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• . 'i <br /> ', . � ., <br /> ' ,�.iwe� � . <br /> �. „ , „ <br /> �.:.�w ------ -- -.. . _ <br /> - - - .. ... <br /> - . . .. -„� - - . , . <br /> � ' � <br /> . � <br /> �� ' i , <br /> : �.t'.y�aY � . , . ., ,. <br /> . . . ,• . <br /> . <br /> ' ' ' ^ " '........_..._._.._... _... .."'. . ........._.._....__.._.�" <br /> • . <br /> .,.��:.��..N� �. <br /> . � ._�_�._._._.'"'...`..._......_ . . . . . . . .. .. . .._. _.. . . - <br /> . --�"'_"" "'_ " �' . <br /> • .r Y. Pr�t�atlon o? �onciee'8 R[ghYs in 4ho Propmrty. If Elnrto�vcr Inila ta po�torm tho aovonnnis nnd ngroQmento oontnined In �_. <br /> • � t�►IS &ecurDy laatrurt�nt�or h7sr0 is o Wpal procnodtnp that may e�ntl�nntry ottaat LondOrs rlghta in thA PtopCrty (auch a9 a p�oaoQdlnp in .,�,.;;. <br /> '` bnnkruptay.probat0,(er candwnnntton ot foAOfturo or lo e�lorco ia�vu or raputattono),then Londor mny do nnd pny for whatavor i��oCOSaary t--- <br /> • � to protact tho vaNe of iRO Proparty ond Lendar's �iphto In tP►o Propmty. I.anders notions mny Inctudo paying any oums aezurad by a Ibn �� <br /> whbh hno prlority ovar thls &oaudty tnntrumont,uppClr�np In Court, pnyln�rts�cannbto nttornoy'e tcos and cntcrinp on t�o Property tn mako �-: <br /> ropnira. Atthouph Landor muy tnko aotlan undar this pamprnph 7,Londcr do�s not hnvo to do ao. `;m; <br /> �� " /!ny nmounta dlyburood by Lundor undat thls pnrapraph 7 shnil bccorrro nddltlonpl dsbt of Bortowct sacurod by thts Sccurity InsWmCnt. ' <br /> . +�, �" - <br /> . Unbse 8orcowor end Lendor asree to othnt tertna of pnyment, these nmount8 ohali bc�r Interast from the dato of dl3buraemont at tho Noto <br /> rnto nnd eNnit bo poynbW, r�tlh Intcrost,upon notieo Irom Lcndcr l0 9orrpwCr rctquostinp pnym¢nt. . i <br /> 1 C�.,.. <br /> , ' r 8. Mortya�e Ir►suronce. If Landnr raqukad moRgngo lnsurnnCe an a condttton of m:lcinp tho toun soouros by thts Sacurlty • <br /> � Inotrumu�t,Bortower ohaA pay Iho premtums rQqulrod to malntnln tho mortgag�Incurtuuo In oNeat. 11,for nny roason,tho moKgego tneuranao <br /> ...-- �'� <br /> � � coveraga roquired by Lan�or tapsos or coase3 to Eo 1n oBOat, BoROwor ahall pey tha promiums rt�qutrod to obtaN covamgo substnntlaly �_ <br /> �.,,H,,,,,,,,� oquNal�nt to tho mortgnpv inauraneo provlouoy �n oHeat. nt n cost subatantialty equlvatont ta the aost to BoROV�er af tho moRpeBs Insurance _ <br /> provtousry tn afloat, trom nn nit�mnto mortgago insuror ppprov� by Landor. If subst�ntqly equNaktnt mortgugo tnaurnnco com►ago Is not �,_ <br /> .� � avnilabin, Borrov+�r shuU pny to Landor oaoh month a aum aqunl to ono-hvetFth et thp ycary mortpage Insurance promlum bolnp pafd by __ <br /> Borrowor wRrn tho InsurcinCO aovarngo l�psed er cea�QE to bo In oHect. Lc�nd2r �rlU accept, use and retnin theso paymnnta aa n toss <br /> �. • ;, � � rasanre In ibu of mortgnQe insuranco. Loas rasorvo paym:nts msy no tonecr Oa rpputrod, at the opttnn of Londm, If monacpe Inaurance <br /> aovomgo(In tho umount and tor tho padod thnt L��dor roqulres)provlQed by an Insuror approved by Lendor again beaomos Bvaflabie and Es _ <br />' • �� Obttthtod. 8ortoa�er shaQ pay the promiuma requlmd to rtuilntatn mortgago tnsuranco 1n eftoct, or to provlde u tosa rosanro. unHl the <br /> requimmont tar mortgapo insuranco onda M cicoordance wflh any wriiten aflrament botwean Bonrarrer and Lander or upplkobto law. <br /> c <br /> "•• '�' ' � + 9. (11SpECt10Q. Londsr or Rs agent may make rt;aeorsabb enUl�s upon nnd Inspeottons of th�Propariy. Lendor shall INe Bo�o�r�r • <br />�ro,,. ,., <br />- �- notica nt tlto 1tm�of or prlor to nn InspeoYton spec[fyln8 ressonabb causa tor th�IntpFCt+an. u;.. <br /> 10. Condeme�eUon. Tho procosds of any award or a�lm tor dsin�sc�. d'root or oonsequentinl, In eonnootlon v�tth eny �,« <br /> _- • '''i� condemnntfon or other talctng ot any pnR of the PropeRy,or far oonveyance(n Ileu a4 c^.ndemnatbn,are hereby asaipned end Shali be pald .t<� <br /> '� � to Landur. <br /> � r- <br /> =�•��{��" In the evont ot e total tekhg o}the PropeRy,tho proeoada shall bo eppl•sd to the nums seaurod by this 8ecuripr inaWrteent,�vhather or - <br /> � �" not than duo,wt1A nny sxeess patd to 8ortowor.In t�e ovont of a peA�il tr4inp qf tnfl FeqpeRy in whbh tho tatr murket vnluo of the Property __ <br /> - �:��:n-�" Immadfatey Oatore iho takinp i� equai to or greatar Ihu� tha emount at tha aums sw�.:sri by thts Security Inswmont tmmedtatery betore tho <br />_ � ���;. '�� mking,unbss Bortowor and Lender othonvise agree In mr:ng, tha sums secured by ths Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the amount _ <br />�; ��x;�x, ot the prorsseds muftiplied by the lollowinp tructton: (a)tP�e tot�l arscznt the of cums seoured immed�atety betoro the tekirtg,dlv�ed by(b)tho <br /> ,� � fpir rtmrk6t vaiva ot tho P►opErty Irnmodlnteiy beloro Iho tekhD•AnY hF.�r�fl ehali be paid to Borto►ser.�n tho svsnt of a paRiul ttikYip of the <br />�'""'� X"•• Property In whioh the(air merket valus ot the Propocty Immedi�tory ls�+ir�thg tak�ng is Iesa than the amount ot the suma eeoured Immadf�tely <br />-""-�°�� a betoro the takirte,unies� Oarrower and Lendcr othomiso n¢ree In wriiirtg ar unlG:s o,p�.foabia law otherwise provides,tho procee�s sha8�e <br /> 3�q''. <br /> •�;�;. epplied to the sums socurod by this Securtty Insuumcat v�i�ather or not the sums rco�'�an due. <br />��•� `. ifi tne�coPe1�1i�������y 8z���•��,=`�r•0!!c�bY l��s tn�s!ri'!'�??�'?t th�condomnot oNms to meke 0n aw8td Ot 88ttb _ <br /> �°=�=��+��� � a c1aYn for damages,8orrower Mils to respond to Lender withfn 30 doys aftor tho dr�'io a?se�ottce Is ghron,Lender Is fluthoda�d to coAxt and <br /> �'17!�S�µ�...i <br /> �;,J_LY�,; � appy the pmaeeds,at ke optton,oithar to restora4fon or�epaU of tha Propsrty or to tho sums secured by tlds S9curi3y inatrumant,whoiha� <br />""'"�;,=",�A'•x�-- �/ or not then due. <br /> --=�°-�--�-�� Unia:s Lendar nnd Barrowar otheNUise ngree Fn wrZL�ng, any apF�cation of prooeeds to prin4ip�1 shall not extond or poatpona the due <br />��s��..,,� Q� date af the monthy pa mcxiits referted lo In pardarephs t ohxl 2 or chanps the emaunt of sucti p8yments. <br /> - '"- 11.Borrowe��tot RelEased: For�eara���:C-�y Lender Not a Walver. Extensicn of tho tima 4ar ptiymont Or modltiCatlon <br />_- s ot amortimtton ot tho sums sc�aurod by thls Security Instrumont grnnted by Lender to uny suceossor tn htorost ot 8onowa chnu oot opmate <br /> ---�-���s+ to releitse tho tiabl!ity of tho origNal Borto�ver or Bartowers successo�s in tnt�rest. Lendet shali not ba reQulred to commsnce proceeGhge <br />'w='��"�°��� egainst eny euccossot h hterest or refuse to extand time tor payment or otherwlse modiy amortiuttfon of the sums sQaured by thi�Securit�t <br /> W�� �y`� Inatnimant br raason Ot any demand made by the orlgNat Bortower or BoRO�r:,�s succossors in (ntorost. My fotboarance by Lender (n <br />�--:��� <br /> ----= exeraishp eny►t�At or remedy shau not bo a wakor ot or proatude the�ml�e of any rt�ht ot romedy. <br /> �--_ _ —`� 12. Suecesrara and A�signs 8oured►•�oIni �i�►ci �everat U�1slty; �-�.•lgnarrs. n�e coLZ�.nn� ena e�re�cq or . -- <br /> ---. this Sa�u�ity Insbument shaU bh0 and bonefd the sueeessors and assigns of Lender and 8orrqwe�,subJeot to tho provbbns of par�lph <br /> -=`��� 17. Borro�var's covannnts end agrsomenls shnU bo Jofnt and smrcr�L Any Bortower who Caslgns thts Seaurity instrument but tit�a8 oot <br /> - ------� execute the Noto:(a)Is casipninp this Secudty Inswment ony to mortgege,grent,and convey that BoROwera hterest In the Property undar <br /> �"�� the terms at this Securiry tnsUUment;(b)N� not personatty obtigated to pay the sums securod by this Security Inatrumer�r,and(oD�ees thet <br /> �_._�'�� Lendor end any athar Bortower may agreo to wctand, modEry,lorbear or make any eccommodatbna with roQard to terms ot tRis Secudty <br /> -----•-��.,,� Inctrumant ar tho Noto wkfiout that Bortower's consent. __ <br /> '6g.d.�^JnD Chaf9CS. If the loan secured by this Security Inawmant is• SubJeot to e law v�hiah sots maximum toen eASrpos,snd that <br />--"-�-�-a taw � rmntry Intorproted so that the Interest or othar loar► ehargos oolbetod or to bo cott�ted tn connectbn wkh tho loan excesd the <br /> - ---- pprmMpd Urnit9, tAotl= (o) uny SuCh l0an 4hnt$es shflll bv roduCed by tho flmoUnt ReCessflry t0 teduCe the Chatge t0 the pennkted Amih,tiT1d , <br /> — ._- _ ..�,: (b)any sums ntead�coUeoted frum Buuuvrer wa�cn excc�aaa psrmmoa imrc� ��iu eo rofundrd to enr�w7vi. i,c�nu� riaY c�►oa�s s� �'.c <br /> �,;,� thts retund by redualn8 th9 prbeipul owed under tAe Nate or by matsing n dtroat pnyment to Bo�rower. If n refund reduces prhopa6 ttte <br /> - - '"`�� �aduCtlon will be treatod ns n pnrttat Wnqaeyment w(thoui enY P�ePAym9nt chergo undor tho Note. <br />�- _=::.s�;,i�� 14. NOUCBa. Any not�o to 6o�rower provfded tor h thls S�curity Instrumant shult bo gNen by delNerinO it or by mauhp k by IYSt <br />�"�g;,'z;,;,'W;""�' aksss msil uniess nppi�:a 1aw n3qukos use ol another method. The aotko ahN1 bo dirootod to the Property Addres� or any othar addros� <br />�"���:_=�`: Borrow¢r dosignates by notiCO to Londor. My noNco��WnOer sAaA be�ghrtm by Nrst cinss mn0 to Lende�0 addros3 stntv0 AotOh or ar►r - <br /> - -'-��;?�°��;- • othur addresa LenQor designatos by �oitco to Borrower. My notdfla�rovldad tor In thls Secu�fry IncWmont shall bo doomod to hxvo boon -- <br /> .i.. ,...a <br />=:�,":IC`:s,��%!�;- , gNOn to 8orrower or Lenda wUen gtven ns�providaG In thb pamgrnpn. <br /> �. -,ir.�c.�:,t� <br />–"_.:.+�,�;,�}�:;x�Ir 9 s. Govt�rning La►n; Severa'b11}�+. Thls Security In6trumon2 ohult ba govCmod by tedetal law and thU I3w ot thp�urtsdiOGon tn <br />�..M`.IZIC Y'n��� <br />,�,,.� .--.��' whbA the Proporty ta Iaantod. In tha emnt thot tu�y proviston or cuuse of thts Sscurtty Inswmont or tho Noto coniticts wtt�oApibabio kuv, <br /> "������;�•�,�� suCh conlibt aholl not m41uo1 otha provt3lons ot thls 9�curriy tnGtrurrtont or tho t�ate whbh can be pMon e4tsct without tho contlbtinp <br /> _�":,,�.' "���;,�.r_;� pravlsian. To th�cnd tho provistons of this Securlry Instroment and the Noto ere deolared to be severubb. = <br />�r,�_ ..�;�}�,�"'.�� 18. Borrower s Q:apy.Bortower shaU b�gHen ono conform:d aopy ot tho Note and ot thi3 Seourity In&trumon4 _ <br /> - •+��' •�' �� �rr.aalar e! tl�a PrnnerNt or e BQRGfiCl81 IDtCf88t ID BOtI'OW01'. 14 all ar any part of lho Property or eny hterest h <br /> - `�.',`: : :: <br /> • ° �"'�•�� it is sold or Vanst�rtad(or if n benefioial Interest In Borrowar b sold or tmnstortad nnd 8omo�rer is not e naturai Omeon) wphout Londers :_ <br /> .r�n� r F-, <br /> - , • prior written consen�Lundor may,at tus optlon,naquao imm�dt�to paymnnt tn iuU of atl sums seeured by this Socurlty tnctrumont.Ho►vever. 1�' <br /> '. � this optton ahn0 not bo ox6rotsod by Lendor H araraE�o is prohbRod by tcsdcrat law as ot tho data ot tAb Socur�r ►nsUurt�en� ; <br /> • " If lendur oxcrcisas this optbn, lander ahnll gko Borcorrer nutbo of acc:uk�mtlon.7t:e notico ohali provtda a porFad ot not bs�then 30 <br /> . dayc nom tho dato ths notke I9 dalNOrod o�malbd wdl�h wh(ch tho Borrowar muat Dny NI sums scaurod by this &..^CUriry Inatnemsnt. If �� <br /> , 8onawor tnils to pny thoso aums prlor to tho mcRtrnUen ol thls period,Landor mny invoko any rortrcidlas pormittod by this Sueutity IngWment _ <br /> wkhout turthor notlCO or dnmand on Borto►vor. <br /> E< <br /> � ' Fotm 0020 V/o0 �� <br />— . �.. ..^ Fa000.LMd(�0/OD) Pap�3 oi 6 s- <br /> _ - . • � <br /> - .. � .� �._: <br /> . R.. <br />' .� 1000 <br /> -.i � <br /> F <br /> _.. __......r_-....__._••-.----.,.^ .�.,...^..._.._-r^:t^"�-'r^--ct-�—�-r.--�-•.T^--�--r-3-�-�rr . <br /> uT.-'_-"'--_'---•,--�._.._..—.� . . . '_ . _ . _..1� <br />