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<br /> _.�� •93=�lor�si�
<br /> �:. S�ooe�oh�na A�pw 6oaoa�iotnt .aa sevaal u.ba�ty: co�Si�a�s. 'n�e ooYa�ts.�d ��omna�t,or�,
<br /> --__�__.�� 8ecu�iry I�chwll bind and barctit tdo a�ooawn w�d ucigro ai I.ader �nd Narrower. subject w�ho provicion�ot
<br /> p�gn�ph 9.b. Norrowr,�'s cnvaunto md ��u slu�ll be joiet and t�.we�l. My Bormw�er who oo-t3�ns thl� Sacutity
<br /> tacaumap bw doa na�exaa�ee�he Nae: Ipl l�ca-signing�hia SeaKi�y I�wru,nau only w mort�,�e. �un u�d ooavry�Wt
<br /> � BoRawer's imaost in the Propetty under t8e temtc of thi:Securiry Incwmau:lb!ii not petsa�lly abNgrNed to p�y the wm�
<br /> _ �onuod by tAlt 5a�rity tnqromau:�td lc)�r�ees�ut l.rndcr and any dhcr Bam►we�may q�nee w extend.madify.faix�r or _
<br /> -- -- oyke any aoaomqnodqlon�wlth rc�and to Ihe�of tdis Sesy�ity laspuman ar the Note without tI�M Botrovva's oo�cem.
<br /> �--�----_----- _�
<br />. /3.Notios.Aay natioe to Bonower provlded for in t6is Saudty Instrumrnt shall be givrn by ddivetin�it or by m�iling
<br /> it by fi�ct clac�m�il unlexK appliaiblo law requirea usa of another mdhod.The notloe shall6e dinected w the Propaty Add�
<br /> . = or Any at6e�addras Bormwer deci�n�te.c by notice to I�ender. Aoy �wtja w I.inder sh�ll be�ivep by tlrit cins� m�il w
<br />_ Lerdu'a ddrcss slatad hencin or any addrcss I.rnder designua by naia w Borr�nwer.My notioe provided fa io lhis Secwity
<br /> _ tnwrYment shall be doemod a have ban Qivrn w Bomu�va�or l.ender when�iven a pmvided in d�ia para�p6.
<br /> li. Gover�t� I.Aw; Severa6Nily.. 7'his Savrity Instnuna�t shall bc govemod by federal Iow �d tUe 4w of the
<br /> juribdlctian in which the Pnoperty is locat�d. la tl�e cva�t tlwt a�r�pt�uviaion or clAUSC aF this Socu�ity I�tnunadt or tln Nate
<br /> caMlicls with applicabk law,wch ooailict sl�all aot at1'ect other provisic►rrc of�his Secu�ity InStnunent or�M Note whidi pa be
<br /> - gfven effcci wfthout�be ooafli�tiq�pari�iop.To�6is ead tlie provisia�a of Uu�Soauity Iaslnia�aU�nd 1he Nato aro docWod
<br />- to be sevenbk. _
<br />-- ':;..:.�� -
<br /> -- — — i3.Qor���:er�Ci�y.8u,�uw�aio.cJ i�r�ivco.Hrs wufw���ai�r�y uP tiJs S�xhuiiy imi�um��i.
<br />�..
<br /> ::' 16. Assi�oment ot Rmts. Borrower unoonditio�llly assigos aM uansfers to Lender all the rratts ud m��rnues c�f.�e
<br /> -_ �'rope�ty.Bc+mnwer authorizes l.ender or l.ender's age�wa ta oollert�e rcntc and rcvcnues and tKrcby�'drocts exh tenant v�rrie
<br /> :: Property to��ap the rcnts to l,ender or l.rnder's agents. Howe�rr..pc�i�or to l.erider•s notia ta Bortower of Borrowa's bta�i�of
<br />, any covenant ur agrcement io tbe Security lastn�ment,�xn�w�er�:d:collect and reoeive all mNS and rcvauxs of the Pmpexa�.
<br /> ,: as trustee for�he beneP�uf Lender aM Borrower. 7'4is ct�qm�r►t oi rcnts rnauudks an a6�olule t�i�nmait aM aoi au
<br /> ; �y�., ae�i�nrtKra for additional se�.vetity only.
<br /> ;i��y��^ .
<br />- +-�` If I�gives�wtice of bieach to Bumower. (a)all rcnts rerNir�by Borrower siwll be held by Bomnwer as tmstae for
<br />-���`.'� brnefit of l.ender onl .to be -
<br />�..
<br /> Y applied to t(ce sums securod by the Seza�i�:y Instrument:(b)L�ender shall be entitlad w rnllact:uxi
<br />_.,d .�`�`� _ r�eoeive all of tMe rents of�'re Prope�ty: aad (c)each 4.°ciant of the Property azl�all pay all rents due ond mpoiQ W L.etider or =
<br /> r>
<br />�.;,�' �,ender's a�ent on tJa�de�'s wrtten demwd ta the cea�acu:.
<br />_4, ,;,,r � .
<br /> ;;;�� ^�, Borrower hes not eaerutod any prinr acsignment of the rents and has not and will not perfwm any act that would preveat
<br /> :�� _-- - ---- l.ender fr+nm eaereising ils�ights ender tMs paragraph 16. .
<br /> -,�1 —
<br /> X
<br /> � iA'',1t,J,� � � wr�aired to enter upon,take rnntrol of or rrwintain�he Pmperty before or after giving notice of brcxh °'`
<br /> ,n:�'�'� L.ender s1�a11 not be -
<br />_ `' �'`�t'�i�: to Bomower. However. �,ce�.r or A judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a brca►.-h. Any ypplication of -
<br /> - rrnts slwll not cvre or waive any defataie or invalidate any dhe�right or rcmody of Lender. 71iis as�i�mrc�u of naqx of the
<br /> _ •.1 Property sFwll ternunate when�he debt secu red by the Sdcurlty Instmao�ent is pnid in full.
<br />- '��,� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower u�ui lxricler:fuAl�er cove�wnt and o�tree as follows: -
<br /> - .r.,!, —
<br /> 17. Forecla�surn Praoed�r+e.Ii I.endet reyuires iM�raiYli�ite pp�r+a�eat In iull uadrr p��grapb 9,L�d�r wslv Idvoke tbe =
<br /> � • pawer ot s�le and any di�er remedles permipetY by� uv�pfics�bYe faw. I.endrr s6n11 be entltled to ca�i�t afl expenses _
<br />-.'%. 1'''4 ,:.. •laeurred iq p�w�sui�tbe raAedles under Ibis par�rapb 17,iadwdi�;.•but aot limited to.re�oo�bte�parneys•fas�ad -
<br />- . .�. `����'`i �ea�tr ot dtle evldeuce.
<br /> ,*: �:*+,�� ;'�';.�.��r,, !' • -
<br /> s�;� i.z•�:o::h�. It tbe power ot sale�invoked, Trustee shs�ll record a ��or a�r«uoR �e9cn�oua�y b w�n,�y p.�t of en� -
<br />= � �.�' � •Nruperty Is located and�'hadl mnil cuples of such notice in Ihe manner pr+escrl�by uppllcable law to Borrower Aad to -
<br /> n
<br />-;`= - — ,::,.1�,�,,;<. the othc�persons prese�lbed by appli.�s+bAc law.ARer tNe time rpquired by applkable Ipw,Tn�stee sh�ll give publk ant�c.r
<br /> - •;��' :: ot aale to ti�e pe�sons smd in the munac�prescrlbed by applicAWe law.Tn�stee.wllhout demand on Borrower.shali a�lt
<br /> .- �` �� � the Property At publk auctbn to the hlg?adt Wdder et the Ume and
<br />=.��' t . ;<.. :.. pl�ce�nd umler the lenns desigaated ia tbe aodce of _
<br />':�.—_�, �le ta oae or more ppnrls and in any order Tw.aee determincc.Trusiee mv�• p�sipune sale of�II or mac paned of the
<br /> -- �� '"�` , •�"�';=3:� . �'f°P�Y bJ' Public annou�t w 11ce time aad�1�ce ot any prevfo�uly scheduled sale. l.eader pr its d�may
<br />'t� b ��+'..;''�: P��'��the Property at aay e�le. n =
<br />;6`'� ; w ;�'�_` �4AINE) v+w5ore -
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