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<br /> .. Lt�ANNO. 15392183A7 , •-
<br /> '. .
<br /> 7HIS 8ECURITY INSTRUMENI'combinea uniform cov�r�nta tor national use and non-unitarm covenante wlth � �� ..,;
<br /> Ilml2ed variatlons by Jurledictlon to constltute a uniform security lnstruntent coverinp real praperty. � ,,�,�_
<br /> � UP1�FOpN9 COVENANTS.8or►ow�r artd Lsnder covonant and t�gres a�tollowa: When due � ,
<br /> � 1.Pay�ent of P�inetp�l and Intcrast•Rre�ay�vient ar��I�uto Ch9rflee�aBment and Iate ch rge�s dpuo under th� � { °�°x
<br /> ��( u
<br /> • � the principal ot and Irnerest o»the debt ev�dpe�ced toY the tdeto and any pr p y
<br /> � Noto. p � '�.�;,,;1
<br /> � ' . �F��s q����ut��ae��ae�.^.stsanco, gu�sjsct to�ppllc�Glo lav�or to e wrltten waiver by l.ert�er.
<br /> Borrower ehaU tty
<br /> ' ta Lender on the day monthty paymonts are due undsr the Noie,unUl the Note is paM in quil,a sum(°FundL')br.(a1 ,�
<br /> - yearly taxos and assessrRents whtah may attatn prfority aver c)Ys�y��d or p opeRy ins r�ance preom ums�(d�yearly y.� :.�;�;
<br /> _ � .����—�. (easehotd pay�►zeM�or grourtd�Ms on the Propeety,if any:( -
<br /> aarly flood InsurEtrtca promlumu,tf Arry.(e)yeady enortgago Insurance pramiums,it any;and(�any aums paya6le bY '��;4=
<br /> . �oreowerto Lendor.In accordartco v�ith tho provislons ot pnragraph 8,in tteu of the payment of mortgage insuranca :.:,,z::
<br /> premlums.7hese ttems are c�l�alc dsr toj a federatly relat�d m�ortgage loancmay e�ul�re forBoRawer�s esc w account .':.���
<br /> � excoed the�maxir�um amount a r;"--_
<br /> th 12 li.S.C. 2601 ot -
<br /> under the federal Real Estat�Settlement P�ol�o the Furt�a se e e lesse am unt�so t�nae'may.at any ttme,col�e�t _ _
<br /> ° �`�� seq �'FiESPAq�unleBS anather law that appl _ _-
<br /> ' • and i�dd Funds In�and�a�anable estimates ot e�xp�ndttures o�!niu ure Eacr w items or c herwise i�n a cor�anc0 wfth "
<br /> basls af current ds w.-;--_
<br /> appttcable taw. �=-
<br /> Y, ` � The Fund�aha��be held in an tnstltution whose deposita are Insured by a federet ageney,Ins�umenttility,or entity �
<br /> = ��nci�i�n��ender,N 6endar Is such an lnstftutlon)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to - -
<br /> �"� pay the Escro�v Itema I�nder may noi charqo florrowerfor hoiding ai►d appiying tho Funda,snntwJiy R�atyzlng the : _
<br /> p .`;._
<br /> �. escrow accouM,or vorifyfng th0 Esarow Items,unl�ss lsnder pays Barrower IMerest o8 8��me Qharge to�r an 18�aW
<br /> � p�rmtts Le�nder to make suuh a eharge.However.l.erdder may�equire BoROwer to pay �:._.._.
<br /> Indept�nder�t real asRato tax reporting seivlce used by Lert�er In connectton with thls toan,untess applicc�bte Iaw �__-._
<br /> �'-�� � � provides othorwlse.Unle.gs an agreement is mede or ap�ticable law�equires Ir�erest to be pntd,Lender shall no2 be ;;,�
<br /> � "� � re utrod to pay�orrower any interest or eamings an the Funds.Bottowor and Lender may sgr�ee tn writing,however, __
<br /> . � ��� :. thaqt Interest shatl bepa1d on the Fun�a Lender shall gNe to Borrowar�whho ch do Ii to the Fu1nda wasnt�nde The
<br /> . ''� Funds,ahowing credfts end debi4e to tho Funda and the purpose for whlch ea
<br /> `��',�'" ' Funds ere pledged as addl2lonal securfty for alt sums secured by thia Ss�urity Insi�umen�
<br /> +���t' Itted t�bc�held b e lcable law,Lender ahali eccaunt to
<br /> �'i,���"" � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amourns perm
<br /> Borrower for the eoccess Funds tn accordance with the requlrementa ot ap
<br /> d ca e taw.If the amouM of the Fumis Notd
<br /> z '� , by Lender at at►y time Is not eufftctent to pay tho Escrow Itams when due,i.ender may so notity Borrower In wrlting,
<br /> � -. and�In aitch aass F�orra�wer�tiaii�ay ta ls�slcr it:s a�nt�sacessery to make up the deflctancy.8onower shall make
<br /> ��.:,?r:;,.. . . up 3he defictertcy tn no more than tweive�rtonthly payments,at Lender's sole dtscretion.
<br /> ` ,;,,'�`.•• ' � Upon paymant in full of all sums secured by this Secutttyy InstNme�.Lender shafl p�e�pgi��eior to t�he acq tsitiony
<br /> �r i��E'� - ' � F�tuls hold by Lender.11.untier paregre h 21�L+ender ehali acqulre or seil the Property� ---
<br />-%'����#'��'� or saleof the Property.sha�l epptY�nY�unda hefd by Landor et the tlme of acquisitlon or sale as a credit egalnst the
<br />'` ` ;•�- , ,,� sums securod iay thts Beaurity InMntmsM.
<br /> _ . e:.�...
<br /> `"'''';�"`,:•.., . 9.Apptication of PAymeMs. Untesa appiicabie taw provides otherwiso�all paymeMS reaeNed by L endsr undor
<br /> -° �'+� ' �"'!�' para graphs 1 and 2 shail b��ppited:flrst�to eny prePaymer►t charges due under the Ncte;seaond�to amaur�'�p�llade
<br />�.�.:,,^�:
<br /> „�;�,k,.��, � under paragraph 2;t h ly d�to In t e r e s t d�e;f o u r t t►,t o p�i n c l l�a�d u e;a n d tast,to an y late charges due undoe ths Ndte.
<br /> .� _.. .�„ q.Ch�rpee:L,tens. Barrawer ahali pay all ta�cea,asseasmente,charges,fln�s ma I�m�g�ound en�s��ny 4he
<br /> �4�':,� ":�i Properiy whCch may attain pd�ori4�►over thi�8ecur4ty InstrvmoM.and teasehofd pe►Y
<br /> ---`� '���°' _ Borraxsr sha13 qay these oWtgations in tho mar►nor provEded In para�reph 2�or lt rtot patd fn that manner,sorrower ohalt
<br />"�"`�'-'-=_— er�.Borrowee shatl prompriy fumteh to tender all nattces ot
<br /> �=r�::�:K;,- - paY tt�m on ttme directly ta the persro�n�wf Bo�c w8r makes these pay►rnenta directlY,Bonower sha!I prortipUY fumish to
<br /> z a_, , __� amounts tobe patd underlhla parap P
<br /> --��—�:� Lender r�csipts evidencing 1ho paymer�ta. ---
<br /> �:__.a• —
<br /> �;�:"� , : �otro�war ahall prompily dlsoharge unY tlen which hma prtorIty over this 8ecurlty instrumecit uniess Borrowor.(a �
<br /> ,��;..,�,;. )
<br /> _= .;.;+;�:_ " egr�es In wd2ing t4 the paYment of the obilgatfon securad by the lle 1e�m�eedin�gs which in ttis ndebr'o opinton ln
<br /> �.:� �5 • �� good fatth th�Iten by�or defends agalr�st enforcoment ot the Iten in. ��der ot the llen an a�roament satis4acta to -
<br /> ,�..'. -. SZ
<br />�,,,:,,;���' oparato to prgvent the enforoentent o}th�Iten;or(o)secures from�he R of the Pro rry is sub�act to � �:.:
<br /> �� Lensiar aubordinattng tJie 11�n t Is Security Instntme me����rB�Y Q����er enotica,,ide� n�the Iten. .
<br /> - a Itsn wl�ich r�y�ettatrt p�rAy�r this 8�curitY�r�r►1 �.�.
<br /> ��i gamower shaG]��tlsill�e Iten or take ong br rtiore of ths acttons set torih above wlthin 1 o days b�the g Ing at noilco.�_ ;,c --
<br /> i� !f,He�rd��rop�Y insuranc�. FJq�aner shali'kscp tii�Fr��rovr3t�tE�ts!-^tsra�w"1a*.1n��t t!eraaftar c�rected on the -;
<br /> ..�.ti�.�..�, :."� ,
<br /> ��~�`:- r; pro�nrty Insuted agatnst lesa bY ftr�•��s includeci withln ttie 4erm'axtonded covereige and any oiher tjazarda, a4 .`�
<br /> -'T:`.;`P�'�"�"'� lndud(ng floods or i9oadtn�,tor whlciz Lenaer requlros 3nsutartce.This Insurance sha►1 be malr�tained(n the amouMS a�cl :.:.' ��,
<br />- :,,.<< < --
<br /> ti;,,.,gni7r:.r., g - —
<br />;;;�,,�>�,��-;:; :. Yor the�riods that Londsr cequiras• The Insurance a�tler provld{ng tNe Insu�nce shall bo choson by Bomower su ect •:. "
<br />_- - to L�nder's sp ronial whfch eh$Ilob�tabn ou�nire a�ge o�protact Londe s ghta tn ho Properly 1�acc:ordance w�h�ehove, �,.
<br /> _ . , . . lsndor may.�t�ertder's optt �
<br /> -. ;.,;, �� ` pa�9�9�h 7. , F�TaM sQ2a e/�0
<br /> � ��'���, _ � ^ �1�ilA?96M�SINaLL'PAIYqLY—G871dA/FHL�l1CUNlFOAMIN9iRlaMEM . _-
<br />--" � �` l3C/CIAQRNE//0792/3028(�80)�L PAQ@20FA °
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