r4 �1 �� �`� �. Y.'� � = .
<br /> �a� �'r` ��r�-
<br /> � ., ---- --
<br /> — _ —_ - - - ,
<br /> .. , ��
<br /> .
<br /> _ �__ .��: 93�,
<br /> rckrred ta in p�a�ph 2.or dw+ge�hc aa�oum oi w�prymano. A�ry oxo�ss pr0000ds over sn�n�ouM roquirod to pry dl
<br /> - ��une�r�ae wae.po w�so�y��i�p.w w u��a+n►kwur a�a�a«.w.
<br /> �.Rea.t,ena«m.y oof�«x re�ana ch�r�es.wnori�aea by tbe sec�pey.
<br /> !.G�+a�dr tar Aoodera�ioa at Deb.
<br /> - -.t1. . - _ _ -_
<br /> - -------- (�1 Dediult. I.ender may. eKapt ac Ilmilad by nsgulatianr icwed by the 5ecretary in the eace of paymp►t defwko.
<br /> . nequirc immodi�to payment ia li�ll of all wmr socured by this Soeu�ity liutrumrnt if:
<br /> . l i1 Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full aay monthlY paYma►t tequired by tbls Soeu►ily Inuruma�t prlor to or
<br />,:� on�he due d�te of the neat monthlY p�Yment.or
<br /> (li) Nornower default�by failin�. for a pe�iod of�hi�ry dnys. to perf'orm+�uy other obll�elianR aaMaioed in thiQ
<br />---- Securily I�aem.
<br /> _--;; •
<br /> :��s,ar (b) 3We VYil�t Cra1(t Appnov�l. Lender sl�ll, if pernuded by Applicable law and with�he prior approval oi t6e
<br /> . ,�".:�;� Soc�ury.requirc inunodiate payment ia i'ull of all sums secu�d by this Secu�iry Instnimea ii:
<br /> �n
<br /> _ �'' �i{. � li1 All or paut of�he Piopeny, w�b�enet'�cial interest in�erust owning�II or put of Ure Prope�ty. i�soid or
<br />``=:::,':�� � ahawise transferned lather�fine��p�.�+ese or des�t)bX Q�e�rrower.and
<br />:`;r�i�;," ; lii) The P�opaty 4S n� occupieo! �by the pan.�se� ot �,nantee as his or her prineipal rcsidenac. ar �he
<br /> .�.ri:�!�w�,�l��
<br />-::t.� pur+chaser or g�ntee t�a��sa oocupy the I'rope�aq�6sr:hip ar h��crodit hr�not ban appmred ia aoowdmooe�h�ho
<br /> a,;CA�
<br />,'::'�fi+ - s�cqtsFsts�ais of d1e Sncretary. . .
<br /> -}:,:��;
<br />-`ffr`�F����+� (e)No Wa6�ar.if circumswnces accur ti►nt would permil Lender e�r c�+yuine immaliate payment in fbll.but L�ender doeg
<br />`-.� £� ' :,.� � not roquire stor0o paymatts,l.eoder do�nat wAive its�i�witb respect w wbsequent evertts.
<br /> � ;�.,� �n,
<br /> , ,•ii;;'°:.'�.
<br /> .d (� Re�al�tiws ot HU�Secpefar�. ➢�e many circumstances ncgulations issued by the Sa�ary will limit l.ender's
<br /> o:'•�� �ights in tt��:,zse af payment def�uCt: <<�roquire immediate payment in full mrl foreclose if ncH paid. 7'hiR Security
<br /> -.;�C ` : Insttumcnt does nat authorize a�acetecsuti�on or fonclosure if not permlttod by regulalions of tl�e S�:tetary.
<br /> �_;,
<br />•s_.'. (e)Maigt�e Not lasured.Barrower agrecs[hat a0c�ouid�his Security Instrumeat and the Nae zecurod a6en�lrj;aot be
<br />"`z���_ eligible far inxurar�uixler tFie Natiorral Hiwning Ar.� wilhin 60 days fmrn the c4�te heren!',Lsndtr mny,„?k��tion
<br /> ,.� :' rind notwir.C�a�ding anything in p�gra�h 9, require imrnediate p�aoient in full of all sums securod by this Security
<br /> � • nd
<br />'.,!'����.,,-�'� fi4 In�trumena. A written statement of u�r.�: xuiFu�riud ugent af the 5��:�xrry dated subse,queot ta 6t1 days from the datc
<br /> •• hereaf,decfie�in�to insure Ihis Sec�orit} Onstrument and the Note�ecu��ed tf�ereby, shall be deemed oonclucive praof of
<br /> � I"� � ���;;..:;.; surh ineligibi0ity. Ndwicbsranding IQ�e Poregoing. this option may not be eae�riced by Lender when the wwv�ilability
<br />_°-.•<< - - �'�'�-r , oi insur�ncr is soiery due tu�.e�uer's fuiiu�ta remu a mongage�nwran�e preauurn to the�ecrewry.
<br /> /� BC
<br />-r-j•`;n ° I�'' _
<br /> ``'�"', , , 10. ReinstAtetnent. Borrawer ha.g a ri�tns to bc reinstated if l.ender hns requir+ed ima�ediat�r paym►cra in full because af
<br />-�Ye�'��'a"�,' � ' BoRre�wer'�foilure to p•ry an amount due under t�he Note or e�his Security Instniment. Thk ri@ht App9ie.� even aRer fc*�tclosure
<br /> ii:. .���. � �:..�� ` � .
<br /> �,:1•'_ �I,�yjl�hGf/�Nf l
<br /> •��5�F���� • •• ,.,;,�rf�?;, , pr.�cuatinss nre instiwted. Ta reinslate the Security lns�cuanen�. Bnrruwer tihnll tende�ira a lump sum all amount�ec+qudRed to
<br /> 'r�f� �• .. �` "'',��:� •' brir$ ti�+nower's accauat curre�t imcl�uling, to the extent �3�ey are obligations uf&moa�er under this Securit• I�e:�raam�e�t, —
<br />'.`;:sR:'.• �'��'"�'{�'°'_ �; • foreclosure costs and reasonable uni cusN�mun• attorneys' fees and eapen,es properly aswcisNed with the faterlusur�e —
<br /> ;ir�,..'t.. .,i� prooeeding. Upon ccins�atemem by Bormwe�. ehi: Security In.rtmment nn�l th._�+bligutians Ihat it srcare��II remuin in effec:t
<br />--Y�,�,;•� , � .� �
<br /> _„ �4 ^ • �,���,'4t���+' `a' as if L.ender had not«quin+d immedi�te payto�c:n•� in iull. However. Lender i.mx r4•yuired to permit reir�:e�inement if: (i)l,ender
<br /> ''`. `' has xcepted reinswtdment aRer ahe rommenrement of foreclowre pracr�lings wi�hin two yearc irqmed8ately prneding the
<br />_�' "' rnmmencement of a current forec�osure pruceeding, (iil rcinstutement will prrxlude fnre�iosure on diSferent groue��s in 1ha ��
<br />- r future,or(iii)rcfnstetement will odversely aff�7 ehe priority of the lien rreLted by this Secu�ity Instrumeau.
<br /> . �,;.:;i.. , _-
<br />':�.. �','"W� 1l.8orruwer�o�t�des�sed:�orbepran�r 1@a•Lender Noi a Wniver.Ex�emion u(the time oF�a�.�u,nt or modifiration of �
<br /> �:.� }• amortiaation of the 9ums secu�d by this Serudty Insirumerot eranted by L.endcr to any yucrexxir in imerest�if&►rrower slwll e=
<br />;_j.�,; s�'a�;,�'' not operute ta nelease the liabilitg: vf the origin�l Bomoaer.+r�orfuwer'c tiucceswr in intere��. L.ender shall not be required�a -
<br />'"r'.+.�� ��; ,�}'.' "' ' oommence ptoceedings uguinst uny sutt�essor ia intercst or refuse t��extend time 1'or p�ym�iW ur ucherwiae madifj anumiuition -
<br /> ;' ;.�i; of�he wms secured by �his Security In,�rument by reux►n i�f vny dema�xl m:u1e by �he o�igitul Br,rrowcr or Bc►rrower's
<br />:--�;c° .,,���y�.-_::�= auc.�.wra in interc�t. Any fir�i�rairaike by i.r��Jer in eaenitiing uny nQh1 �►r remeJy �hal� n►n bz a weover ol eir preclude �he _
<br /> ��� •� 'r-,,.t +' � eacrcise of any��ht or remedy. _
<br /> - '; .•r.�h`�'��"-}�`� e
<br /> I j :•�.�. lh ..2'b.! _
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