S
<br /> Se�ur�ty YO�scrument shall bind and beneiit the sucoasots and�.cs3IIns of i.�nder and Borrower.subjeet to�lie pmvisians nf
<br /> ,paragcagh �97. Horrovrer's covennntn anfl agteements shall be joint t►nd severul. Any Borrower who oo-slgns this 5eeurity
<br /> ' �ni�tcument but does not executo d�a�Nota:(a) is co-signing this Security Insuument only w mortgage.gr�nt and convay,i�gt
<br /> 1�prrower's interest in the Pc+operty uador she tezms ct nhis Secudty Insuument;(b)is irot persont�llly obligated co pay the cut►'�s
<br /> '� secur�by this Security Ins2tumEnt�and(c)agrees at�at Lend�r and uny other Borrr��ver may egree to extend.modify.foibear or
<br /> make nny ac.�ominodations�vidi rcga�d•t�t�he terms of thia Security Insut►ment or the Note without that Borrower's consenL.
<br /> 1g.F�,r�p•C1iar�es. If tho lonn bc4'GUt�d by Uus Security Instnunent Is subject to a law w'hieh�sets cavclmum losn c�arges.
<br /> •� •'urd thut law is finally ln2erprct�sd�o that t6e iaterest or other loan chnrges.oollected or to be collectad in aonneetion witri the
<br /> �' 9oan eace�the permittod limita,then: (a)eny such Soan chtirge shatl bts c�educed by the tuttount ne�essary to taduce the charGe
<br /> '��, to the peimiued limit;and(b)any sums already oa-�ected from Borrower which exoeeded permiucad li�nits.w�11 be tetLnded eo
<br /> Borrowet. .l,ender mny choose to mntce this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or b}�,mnking a dlrcct
<br /> puYment �i�.�onower. If a rafund neduces principal, the reductlon wIU ba treated as a partial prcpaYmee�t wubRL7x eny
<br /> , prepayme�t chargc under the Nota. ,
<br /> 14.I+ioUccs.My na3�oa to Hornower ptr�videsE!i-�r�n th;s Secudty Instn+ment shall be given by del[vering It or by mailing
<br /> �; �it hy Grst closs rnafl unless applia�ble luw requims�se�af 8nother method.'I7ccE�v.'s8ce shWl be directed w tho�+operty Addres.s .�•
<br /> or nny osher nddress Bnrro�►�z d��iYt�s by notice to LendeT, �i�y natice to Lender shnll be given by�first class mai�W .
<br /> E.ender's address stttted h�,rein or att�t��fia u�dress Lender desig5tates by nodoe to Botrower. My nndce providod fnr•'�n�t►is
<br /> Security In�uument chull be do�am0d to't�aave been given to Bormwer or Lender when given as provtded in t�his p�urugraph�.� �•..'�
<br /> 1�� IS.Governing Law; 3eveeab�lity. '[4iis Securlty Insaument shnil 6e govemed by fedcral ta�v nn� the law�Qf the
<br />— jurisslicttun tu�ahie"�►t�e tn'opvrty is Eorttuci. In dhr:�vr.ut t�t�y provi�3�n or clruse o€this ce,r���iry ivriitracw�ent or the Nate
<br /> ' confltcts with appficablo la�v;such confltct shall nrn��ni�t other provisIons of this Secudry Insuumcnt or the.I�ate whid�can be
<br /> given effect witl�out the c.untitctIng provtsiun.To this end the Rrovlstons of thls Se�udry insctument und the Note nne declnred
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> l6.Bornuwer's Copy.Bor►+ower shall be given ano oanforn�tad oupy of tha Note wid of this Sec:uricy tnsriument.
<br /> Farm 9028 8180
<br /> v�4 016
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