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<br /> • f�_ :i. •.{J " , � _ . , rf;�..-- .
<br /> ¢. ,�i?li.��i':
<br /> `l_';.
<br /> ,r . :.,., . � _
<br /> � ' '_' � ' '.. _.__ _._. .._.`�_�.,. __ . - _
<br /> 9
<br /> ..� , . _ - --- - - - - - ----- -
<br /> ..� .._ __,..�y,:e y 3+���
<br /> 7�OCi67'H8R Wi7'H all �he imp►ovem�tc naw ar haaiRar eractod on thc pmpeny. and all acane�tc. d�1u�.
<br /> apputta�mioa�r�w.royaltia.mine�l.ail aad g�w dghto aad protits. watu d�Ats oad ctock ud all fl�cturcs oow or henaRer•
<br /> ----- p�rt ot ihe property.Alt�plroa�w�uw 4dditiom�I�11 alca ba aave�o+�by ti�iC Sowrity Incttamaq.AU of tbe fa�e�oiu�i�
<br /> �daned to la tWa Sea�riey I�t a�We'•Proparty.••
<br /> BORROWBR OOVENANTS ttwl BoROwer i�4wfi�lly�eised af the estato hereby conveyod�nd hAS tho dght ta�ant and —
<br /> __ caavcy the Pmpaty and tlmt thc P�+npa�ty is unct�cumbered. esc,ept for encvmbrancea of��ord. Barmwer w�traatr �ad will
<br /> -"�-�---__-��_�-� detend�ener�lly tho ddo to tLe ��
<br /> Prope�cy a�nu�l�c��imc�dea�.wbjeci a any ena�mb�ncrs ot reaord.
<br /> ''n 1.�'l�yma►t ot IMpdp�l�Iatenst sad I.�te Cit�e.Barrower�all pAy when due tho pdocipal of'.ancl imeroct on. �ba =
<br />..= debl evidenced by the Note�aid I�te c1�w due wider Ihe Note. �
<br /> ���
<br />�� 2. MoWhly P�yoxots ot Tua, la�ra�oe a�d Othcr Chwr��. Bomnwcr si�ll ioclude in eacb ir�awhlY �ayment.
<br />=- ta�dhcr witb the principa!and intercst as sd fwth in the Note a�od any late chsuges.an instatlment of any(al wuts wtd spocial �'"
<br /> _� asussmenta lavied or to be leviod +�gaiast �be Pir�ope�ty. lb) lace4old pyymeats or Qround rems oa tha PmpeMy. �od (cl
<br />-- — pte�r,ium�ior inwraoce roquirod by panl�raph 4. °=:
<br />- �--
<br />.:'_Y; .w.;:
<br /> _- �iv�61y inuallment for item�1a1.161.and(c)siwll eq�wl one-twclflh of the annwd amounts.ws rcasaubly estim�ted �:=
<br />..�-• by l�erider.plus an aaxwnt sufficirnt w mainain aa addi�bnal balanoe af not more than ane-six�h of the eseimatod anounts.The ---.
<br /> f�ll aruwal amount for each item ctwll be aocuuwist�i by Lender within a periud ending onc month bcforc an item wardd --
<br /> bcrome delinqueal. rw�der siull hald tbe � oollected in uuct to pay items (a). lb). and Icr befae thay booam --
<br /> delia�e+�• .
<br /> � ,.
<br /> t;
<br /> ' � � Bt au uriy time,the toW of�he paymenta held by Lender for items (al. tb). wd �c�, iagether with Ihe futurc monthly
<br /> �•.
<br />.;'��;, payrt�u5 fur such at�ng payable to I.ender pda�r w the due dates of such items,exctal.v'My� m�r•c tUwue�nc-sixth the estimated "°"-
<br /> :_..
<br /> �` amout�t oP payt�enAs n;quirad w pay such items µhen due. ud if paymems r,m the Note s�e c�acr�emi, �Rk:�m I.ender shall eilfmr ��-�
<br /> rcfwid the exr�,vs r,ver one-siath of the estinw¢�Fayments or crodit U�c excess over onc-s,xu�h m�t 9Qit esiimated paynta►ts to : _.
<br /> ���^ subsequent payt�e�it4 by Borrowu,at the optian oP 9ortower. If the towl of the paymems mad�by&�r�•ower for item 4a).(b), =-
<br />����; or(c� is insuf6icicart to pay the item when due,�then Borrower rlwll pay w Lerder Any amount neeess�ry to p�aYce up the
<br /> `�„'" defiol�aicy on or beFore the date the item beaoa�es due. --
<br />:•.s,°,;,,.
<br /> ;.,:
<br />--.-:JL'�1�
<br />--;���:s As u�i in tnis Sesvricy insuument. "Secrerary" means tite Secnetary of Housing and�ri�t�n Crevei�npment cx�is or iur _
<br /> .:,r�c .�� daignre. ]n any yeu in which the Lender must pay a mon�age incuranee premium to�hc Secreu�ry, es►ch monthly payment =
<br /> ,•,,� ; -�c_ �. shall afso include either:(i)an insraOGmerN of the annu�l mongage insurance premium to bc pai�D'bv dxnder to thc Secretuy,or "�-
<br /> •�.,,, •-
<br /> ,;, _,. ' �+ (ii) a munthly chiuge inuead of a mongage insurar�ce premium if this Secu�ity Inst�umenl is heC�i be� the Secretary. F.ach ' �'�`
<br /> ' ��� �� monthly inswllment Qt tfie mortgage insurance p�emium shull be in an amouna sufficient to accumulate t�+e Full annual mortgage py;�.
<br /> -,:�j� - ir�cursu�oe p�emium wi�n ixtKinr�xir u���i�p�iuR u•iin:wuc u�r iaii annual aK�.r:t8age msurance premium is due to the�ocrctary, �--
<br /> _ or if thls Secur� lnstrument is held b the Secre �"-
<br /> '• cy y tary, each monthly chefge slwll be in an amount equal w one-twelfth of
<br />-;;�t?,�, onc�hWf percent of U�e outstanding principul b�lance due on the Nae. ��'
<br /> _ .,;�. e.:..
<br /> -:�'� If Borrowe�tenclers to Lender the full pnyment oP ull wms secured by this Security Instn�ment, Borrower's account shall =
<br /> �'�" �" be credited with ihe balnnce remainin fiir ull inslAllments for items (u), lb), and Ic► and an mora�a e insurancx rcmium
<br /> ri3�;;: � 8 Y � & P
<br /> h��.iq� inswliment that I.ender I�as not bocome oblignted to pay to the Secretary,and I.ender sl�all prompt�y rcfund any excess funds to
<br />=-'�� ' Borrower. Immediutely prior to"a foreclosurc sale uf ihe Ropetty or its�cyuisition l►� O�endrr. Borrower's accouop st�rll he :
<br /> �_� .�t1w',�1; t'�.
<br /> �-�,F�a •v: cradited wilh any balance remaining for all instollments for items(n1,(b),and Ic1. •�
<br />:s>:i;�;�
<br />�:�ti%i;.. .�,.. .. ��_:_
<br /> �;':��.. - 3.Appltcat(ow ot Paymeats.All payments under parug�phs I and 2 stmll be applied by Lender a�follows: -__
<br /> ��� � ` _
<br />��' \:�_�;^;.�; Fitst.to t1�C moAgage inaursm��e premium to be paid by l.etnler to the Secrewry or to the monthly charge by the S�c�y `,
<br /> - inctealJ uF the monthly nwrtgnge insurnnce premium; �__
<br />,�• =$��`' Second.bca any�tues.special ass�smen�s. leasehold payments or Qruu�rents,and fire.tlood and other hezard i�osur�u�ee �`:,_
<br /> ;����'�;;,. .> �::�. pnetniumy,as recqui�ed; =-
<br /> � r
<br /> Thitd,to inier�.t due under the Note; �°"
<br /> `� y —.-
<br /> ;,}�;;;h,. Fourth,to amortization of thc prinripal nf the Note; �:;
<br /> � - "?T` '� � � Fiflh,to late rharges due under the Note. ��:
<br />_' �n' ;'ryyy.aSt�:n:�.. � �4_
<br /> .� '�" �JAIN�! v.o.:a e �L�'
<br />—_ - G..��Cy,�ll.( �__-
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