.. '
<br /> .�x..�y , ' ' , ,.
<br /> .,;_�.._.._ _
<br /> • ..�._:yti.��--�= _
<br /> . ..<ti.yt�:�... �� '`t. .. -- - .. ---..�
<br /> . `'� . :.:•�41
<br /> ,.•,MUw�c.,+ ' .. �. .- .
<br /> .f} .`°�''_ ._.._?"*�1.,t�':a.�u�_ . .. .. .. �,._
<br /> � , londor may, at nny ttmo, c0ilecl a�d hotd Fcnda N on omount not to oxCOOd Iho niu�Imum amount n hndt�r lor t�lodcrnity tolatad moApa{�o �`'
<br /> � toan msy roqulro br 8orrowor'3 afara�v nccouni uu�f�,r tFtia tad�rnl itaul Eotato IIctitemoM Prw;oduro� Aot o} tff14 ou nmflndad irom tima to --
<br /> tlmo, t2 U.S.C.2601 at ooq.("FiESF'A'►,untose anothor I�w thnt appll�o to tho Fundo onto n b;,acr cnnount. II na,Londcr mpy,at nny timo�
<br /> cott�ol and Nold Funds fn an n�ount nnt to oxccod tho tasnar amounl. londcr mny astimsto iho amount o1 fund� duo on tho ba0i9 of �_
<br /> Currqnt dato and reaoonnQb o�tirrato0 ot oxpundiluros of futuro Eoaro�v ItemO or otl�envlso In acaurdanco wph oppticabt�L��r. =�
<br /> Tho Fundn oh�ll bo huld tn en InaUtutton ►vhoao dspoo�o aro Inaurod Dy n toder�t apanor, Inolrumnntvlqy,or Cntliy(InC�udin9►ondGr.11 ___
<br /> Londor i3 auch pn Institutlon) or h any Fodcrul Momo Lonn Bnnk. Lundar ahail upply lho Funds to pnY t�o Eac►�w ttcros. LCnQCr may nof —�� :
<br /> � ohnrpo Bartowar tor holdtnp a�d nppMNO tho Fundn,nnnuaty anary:mp tno osorow accounb or vorifyinp tho Eacrow itom�, untoso Lond2►
<br /> , � � peys 8o+ro�oer Intorest cn Iho Fund�nnd nppllCabt�l�r+ pem►tts Lcndor to maho auah a ahnrgo. Howovcr, LcndCr muy r�qubo Botrower to �'y_'
<br /> ,l�� pay e ono-timo ohnrgo tor an tnd�pondent rua�oatato tnx ropoAlnp eoNicu uaod by Londor tn connoct4on with thls Wan,unbnn�ppi�cnCto 1aw _
<br /> , provido3 othorwfao. Unlo98 cin agrcamont Is mndo or a9pl�Cnbb t�w roqulros intorost to b� pald, Lcndnr nAan nol bo roquirod to pay `
<br /> %s'�9�,� Borrower nny Intorost or oamin8s on Iho Funds. Bortowctr nnd Londor mny ctptoo in e+ritind, howavar,thnl intarost ohnli bo pnid on tRO Fundu.
<br /> _ �'•".
<br /> l
<br /> :. ;.,-.:ad�► _,
<br /> t Lendor shnli gNo to Bonowor. wlhout oharflo,an unnunl neoountlnp of tho Funds,showing crodits and doh�h3 to tho Funda nnd t o purpoae �'
<br /> ;�:: .;:�;.'� tor whloh cuoh dobit to tho Funds wna mado. Yho Funds aro plodgod n9 additlonnl eoourlty fot tlll eums eoCUrod by lhi9&oourity In4troment. -_
<br /> . • '�•`;�y, 11 thg Funds hatd by Ler�da exeo4d tho amountn partnittad to bo hotd by npplicab�9 L�w. Lor�dor ohaU aceount ta Borcower tor tho `
<br /> •:�,,.i::•;.
<br /> � ���� oxcas�Funds h acoordunco wM tho requtmme�ts ol npplicabb la�v. If tho amount of tho Fundu hold by Londar al tiny tlmv i3 not sutiietent _
<br /> •,.s�,1 —
<br /> •�. tr to pay tAo Hscrow Itoms whon duo,Londot may so notity Hortowor In writtng,nnd, In suoh cnoo Bortowor sha!)pay to Lond:• lho amount i
<br /> �� ', � ��,. nacaseary to mnke up tl�o dotkbnoy. Bortovror shaA mnko up tho dofbbncy h� no moro tAnn hvoNO monihy paYmants, at l�ndar's sob _
<br /> . dtscrGt[on. __�.
<br />= � • Upon payment In tuli ot st suma eecured by lhis Security InatruR�flnt, Lendor ehall promptty �otund to 8ortower any Funds hold by
<br /> • Londer. It,unAer paregrr►ph 2t,lendor shall acquire or seq the Property,Lender,Pdor to the ucquistt�on or sala ot tRe Property,shnll appty _
<br /> any Funds hoid by Lcnder at tiie tif��e ot aoqufsiikn or^a!�as a credit aflninsl the sums securad by tAis Security Inatrument.
<br /> �; .. 1 .•��� 3. AEfP11C84100 O}P�lym@t1t8. Unless t�P�kable lav�provtdes othsnvise,all pnym9nts teceNed by Lcindar und�r P�9►nPhs t and `�
<br /> '' 2 shall be appltod: tirat. to anY Dr�payment charges duo under the Note; s000nd, to nmpunn. payabb under paregraph 2: thMd to �taroat '_
<br /> � ',':. -
<br /> :.�• :��;,��� ,* duo;�ouAh,to principat due; tina Last�to any 43te chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> �•�, 4. Churges; L�enB. 6arowar shnli pay all taxos,as6essmants,ahetpes.finos nnd MyoSDbns utUFautsAi�to the Prtr�any whioh may -
<br /> attam priority ovsr this Security Inswment,end 1et+sahold paymenta or ground rents, U nny. Borto�ver o11�11I pay those obt�gotlons M the
<br /> .,',,�',A,; F inanner providEfl 4n paragrnPh Z� or if not patd In that mannar, Bonower G?:;iA �ay them on tlme tlUes:i� to tho pereon owE►d pa}mn:�
<br /> „ .� 8orr��vor shall prompty tumisn ix�Lendsr all notfcos of amounts to be paid undar thk� parngrnph. If Bortovrer makos thoso puymt��ts
<br /> "''_�,�;'ti,'�. dtr�tty,Bortower shall promptrytumish to Lender�ecelAta ev:cloncfng tho payments. -
<br /> ";�n���};;?`� Bortower shali promptty diuhtuge any Ilen which has priority over thls Socudty �nshument uniesa Borrower.(n)a8�eg �writY�g to the
<br />"`''��„..:,._ , ppymunt of the obligatton eecued by thp Iien h a maansr ecceptable to LFm�er, (b)contosta In Bood f�Y�`�lhe Iien by,or ctotends aflatnst
<br /> -� �:•y�'-�'�"'� ��,q entorcement ot the Ilen ln.I�alO�oceedings whbn m[he Lendara op:iioi�r�a��ts ta is�'=�!!!es ent�r+�?n�±�t et the Uan:ar fa)socuros hom
<br />-;�in,;'i�,:�qi;, �/
<br /> '�",�;��.• .t�m�bider of the Ibn an eg�naTt sntisteotory to Lender Subordinathg the Ilen to this SeQUriry insWment. ti lender determ(nos thnt nny
<br /> """'��s` •par!of the PropeAy ts sub)oat to �Ilen whbh may attaln prlor(hj ovor this Snourity InsUum2nt. I.onder may giva BoROnns m c�otiCO tdenNryhy
<br />_y,::�r;� -- ____ �
<br /> `��'�--'= tAe�Nen. 8orroti�2r shatl eatt�fy t�m�en or tske one or more ot tnb aCtlons set torth abovo wRhU 10 daya of the gNing o4 c�o2ica.
<br />-_---��iir�sy,�:'�� � �, (i@taT&1 �T pt0}fEtly �nsuran��. Bortov�t� shnll keep tha Im6,rovements now oxisting or herea►ftor ereoted an tha Property
<br /> ��..,,i
<br /> _'�� �l Insurod aAnhst Iosa by tlre. Mra�ds inoh+ded �viihln the teim 'extonded cwe�;,e" and any other hemrd:.haNding tlooda or fEood�c�,Eflt
<br /> ~ W�,.Y wh�h Londer roqukes Msumnce. Thls lnsurence shaU be maY��tfned in the�maunto and tor tho pertods thaP to�der roquirea. The hsuttiaxa
<br /> -��^;�-� � �r provtding the insurance sha0 be ehosen by BoROwor subJeot to lends�s opprovoi whlch shatl not be unrnasonaby wkhheld. It
<br />�---'�'i�'�� Borrower taEls to mnhtaln corortige described aDove, Lendar may, at Lendere option. obtnin aovorcgo to protect Lendors righte h tAo
<br /> `�-�'°' Property tn accordnnoa wNh paragrnph 9.
<br /> ' ��� Al!insur�irr►ce polfCie9 and renewats eha[1 poo ascoptubb to Lendar and shail inatude a etandard morZgttge e�ause. Lc+nder shalt have tho
<br /> '"°— right to hcld the polbies and renewe�s. It londer requires, 8orcower shall prompiry gNs to Lendar at1 rer;et�ts at ptsld Prcn+kntts et'd rt�'g�"�!� -
<br /> ,,,,-„�,� notkos. In the event ot Ioss,8ortower ahn0 gNe prompt natEce to the insumnco carrier c�nd Londsr. Lender may mnke proo�ot bss tl not -
<br /> _ - -- made promptty by Borrownr.
<br /> � T� Unleas lender and Bo�roaer othenvtse agree tn wrRing, insuranco prcaseds shell bo epplbd to rostoratton or repnlr ot tha PropoRy
<br /> �-°"`--'-''"=' damflged. U the rostomtlon a�epaa is eeonamically tensibla t�nd Land�:fs security Is not lessenpd. S1 ihe restoration or repaY f8,ftot
<br /> n
<br /> ��.;�`6�i;titJ1
<br /> -�--�-�-��- euonomiaulry teitabb Ar lctndela seeurfty woWd!�o lessened,tho Insurnnce procaeds shnA ba eyplled to 1'�o sums 6sourod by this SeauTt,y
<br /> °�"-"�� lnstcument,whether or not thm dua,with any e�xces& pafd to 8oaower. It Borrower abandona tho propertfr, pr does not answer within•30 _Y
<br /> - -- - --- d�ya e notbe from Lender that tho Insurance eartier has a'r7�r,ed to sattb e elaMn,then Lender mny ooibot the Inaurnrtco p�rocoods• lander
<br /> .��.�;y�j may u59 tho pmceeds to repeP or restoro thc3 PropwmY or Ro pay sums seeurctd by thi� Secudty insWment, whethor or s�Dt thon duo.Tho
<br /> �----::°;r� 3�}�day uc+ii,d u,U h.."$fn erhen 1he notMe la ghKx�. -
<br /> ._ "_ �_.�'_=•Y�
<br /> `�� Untesa Lender nmd Dorro��r othsrwMo agre9�n wrrca�g,nny apAr�;uttnn ut y�octtatl3 to princFpa:aR:t�n,>?e�R�+n or po�tpcna tt�b u!�e "
<br />;;;;;""'°T��u� t4119 of the monthry payments mtenad to tn pura9roAhs 1 and 2 or ohungo lho timount of the paymonSS. ft andor pen3grePh G�tho Properhr
<br />-:�:��:-' " �' ts acquYed by t.andor.Bomau�i'�rlght to any insumneo poticies and proaeeds rosulting from dnnwge to tho Property pflor to tho ucqu�skion =
<br /> .,�:.. ¢;.�1' r�:
<br /> '',,�,,,,,�;.,,}��._ shali pass to lender to tho e�acnt of the sums socurc3d by thls Securiqr Instrumont tmmedL�tery pdor to tho aaqulsRbn. -
<br /> � °:1�1�•��r•.���
<br /> -:.;�,��..:,;,�•..� ,S 6. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Malntenanae and Prote��;�n of the Prope�; 8arrower's 6oan Appltca on; _
<br />-�,,.•. j�;�.
<br /> �:�,;:;.�;�";�;�b 6@88@h01d9. Bortower shat accupy,ostabll�h,and use tAe Property ua Bortowe�s prinntpal resldortro erfthks sbcty days aftar trto�caavt n _
<br /> ��Y',_.'.:,;�:'`�:;�; 0'1 thta Security In8lrumont r.nd shaA continuo to occupy tho P�aporty ns 9orrowu�s prlrtcipai restdenco for at teast ono yoar flRer irte•daro ot _._
<br /> ___':c.�;i'•�ra crcupanay,unbss Lendu athm�Viso a8rees En`�IIhg,which consant shali not be unroasonubry wtthhsld,or uniaas e:�r.uaMn�cbcumstanCes
<br /> ,'��'?`��'�'`"';��� oxktit wAlah ere boyond 9ortorr�'s controt. Bortowc�►sAail not dostroy,dnmago or MpnY tho PropeAy.altow the Prc¢a�Y to doterl�rate.or
<br /> �....;. , �- W
<br /> r�..`_.. . y..;rc:
<br /> '":'�'��"` commR wusto on the F'ropetrtl� Bormwer shan bo M dotauft u any toAatt�ro nctlon or Rroceeding, wRO!`ar civU or crMhs�,ts Degun thst
<br /> - � Lendara pood takh judgmvnl couid rosuh In toAOtturo ot the Property or othenviso matorinlly tmpaifr tAo Ifen crestod by iP►1� 3aituurNY
<br /> ;"�. ' ,�,� h 18.by cnusinp tho nction �
<br /> '--� 4;; Insuum�vft or Lendars socur�j intorost. Bottoarcr muy cure snCh a dotuutt nnd ret�smto,us provirfed in par�6raP
<br /> �.�`- � �� a�= �ereracte1nn to be dlsmi�sa0 wGA n rulhg t�nt in Lendors good fafth dotertninntton. preotudos fodotturo ot No BortawCr's htorost h the _
<br /> c.........n.chnu ntee hu M
<br />_ �•.:=!'�'"�"' PropttAy or othQr mAtarL�l Unpcirment o}the S�et(�,7tOd by thls.�CUtRy [�SWmt3nt or ienovts ooi,�v�n� :�ia.oa:. ..�••�__ _.._.,- - -
<br /> '.' °a1� detuuR tf Borco�vor,durin8 thB to�n oAP�Atton procoss,gisv8 matOri��N tQ�SB Of tnaCCUrulO IntO�tl011 Or BLntOme�tB t0 Ldt1d0�(Ot tffibd l0 , ,
<br /> � provtde Lendar wRh any�n�3tqlal IMortnutlon) in connection with tAO toan ovidencod by tho Noto,IncNding,but not 1'unttcsd to,representatbns -_
<br /> . cuncaming Borcotivor'3 occupartey ot tho Proparty as u princtpal resfdnnCO. If this Scxurity Instrumont b on n teasoh01d, BortowOr BhaD `
<br /> � . comph wfth aU tho provls[oee o�tho tna:,o. it Borrewer Acqulres tca 1Ntu to the PropoAy, tho IeasoAotd end tho teo tpks nhatl not merQe -
<br /> " � untp3s landnr ugrens to the mergtr in�7�ti�g. -
<br /> °° Form»Sa oroo
<br /> � Fa00D.ltdO(10/�) Pap�7 0l 6
<br />"'L
<br /> t000
<br />