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� . <br /> :.i , <br /> - <br /> __- . -„ ; . ... . _ �� ��" , ,., , <br /> __`__:.:.s,�...e=�,..� ---------- --... ...- --- .. .... . .. ._ .,._. - .. . . , . ,... _ r. <br /> , ; <br /> y 18. BorroweP'a Right 4o F301ftt3�dt@. If 8ortowo� moote cartatn oondlHons, Borcowor otsall hnvo tho right to hnvo <br /> - ' enfaoomont uf this 8�ourit�r Inetrumont Ciaaonttnuod ut any timc�prfor tu tPod'va��r ot:(s}6 daya (ar auch athe� �srlod es applhebb . <br /> � uv�mny spooly tor roinstntamonq boloro sale of tho PropcRy pursuont to any powor of snte comafnod in this Secudty InswmeN;or <br /> ' (�)entry of a Judgmont enforoNg th� Seaurity Instrumunt. Th000 oondltlana nrothat 9ortowor:(a) pays Lender nll sumu whioh thon „ �• <br /> would bo duo undor this S�urity Inettumenl and iho Noto nn 1f no ecCelaatlan had ocourrod; (b) aures any dolault af nny o1hQf „ <br /> covonrsnt or ugretsmonts;(a) pays uA oxp¢nao9 inCUrrod Irt Cnforaing thla Securiry InaWment, Inotuding, but not Ilmltad to, roasonublo � o�� <br /> attomoy8'iCfl�;and(d)takos euoh natton as Lendor may redaonably raqulro t0 nt6uro thnt the Ilen ot thi3 Security Inetrument,tandor� � � <br /> rlghta in thp Property and Bortower'a obllgation to pay the euma seaured by thts 8ocurity Instrument shsll oontinuo unohar►god. Upon � <br /> . re�natatomcnt by 8orrower, tP►Is raecuriry Instrumont and tho obilsatlons cccured Mroby shall remaln fulry eifeotive as it no ttccolsrallan <br /> h[3d oCaurted. However,lhis rght to relnstate shAlt not uppty tn the aeae o4 accedretbn under paragrnph 17. k� �.. ;. <br /> . ' 19.�818 Of NOt@; Change of Loen Servicer. Tha NOte or e paAlal Interest In the Note (tagether wilh thl3 3eCUrfty � <br /> inswment) may bp ooid one or mora ttmes wtthout prlor notbe to 8arror�er.A sela may resuft In a uhange In the entity(known as the � <br /> " � "' 'Loen Servfcec") that Colleots3 monthy paymonta Gue undor the Note and tniu 6ecurky Instrument. There atso may be one or more ":; <br /> � ohengos ot the Lottn Smvber unrolated to a selo of the Note. If there Is a ch�nge ol the Loan Servieer,Bonawer wAI ba gNan wrkten � • i,;:: <br /> .� � noUce of the ohango In acaardanoe wkh paregraph 14 above and applkabte Iavr. The notico wYl stato the neme and address ol lhe <br /> now Lonn 3erv�er end the�dOress to whlch payments ahouid be mado. Tho nolbe wlt�atso contam any other inEormatlon requlred by <br /> spp6o8ble law. � •�;,,: <br /> 20. He=a�douo Subeta�aos. 6ortowor shall not osuse or parm@ the preaence, use, disposal, storaBe, ar reieaso of any <br /> .±Y.._ <br /> � •���i•� Hamrdous Substences on o�b the Properly. Bottower shall�ot do,nor slbw enyone ei9e to do,anythinp aBeottng the Property lhat ;Y�),,- <br /> ..:�,�� . .��;-:,,,.,� `;,`;..,. <br /> t <br />_ ,•. ir:�:;�,'� Is h vlolstton of any Enviranmentfll Law, The precedNg two sentences shal nct eppry to th� presence, usa, or sto�age on the �`�Ft�:�. <br /> i,;�. <br />:;J.i'l'`I,}�';t.�...:.�:t ..,�::,. <br />: .r„�,,,,. .;,.�i,:.,; Praporty of amall quantfliea ot Hazardous Substsnces that are generally rs�ognt�ed 40 6e appropriate to norma►residenttat usos sM to ;`td1l,.;�. <br />-:,.3; . :�.;�.�f n ,y,tii.: <br />:.•, r�•Yt,i�;;.;;tr��;, mahtenance of tho Property. _ <br />-""�'��'i%F•`,'';�'�`:;�� Borrower ehall promptry gNe Lender written not�e of any Mvestfgatbn, clatm,demand,�awauR or ather aaHon by any govemrtrent8l __ <br />��-.:•,.:.... > . - <br /> ''+��•'��-' �5'`•��� or regulatory agenoy or prlvato pr�RY In�oNing tho Property and any Harardous SUbstence or Envlronmontai iatY ot whbh Barower ht�a <br />��s±:t,� . -�;�. <br />= • „ aclual knowledpo. If 8orrower bama, a is notitfed by any govemmontat or regu�tory authortty,that any removai or other remedlatlon <br />:i�� ., <br /> ;, pt any Harardous Subslenae affaotln8 lhe Pruporty Ia �ecessary, Bor►ovrer ehatl prompty take ell neeeasary rembdlsi uallone tn �:_: 1. <br /> accordance with Envtronmentnl uiv+• <br /> � As; usod In ihis paro�qreyh 20, "No�rdous 8ubstances" are thoae aubstaneea dafined as toxb ar herardous substance� by ' <br /> A <br /> ;_�, EnvlronmenUii Lt►w 6nd tho fouowinp nubste.nooa: gnso�ine. kerosene,othor 6�mmebl8 or toxb potrobum produate, toxb peatbldos an0 <br /> hsrbbldea. volatlle soNente. matorinla oontoininp uebestoa or tarmaldehydo,nnd mdbaotivs mnleriulo. As ueed m this parnpraph 20, �.�, <br /> "Envlronmantat Law" moans ledsra�lnwo nnd Inwa ut tho Jurladbtlon whero tho 9roporty ta boatod thct routo to henith, eafery or �;�,-�. <br /> ��� envaonmontni ptotsotton. <br /> NON•UNIFCIRM COYENANT&. Borrowor and Lender furthor covenant and eyr�e as tollowo: �-- <br /> 21, Rcceleratton; Re�edlea. Lendef sl�all givo notice t+c Borrower prior to eaoeleratton tollowin0 :_ <br /> Borrower's breaoh of any eovanent or ep�reemant In thtt 3ecurity lnatrument (but not prlot to <br /> . �, . - acaviareiivn ��i�ie����$rPph 1? s:rles= s�F!!!��l� ��w orovides otherwtae). The etoUce �hsll speolty: { <br /> (e)the deteult; (b)t?�e aotlon �equired to aure tha defautt; (a) a date, not teas then 30 d8ya tram the — <br />_ �' dete the nottae ia qivon to Borrower� by whloh tha deisult n�uet be cured; end (d) thet Milure to cure <br /> the detault on or botoro the date apeci8ed In the notics may resutt in aoceleretlon of the aume <br />_. „ • secured by thie 3eaurity Instrummnt and sale ot the Property. Tha notiee shall turther intorrn — <br /> 0or�ower ot the right to reinc�at� atter ecoeleretion end the rtght to bring a aourt aatlon to aaaert the <br /> � Y non-exiate�ae of a detoult or eny other defe�aa of Borrower to acceterntion end 6ate. It the default is _ <br /> . not cured on or beiore the dete speclilod In the nottoe,Lender e4 Itt� optlon me�y requiro immedieie <br />=;• paymont in tull of sli sums secured by thia Soeuriry In�trumant without tuether d�mend end may <br />%- � invoke tha power ot eale end any other �omadtes permitted by appOeablo law. l.endor sliail be �j7;; <br /> ° entitted to coll�et ait expenses Inaurred in purBUing the rernedies provided in thla qaragraph 29, ���•---- <br /> . inetuding�but not Ilrntted to, res�onabte ettorneys' tees mnd costs of titte evidenaa. <br /> '`� �~ �� � It tha povr�r of aafo ta lnvo!�ed, Tru�tee eh��� record e notice ot default in e�ch �ounty in whl�h _ <br /> ���. . <br />�?:�4'�'`"`'� -�• � any part of the Properly la tocaged �nd ahnU� mali copiea ot wch moUae In the manner pr�eacribad by _ <br />=r�a°�'�' �' �' s Ilcnbte law to Dnrrower ana9 tm the obta� persons preacriboc� �►y a plicelble lew. AC�er the Ume <br /> ,,.-,,;•�:.,�; PP �. <br />"'�i:� • �� �:� requtred by appticebte la�ru, Tcu�4�e chnl! give putslio ncstice of eaYo ¢o e peraons and !n tha manner ._ <br /> t�` '; ',�',�:c�Lu ' preaeribed by appQ�able law. 4vustee� wlihout demend on Borrower, shall sell the Proper4y et publlo - <br />�`� � • aucUon to the �igheat blddor at the time and plsee and under the terms designated in the notice vf <br />.r:. .,. ' <br />;:;�,,�.,,., sate in one or more parcei�3 amd In euy�'iQ d�e nounceme t eam thQ �Ume and ptsae o4�any �reviousty <br /> .�►�°" ., " or any parccl of tQne P�operql by p � <br />= �~��"�'�� scheduled sale. I.ender or iW designee may purchase the ProperUy gt any sale. <br /> -��`"""'-"�"' Upo�+ reaetpt of peyment of the prt�e bid� 7rustee sh�il deiiver tn tho purchaaor Truotee'e de�d <br />-�=�TM���, conveyir�g the Property. The rcattels in the Trustee's deed shall be prima tacte evidence ot the tru�2h _ <br />_ �-�.-.-:�,,- mt tiie s48teme�is mado lhcrefn. Truetee �heit e¢�siy the prui:caua �f the c3is t� tl�:. Poltcs•str�g �rdr-r: --: <br /> ;,;,.:;,T=��'° (e) to ati aosta an0 �xpenses og exereising the power o4 cale, Hll6� 4{i4 H8I8� tneiuding t�►� pnyment of �- - <br />-� ^ � ;.' � :ha Tfu�iee'a te�s p�8ua�t�incurved, not 4o exeeud 3�46 ot the prinetpal emaunt ot the eote - <br /> � sums so u ea bydthis rSectnr08��IrooVutma t;rand (ej i any�e cess tta 8the percon�or per�onsb 1 8 t y _ _ <br /> :. enUtted to It. �'� <br />- � 2�. Reeonveyanae� Upon peymont of all sum3 soaurod by tALs Seaury InaUVmont,londer shall roquost Trustso to roCOnvoy , _ <br /> the PropnRy and ohap surrondor this Socurily InsGument end a11 notes ovtdonchp dabt sc�ourod by thts 3saurtty Insbumont to C�ustoo. �. �; <br />_• • `'� TNStea ehnil raoonvoy tho Property wtthout wartanty and wUhout ahargo to tho person or porsons bgalry entitted to IG 5uoh pcsrson ar : <br />� :� . �; pazsona shnli pt►y any a;cordation ooste. �"- <br /> �?f <br /> ' • 23. SubstiWto Truetee. Lendor,at ks optlon, msy hom timo to timo �emovo Truatee and oppolnt a succes3or trueteo to _ <br /> ' nny Tn�etBO nppotntod horounder by an inatrumnnt recorded in tho county N whbh thls Seaurky Inetrumunt is reoorded. WRhout , <br />" .e.,e,..,e�� �he prcmrtv.succesoar truotoe ehnll eucceed to nll tAO tkb, power and dutbs oontertod upon Tastoo horah and by t;.y <br /> ---- -- -- .._,___ _. _._ , _. <br /> = � aDDiicabb law. <br /> 24. Rcqueat tor Nottaea. 8t�rto�vor requosts that oopt�s of tho nollCOe ot deiault and snb bo sont to Bonowere addrese <br /> whbh b the Property Addross. <br />`� .� '1�. Ridoro 4o tbGn Security Ir�otrument if ono ot moro rider9 ero exeouted by Borrowor nnd r000rdod togothOt wilh <br /> thls &eourlty�nsWmont,the covont�nts and agresmvnts ot oauh auoA ridor shal be Inoorporated Into nnd shetl amend und suppbrttunt tt��: <br /> . n <br />- tho covenenta and �greem6nls of lhi3 SOCSUrity Inalrument as M the rld6r(S)worea part ot this Security InBtiumont. St�'?9 <br /> ., ,,:�. <br /> ' �!�', <br /> � ��.� . <br />__ . ;n`. <br /> . ` fotm 80fE A/00 <br /> - .�I�:��.. - F�o4elM0(t/9B) P1p0 t Ot 6 ; <br /> —.. t.,;�.�••;, <br /> _ �. <br /> 7006 ' <br /> � '�. <br />