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1 ,. i <br /> � <br /> , xnrn�� '� <br /> �:W <br /> . . rLjy,.' ., _. . ' -: �: � . ,.._ ....—_ .. ... _ , � " ... , - - - - - =.a»_a..,..rx.. <br /> . �_ _.. ..... . . _ ...— '--........... ...- -- — <br /> . .. . ., ...,.�� .. . . .. . . . ,�..�•�. � <br /> . , <br /> .... � . ., - � ' ' • ' .. ..__.,....__,..__.,__. ,. <br /> :+'.FYwi{b'r�w�r.•a � . 1s��- -. ,_ ... ....- ......_.... .-�-u.+,.r <br /> , . . , . .., .. ...._._.u,_... <br /> ,. � _ <br /> ......Q...a.,r�-5:.�_.._......'_'. .. R. . .... ....... ._ . _- .. . . . -. <br /> , ...'__" IW� <br /> " Sorilomonl ProcCdures Aot of t97A ac amandod from pmo to timo, 12 U.6.C. �^- <br /> � Borrowo�a oscror� acoount under the Iodorni Roa1 Ea4ato <br /> •• � ' 260t st onq,("RESPA"),un��so onother law thnt appitas to t�A Fundo uota a banar nmount. It oo,LonE3r nny timo,oo0aot nnd � <br /> hotd Fund�In an nmount not to oxc¢od tho I�saer amount. Londer mny esWnnto the� umount of tund�duo on tho baol�01 ourrant datn �-� <br /> • '` and raasonabic�sstUnatas ot azpendnurea of future Encrori items or otRerwise H acoordanao wlth aDplloabto t�w• �--=' <br /> • Tho Fundo oha0 bo hold tn an Inotitutlon �rhoao doyoolt� aro tneurod by a todornl aparo�, EnatrumCntaliry, or entfty (Inoiuding ai-- <br /> Londor,if londor t�uuoh an �notitutton)or In nny FodCml Horrto Lan Banl�, Lcmdor ahnu nppry 1ho Fundu to pny tho�ocrow Itams. � N_ <br /> Londor may not ohnrga 8ortov�er tor holding and appybg thn Funda, annuauy annyzing tho o:,crow nocount, or vorifying tho 6aaror� y1,. <br /> .. �. � ��_ <br /> Itoma. unleaa Londor pays Borcowor Intero3t on tha Fund3 and npplbnbla bw pormfto Lendor to moko suah t►nhnrgo. Howovor,4onder <br /> •� may rcqulro 8on�fwcir !e pay a one�t�mo oherg3 tor an hdepondent ratsi o�talo tox roportlnp sorvko uaod by Londor in oonnaollon wlth �A F,.-� <br /> this lonn, untess applbabta L�w provtdea otherwvise. Unle�s an agroomc�nt 1�mado or appilaaDto lae roqutros lntaroat to bo pntd,londer � � <br /> _^_� shnll not bo risquirod to pay Oorrower any Intero3t or eaming8 on tho Fundn. Bortower nnd Londer may nproo In wrltin8.howovor, that � _; <br /> s <br /> J�~ intorost shntl be pald on the Funds. Landor shnit gNa to Bortowvr. v�iihout ahargo, an annuai ricccuntU�A of tho Funds, ehowing <br /> .�w+' orad[ta flnd dobits to tho Funds and the purposo far whbh o3oh dob[t to tho Fund3 v�u8 mnde. The Fundo nro plod8ed ao uddltloncl � <br /> ' � � seaurky for aQ sums sooured by this 3eoudry In�Wment, <br /> . �. . If the Funda hefd by Lendor exceed the amounts permfttod to hs heid by applbabl�Iaw,�endor sh�sli aoaount to BoR�wat tor tho <br /> • oxcesa Funds in acao�tience with the roqutrements of applicable law. If tho amount of the Fundo hnld by i.ender at any tima t� nat <br /> , • �� auftioEont to pay the Esotow ftome when due,Londor may so eotity Bortowor h wrftMg,nnd,in suoh oaae Bortnwar ehaA pay t0 Londsr <br /> .! .:�f;" the amount nacoasary to make up the deiictenay.8ortower shall make up tho dafblenoy tn no more thnn bvr�lve monthy pnymonts,at <br /> ' � '�� ' Lendo�s soie disorotlon. � <br /> . :{ <br /> �, Upon RaYmont in NII ot all euma seourod by Nto&eeurity Inatrumont, lCndor ehnll promptty rofund ta 8orra�vur nny Funds ho!d by <br /> �i�;�' , ,�r! Lendsr. If,under prun8raph 27.Lender shau eaquire ar seN the Proporty. Lender,prlor to the eaqutsitbn or snla af the ProDarty, shall <br /> ��` �`� ,�'''•��� appty any Funds hotd by Lendet at the time of aaqutsllkn or sa�ns a credR agninst the sums securoA by t+Ha��curity In3trument. -- <br /> :;;�,'.. ; ' , <br /> ' 3.Appllcation ot Pay�nenta. Unless BppIICBble law provldes olAerwl88, alt payments�eaeked bp benddr under puf8grep s ` <br /> "��"1..';"'°' 1 and 2 shall be appibd: flrst, to any prapayment ahorgea duo undar the Noto;seaond,to amount8 payehla ander meragrapA 2; thtrd <br /> ,', ,,.:� � <br /> '�••' �'�'�' to Interest due;tourth,to prhoipal dua;and last,to any iate ohargos duo under the Nota. ,_ <br /> ••; �,i ' t' ;.)1 tinas antl hnpoattluns e►t:r+hu3uicta to the w�opemj <br /> u��'�. �b.Char ea; �i@118. eorrower shalt pay alt texes, assesements, charees. <br />:;i�, � ;.. 1� � 9 <br />`;i��; ;''���'r ;�' whbh may attafn prtorUy over thls Securky instNment, and lessehotd paymente ar ground nads, II any. �c�'�c�ver si�aU pay these ni• <br />��'`-��'.•'�' �(��� qbNgAtlona h► the manner provlded tn para9raph 2,or B not paid h that mann3r.8orrov�ot ahsll pey thom on tim�dtracdp io tho poraon ���� <br /> '� J:��.�;"• owad peyment. Dorcower shatl promptly (umish to l.endar all notlaes of nmounts to be pald undar thia peragmph. 1!Gartowor mnkes <br />-` �' v theae paymonts direety,Bomower shali prompUy Nmtsh to Lender reaeipts evldonoing the payments. <br />-,.;'�;�::s: . <br /> -- 8orcower shtili prompty disoharge flny Ilen whlah hea prbrity over thta Soau�ty Instrumant unleas BoROwor. (4?aptflott in wrltinp to <br /> ���""'° tho payment ot the oblipatbn secured by the Iten In a manner flcoeptuble to Lcndor;(h)aonteste In flood fafth thu tiGn�my,ar dofenda <br /> � _-_-- ana�.,nr en�orcement ot the Ibn In,lagal proceedinps whbh h tho Lendara apinlon oparate to prevent thp enfarosmont�oh tho Ibn;or(a) <br /> -��=.?'a'�� seaures trom the hotder of the Iian an apreement satbtaotory to Lendar euDOrClnatinp tne�isn ro ihis Seoui�i� in�iqRnsts:. ff L�essd�t ° <br /> -°�a%� <br /> — detarmbo�that any paR of the Ptoperty is subJeat to a Iien whbh mny eltnin prEoriry ovor this Seaurity InabumnnA,.4ondor may pAro <br /> - --- Bonaww t�ot�s Idmtitytnp!ho Iien. Bonower s�alt eattsy the Ilen or taxe ono or more of the aotfona set tqrth abouo wrihln 10 daye <br />--------- ot tht oivhp ot notia�. <br /> v-- 6. Hezard or Property Inwranao. Borrowor ehatl keep tha Ynprovomonts nevor oxtsthe ar hnmaftttr enct�d on u�e <br /> Property Insured aashet loes by tke,hazafds �rtoNded�vllhN the torm'oxtendod aovera�e"and any olhor h[►aardo,�naUdinp Iboda or <br /> ---- tbodlnp, lor whkN Len�er requires Insueanee. Thts inaurance ahatl bs malnUtlnod N the amounts and fa�Gto•podods that l,endor <br /> --- requko�. The Insurance oar►ier pravtding tho insum�ce shall bo ohassn by Bortower oubJoct to londore nppro�nl.wlilah shnU not be <br /> ----- unrQasonabty withheld. If Bortower fatls to maintn�n covorage doscribc;d abavo. Lcndar may,et Londar's opdan, ob4tin coverage to <br /> __�_ _ _ __ protect Lenda's riphts In tRO Proporty in accordanoe wfth paragreph 7. <br /> _—_-==-=v pll Insursnoo polbba and renewals shaU bo acceptabte to Londar and shslt Inclutle A atn�dard mortgngo olswae. Lendsr ahutl huvo ` <br /> th0 rl�ht t0 hold the poliat95 [tnd �enewais. If Londer requlres, Bonovrer ehaU prompty gNe to Lender ail ntoeipta at patd prorrttums <br /> end renowat noUces. In ths event ot losa, Bortowar s1�nA gNe prompt nollCO to the Insumnee cartler and tendaa londer may meke <br /> - ------ proof ot losa II not mado prompty by Banower. �.: <br /> Unbss Leeder and 8ortowe�otherwiso agreo in wrfting,Insuraneo proceods ahall be npptfod t� roGtoraUon ar na{s�k o1 the?ropoily r <br /> -- damapod,N the restomtEon or re�air is econafiioalty foas(bb end Ler�do�'s eeaurity Is not b3sened. If t�b rootcrdtitre�0�repair !s not <br /> � economicaty teasbte or londB�s securliy woultl be lassanod, tho Insur,nna+ pco�aods ehatl ba app4ad to tAe sumo socured�r� i��s � <br /> - Securiry Instrument, whsther or not then tlue, wilh eny excesa paid to Boaower. If Borto�ua abandano tho I'�fsortll� ar dooa not <br /> - anAwcr w►lhtn 30 days e notice hom Lendor tAat itio Insurenao cartbr hso ol(orod to settie a oUim,tNnn 6nnatir�'�wy coilsct the _ <br /> N6uR1100 p►OC88dA. Lender mny use the proceeds to ropair or rostoro tho Proporty or to pey sumfl secum�9 tny thla Securlty _ <br /> =-=:� In;,trumnv�d,wheihet or n�t iM�t'►due. Ittic�:Al�day D�^siod riUi trey6�r+hesn tFt9 nv[ws !3 gMcri, , <br /> �� Unbsa Lendor and Borrower otherwiso agreo in w�ItNB� 8�Y aAO�tfon oi Vrouends tu prinCpitl�bHAll nOt extdlld 6f�O:,tpona tho _ <br /> due date ot the monthy paymonta reTerred to In paragrephs 1 and 2 or change tho emount of tho pnymonh►. If�undpr qnrngreAh 21 _ <br /> -^.�p�!:�d�� tho PropeA�► Is acquPed by l�ndor, BoROwers right to any Nsurenco potialos end proceeds rosu4lnfl from damnpq ta 31�a t?'nopo�tY Orler - <br /> �=�?:�,�*x.��- <br /> ;�,;,,���;_��� to fhe saquisitbn shal7 paas to Lundor to tho wAent of tha eumo sc�cur�od by this Seauriryj Inatrumont Immartintaq�•pr�or to tho _.. <br /> �"_�`°�:r�� acqubftfan. ' <br />�°����,��.�;'. 8. Ocoupnncy. Proscrvatla�n� Matntenance and ProtQO�lon ot tho Prop�rt9l; C�orr�v�QC� L.oan <br /> --��b���,, Applicetton; L�8SQ�101d8. F3ortower ohait occupy.ostublish, and uoe tho Property ao 6arowor'o ar9noipat rooidonob�rithtn abcty <br /> —`:�_�.<,;�,,�r days aiter the exeoutbn of this 6eourity inafrument and ahnti eontinuo to xeupy tho Proporty ea 6orrowor'a pdnoi�a��roakl�nco tor flt <br /> _._ ..1r�er�,�- <br />-�.;,,-,,.7�� Ieaegt orte yeer aftar ths Eate ot ocoupanoy. unb�a Lender othorwlse aproes in writln9, whk� aonctent ahfl�l not bh unroasotubty <br /> �,i`.: '�rt`•"•'• withheld,or unkae extenuating alrcumetnncos exlst whbh erA boyortd 9orrowefs aonGOl. Borrorrer ehnU not dtlotray,dumaao or Mnpalr <br /> ''�_ 7�,�.�1t . <br /> . tho PropCRy,nllow the Property to detarlomte. or commlt waete on tho Property. 8orrowor ahaE bo In dotnatt N iinp tnRolturo nation or _ <br /> ��1.�• �,��� proceBding. �vhother Obll or crLnlnai,Is bogun thnt En Lvndera good fatth Judgmont coutd m�utt h�adetturo of tt�fl Prapurty or othenvtse <br /> -'�*-�-��"±+� __.��. r...� �wn u�n nrcamd bv th�a &souc�r Inatrumont or Lvndcra eoourily IntoroaL Borrowor may ouru suoh a dotnutt and __ <br /> _u---- nni�6tOn� ��Tw� �• _ <br /> '��'F�'t�;'�' reinstnto,ns providod In pa►n9raph 18, by causing tho eotlon or praeoedNg to bo dlsmtssod wGh C rutltp 4HE1t,m��anaoro g000 iaici► . <br /> ':�`.FA'yZva!�!" " t. �. <br /> - „• dotorminntton, prectude� torfstWro of tho BoRUwor's interost tn tho PropcMy or othor matorial h+yalrmont oi thn iinn aroaWd by thts k <br /> +� � 6ocuriry InaUumont ar Lenders securlqr Ntorost. 8orrower shall atao bo h doTnu�t It Bomowo4 durinp titv loon aPPUcat�on proco3o, _ <br /> . � ';:ih�, � _ <br /> � � ;'',;�°��U� gavu matorlaNy faluo or inacaurate Iniormnttnn or stat4ments to Lvndar (a fnlbd to provido lor�dar �vR„ mny matarial intarma4[an) tn <br /> '�'. �•� aonnsctbn wilh tho loan evldonoed by tho Note, EncluBtng,but not timked to.rcprosontntbno oonaemir.g�nrcowcrn acoupanc9 ot tho _ <br /> ' Proporty e� a prinalpal rosidonae. If this S�aur�yr Ina2n�ment Is on a IaasohoM, Barowor nhao aompry with an ano yrovlsiCns of tho _ <br /> S <br /> ,.,�,�,';.•..., teuse. H gonowor ncqulres fse Ntta to the property,the teasehold and the feo tftl9 shaB not mar�e untoas fne lender agrees to the - <br /> '```'.����fi,'. mergor m wrHing. Fotm 30pD 9l90 <br /> . :'1�`l,iA�lZ�' <br /> ,•:. ' f�04C.LM6(t/09) rase a ai e <br />. . _ <br />- ' , ,000 <br /> . <br /> n � - _,_ - : <br />