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<br /> �• ' ��p ������� LOAN N0. 1 5 9 9 21 8 3 4 7 � ^
<br /> ' � �All InsuruRCe�nl(cloa ctnd ronoti•rala sh�ll�a acceptable to Lc�nder artd shall include A sttandard mortge�s clausa. ,,.,;�
<br /> � � ' Lander ehafi h�ve th4 rlgln:o hotd 4he poficios and rerteurats.it Lertder requtres,Borrow�r eh�Ii promptly gNe to Lendor
<br /> ail receipiai of pAld premluma�►nd rertewal notlaeg.In tho eveM at loss,Bonower shall ive prompt notice ta the �
<br /> � . � Inauranco carrler and Londer.Londer may make proo!a!loss If not made promptiY by�orrower. �� ,
<br /> Unless lon�er and Borrower othepvulse ag�¢e In writing.Inuuranco proaesda shatt be applled to�eatoratlon or repatr
<br /> �� oitha Pra�oRy damagad,t!the restaratlon or ropalr ta economic�lly teaslbte artd Lender's securtty ts not lossened.it the .�t
<br /> �-. Pa^termleT or Pcpalrls aoi cconomlcmilY feaslF�le nr�.att�ier's ae�urlaywould ba Iassensd,the Inau�areco proaceda sh�N . _
<br /> I�e appifed to the sums secured�y lhto 8scuriry Instrurtcent,whe2her or nei then due,wEth any excess pAld to Borrcwer. ,::
<br /> �� - If Borrower sbandons the Prop�rty.or doas not answer wit�ln 30 days a nottce troen Lender that the Inau�r�ce canier �
<br /> �"""� hae oNered to settte a ctalm,than t ortd�r may collect the insurance proaeeds.Lender may use the praceeds to repalr �,.
<br /> � ��� � or restare the Propert��or to pay oums eecured 9y thls 3ecurity inst►ument,whether or not then due.The 30�day perlad !��
<br /> will bspin when the nottco Is g►ven.
<br /> " UNesa Lender artd Bomower othannise agrea In writirtg,any appJlcatlon of prooQeds to pdncipal shall not extend or _
<br /> , postparte tho due date o4 tha mcnttdy�aymerris refenred to U parag�apf�s t anc!2 or chenge the amou�af th� •_:��
<br /> paymerMs. If under pAr�graph 21 thm Property ta acquired by Lender,Borrower's�ight to any insurartce pollclos and
<br /> ��• � praceeds rasuRing irom damage to ttrs Prop�rty prior to the acquisltion sha11 pass to Lernier to the extent of tho auens �;'�
<br /> . secured by thls 8ecurity Ust�umerrt immed(ateiy p�lor to the acquislUon. �=,::
<br /> . 6.Qcci�paney�P'reaervatioc��Mointenartce and Protec4ton ot the Properiy;Borro�cer'a Loan Appttcatlon; �
<br /> " Le�sehoW�. BoROwer ehail occ�py,establtsh,and use the Properry as 8orrower's principal restdence wtthtn obcty days �
<br /> .�,,1,,��.,.:Y:: aftar the execttifon o}thta Sscurity Inst►ument ertd sh�ll conttnue to occupy the Property as eorrowera principa! -
<br /> ,,:, �eslalonce for at least nne yeae aiier the date af acaupancy�uni6ss Lesdor oth:stwisa ag�ees In wrtUrtg,whict�cc►ns�nt _
<br /> ��;�a���;. st�atl not be unre�sonaWy withheld,or unless extenuating ctrcumstances e�dst whtch are beyond Bomawee's control. �
<br /> ������ '�� Borrower ahall noi destray�dam�c�a or Impalr the Property,ail�vu the Praporty to deteriorate,or commft waste on the R�
<br /> �'`��^� Propany. Borrower ahall be in da7�ult if any fodefture action ar proceeding,whether ctvii ot crlmlrtal,Is begun that fn �,...�.
<br /> �; Lendars good iatth Judgmer�t could result 1n forteiture of the Propariy or oihetwlse materially Impatr tho I len creat�by --
<br /> thla Securtty Instrument or Lendet's securi4y Interest Borrower may cure auch a detautt and relnstat�.as provtded 6r�
<br /> paragreph 18.by causing the actlon or prxeeding to be dismissed witl�e rul(ng that,in Lertders goad faith
<br /> determfnatlon�prectudes torfefture cf the BoRawar's interest In the Properly or other materlal tmpalrment of the Ilen
<br /> ,,�, � created bythls 8scutt4y Instntmeni ar Lender's aecnrity interes�Borrower shaU also be in defattlt H Borrower.duringth+�
<br /> ,�,� . loan applicatton praoes�,gave enaterially talse or Inacaurato i�ortnaUon or statemeMs to Lender(or taUed to provide
<br /> ��;�<�.�• Lender with any materiai lnfomtatinn)In conrteation with ths laan evtdeRCed by the Note,indudfrtg,b�t rtot timitod to,
<br /> � �'�°ti�' nprertontationa cancem(ng Borrower's occu nay of the Properiy as a nr(nctpal tesidence.If this Security Instntrreent[s
<br /> �
<br /> on a teasehold,Bom�wer shall camply wfth {4he provisions of tha teas�. If�oROwer acqutres fee ttde to ths Prapetty.
<br /> ' � � the leasehdd and tht�tee ltUe sh�11 noi metgs t�nlese i.endet&grees to fie merger 1n w�iiiiig. `
<br /> '��'�+ � 7.p�otectlon ot I.�erKler'�i8I8Me In the Rroperty. �t Bonawer ta�g to periorm the covenarrts and a�reemerits
<br /> . ,���??;. ' contstned in thlo Security Ins�rumar�t,or there Is a logai prxesd(n8 that may stgnHicantly nfiect Lende�'s�tghto fn the
<br /> ����".� . ' Property(such as a proceeding tn bankPUptcy,probate,M�condemnatlon or fodefturo or to ertfo�ce tawa or
<br />- � , �-...,
<br />� • �ulattons),then Lendermay do and pay for whatever ts rtecessary to proteot the valu�e of the Prope�yr and Lertdat's
<br /> �. � • � �lghts In the Prope�iy.l.ende�'s acUons may indude paying any auma eacured by s Ilen whloh has pr�ad�over this
<br /> � � ° Secu►ity Instrument,eppearirtg tn court,paying reasonable attoenoys'teea arrd entering on the Prop�mp o rrtako
<br /> � �''�,''�� �epalre.Although Lender may taha actlon under thla pat�gr�aph 7,Londer doas not have to do so.
<br />_ �.;:,,: „t
<br /> . :_:��:�fi`•� Any amoun4o dlsbursed by lkrr+dar under thls paragraph 7 shall become edd(tlonal debt of Dorrower secured by
<br /> �
<br /> : �• thls 3ecurity Inc�trumern.Unless Barrowerand L.ender agreeto othertermis w�kh tM ro�st,upoan nottoefrom�eende�to -
<br /> �: Interest from 4he date ot disbursemer�at the N�te rn4e artd ahall be paya� ft
<br />��`_'".u',�: , ' BomowerrequoatinpPaYmern. -.
<br />�.,4''r'�.�:
<br />� _____�,__ a.MaRqap�In=uroncs. If Lender required martgage Insurartceas a condftton of making the loan secured by thls _
<br />—�`:��; "'A��� Security InstrumeM,�oRawer ehall pay the premtums requ?r�ed to maintatn the mortgage insurance!n etfoct.It,[�r�any
<br /> �-���� '°".."' reason,ti�e nrortgage Insurance coverage requtred by Lendar�apses cr ceases to be in effec�,Bomc�wer shaU p�y�9� `_ .`
<br /> _w . . .,,;.,•..
<br />'� �"�}'^`'='�,� premlums required ta ebtatn covarage subsKantiaily equNateM to Me moRgage Insurance provlously in eHec�et a cost
<br />�::�,: .... � ,
<br /> subsmMfally equivelont to the eo�to Borrawer of the moKgage insurar:�e�evlousiy Ire efl�et,frem an a te a
<br /> --�'�.•��� mortgage insttrer approved by Lender.if substanttaliy equhratent moRg�a�Insurance covere$e Is not ava(labis, �
<br /> ..,.,,.,,5��:�•,
<br />_�=j,�.;t;,,;;�,,+�, BoROwer shall pay to Le�der o�ch mor�th a sum equal to one-twotith o�tho yeady mor�gage Insu�ance premtum being �
<br />-•,.;�:,��.,:,. _ peid by Borrower when the Insura»oe covorage lapsed oe cea�ed to be in eifect.Londer wttl accept,uso and�etafn these
<br /> �°`=K-,:s.,,. payme�s as a loss reserve In ileu of mortgage Insurance.Lass reserve paymema m�y no longer be requtred,at tha
<br /> "�"'��°' s l�ur�..rr:e��pre�(t�th9 amnunt and for the pedods tfiat Lender re4u(rea)Provided bY
<br /> c,�,rt C:i.�r.�sr�!E t�ast�g ��- _-_
<br />�.^,:''^'',� an l��ut�tapptovcd by Lendsr aguln bscomes ava(lat�le end is ohtained. E3orrowet shatipay ths premiumu�Quis�d tv ,,,�. �-
<br />-_ ��f,``�'`�'��"� matr�tn mortgags Insurartce(n eNect,or to provide a loss resorv�,untU the requiremer�t for mortga�e tnsurance ends -
<br /> -,==;;�::;�r;..
<br />-�; .:.;�%•..4�� Ina�cortlancewithanywdttenagreemontbetweenBor�ovirerandLanderorappilcabielaw. .�
<br /> , ;,:�:t�-�.,
<br /> �'� �,-;:'''•r� �� •' �, Insp�tIon. Londer or tta agent may make rettsonabie entdos upon and tnspecUons ot th�ProRerty. I.�nder , __
<br /> -- �, '"� shap gNe�arrrn,ver notice at the time of or p�br to an tnspc3cticn speoifytng reasonable ceuse for the fnspectton. _-
<br /> . �'� _
<br /> .,:,+i`+`' �.
<br /> ��'.
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