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.f . . <br /> , '� � • . . .. . � i <br /> � .�^.�, ' - . <br /> 1.� � . <br /> . . . . ., • . ' - .. .- .. <br />. ..� .. .�. . ...� ... �� , . ' •� l itf�li/i�tlL <br /> . .. � .. '- - - . ... .. . ..r....._._�.��.`�. <br /> .. ._._...• rlYi[�I/*Y'��i� ��..�..........�.��....f._..� _�..�..��. .. ... ........ .. ':.._..�/._ .. ... . ... . . . ... . . .. - <br /> _ . �f lb <br /> .. • • <br /> 7. Proteatlon of Lendor'o Rlgh4s in tha Proper4y. It �orrowor rn�►s to portomi tho covenonts and ngrcBmcnts ; <br /> � contninod In thfa ScourRy Inotrumon4, or thoro Is u tepni procc�d'ui�ihnt mny slgntlleanty uffoot Lcndcro rlghtn h tho PropoRy(suoh at3 �� <br /> n praocodinp In buniwproy,protrnto,tor aondbmnaqon ot toAelturo or to anfomo I�wa or roguintlonn),than Landor mny do and pay tor �+.:. <br /> whutavet is noaessary to prat�sot tho value of the Propa�t�r und Lsndnfs rlghta in the Preporty. l.ondors aollons mny notudo psylr�g <br /> � pny ouma aneurod by a�ten whbh hno prlority ovar thi�Erourity Inatrument,appnnring In oourt,paytn8 roaaannbis attomoy'fl(OOD QRd � �:'� <br /> ' " " ontorUg on tho Proparty to mako ropntro. Althouph londar may tnke aotlon undar this parugmph 7, Londor doos not huvo to do ao. � ��, <br /> My amounta dlsburood by Londor under this pnragrnph 7 shuti buoomo oddltlonai dcbt of 8orroe�or soourod by tbts &oour(1y � ! <br /> � Uatrumant. Untoas Borcowor and Landot agroo to other torms ot poyment, thoao amounto ohall boar Intorost trom tho dnto of F•' <br /> �� • dlsbumomnnt nt tho NoW mto and ahatl bo puyabb,with Intorost,upon notbe trom Landor to Bonownr roquosting paymant � <br /> � 8. HAor9gege Insura�i0c�. II Lender required mortgngo In;,uranco as n condftlon ef makirtp thv bnn eea�red by this Soaurlly � ��• <br /> ; 7 Inutrumont, Bonowar ahall pay tho premluma roquUod to maWtaln tho mortgage Insurence In eHoat. if.lor ony reaso�,Ihe moRQage <br /> Insuranco aovaragc� requirod by Landor lapsos or ceasos to bo In effoot, Borrower ehsil pay the promluma raqufred ta obluln oovwaBe �- <br /> ,�,F�'�� subatantialry equlvalont to t�o mortgage Insurance prevlously U►efteot, at a oost eubstnntlsiry equlvalerc to the cost to Barowor ot the � F: <br /> + � �•�"'�Y. martpnge Inaurun¢e provlousry in eHeot, trom an aRemate mortgago Insurer approved by Lendar. If aubatantlaily equive�ent moRgago <br /> ' Nsumnce oovornge Is not t►vttiiabls, Bortower ehall pey to Lender en¢h month a sum equu� to one-twetfth of the ye3riy moRgago __ <br /> �`�`' Ineurance promlum baing DB�d by Bortower when the insumnoo oovarage lapsed or ceased to be In oNeot. Lender wlli eaept,use and - <br /> � ` rote�h thase paymonts as a loss raserve in itou ot martgago Insurcinoe. Losa roserve paymsnts may no longer be requUad, at tho <br /> : � optWn of Londer, it moRgage tnsurance ooverago (In tho nmount end for the p��lod that Lendar requlres)provlded by an Insurer <br /> �I nppmvad by Lendor ngsin beeames avoN�bW end is obtalned. 8orrower shull pay tho premtuma requlred to malMatra mortgago <br /> ;,;,;���`•. ;�.� Incumn4v tn oHeet, or to pravfde a Iasa raserve, until tho requlromsnt tor mortgago insurnnco ends M acoadance wYh ony wrtKan <br /> �:�'r,�� � aflreement behvean BorroHer and Lender or sppltoabte iaw. :.. <br /> i;.,:•..., ., <br /> � ��� 9 10 86t10Q. Lendar or its egent may mske reasonable enUk+s upon and Inspeotions ot the P�operiy L.endar shall gtve <br /> i����.:c,``,;;,;��' • � <br /> �``�"t!;:�t,' Borrower notbe at the time of or prbr to en InspeoUon speaHyinO reasonabb afluse for the inapeotton. <br /> ,.�•...,�: <br /> ,%���%�:� ;j�•.° 90. Cfffld@i�li18ti0ii. The prooeada of any award or claim tor damages, direot or cpnsequentt�t, In connscdo� wRh any _ <br /> rf, .' <br /> ,..,�r;';�,;; 5�, opndornnntlon or other taking of any puR ot the Property,or tor conveyance In Iieu ot condemnatlon,are he�eby ssslpnod and shail be <br /> • pAid to Lender. _ <br /> ' In the event of A tatai takinp ot the PropeRy, the proceeds shaM be app�ed to tho sums seaured by thls Securay instrument, � _ <br /> • � wholher or not then dua, with any excess pald to Bonowor. In the event of a psrtfal taking of the Propertyr in whfoh Iho tair merket <br /> ' �. . vatuo of the PropoRy immodl�tely befbre the taking is equai to or greuter than the amount ot thv sums eecured by thio Seourlty <br /> � - Insuumtu�t Immedlatey betore the taking, untesa Bonower and Gender otherwlse agres in writin8� tho sums socured by thts Socuttry <br /> Inotrumont shatl bo reducod by tho amount of tho proceado mutttplled by tho foltowlrtg haotton: (a) tho totat nmount ot lhe suma <br />'' ''� ' . seaurod Ynm�dlatery bolore tho taking, dtvtdad by(b)the teir markei vatue of the Pwperty Immediatey betom ifie taking�Any batance <br /> ehsp be pef�W BoROwer. In the event o1 a paRlsl ttilcln8 of tho Property In whbh tho tnN mnrket vtt�lue of the Propeity knmqdlatary <br />�����,•• 1 .�;' � belore tha takhg Is tess than Ihe amount of tho suma seaurod Unmedtatsy before the takNp,unleas BoROwer end Lend�othsrwlS� <br />-:�.��.�'.�:r agreo h writinp or unbss epplto�bte Iaw otherwise providea, the proceeds ahatl be applled to the eums eeaurod by thts S9aurity <br /> h Vi,:�a«� �� lis:ltitsl:�lt�lf8!!NX 4t t14!!h?aima gra Ihen due. � <br /> If the P�opoRy Is abandoned by 8orrower,or 11,eker notbe by Lender to Bortower that the tsoademnor ollYrs to m�ke an award or <br /> yy'���.r•��f; soriie a otaim for dtmap�s,Bortowar 1a113 t0 respond to Lender withh 30 d9y8 aftet tho dflte the notiCe Is p�en,Lender Is suthorized <br /> -�;«,r�,;��_ to aotlaot Qnd eppry the proceeds,at its optlon,eilher to re�toratlon or repuk of tha PrcpaAy or to tho eurms seoured br this Seourlty <br /> `°"�'"'"''-"��:'^'�� Inatrumant,wheUser or not then due. <br />...,��;-j�±�.'� Untess lender and 9oaower otherwise agroe In wr&inq,eny appibntion of proceeds to prinafpal shan�ot extend or paatporta the <br /> °� -�� duo dnte of the monthy paymonM roterrod to In paragrapha t and 2 or ohange the nmount of suah paymente. <br /> -.��M c�°:� <br /> _ --y��� 11. Borrower lJot Retensed: Forbearanee By Lenddr Not �W�iS�omr. Exlanslon o� eno c�no tor payment or <br /> -��-�,w-.r��ll+,r+ mod�'iGatbn of emoRfratfon ot the sums securcd by this Seourity InsWment 8ranted by L�3ndor to any sucaoseor In hterest �t Borrower <br /> ._:-;° `l'�:i:� <br /> � shaU not operate to rais�se the Ilcbiiity of tho orlpNal Bortower or Borrowers su000ssora in Intorest. londor Ghu9 not be required to <br />_.r::-i;-•_`�. � <br />:.-jA�-;/r commflnae proceedings agatnst any ouccessor in hterest or retuse to extend timo tor poymont or othon�iso modtry urnoAlzatlon of tho <br /> --=".��`��� sams sccurod by this Security Inshumont by reason of any demtmd madq by tho original Borrowar or BOROWQr'S BU1CC03�J01'B in <br /> ---.�`",:�� k►terest. Any Wrb6eranCe by Lb�der 6y 6xerolsfnp 8ny�ipht or rem3dy shflA not be a waNet ot or prsotudo thG oxotaE:,e ot any ripht or <br /> ---_,;;�� romedy. <br /> •--�.P:�;;t'�� 12. Succe��r��nd Qaslgne Bound; Jolnt end Severe!Llnbifiiy; Co-atgnera rno covenents and <br />=- �°i°a�i ogmornants ot thls SecurBy InaWment shall bind and bonettt the auccessors and nsaigns ot Lender and Bortower,subJeoi to the <br />— �•-- - provtaiona of paragraph 17. Borrowor's oovennnta nnd ugreemants ehail be Jolnt end several. My BoROwer whn co-signa thls Security <br /> �_;:�;: snd aonvey thet <br /> Inawrrumt but dooa not execute the Note: (e) Is oaslyning this 3ocuBty mswment onry to mortgage, grent, <br />:_:,�:::��.;.�.� <br /> Borrowers intorc+�t In the Property under tho torms ot thls 8eourit�r Inswment: (b)Is not parsonatry obl�ated to pay tho sums aeoured <br /> --- �'m� by thi3 F,ecurfry In9t�umont; and (c) agroes that Lendor und any other Bonower may agrAS to oxtond,modUy,tortseu or�make eny <br /> � �-����� nccom�nodnttons wkh regard to tormo of this Soaurfty Inatrumont or the Noto without thnt Borrower's oone9n� <br /> .:���:� 93. Loen Chereas. If the ban seoured by this Seourity Inotrument Is subjeot to a law whlch sets mtuccYnum Ioan aharQe9, <br /> -_•:�:"y�� nnd Uwt i��v ei Peiidl�Y I+1t6�6t6d GO thct tfiC Istt:.�83t Ot 4thBt 109►� Ohe$29 Rouuntod or to be eolloatod {n eonneatton wNh the ban <br /> ` �'� oxcoad the pormitte8 IGuita,then;(a)any suoh toan ahnrgos shall bo roducod by the emount necessory to reduee 4he aherge to tiw , <br /> �w.�.��� <br /> -_�`:��: porm�tOd IUntl;nnd(b)any sums nlroudy aolbcted from Borrower whbh exeeadad permittod Umks wAI be retunded to �oirower. Lender _ <br /> .`""°''�'�`�`. .� tnay chpoIIe to mekv thS� retund by rctduoing the prfnCipat owod undor thp Noto or by m�lcNg e dfreot payment to Borrower. R 6 <br /> ,�.;n:�"ttZ= . <br />-'"_" '��` rofund teduaos prineipnl,the raduotlon w1U be treated ns a pnrtb�prepaymant without eny prepaymont eticrgo undor the Note. <br /> - - 14. NOUCeB. My notfco to 9orrowor providod tor In thia Soourity InaWment shati bo gNOn by dolluering It or br cnnllh8 ft by <br />''�"'��+� tirst otlss mall unl�sa npp9cabie Iew requUes uae of unothor method. Tho noNco ahali bo dUected to tho PropoRy Ad�nes8 or nny <br /> ' othEv uddrosa Bortowcr doslgnato3 by notl¢o to Lundor. My notica to Lendor shnll bo pNen by fUst clusa mnil to LandvrG addre98 <br /> J";"�?�;��;�'� �` atntod hereM or any othctr addross Lundor dosignatoa by notice!o Borrower. My notko provided tor In thla Socuri4y NsWment ehnA <br /> "•"4:��' ' ` ' bo dQemttd t0 httve boon gNon to Borrower or Lendor whon gNon eta provided in this pnragruph. <br /> ;,:..l,�,Y _,..,•'' <br /> � �j ��•�•� 96. Governin� L.ew; SeverobiUty. rnia Sncurity Instrument BhaM bo govomod oy rod�a� taw and me �aw ot tne <br /> _ .,.,�:.�., <br /> Jurtadbtlon M whbh tho P�oporty is looutod. In tho ovunt thnt nny provl3ion or otauee of this SoCUrity Instrument or the(�tote oonflipte <br /> ' '�� �Y,th appllanbb law, suah oonflbt chnti not oHoot othor provlalons of thla 8c�ourky Inotrument or tha Noto whbh can bo gtvan oHOat <br /> � �'��� wlthout tho oonttbtlnp provislon. To thia end the provisfonn ot thia 3oourlly�nstrument nnd the Note are deol�r�3d to bo sovw'sbta. _ <br /> `���"""� �dt. Rerrnwer'a Conv. 8crcowor ahnll bo nlvan ono oonformed oopy ot the Note and of fhis 6aoudly InsUumont. ` <br /> �1:. -• '•� '-' 97.Tranafer of the Properry or a Beneflclel Interest in Borrower. If eli or ttny part 4f tho Property ot My � <br /> Intereut in �t Is ssotd or tmnsforrod (or it a benofbiat Interest In 8orrower b sob or trans/orrod und Bortowsr Is not n nnturat person) k: <br /> wrihout londer'a pdor writton Consent, lendor may,ut Na option, roquiro ImmodlaW puyment In fuli ot u!aums saour�d by this Sc�curtry _ <br /> � � Inswmont. Howovor,thls aptlon shnit not ba oxeroiaed by Lendor 11 oxorofso t�prohlbited by todemt law n�o?tho duW of thia Socu�Ay _ <br /> '•' '•�� inatrumont. <br /> ':�"ia� 11 LElndot 6xoro1388 1h19 opllon, Lsntlor shall gHO Borcower notke ot aoael�ration. The nottco sheN provido a pmbd ot not {aGa <br /> than 30 days trom tho doto the notteo Is dot�rerod or malled withln whbh the Borrowor muat pay ep suma socurod by thls S9ourUp <br /> ',�;�,; Instrument. If Berrower tnlls to pny thoso numa prlor to tho expiratlon nt this pe►lod,Lender moy Invoke nnY remodleo pomi�tod by thb <br /> , � Sacurtty Instrumont without turther not�o or domend on Borrower. Form ooao olco <br /> � '.rv , . ' F1079.LM0(1�D9) Pap��o�6 <br /> �i`���I <br /> .jc. _ <br /> ,000 <br />