<br /> � • ,.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,� _
<br /> . .. . ,, _ ,
<br /> 9������� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 8 3 4 7
<br /> � � it Lendar exorcisos thl�optlon,►..�nder ehall gIve 8orrower notice ot acaele�atlon.The natice shail provide a perlcd
<br /> �� • af not lo�titan 30 dayo from tlto dato the noilco la dolb¢red or malled v�Ithin which�oreower must ppy all sums seeure� �
<br /> by this Security Inatrumom.I}sorrowar fa�As to pay these suma prior to the expiratlan of thts periad,Lortdor may Imroko
<br /> ' ony rema?di�n pflrm(tted by this Socurliy Instrument without turthsr notice or demartsi on 9orrowor. ,
<br /> ., � 9�.��rrow�r'�RIpP�t to Reinstate. It Bonower meets cedatn candlttons,BoROw�r shaii Nave the�igM to have
<br /> eniorcentor�ot this 3eGUrity Inotrument dlacontin�aed at eny time prlus to the ea�lier oi:(a)5 days(or aucF�Athar psriod .
<br /> � as Qppiicable lew mny spectfy(or retnet.�4emenl)betae sale a4 ths Prog: pur�nt to any powttr ofi e�;le c�nta(ned in ..
<br /> this ecuri Inst►umer�;or b)entry of a judpmeM en}orcin thts Security�nstrument.7hose condittona are that I��;�
<br /> � Bor ower.a)pays Lender a�t sums wh�3�therivr�uldlao due under this Security Instrutt�ent and tho Nata as tt no
<br /> � �:-" acceieratlon had occurred;(b)cures any defa�iCa�4 uny athsr covenaMs or agreamenta�(c)pays atl expe�ses fncurred
<br /> tn eMorcing thls Seaurity Insttument,including,but nai Iimtted to,�easonable attarnoya feas;end(d)takea such ection
<br /> as Lender may reasona6ty roqulre to assure th&t tP�elten of this Securtty Instrument.Lender's�Ignts(n the�nroperty and
<br /> Borrotv@r's obiigatton to pay the suma oecured by this 8ecurity Insttument ahall continue unchang�sf.Up _
<br /> no�eradonvhad occu rrred�However this�rtght t re state s�h�all noi apply In�h�e case cf acceleratton unde�e as N -_-
<br /> paragr�ph 17. :-.���`
<br /> 19.:iate o1��ote;ChanBe of Laan Servt�or. The Note or a paKiat IMere�t In tne Note(together wtth this Seaurity ,;�u.
<br /> I n s t�u m e M)m ay b e s o 1 d o n e o r m o r e t i m e s w i t h o u t p d o r rt o i l c e t o Borrowsr.A ealo ma y resuit in a change in the eMtty `��'_
<br /> � (k rtown as tha°Loan Servlcet�that cotiocts morth 1 ypaymenis due undarthe Note and this 3ecutity Inst�umetn.There __
<br /> ' . .�, elso may be one or more changes o f t he L o an Se r v icer un r e l a t e d t o a s a t e c!t h e N o t e.i f t h e r e I s a c h a n g e o t t h A L o a n `�,.,__
<br /> � Servicea�.8arrowar v�il l b a g t van w r i t ten reo t ice o f t h e c h a n g e I n R c c o r d a n c e w i t h r a g r a p h 1 a a b o v e a n d a p p llcable taw. :�;.,�_
<br /> The rto2tce will etate the name and addresa of ths new t.oan Servtcer and the ad ress to whtch paymente shauld ba -
<br /> , . made. YPte notice wpl atso contain any other f�oreration required by appilcable law. ���
<br /> �t 20.Hezanloua Se�bBtencoa. Borro�ncer si�all not cause or permtt the presence.use,dlsposa1,storage,or�el�aso�f `� .�_
<br /> ;,.. �,�-.
<br /> :,:,•�. �• ��,� any Hazardous 8ub�tances on or tn the PropeRy. BoROwe�shall rtot dc,nor aqaw anyone else to da,anything affecttng � �Y
<br />- the Property that is In v1olaUon ot any Ernironmernal Law.The precedtng two sentences ehall noi appiy to the presence,
<br /> , �� use,or s4orage on the Property of sma11 quanttties of Hemrdous Substartces that are gonera��y�eao9ntzed to be ��ro:�,
<br /> � � approprta2e ta normel reslderdl�i uses artd to matntenanaa¢�7 the l�ropeRy.
<br /> ; ��' '� eorrower shatl prompby giva Lender written�otice of any lmestiga�on,cdalm,demand,lawsult or other action by �,---_.
<br /> � any govemmental or naguiatory agency or prtva4a peRy tmrohring the Property and any Hazardous Subsian�e or ,�,�
<br /> - Emrironmernal I�w of which 6o►rower has ac3ua19cnowledge.If 8orrower 1»ams,or is rtot�ted by any gavemmernal or �.-1_�'
<br /> . � regulatory autharity�that any�emoval or othe�ronnedlation o9 arry Hazarclous Substance aKecting the Property ts �` �
<br /> ' ,� .— r���ar��go�es st�!!�r�m{�!y t�kA all nec�asary remedtal ectlons In accordance wtth Envtronmer�tai taw.
<br /> :. Aa use�In thla par�graph 2m,'Hazardoua Substances"are those substances doflned as toxtc or haza�dous �
<br /> '� substance.s by Emrironmernal Law and the follawJmg subatances:gasofjrna,8cerosene,other flammable or toxio
<br /> . , � „�,� petrdeum pmduats,toxic pesticides and herblc�r��a votattte soSverns,materla!$cardat�tng asbestas or bm�atdehyde.
<br /> �� and redioacttvo materlals.As used tn thts paragratpn 20,'Ernironmernal�v"means federai tawa ar+d laws ot the
<br /> •:��' Jurlsdic¢ton where the Property is tocated that relatetc+healifl,s�fety or enWrcnmer�tal protectlon.
<br /> '�,`Jj
<br /> ,,;:.,�;;, Nm�f-l1NIFORM COVENIANTS.8omnwer and Lender turth�i ccvo�ant a�tl agree as tollaws:
<br /> 21.Acsefer�tton;Remsdte�s.La»der shaii glva notice t�1�a�roarer p»lor to accei�stton bllowln�Borr�wer°a —
<br /> breach of any covenant or tgreemar�t Qnthb3�awlty Insttumer�t(bulra�t priorto acceiar�tion urtdot�cra�reph
<br /> � � 17 urttass appticabte taw providss othefwtsa).�he notice�hail specfiy:(a)the defau�;(b)thv�aotlanrequlred to
<br /> ., � curo ths detau�;(o)e d�te nct loas tt�an 30 dayatrom the date the notica ts giYea to�arro�ter.by�vhich the
<br /> dehutt muat be curmd;arte�(d)tt9r�toElure to�e�re the dotautt on er betore the dete B��Iriod In tho flattse may _____
<br /> � resutt in accsle�tion oi the sums sacured by thi�SecwN fnstrumeM and et[e mt st�a Proporty.Ths e�Ice shdl
<br /> 'V:,,`' " � lurther intorm 8orro�rer o!the ei�M to retnsUte�tter sew�er�ttan e�nd tf�e�8ht to bring a court ac4lon to ssssrt
<br />',�„,�:,;��`�°� t h o n o n�a xtstence of e detaeR or�m r dther d�?�me ot Barow�er to acceter�tton�nd a14.lf tho afeisutt ts no!
<br /> c�ared on or tr�foro tt�s d�spee[tted In t ho n�►y ice,l.e n de�e t E t s o p t 3 a n rn�y req u t r e t m m e d i a 3 e�s Y m e t Y t I n f u i i o f � ---
<br /> ctl:uane�ecured bythis Secur�ty Inatrumeot wNh�utfuather domand end may In�oke th0 power o!eatea�d e�rry �„ _ -
<br /> . `: other ar�:�nedt�pe�mftted��ppl�n3�ie iaw.Lender�lmfl mo sdrrtitled to collact al!expon�s irtcumed in pnc�aa�.uinp �,� .,_.
<br />- °_ .;��;, tha rara�m�tem protiided tn th s para�raph 21�in�tudi�,�as��ot tim[tedto.�essonebte attomeys'tee�and��of.: �__�
<br />_ titts evidenes. '��
<br />__ ;, � if ths po�af sste!s Imroked,Truatee e7�nf1 reeond a notice of defauR tn e�ch couMy In whtch arry part of �--
<br /> =��-� - ,.� � the Rroperty Is I�tsd and shaU meil coplea a�4 auch na�lloe in the nanner pnescribed 6 appticabis law to
<br /> _ -•--':;,... ��,, . � . A. . ���y�pe,}�i!��I�G�w �-_
<br />- - _. _.-"�:_-_;: �o�r�ia"u`�rs'u`c�jr��rres�Qat�t� �y�?�:��la!�� A!!��:..tinze r�e. _ �`-
<br /> _ • ;.:,;.. Yniadse shaii gi�a pu�tia�atica�!rata to 4ho��recna a�d ia tho manrt��re�crl�eed�eppEiceble lew. Yv�etee,
<br /> " ;.' ."',;`' � wtthout demand on Bofrower�sh�ll seU ti�Po�perty at pubiic sucttan to the hlghQS4 b der�4 ths timo ar���tace _�_
<br /> ' ' � �r+d under the terms desI�natod in thn notioa�oi eale tn one or moro Wr�c�b and[n amr erder'���iee d�'tt�erJnlnes. __ �.
<br /> �'
<br /> ..� " . i� 'nu�tee rt�ypos4pone�is ot�tt or a�r pamo9 oitl�e Rrope�tf►bY R�b1tc�nnouncoment at tDe�81nn�a�ptaco o! —__-
<br /> , r anyprevtouslYs�heduieslaele. Lenderorita��signeomaypurc�aaeQnoRroportyMa�►aa��. _=----
<br />- � ,,,�,� Ug�or��eeofpt of payment ot the p�ice bld�'Tlrustee�7�n11 dofDver to the purchaeer Trurteo's deed cornr�,�lmg� __ _
<br />' � ° � tho F�sperty. Yfte recftats In the Trustea's de�d stEatl� rlms taclo eWdence of tho tn�th of t�s slatemnr�rmade ��_�
<br /> � thamin. Tnaete�al�n11 appl�t tBo proaaeda of the eeto tn t�o toltowing order.(a)to alt coate a�expensr+a o?
<br /> i �A�..
<br />- .. , NHBHI\^,KA-SlNGLE FA91/IL1-fNllU1/FQiLUlC UNIF�FtOit d'�78T�iUUFENr ���QA�fl� -'j
<br /> .� PAtiE80F8 �''t-�'
<br />_ ISC/CMOTNE//0192/3028(990) „ -
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