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<br /> ' LOANN0. 1599218347
<br /> II .� .
<br /> ° 10.�oixf�mmtion. Yhe proceedo ot any award or c1�im for damages,direct or consequenital,in conneatton wlth � _,�_
<br /> •� any condomnptlon or othor taEcing c�f any part of 4he Prop�rty.or for conve�yance in Ileu af condomnatton,a�o horeby � "' �"
<br /> � asaigned urtt�ehall bo pald to Londer.
<br /> " In the ovont o!�total tuking of tha Property,the procssda ehall ba a�Oplled to the at�cns Heaurett by this Security 0� �
<br /> In&trument,whethor ar not then d�te,wtih amr excoss pald to Bonower.In the event of a partlai taking of the Proparty In �
<br /> � " whlcF�tho fnlc ma�icot v4ltae o}the PropeRy Immedtatefy b�fo�e the taking ta equal to or greater than the arrtourn of the �"r:
<br /> 8Ufl18 66CttP8f3 by Q�lIB S@CUYIIj/II18ti'Utri6tlt{fY1fYi8t11at61jl 133�0lO th0 mldttg,untoss Borrovv0r and l..ar�dor othorwise aQres in � e
<br /> writtng,the�ums secured by thie SECUrIry Inst►ument shall be reduced by the emount of the p�aceedo muitipllad by tha :_
<br /> � . - f�llavrrirtg irttctton:(a)tho totai amount of the suma aecur�d tmmealiate►y befnre the taking,dNided by(bj the fatr market � ,
<br /> " • �"� vatte�o?tha Prope rt y Immediately betore the taktrtg.Any balance ahali bepaid to BoRawer.In the event oi a parttat 4''
<br /> , . '* tahln�of tho Proparty In whlcP�tho talr ma►ket vatue of t he Properry Imm e d l ately bafore the taking ts less than tP►e '`:�
<br /> amaunt ot the suma secured Immedlatety bsiore tho tctking,unless Bcstrowe�artd Lertder atherwise a�ree in writing or
<br /> unless ap�llcablQ taw oiherwise provides,tha prcceeda ehall be applled to the eums seaured by this Security ,._
<br /> Instrumerrt Yrhether or not tt�e sums are the�dua ;`�
<br /> � If tha Proparty Ia abF►ndoned by�omowor,or if,after�ottco by Lender to 9orrower that the condemrtor offoro to r "
<br /> � � make an awa►d or esttte a ctatan for damages,Borcower fatla ta respond to Lender wlthtn 30 days after the date the
<br /> n n t l c e t a g h r e n,L o n d e r t s a u t h o�z e d t o c o l l e c t e�d a p p l y t h e p ro c e e d a,a t ft e a p t i e n,s l t h e r t o r e s t o r a tton or re p atr ot the �;,_
<br /> „ ,�� Property orto tho sums secured by thls Secu�ry Instrument,whethsr or not then dua. f�
<br /> ., � ��� Untass Len�eu and @orrower otheniuise agree tn variting,any app93�stlon of proaeeds to prirtcipai shall noi extertci or �';~
<br /> po�ane the due date of the monthiy paymaMs reterred to In paragraphs t and 2 or change the amouM ot such �.
<br /> a
<br /> � �� i paymaMe. `-
<br /> � �: 71.Bofrower Not Rele�sed;Farbmerance By Lender No!a Watver. Extens9an o4 the time for paymeM ar �"
<br /> mod�flcatton cf amo�tlZaUon of the suma seaured by this Socurity Inain�mortt granted by Lertder to any successorin
<br /> �� � '' trrterest et 8orrawer shall e�ot operate to roteaoe tha Ii�bi itty o?t he o r i )na l Bor�ower or Borrower's successore U € LL'�
<br /> ° „ .� t�eresi.Lender sha!]not ba resqutred to r�mmence praceedinga a�nst any sua;essor in interest or retuse to exten�9
<br /> t[me for paymet►t cr othenvlan mwdlty�martixation af the suma secured by thia S��ur(ty Instrumer�t by reason ot any �__;__
<br /> '" demartd made by the orl�'It�►��orrower or Bortowers successors In lnterest.My forbearance by lsnder In exerciafng =__
<br /> ":';� .:+,� , any Nght ar remedy shail noi�a a waber o!ot preclude the exerclse of�rry r�ght or rernedy. R='��
<br /> .;:hi�;� ,
<br /> � .' 12 Suceoag�rs and A4sipns Bound;Jolnt�nd 8everel Llabiltht;Co-atgnare. The cova�aMs and agreaments ot -
<br /> ' this Secu�ity In9t�umeM ahaU birni and benef(t the successors end assi�na ot Lender and Borrower,subject to the
<br /> -..
<br /> provistons otparag�aph 17.Bomawe�s aoveriar►ta und agreements ahatl be�oir�and severai.Any Borrowet who
<br /> '' �; _. �� �_._ �astgns thls 8�curity Instn�m�m but does not execute t�a iVote:(�k�Co-signing this Securlty InsUumeM onty to
<br />�; '. _ mortgaga�granY and comrey that Borraiwers IMerest tn the pmperty urniertita terms oi iitis Secumy i�iair�i�i�n,tt3j is
<br /> �• noi personally obilgated Lo pay the suma secured by thts SecurNy Instnemer�t;and(e)agrees that L�nder and any ather
<br /> ' � � �orrawer may apreo to extend,modly.ta�boar a�make any axomma�atlons wtth regard xo the temns ot thts 3ecurity
<br /> - " ' �� Instrument or the Note wrfthout that Borrowe�'a conseM.
<br /> ;=;,b�L,��-J,�;, �.
<br /> �' 13.L.orn Chsrpts. If the loan secured b thls Sacurtty InstrumeM i�eubject to a law whtch sets maximum loan
<br /> '`�•,„ . . y
<br />���"��'�!'�•�=�� chargea,and that iaw ta f�m�11y Ontc�TptAtod so t h a t the smareat ot other toan c fiarge�x a i l�c t e d or to b o c o llected In ---
<br /> - �1,G .�.,V.,. ---..
<br /> ���'�f��c''��� connoctlon with th4laan oxaaadtho pcnn�tSod Itmfta.then: s)a►�y euch loan cha�a shall be�aducad by the amourt _ _
<br />:.e'j.r�,.,;�;,� ----
<br /> ,... :;, : nacessary to reduce the cttiar�ge to tha perrr�lttesf Ifmit;and( any sums atresdy c�ilected irom Bomower vrhlch
<br /> ° °� excaeded pormitted Itmtts will be refuncled to BoRawer.Le�er m�y choosa to make thts rsfund by reducing th�
<br />'}'�"'''��'�''" p d n C lpat a w e d u n d e r t h e N o t e or b y m akin g a dlreCt�a yment to Borrflwer.lt a tetund reduces p�incipai,the reduction
<br /> - •�'�`. .` v�ldi t9e trHat�d as a paKt�1 prepayme�t without a�Pr�epaymont chargv under the Noto.
<br /> , ..,.ti,,, .,,�� e r a
<br /> .�>:',;:_ �, • _ _
<br /> -���L�����' 9�b Notice�. My nottce to Borrowerprovtded tor in th►a 8scurtty InstrumeM st�all be gIven by delMe�n�,it�by
<br /> -;""`Tp.F.-�='"�"` maNing It by 4t�st dass mafi untesa appilcable tecw rea�ulres use ot anathor method.Tho ttodce shait be dtrecied 4a tho
<br /> ±:`:�'�:=�--.:�� Prop�y Address ar any other address Borrower daslgnates by notice to Lender.M n�ilce to t.end�r shali be aNen
<br />,,.�.-.-_.,.,...,��;� �-
<br /> - .-�..•.�;g� � by flret ciass ma8 to Lenders addresa swted hereln oT any oiner eddress L�nder des grsats�by notice to Borrotvar.Any
<br /> �°M�:���.,�ti^� notice pravklod far in this Securlty InsWmem shall!�d�emed to have baon given to Botrower or t�ander when ghren -- .-.
<br />_�.,.:r., --
<br /> ....;,s�;;T f,., as pravlded tn this Para9�F►�+• ��s��
<br />��•.�:'.;.:ra�r ..i. _
<br /> _.�=": r'.���. 18.Gov�mEn�taw;�r�nbilEql. This 8octtrity InsY►umerrt shail be govem�l�y fedeml Iaw and the law otthe __----
<br /> ���%���V= urisdtctlon tn whtch tfte Rro�eRy Is located.!n tha event that arry rdvlalon or clauso at tht�3ecurity Instrument or the
<br /> .�•:�:;,ds-. --
<br /> '_;+��;�-��_ �ote cor�tiicts wRh eppllcaWa law.such confllct shal!not affect o er proviatans of thts Socurity Inswrnent or the Noto _
<br /> _ =y�°'--� whtch can be given effect without the aoMltcttrtg R►ovt�on To thds end the pravistor�of thts Security Instrument and th� --
<br /> ;�'^=�=�=-��_� i�t'r.0 d�v C�B��l�!te=���l�..C!�. �_-_
<br /> '�"'�""` �: 1�. Barow�'�eopr. Borrovrer shail be�iver�one contor.sted co�y a4 the Nafs and a!thts Sccurlt�+9n�trumord. �
<br /> a-;�s���
<br /> -� �►�• 17. Transter of the Property or�Bena�tcld Interemt tn Bornm�vu If au or any paK o?th�Frop�rty or any
<br /> y����`"''�-+�"Y-� ° t�orest In ft Is edd or transferred eor ff a�a�neflclal Ir�terest In 8orra�var is sotd or trtirtsferred artd'Borrowgr ia noi a _
<br /> }�.....r.. - i.�� --
<br /> ��.'.":. '. .�°.�,� �:� natu►�al porson)withaut Lender's priar wr�tten conaont,Lsnder m�+,�'t Its op�tton.�equlre Immedlgte{�ay�vrarrt In tuii ot a�l
<br />. ;:l;�t... � �f, evms secured by thts Security insirumsm. Wowever.thls opibn sha11 not be exerctsQd by Londer tt exerclsa ts _
<br /> -.,;:.�r: � ��� prohibfted by federal lew ca�of thc�date oP thls Socur�y 1�at�umeM. --
<br /> �;.:.,��:,
<br /> ,, . �,.
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<br /> -. �'; ��aasxi►-�i�t�u��a�►iv-Fre�rWFau�c uu«or�aa�r�rau��Er�r FORM 3028 9/00 ��;
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