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. . . .. .�.,�..I!: . <br /> ' rl . �r <br /> . i , <br /> ' "' '_"' '"' _' ' "' " " " —__ <br /> � ' ' � <br /> . �. �• . . "V,IYVqM. <br /> 'i .�....-�....�.�. . 11 . ... __ . . . . <br /> ���. ..�.. <br /> . � . � , aa�ac��ss9 D��I� OF 'TRU�T���Q���� Pa$o a ., <br /> .� 6.�an Mo B4S4D� (Continuod) -- <br /> L= _.�__.�.'__'_ '___ _S___=.-. _�� �r=�. 'R-^— �"_�_J . . <br /> ' th1�I?oad of Trust as n(Innncing atatomeni. Trus:or ahaU rolmburao Lvrtdar for all crxpenses Inaurced In paf�alM�p or continuinp thls ecoudry <br /> Intotost. Upon doluult,Trustor shall nssombio tho Pcrnonnl Properly in u mnnnw und at a p►aco rcasonnbry eonvonlont to Trustor and Lendsr <br /> • " und msko It nvnllabio to Landur within throo(3)daya uHer raeolpt ot wdtton domnnd from Londcr. , A <br /> Ild9ro0ate. Thti mnllinp addro3so3 of 7rustor(d�btor)nnd Londcr(scouresd p�ty),hem whiah IntormuUOn conaorning ths oeourlry I�arost <br /> . pranted by ihls Oeod o!Trust may ba obtelnvd(oach rru�raqulrod by tho Unitorm Commorda�Cod3),aro a�atatod on th�(imt pa0o of thia Qocd . <br /> ' � �, of YrusL :,".,� : <br /> FtHiYli�A86U7A61CGG;ATTO:I:.�CY»Stt=tACT. Tho toilowirtp provislor�s rotpfMp tq furlher nssurt+ncos und attanoj+-In-tact aro n Pn►��this •,. <br /> . Q88d o!Tru31. 4,��. <br /> �.—. <br /> _^•,,,;:�;�` Furthet Aosur�nco8. A1 anY dmo,and from Gmo to timo,upon requost ot Ltindor,Truator wUl mnke,oxoouto an0 dallvc►r,or wUl euuse to bo ��.•;_-, <br /> • rn�do,c�xooutod or doliverod,to Lender or to Londcr's daslgnoo,and whon roq�usted by Lsndor,causo to b3 filod,record9d,rofilod,or �,;•�•,'• <br /> ' x� r dmto,nn und uti ouoh moAgugos, <br /> �'"'' rorocordod,ns tha cose may be,at suoh llmos and In sueh ol�cos and ptacos c►�Lvnder may dsom app op Y __- <br /> dt�ds of trual,seeudty daods,ctieurity ogreomon�,Muncing statomonts,contlnunUon atntomonb,inshurteonb ot turthor asourartco,coANicatas� .��,. <br /> � artd athflr documents es may,fn tho uoto opinlon ot Londar,bo nocessnry or dostrebto In ordor to oNnctuato.wmptato,portoct,conNnuo,a ,.�,;,, <br /> '' ' pc��nro (o)ih3 obltgallons of Tru3tor undar th3 NotC,tNn Deod ot Trust,and the iie�atod Dooumonis,and(b)IRm Iians und¢ocudty tntmasb :_ .; <br /> crt�tod by tA1�Oead of Trust es 8ret and p�tor Ite�on tha Properiy,wholher now ownad or huroaftcr ncputrcd by Trusta. tJntoss prohmitnd by ����� <br /> t <br /> '�� law or aprtaed to tho conUury by Londer in writtng,Tni9tor Bhsli�oimburGe Lond2r fa nil oosts and Oxpet�os �nc�trtad In connoOUo�with tRO �: <br /> mnflora ret�rtod to In 1hi3 paragrpph. a�s=' <br /> �1- l--. <br /> � + At@omoy-�rNFact. if Trustor fA�u to do any ot the things�oterro�to In thv proceding paragroph,Lendor may Oo so for and In tho nnmo ot �:�.,r,;_ <br /> ' 4 � Trustor nnd at Trustor's expenso. For suCh purpos�s.Trustor h�reby irrovocabiy appolnts Lertder as TrustorG allomoy-Ir►-fctcl tor tfie purPa'�e .,�-• <br /> o!msktng,exooutln8,doUvodng,flling,rocordlnp,anq dolrs�all olner thlnfls as mny bo nooc�nry or�fc�sirable,in londnfo ca1�c�Inlon�10 �;;�., <br /> ' ' axomplish IhQ mutte�s retened to In tho prpoeding parngrnph. �"`-- <br /> ' � ° <br /> �...� FULL PERFORMANCE. If Trust�r pays alt tho Ind�,btedness whon duo,terminates the Arto ot credit,and othorwise pertorms aIi tho obtipsdons _ <br /> a. impose d upon Trustor under this 08ed ot 7rust,Londor sh�l axecuto and 8eilver to Trustee e requa�t tor fup reconvey�nco end shali exaoute nrtd �:.___ <br /> " � dotiver to Tn�tor sultabte atntements of termination af any Anandnti stat�ment on fit�oNdenctng Lenders securi4y t�+tn�est fn t ho p nn t s an d t h o �,.:- <br /> Parsonet Praperty. Any reconveyance fee requlred by Iaw shalt be pald by petmilted by app�tcabte law. <br /> 08FAULT. Euch of the foilowing,at the optlon cf Lendor,shell consUlute an ovent of default('�vord of Oetaulf°j undorthts Ocud of TrusC �.; .,,- <br /> `� , Dafauit on irttiebtadneae. Failure of Trustor to maka any paymenl when due on tha Indebtednesss. <br /> ° peSauU on Qther PAym�nte. Failure of Trustor wllhin Iho tlme roqulrod by tRE�Oo�d of Trust to make any puymDnt for U�xa3 or insurenco,ar �:�-_ <br /> " sny other payment nt�cessary lo preven!fllinp of o�to eflect disaharge ot any Ilen, ` <br /> .1<±��,'�3� . Com�sitenee Oehwit. Fallure ot Trustor to comply wltA any olher term,obl;gation,covenuM ar aonditlon eontehsd In this Oeod of Trust,fAe . — <br /> , Note or In any ot Iha Retated Dooumonts. _ <br /> FAlse State�►cMa. Any warranty,representadon or sfatement made or furnistmd to lender by or on b6riaV ot Tn�ilor undor G�la D2ed of Tnist, <br /> „ the Nofe a Ihe RNate�Dooumenb is talse or misleading in any materlal respeot,either now a at th9 tlmo modu or?urrcishaa. <br /> s _, _� � patective ColteterallzaUnn. Thls Oeed ot Trust or eny ot tha Relntod Doaumanb ceases to be In fu11 forae and oYleci(ir�cilctfirp fellure of any <br /> "+` caltaternl documents to creata a vat►o and perteated secw�y+�aresi or i'an}ai any�r�a and!cr asr3 r�• � <br /> f�''t�`.. .' <br /> - ��;�, , Dealf�or Inaolveney. The death ot Trustor,the InsoNertcy of Trustor,the appofntment of a reoelvor fa any parl of 7s+�:�Ps,prapeAy.a�Y — <br /> assipnment for the banefit ot creditas,any type ot credftor wo�COUt,or the eommenaement ot any prol�ed�n�under a�nY�a�Np�Y or <br />�,.'.:•; . ,; Insohrenoy laws by or against TruStor. <br /> .'t.y;,;` ` , � ` FOreeloauro,F�taltum,eic. Commencemsnt ot tor�eelosuro or fortelturo procaedings,whethor by l�d�Drooeaalnp,cel�Aetp,reAoss�ss�on <br /> - ,•� Karever,this subseatEon sh�ll nat <br /> ' �� �' o r a n y o t�e r m o t n o d,b y sn y credita ot Trusta or b y an y govaznmoMal a(�ency ap�inst nny at tDO ProparlY. <br /> "-�.=F`�,�'l�Y` uppry In the ov�eni of a good taith Otsputo by Trustar as to tho vell d ity or roaso n a b le n e s s o t t h e c l a im whkA b t h e b c s t s o!t h e(o c e c t o�u re O r <br /> <'•�•��>.r- � �% fOrefoltuco pracoedfng,provl�l2d tt�at 7ruatot gfvos Londur writtGn no tice o!such ciNm nnd turntahes rese�ves a e aurety bond tor tho Ctafm <br /> �,,�;�.,,;n .. satls(actory tv Lendor. <br /> -_�,.;:,; Qte�cA of OtAar Asreemenf. Ar�y broacA by Trustor undar tho terms of any otMs�ugroomeM botweon rrustor cnd Londor thut is not romadied <br /> �:,,� within any prace perlod providod tAoroln,Irtctu�:np without Ilmltatlon nny ngroemont concnmtnp nny irtdebtedRess or othar abllpaUon af 7tustot <br />_ .,'=;�,,� to Lender.whether e�dstlng now ar U►ter. - <br /> ..- -=",� �-�. Erer►te ACectinp Guartastor. Any ot ths precedin�events ocaura with respeat to any Quarar►tor ot any of ttoe IaUdbtedness ar any Quaranta � _ <br /> " ,-�"''r�`��`�� tlie3 or becomes IncompetenL or revokes or disputc�s tho valldity of,ot Ilabt►tiy urv�er,any(3uarartty ot the indebtadnass. Lwtcirir�il�Il3 fiaUD+i� <br /> =''������'�4`-'�-°�� muy,but shati not be required to,pormit lhe Ouarantors ostato to assume uncoadittonelly fhe obOgaUon�aAsirp unttd�'�hD�untartf►�n e <br /> Y;:-��+ii:�;�lx_._�cTM"1� �nrtor sallsfactory to Lender,and,In doing ao,cure the Evont of Dotault. <br />''"'`-#��}�� t�aeeurity.l.onder In gaod fufth daoms It5o1f inseeure. - <br /> e��;s;�,c, �d <br /> -_ ,}±{r•, Ripht ta Curo. �t suoh e teUUre is curable and 11 Trustor ha9 not boen given u notfce ot a breaoh ot the eanna0rttvislon o!ihls Deed o <br /> ��•�{r';',`•}'',�.'� witMn the preoeding hvehre(12).months,it mny bo eureQ{�nd no EYSnt at Dfflautt wiA have aceurred)if TPU�ta�,tfter 4endor sends w�ft9or� <br /> � "*;�4t.; notice domandinp cure af such falh�re: (n)cures the intluro wilnln fHtaen(78)days;or (b)It tho curo requUOS more th�Nttec��(1S)daYs. <br /> '`'"' immedintery tnlUatos steps suHiaiont to curo fAe faiture and theraaRer eon8nuas und complotes att roasonabto and neoe5�e�1+ei�rA'g sut�ant to _.__. <br /> `:.trt.1�,,c., <br /> -_�avs��*�� produco tompllancc�as saon as reasonaDry practtcal. <br /> ._.�..,,.._ _ . <br /> _''�=-�;,��; RItiMT8 AND REIIAEDIEB ON OEFAt�T. Upon the occurmnco of nny Evon4 oi Oehiutt nnd at any ttme theveattax.Tr:�►qr tb op on, __ <br /> _ _ ��m�arrian wny eno or more of the foilowing�lghts and remedtes,in addi4lon to arry olhor rights or remedles pra��ts[ed'by law: <br /> - mr <br /> ~ "'� Accefer6�iG�s itFaa Q'teu!!;A�QIttOn�t Renredlea If any event ot de(auit oa;urs as pa th�tcrms of tHe�''�ec���°y,LQn��"�y <br /> ._,yr���� doclere all Indobtedness soaured by thls Deod o}Trust to be due and payabie snd fho same shefi theraupon bocomu due and poydLia�slthovt � <br /> '='.,�,;�•�-� nny presenimcmt,demand,protsRt or noUoe ot any kind.Thereafter,londor mey: - <br /> '-•• , (a) Elther In pe�son or by ragont,with or wilhoul brtnging arry acUon u procoedlnp,a by�recoiver aDpolntad by n Court and wilhoat ^__ <br /> �'��.-'"'� + repurC to the adoquuey ot Ib co¢udty,enter upon and tatce possesston ot tho PropoAy.or any pert thereaf,in Ib own aame a tn ihu nuna _ <br /> �;,�,•,;:��`; �,� , of Tiustee.and do nny acts whtoh It dcnms nwsessary a 6esirabte to prasonre th0- vaius,marketcbfiiry ar r�miabpiry of the ProA�h►.or p�A <br /> ,.'`'�.. :'•f��.•.. s of tho Prop�M or fnte►c,,h In tho Proparly;inaeeise tho Ineesme trom tho FROpc�Ay o�Drotr�ot the eoeudry a1�n Property;and,wllh a wlthout __ <br /> se =--- <br /> '���1�h�.� �! tutcing pa�.�sflsEton of tho Proyeity,auo for or othon�ri:�v am1►uot tho ronb,issua�nnd protib of tho ,Includlnp t�a�o past due and o:__ . <br /> ;','�F`';;��r, +.. unpald.and upPty tho snma.�ess cosffi and oxponses o}qperatlon nnd collocHon,Inct�cdl�attoneo��to any tndebtedness socur�d =_. <br /> ' �� •P by thts Oeod ot Ttust,uti 1�sucA order as lonCar mny dctenntno. Tho entednp upon art0 ta�lrg posses�JOn ot tho Rro�alri!ho ColtecUon �,;,y,': <br /> ' . .p of such ronts,tssuos nnd profib,and the appNCaUon theroof Ohnll not aure ot v+alvo any Co?uUlt or noHa�d doinult under thls Osod of Ttust <br />` or Invutiduto nny act done in rosponso to such dotatdt or pursuant to suo�noUco o!dotaNh,and,recivAthstsndinp tho contlnuanco In �`_-�• <br />' " , possosston ot tho Propedy or the eollnelion, recoipt and application ot rent�,Issuos or Rrofits. Tn�Ttao ot Lander tshNi bo onUtlted to �2_ <br /> . � '1 pxorclSO pvpry dght prov►dod tor In the Note or the Reinled Oooumunts or by Inw upon the oocutrc3rtao a7 a'7 pvont of dotaNt,tn�luding the �,,, <br /> . _<<^. 1.. . dght to oxardso Ihe power of eate; <br /> • � (b) Commeruw un acdon to forcclosct this Dr3ed of Trust�ts a mortgage,appoint a rocalvat or spndfic�ly QntOrco bnY af 1ho eovonitnt3 <br /> ___1_ <br /> Au�nni.nnA 7« <br /> ___`-__—____.__-- ..�.�.,_... <br /> � � (e) Ootiver to Trustae a wtNten deefarution of daffiuit and demand for SNe and o writton noU�o ot Qs".at�t mnd ofecl'on to quso Tnt3tlf°s ' <br /> , Inforast tn tho Proparty to bo sofd,wh`cA rt01iCe TtuSteO uhiili CBUSe t0 b0 duly(ilOd ior teCOtd 1� th9 OpP►�P�IIItO otflt�3 0!th0 C01Ir�!'1��� <br /> ' ,' whiChlho Propody Is Iccatad;and <br /> �IY�ibreskn UnHOrmtComma�idal Cado}the Poraanat Praporly,Lvndar ahnll havo al�tho dghta and romedlos ot a socurod parly undor tho . <br />-- . Fotoelowre dtl Powet of Seto. if Lond�u�!oMs to tarectoso by momiso ot the Power ot Ssto hrno!n eoNainod,LenAor rhall notlty Trustee end ' <br /> � � � ohalt doA��w��h Trustao lhls Dond ot Tru;,t and tho Noto and such recolpb end ovidonco ot c►xpendituros mado snd 6oaurod by tAt3 OeeS ot <br /> Trust os TrustCO msy roqulre. �+� <br /> (p� Upon rcooipt ot such noUet+hom Londor,TrtrJlt�o shnp enuse to be roCOrdad,pub113htsd nnd dulbertld to Tn►3tot auch holtoo of Oc�tnWt � <br /> '�; „ nnd Noiico o!Snta ns thun rctquired by Inw tind by thls Q�ed of Truaf. Tru3lep ahell,without damand an Tntstor,flRm euah tlma&s may <br /> - thon bo roqutrod by Inw nnd aR�sr meordation of sucN Nottoo of Dotnutt and utior NoUco o!Sato haNnB been glvon as roqutr3d by taw,c.�ll <br /> „ � • tho Propedy at tho tlmo�nd pinco ot sato tbcod by ft In such Nodco of Sato,ailhor na n�vholo,ar In C�arnto tots or parcots or items as <br />, � , ,i `i�. <br />