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, . <br /> „ <br /> .. <br /> ,. <br /> i� . , � �(1 . , .,. .....__._..-- -....._. . , <br /> , ._. . ., . ._.. .. .. .. <br /> - --.,.�,..�..... .�...__.. ..... _. .. -- <br /> „ ' t <br /> 18. Horr�v�er'm RIQF�t to Retne�tata. B P�orrowcr mcota cortnin aonAlttona,Boaowar ahall huvo tho right to hpvo antorccmeni of <br /> t'nis &ccurtty Inotrum9nt dl�oontlnucd tat any tlmo Prtor to tho earl�r o#: (a) f days (or ouoh otnor porbd as nppl'�cubb taw m�y apeotry for <br /> � rolna►ntoment�batoro uat� ot tho ProFsortY purouant to nny po�vcr of tu�io aontalnad In thls Sccu�iry InatrumCnt; or(4)cntry of a Judpm:n: <br /> ontoroinfl t�ls Saaurlty Inauument. Tno¢�conditiono nro that Borrower: (p)pnya Lcnd�r ali aums e+Alch thcn would bo duo und�r tht�Scturiry : <br /> � Inotrumem nnq tho tdolo had no ncco►cratlon occurrod; tb)euroa nny dotnutt of any othcr oovennn4 or nflrcemunts; (o) payo a11 expe�se9 <br /> incuuod In Cnlorclnfl this SCCUrRy inotrumonl, Inatuding,but not Iimttad to, rcaoonubto altornoyo'toaa; and (d) takos ouoh nction n0 Lcnd�.r <br /> may ressonnbh roqulra to ao4ur0 thut tho �lon of thl� &�urny Infttrument, Londcfo riphts In tho Prope�ty nnd BortowaPo obl�gptlon to pay , <br /> the sums neCUrod by thNS Security��strumsnt ohnli contlnue unohungod. Upon rotnstalarr�ont by 8or�oWCr,thl3 Security Innhurn�nt and thp <br /> , Ob��puUonG sCCUrod hereby Bhpil rom�tr►btty oN�ciko as lt no nccobratlon hnd occurtad. Howovar, thb right to rolnstuto 8hnll not uppty In <br /> ' " tho cn90 ot uccobration under puraprnph 17. __ <br /> 7j � 19. SalO 0} W9l@; Chen�o of Loan Senitcer. Tho Noto �r n partl�� Inlatest In tho NoW (togOthCt with thts 8ticudtq . <br /> ' -�.� InBtrumany may bo sold ono or moro IUnos witheut prlor notko to Bortavat. A sate mny rosu�t In n changa in tho onUiy (known ua tho ,'":L <br /> ..-.•�::� <br /> ���,•: .,�,: 'Loan Sscvfcar')that coltacto mon4Ary peymonts duo undar tho Note nnd thls Sscurtty Inst�ument. Thore atso may be ona or moro ohango3 -- <br /> ot tho Lottn Senrtcsr unrotatod to a snb ot the Noto. 11 tharo ls a ahanflo of the Loc�n Sarv�er,BoROwar ruill be pNOn written not�e oi the <br /> ' ahunqo in nccordaneo with pnmgraph t4 nbovo and appOCabie taw. Tho not�o wtll stnte tho nnmo and addross o! tho now Loan Senker <br /> � und thn nddreas to whioh paymcnts shouid be mndo. Tho notko wf0 atso oontaln any othor intom+atton rsquirad by o{�pncabb law. <br />' ' �� �O. Hassrdaua &ubstances. BoaoNar shnU not cause or perm� the presence, uso. disposat, ctorago, or reinuse ol flny �:, <br /> , � Hnmrdoua Substances on or In the Proporiy. Borto�et shnp not do,nor attov�nnyano elso to do,nnylhhg atfeathg the PropoRy lhat Is� �,'_ <br /> vioutton ot any Envtronmontal law. Tho pmcndirtg two santoncos shnll aot nppy to tho prasenco,uso,or etotage on the Proport�r of emsil <br /> R•-;-°- <br /> "; quontitF�s of Homrdoua Qibstnneos that uro gennrntty reeognl�d to be upproprtnte to normal residsntlal uses end to mghtenance ot ths a,__ <br /> Q ` <br /> i� PropeRy. <br /> �'�_� <br /> •t�; BoRO�ver shaU prompty gNe landor wdtton notke of any Invest►gatlon, olaim. demand,lawsu� or othar actton by any gavommentai ot �'� <br /> - rAgn►atory agenay or prNnte party InvoNhg the Properry and any Hamrdoun Substanea or Envlronmctntni Law ot whbh Borrower has actuul �;,^ <br /> � lcnov+bdge. If BoROwor leame, or is notified by any 8ovemmental o► regutatory oulhurity, thet any romovul w othc�r romOAk+t►on ot any �;ti•__ <br /> �, :, <br /> Herardoua S1�bstanca aNenting the Propsrty �S ��osse►Y�Bortower shall promptty Wko all necessary rc+medial etcttons in ttccordanco w[th 4:'��- <br /> EnvUanmental Lav�. <br /> As used In this pamgmph 20, 'Hemrdous Substances' aro thase substances defined as toxM or hnmrdous suastar.eos by F;,;'"' <br /> � Enmonmentai Law and the foltowNg 6ubstances: gasoline, korosene, ather Ilammabl� or tox� petroleum produot8, toxb pestbides &nd <br />_ �. h�;ixir�os, votatUe soMants, materlats contatnin9 asbestos ar formatdehyde, nnd redtoaativa materials. As usod N this paragmpA 20� ��,_� <br />�;''"`��� 'E��vnuamenml Lnw" means fuderal taws end Ia�vs of the Jurksdktlon whero the P�ap�tY � �ocuted thut relnte to henith, snfery or � � <br />;}4%��'; -- <br /> �s h � env�•�nmental pmteatton. <br /> ; .. '�� NON•UNIFbF�VI COVENANTS. Bortoaror t�nd LenAnr iuRher covenant and egree se follow3: __ <br />_ � �<}t � at. Acceteratton; Remedles. Londer shall give eotDee t� Borrower pPtor to acceleration tottowlnp <br />-;, , . <br /> ,;,F; , Q f��,v�owor's breaah of any covonant or ngreement In this Security InsVument (but not pr or <br />_ „ ,�:: '!! �;,sl:.ra!!an ssn��s g���+�h t7 unless ap�ii�ebte lew provideg otherwise). Thv notte�i shatA apecify: (aI <br /> ��,, . <br /> � the defeutt; (b) the eotton�equired t�cure thQ d�tautt; �c)a dete� not less t�can 3i3 day8 �o� i�a ti�a <br />_ ° � notic� !s gW�n to Borrower, by whEc�u aho detauit must be oured;and (d) that toflure to cure the detault an <br />�� � � � or before the date specEfled In the arsaUce may tesutt In aeceleretlon of the sums �ecured by thls Security <br />=��%'`��t`+� ,� Instrument anai eale af tRe P�operty. The noUoe shnll turther lefarm �orrower of the rtght 40�einatete efter <br />_��?!.`•i'';� <br />,;,,,��r�. . accelereUon and the rt�C�t to bring e court��tton to nasen the nor��euastee�ae ot e defau[t or any other <br />'��" ' �'� dQiense of 8orrower to �2��IeraUo�e and sate. 14�ho default ts not cur��]�n or betora tho date sp�eeitled !n _ <br />_•:�""�' '"" tho notice, Lender st Ita apUon na� Qoqu[re immedtate payment in fuil of ell eums secur�d by 4hle Securlty <br /> 'S:. . at.}' <br />;__�,��,�,�;�� tnstrument withaut turther deman8 e�d ireay invoke the power ot sato and any o4hor remesllcs permitt�• <br />�=•.• � < 6y appUcabta lew. LeRder shall be entitled to colteat ell exponaes tneurred ic+ pussutn� the remedica <br />���' ���:� �r�vtded En thY� peragraph 21� Ineiudtng, bu4 not Ifmited to, reasorta�lo e4t,omeya' teem nrtc9 cos4s o9 tltle <br />-'s�'}:�',4�1.:`s;��` F1�i�ilii{i6. --- <br /> :._�� !' <br />_-�-'�_�=��'.'�� It the power of sale ta invoked, T�ustee �hall record a no4iae of defaul4ln oach �ounry tn �h�atcahle <br />`"-�"'=�'�������� $att of t0�e Property i�located a�ne8 �hell moll eoptes of suoh �otice tn the menner preserlbed by app <br />�`°Y��°"'="; p�;�� to Borrow�r end to t�e otQoar person+� prescrt6ed by appliceble law. Atter the Ume requtred by _ <br />.�"!"''��'� i <br />-�;�;�, '`� •' �p,paicable lew, Truatee ehell give pubilo notie� o! sala to tha persm�aa and U the menner preac�tbe y = <br /> i'��''��"��}"'�� �p�p7jcable taw. Trustee, with�at a�emand on ��rrower� ahall aelt t0�e ProperQ�t et publie nueUan to the -- <br /> ,rr.r�w'•..u,.;'.• r <br />��:.,�:.r;. hiqhest biaE��r at thc time end �s9��m and under the ternrt��esi�n0 te one se@o o��alt�or�eny par ot oi �e _ <br />""�'�"��'� peraels ae�d Irr any order Tr�c�B�� aieterminea Trustee r�ay p sdp <br /> __-. r�-:.:.r <br />--��'`'�``����'d�- �aoporty by pubitc ennoonaement at the tima a��d plaae ot any prevtausly scheduted aele. Lender o� ta <br />'"�� ��±�innee may �urchas� the Property at eny sale. - <br />-----.-�^�-� U�on �eQeipt of paymont of tho prEee aiu� Erustcc c:F�ii �el��r ta tlse pe�ra�espr yr�M��+'� deed !. <br />�`''���" ` conveying 6he Properly. Yho ce��Q�Es in tho Trustee'ti deed shali be �rt��lt� taete evidcnce ot the truth ot <br />},.:',�•,-.;�f,i�.y.. _ <br />_.'r�..;�., the stnte�eo�s made therein. 1Tr�saR�a shult apply the proceods of tho aale In 9Do�e 9o11owing order: (a)tae � __ <br /> costs and oxpenaeo ot exeretsing the power of sale, end the sale. Inctuding lDota payment ot the Truat��'e <br /> � �.�� teea ectually Incurred�c��m4 to exceed 3 °� 04 the prinaipal emount ot tho note at the time of ox_ <br /> '� tho doolaraUon ot deta�u9�, and reesonable atQorney's 4eea as perro�E4��d by law; (b) to all suma c�e�ered by __ <br /> • �' this Securtry Instrument;arad (a)any excesa to the perso�or pers�s Uegalty entitled to !L �; <br /> _ � ' � � 22. Reconvoyance. Upon pnymunt ot nq sums socured by thia Socurityr Inahumsnt, Lendor ohnll roquest Trustoo to r000nvo�� Ihe `• <br /> �• PropoRy and shntl aurtendor th(s&ocurtty InstrumCnt ond a11 notes evidenaNp debt securud by thts Security Inswmont to Trustoo. 7nnstee �. <br />� �! ghal►reconvoy tho Proporty wtthout wartnnty and without ci�nrgo to the person or pareons �egft�q onldled to k. Such pattson or poisons Bhe9 ��, <br /> �uy any rocordntion costs. <br /> b c__ <br /> - .. - pt(�lyj�'� E-�-. <br /> ' __lt.�t��_ ._ ��.��� ��y. �� w .�..�t�m m�u kem tlmo to tltl'tfl ff3t110V0 TN8t88 and oppolnt u successor watoo to 011y �,, <br /> - ..-- -.-: ',-;�-'P'11 i�i1. .7Y03iiiiico t.uoacv. .o•••.o•� �• .•� �...-... .._, - <br /> � � ' '� Trustoe oppointod horaundar by an Inatrumont recordod In tho counly In whlCh this Socurity Instrument Is reaord�d.Withou! aonvoyonce Ot <br /> ,p,f •. <br />_ :t�;�d the Proporiy.euCCOSSOt Wsta�8hn11 succoed to sll tho t�b,power and dutios conlerred�pon Trustee here�n tt�d by appi!cab w• <br /> �r`''� 24. Roq�ecit tor NoUa�s. Bortov�er requosto lhot coples ot tho notteos ot da4auM nnd snb be sent to Hotror�o�a addroas whlCh <br /> - " ls 1h0 PropCAy Addres8. <br /> a6. F91dcr� to thia Socurity InsUumen�. �t ono or moro r�aora nre Hxc�ueod oy Barowor ond►COOrdod togothltr wsh ihis <br /> t ' Socurity Inatrumont, tho covcsnnnta nnd ngr�manta ot csch suah ddor ahell bo incorpomtcsd lnto and shntl amond and suppbmnnt tho - <br />- , covonnmo nnd ngrcomonts ot thls Sccurity inaUumont as It tho rldcr(s)woro n part of thls Socuriry insWment. �rm ao2a cAO = <br />_ , �ooa9LM�(�o/oe) Pap��oe 6 = <br />_ . it,,_ - <br /> • �000 � <br /> -- <br /> - ..- .....-�--s-n^--m,mwmr'-- .^.—.^---r__—'-�-:T'- <br />