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<br /> - �g3.io�.y1
<br /> 1. Fine�Flooa a�d Qther Hwr�d Lwra�e. Bormwer slwll inw�e WI iniprovem�ants on the Property.whdher now in
<br /> a�cistawe or wb�a�t�ently eroclod.+�af�t any haiard��cnw�Uiw�aad oontiq�rnciei. includin�firo�far wbich I.e�der roquircr
<br /> � inwrwme. Thir inwrmioc rhdl bc rt�imained io the iunaums and tar the pe�iodn th�t l.ender rcquiros. Norrowsr slWl dsa
<br /> Inwt�e dl improvcmaMs an tho Preperty.whether tnw in esicta�oo M wbce�quently cnecrad.�i�t Wsc by iloads M Ihe extent
<br /> roqulrcJ by thc 9xMuy. All inw�nne shall be carriod with rnmp�nies�ppro�•al by l.crder. The insuraaoe palicies uwi�ny
<br /> ronowalr�Inll be beld by Lendor and dull include bts p�blo cl�uces in tavor of.ard in a iorm aooep�ble w.irender• -
<br /> =�:�-_--.�------------.--.s
<br /> In d�c event of las. Bamnw�er slwll�ive L,ender i�nmediue naioe by m�il.Lender mry mAke Proot oi lasr ii nut mwle
<br /> pmmplly by BoROwer. F.�ch ineuranee comQanY eonarnod is hc�by authnriAOd and dironed la m�e p�ymaM far wch los�
<br /> diroctly to l.e�der,instead of la 9omnwer a�d to L.ender jointly.All or any�wrt af the inwrunce pr000e�c rosy t,e applied bY
<br />-; I�et�der. W its optian.either(al to the roduclion of tho indebtednesr under the Nde t�tnd thia Secu�ity I�ment.fiRt w any
<br /> delinqucnt a�rouots appliad in�hc order in paragrapb 3.and thcn 10 Pnpryman of princip�J.or Ibl ta the r�estoration or r�ep�ir
<br /> ui thc d�n�gad PmpertX. My application of Iho prooeeds to�he principxl sh�11 not eatend or poetpone ihe duc dwc of tho
<br /> man�hlY paymeats which aro refernd w in parpgraph 2.or ehange the wnount oP such paymen�s.Any exc�ess ic�uioc proceals
<br /> over an anwunt requirod a p�ay all autst�ndin� i�debl,odaesc undar ttla Note wd thic Smcurity ir.�ua�nt shall be paid to the
<br />__ - ��Y��Y aritled lhereto.
<br />' :`;',�; In the event of fo�eclowre of this Security Inswment or dhe� transfie� of ti�le to�he Propeny tl�ut exdq�uiehea 1t�e
<br />.��ar��;��c�l� indebodtKSS.all ri�ht,utic ar�d inteK►t of Borrower in and w iaw�ance palicies�a i'oron sh�lf pass w the punct�aser.
<br />-� --- — S. �4+n�;�y, P�vptln�, M.waw�ce �ua rrot�erlo. ot uk Prapetyt Barnawer•s l.�a Appliarrio.: .
<br />�;n�� I.eaeeholds. Borrower stwll occupy.e�taMish. and use Ihe Pnope�y as.Qorrow�;r's princlp�! res+�anoe within sixty days aRer
<br />_ f :n:��: tllC CxecWio�ok lhls Secunty Inst�umerek�d sAall contilwe lo a�.�ap� �!��e Property as Borrower'.prisu�pal resideaoe for�t least
<br /> o�y�or<«�a�or«x��y,unle��ttie Secre�ac��determinxs ei�is requi�ment will cause ueitdur haK�56ip for BomowcT.
<br /> W�' .; : � cx unless extenuating cireumstanoes exist which :sre bcya�d 8omower's control. Borrower sFwll �t��}• Lende�s of any
<br /> °` � � � extenuating circumstances.Borrower slwll not camiia�aste or destroy.damage or substantially cl�ange tb�r peoQa�ty or allow
<br /> '•�,� � the Property to deterforate, r+easaiwble we�r aod tear exoepted. Lender may iaspect the Propeny iP the Prope�ty ic vacant or
<br /> , �daned ar the loan is in dePAUlt. L.e�uLer may tal:e masonable u��ion to pratact and pn.�'c cuch vacant or abaidoned
<br />- �_ , .;t thinperty.Borrower siiall alsc�be in default if 8arrower.during the la:a�applicatian process,ga�,e umterially false or inaocurate
<br /> :,� �,, lnfom�ation or swtements to Lender(ar failed to pravicie l.ender wiYh eny materiai iafarn�at7on➢ in rnnnection wilh the loan
<br /> -- _ evidrncad by the Note including. but not limited ta. n:nrtsr�tia�as rnncernin� Borrawer's ooeupancy ai'�he Properry �A
<br />;",, - -ii�--, principal rcsidence. If.this Seturity Inslrument is on a�•�asehold. &xr+�wer shall camply wilh tte�:pravisians oP the IeaSe. If
<br /> , Borrower acquires fee tkle w the Property.Ihe leasehold and foe Iwf��haVl nut be merged unleac&er.der agrees to the merger in
<br />'-� ).r.:a . wriun�.
<br /> �_ '`�Stit'st.
<br /> �"4 'y.��^"`� R �ro�fn Rnr�rmcu+r ont)PIttMw'fintl nf I fwrYs�r�a Rlahfc in fh.Am wv w.�. .,eo ti.� . �
<br /> � . �!_. . �'.._. �R►� 5�!4!! �l83' .. j;:• iT..Tw"i�.iL� Oi
<br />'� °� � `"�!� municipal clwrges, Gnes and impositions that ur+e not included in paragrnph 2. Burrower shall pay these obligations on time
<br /> = s dircctly to the entity which is owed Ihe payment. If fAdure to pay would udversely aifec�L.enJer's interest in the Prope�ty,upon -
<br />' `� ,�r'.", Letder's request Bortower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidenring�hese payments.
<br /> �`�...�1
<br /> :�`,�.�. Rfhs If Borrowcr fails to make the�e p•ryment�ar the puyments rcquired by purugr.+pl`�'_,or f�ils to perForm any other rnvet�nts
<br /> ,�r;i:. .. �
<br /> =.._�iu., ,�� and agreements rnnlained in thia Securiry Inurunxnt.or there is u legaf proceedi�F[haa may significantly affect I.eader's rights
<br /> ��"�� � in the Property lsuch as u praaeeding in bankruptcy, for conJemna¢i.�r o7 10 C�fJTCC IAwB p1'r.��718U0I15).then I.ender may do
<br /> ..,,,te(
<br /> ; ;� � and pay whalever is necessury to pmtcc��he v�lue of the Prop�.�ny at�3 ix�ulet'a rig�as ia lhe Pr�operty. i�rcluding pay�of
<br /> 1
<br /> :..�_J;,,'=�;;;,i��� taxes.hau�rd insurance and other item�mentioned in RAQairn�h 2.
<br /> _;f: �. ,
<br /> $� `4���� Any atmwnts dishursea by I.enJer unJer thik pnragroph shsdl bea�me An a..�i�:ional debe nf Borrower arwl be sec�ured by
<br /> ���•�+1'� ;•�', r� ' .�`• �
<br /> ;{ta'?'t•.
<br />:..�ik�` z , , �. this Securicy Insirument. The:�e amounts shall bear interest from Ihe date of dislwnement. su�he ti•�te rnte.and�t the opiion of
<br />;�5; � ..� .�,f•,.�„}';;;.� Lender.xha1B be immediaae9y due und pay:vb�:. . _
<br /> .,fi ��„,.,A•. �'^:�i�;"
<br /> �2� �15"1'},5:. t�%
<br />;;,k,. �;��'r"�+�'4 �;�•}1t�r 7. Copdempsu7oa. Zhe prc�ceeda of any s►a••rrc� :�.° rlaim for dam�ges, Jixect or conxequentinl, in connection with any
<br />�=�;4�.: �.�y�+�; l,�t,�:S;S; condemnation or other IaCcing of any pa�n of Ihe Pr��rsy.or fur conveyunce in pi�ce o!nmdemtwtiun,ure hereby ussignod und
<br /> . '.r:} �" �,f�:• shall he paic� to�,ender to Ihe extent of the full amount a3 the indebe�necti tlwt remain.unpai�uncter the Note and this Secudry
<br /> M_:�'ti' �� �� fastrurncnt. :._-::dcr shatl appl��uch pm;;c�.�ta th:r,d�;tion cF t::;ind�btcdncs�cnd�r thc�ilt�and this Security lnstrumcnt, _
<br />::?:��: :f.,;rh{ =x�x:'� tirst to uny delinquent amaun�s applied in the order prm�iJeJ in parugruph �. arHf �hcn to prepaymcnt ��f principal. Any �
<br /> . 1� ;;;:; '�` a�licntion of thc pr�xe�:�d. to thc principal sha8i rnt r�c�enJ �ir pintpimr ihr it:ue �rate oi Ihr moMbh pa�:acr�►ts. which a� -_
<br />��,�s� •F��'J '+Yr ���{�� Pp�3 0l 8
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