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,.. - • yi _ • _. ' ,.'. `;_i'r5' .,,I:�.:r!��.%'lt,. � . ...., <br /> . . . � � _ •.l+��t.:_Sr��1 <br /> .. { , ..� 1'� . . i 1:J'•y;•,! . . <br /> . � . � i�..�,�,1;,,, :�.j� <br /> , '�;:• ' , <br /> ... �., , <br /> ... _.. . .. :, .� -• •: -�.�. .. <br /> U ._ _ . .. _ et..-.. <br /> , 0�-�e�tfl99 DE�[�O�TRUS'� n g�e°��� Petie 3 <br /> • � Loan�to 899005 (Contitiued� a�,�= <br /> ' • 8fter tho Ilon ntlsos or,It o Iten is 8tod,withln 8ttuen(i6)dori��Qr Trusta htss nottco ot tho GUrtg,atxttuo lho d�ohurg�of tho <br /> Ifan.or If roquostcd by l.ondcr,daposil with Lend:r eaoh or a auftictonl carpaato auroty bond or dAUr s2cu�ity aatlstnotory to Londor In an <br /> • amount aufftetent to dlschnrge tho Ifon plus nny cants nnd nttornoys'toos or otner Cnargcs thut coutd aecr�o as a result ot u Mrociosuro ar sato <br /> under tho Ilen. In any contest,Trustor shatt dofond itsulf nnd Lendor and ahol satl�ty any ndvar3fl Judgrrtont bofaro ontotcemonl apninsl tho <br /> pcepprly. Trustot shnll nnmo Lendor 8s on Addltlonai obligeo undar nny suroty bond IufnNtROd In tho contost proceodirtflo. <br /> �� Evteertco of Peymont. Trustor aholl u�on demnnd furnish to 4ondor sntisfactay eddana�at paymsnt of tho tnxxcsss o7 r►�ossmontu nnd shail <br /> � ,- :;. � authodm tho nppropdnto 8ovornmontai oHicia to dollver lo Lendqr at any tlmo a ��Ittan statement ot fhe taros artd us�ssmento naNnst tho � <br /> ` `�.t.� ProgOrty. � �'� <br /> � ' N6flC0 of Conut►uC119n. Trustor shall nDtlty I.ondor at laust flfteen(1S)dnya b e t ore eny w o r k I s c o m m e n c e d,a n y e e Mais aro lurnishod,or any +• ._� <br /> �;---� . motorial¢are supplled to the Property,It nnY mechanlo's Ilen,mate�INmon's een,or othor tlen aould bo esso�tod on acaount ot Iho worn, i� <br /> . • ,. seMcos,or matedats. T�ustor will upon reqttest of Londer furntsh to Londer ndvnrtco nsaumnces sati�fnatory to Lendor that Truytor ean und wlii � ; <br /> pay lha cost of sach improvemflnfs. � " <br /> RROPER7Y DA[WA1QE�NSUR�4NC�.i he foAowing provisions roiarinp to insudrtg tho P�aporiy aro a gart of lhls Oasd of Trus4 `, <br /> -'�'.4i;�•,;��, tti7rJntort�neo of lnswtence. Trusicr shnll procuro and maintafn po l l c tes o f f iro I n�u r a n c e w t t h s t a n�i o r d a x t o n d e d e o v e r a g e o n d o�s e m o n t s o n A �.�, <br /> , ,;..��,,�, . roptacement basls for tho full Insureble vatue covering all Improvomenla on tho Real Property In an amoun!suHfclant to nvold appticatlon of any <br /> , ,,.,. coinsumnce ctnuse,and wlth s standard modgagee c�ause in fnvor of Lendet,logether wHh such other haanrd snd IIn6lilty Insu►ance as Lender <br /> ;,,,u•�,, �� may reasonsdry requ�re. Policios shall be wdtten In form,amounts,coverapes and basls�oaaonabry axoptnbta 1�Lendar and Issued by n ;;: <br /> ' �;.1!:;:, compeny or companles reasonabty acceptabla lo lender. Trustor,i�pon roquest of Leader.w]A datNOr to Londer tmm Ume to time tho pollctes ___� <br /> .--':i���;' ar ceAlecates of Insurartce tn iwm sadsfaotory to Lender,InCtuding atlpu�atiam that Coverages will not be canc0118d or dlmintshod wlthoN at �.,�,,, <br /> �• •�,.,.,:. , ;�.,- <br /> leasl ten(t0)days p�lor wririon nodce to L.ender. Eaah ir�surunee polloy slso sht;li InGWda an endorsament providlrtg thnt aavAragm in tova of �. <br /> � ., ,�: Lender wIU aot be ImpaJred in any wuy by any act,omisslon ar daiadt of Tnotor a any ather �son. Shoutd the Real PropoAy�t uny time •.�±,,�- <br /> , t; become locatad In an area desigr�sted by the OUector of lhe Fedorai Emsrgeney Managemant Rgenay&s&BpeC181 flood hazGrd 8ret1,Tnmto� �ti Y <br /> agress to obtafn and main1oln Federal FInoA Insurance tor the full unpald pdncipet batanco of the loan, up to the me�dmum pollcy Iimib set gf;.�„ <br /> ;, � under the Natlonal Fiood Insuranee Program,or as olhenNise requlre d by Lender, anC to mninteln such Insurnnce tor tho term o/the loan. �m <br /> �t��'�y Appltcetton of ProeaRds. Trustor shatl promptly noUfy LenOer ot any loss or demape to the Properiy. �.ondsr may mako ptoof of losa If Trustor �•�:"". <br /> `��`� talls to do so�vfthin flftesn(i6)days o f t ha ctts u e l t y. Whethet or not Lendars seoudty is Impaired,Lander may,at its eleeNon,receive and retufn ^�-,�. <br /> ttre proceeds ef any Insurance and apply the proceeds to the reduaUon of the Indebledness.paymont ot any Iion nfteoUnq the PropaAy,or the �:-'_ <br /> ' restoraUon and repair ot thp Property. It Lender eleats to appiy the procasds to restordNon and repalr�Trustar ehall repatr or repiaoe tha <br /> ., � damaped or dostroyod improvements in a manner satisffiotory to L.ender. lender shall,upon satisfnctory proot of suoh expenditure,pay or �,_ <br /> reimbu�se Trustar from the prxeeds(or the reasanabla cost ot repair ar restaa4ion If Trustor ts not in delault undor this Deed ot Tnut. Any �,��r. <br /> proceeds whtoh heve not 6een disbursed wlthln t80 dc�ys uttsr thelr recetp!anE whbh Lender hna not committed to the repalr or re9toraHon of <br /> d <br /> ' Iha PropeAy shall bo used first to pey any amount owing to Lender under thla Desd ot Trust,then to ppyy ccrued intetest,and Ihe remalnder,if {��.': <br /> �� any,shall ba appifod to the pdncipalTrusto s interesb mey npp�et�tr.�}�nder Adds any ptoeeeds aftor a ment In ful►ot the tndobtodness,saoh v-.-:. <br /> �, _ pra�eds Bhali be p81d to Ttustor as � �� <br /> UnpYpUed Ineurence o2 8ale. Any unexplred Insurance shalt Inure to the�pneNt af,and pass to,tho purohaser ot the PropeAy ccvored by thts �_' <br /> Qeed o}Trust st any truatea's sale or other sate heid undar the provisions o!thb Daed of Trust,ar at any foredosure sate of IIuah P�operly. <br /> ��,,,+r, ..�� Q�(PENDITliAEB BY L�NDER. If 7ru61or f811s to oompiy wiih any pr6i%�5IDa 8i itsts C�d 0!Tsusl.Os M sny BCHSn 4r¢r4!�9!�Ins,+Ia nommancad tAet = __ <br /> ,,,';.,�; woutd matedaliy atfect lenders intereste in the Proporly�Lender an Trustors baheN may,but sha11 not be requlred to,take any ectlon lhat Wnder ____ <br /> � deefis approp r late. Any amouni thai Londor expends in so dolnp wlll boar Interest et the rate provlded fot In the NotA hom the date Inourced a pald <br /> � by Lender to the dato ot repaymont by Trustor. All suah Lendero op�on. vN (a)tra pnynbi�on domand, (b)6e addad to tho batanoa <br /> at!he Nate and besppmtioned among and be payabte w@h any instalimen!paymBr►ts b beeoR►e dus duriep eithet p)the term of any appYCab19 <br /> insuranoa poiicy or (il)the romeiMng term of lhe Note.or (o)be treated as a bapoon paymem whkh wtt�ba dne end payab�e at tlre No:e's maturtly. <br /> Thts Dood of T�ust Wso wlll secure payment of these amounts. The dghts provlded fa In thts paregroph ahett be ln addlBon to any othe�dphts a 4�y <br /> � � remedips ta whioh Lender may be entided on axounl of tho GetaulL My sumh notbn by�endor ahatl not be eonstrued as auriep Ihe dettWt ao AS lo <br /> .•.,, ' bar Lunder trom any remedy that ft othonvtse would have had. <br /> � � '�' * WAiYqANT1/t D�fEN&E OF TITLF.The fNlawing provlslons rotaUng M awner�htp M tho Property are a part of this Deed of Tn�t. <br /> ` Tltie. Ttustor wartants thot: (a)Trustor holds good and marlcefabie tiUo o!rocord lo the Property in tee si�lo,hcw and d9er o!all Uens end <br /> � feivOt ofre daCCept d by`Lo der In�eonnoc onw th hs Oe d oTpust,und 1b)Trustor�has th9 tuN�rtght.po et,�and u,tba(h►t'o`�executo and •_____ <br /> =�_;.�;�".��,:� .`' dt3lrvet ihis Doed of Trusl b te�tdn+. �-- <br />__::_:i;L�f�:'�.'{� h T <br /> Oatenae o!Tltte. Subject to the wccePtlon In the paraBreP above, rustor warrants and wf111aever detend the tltie to the Properfy npairtst tho <br /> _ -``"•""a'� lawfu{clulms ot aU porsons. In the event eny actlon or procaeding Is commenCed that quosllons Trustor'8 0Ua or tho Intorti'st of Ttustee or - <br /> ' ���-�-4�� Londer shatirbe en ed oTp garliclpate�ln lhe proeCeed ng and o�be re�p�d th pr�oceeding by coum,tot ot I.�enders owe c�hofa,�and _ <br /> '�'• � Trustor wlll deltver,or causo to be delfvered,to lender such Instrumonb as I.ender may request trom Umg to Ume to permlt suah perUclpatlan. <br /> 1��` • Cpmpllanes Wi4A L,sws. Trostor warcun�;that tho Properry and Trusto�a use o� Ihe Property compiles with a!1 e�dsUap appticnbfe Iaws, <br />- --�� �� adlnanees,and regutattons of govornmental eulhorlUes. <br />�. ` '`.��` CONAHMNATION. The following prodsions ralaUng to eondemnaUOn pracoedlrtgsara a0�a�thts 09od of Tntst <br /> AppUealton of Net PtOCeede. If sli or anY paA of the Proporty ls con�omn�d by eminem doma�n praeodtngs or by any�toceedtrt�a <br /> ��!_.�z" purchase in Oeu of condemnadon,Londer may at tta etecUOn requlro that ntt a any porUon ot ihe�et proceeds o}the awerd bo appikid to tho — <br /> Ieid�Hlytfr�M59 0�t{�ra(fAtr at r�;tam6on of iim RrWa+IY. ii'e6��ef piGGooGo dt::a�:S�std�!i:!!Ir'.:..^!t t!�_!!"S�!^_R_K^Eyl►xiM M aM ra�solt9bi8 � <br /> ,'�.y�- -"' ao�is,expenser�,an0 eGorneya'tae�incurtad by Tn�tco or Lendcr tn eonnecaa� vAm me aondem�atwa. _ <br />_� .;�i i�." '. N� Froeeedlnps. It any proceeding In condemne0on is fited,Tnistor shall prompity notlty Lendor In vMtlnp.and Trustar ah�ll prompUy fake auch = _ <br /> �teps as may be necessary to detend the esctlon und obtafn tAe eward. Truslor may�tho nomina�pany fn Guch ptacoedinp.but Landet shnp �:• <br /> b o o n tl E c d t o p a r U c i p n t e I n t h e p r o c e o d i n g u n d to b3 re prosented In the�rxo�sdYig by counsol ot its own chotoe,and Trusta vAli duCvor or �,_ <br /> ;. � causo to ba delivorod to Lenddr auch Instrumonts ns may be roque3tod by 62 tom IMno to Ume to p e r m i t euo h pa r t�c i pa t ion. .,�__ <br /> IMPOSITtON OF tAXEB�FFE8 ANO CHARd�B OY GOVERNME�ITAL AUTFiOAITiLB. TM�following provtston9�rel�Ung to gOVUmrt�ntol to�s, <br /> 4`.`.-- <br />- , .:�• toos and cMrpas nro n part of thfs Deed ot Trust: �::. <br />– ,,i;;;;�-���, " �unCnt Toxos,Fees and Cherpeo. UDon request by Lender.Trustor shnit aroculo such documsntn ln eddlUon to thls C�od at 7nett nnd tnke ,,'�,_ <br /> �'��;�;�� • what6ver o!l�st ucUon 1s roqu3stod by Londer to pertect and contlnuo londr,�b tlan on tho Renl P�epaly. 7n�star shaU rc�.�burse tAndar for alt .�,�: <br /> r',:..•'� •:.,j toxgs,ns d�scdbed batow, fogothor witt►tlp o%Coonsos ineurcod In rocoreiNrg, patacUng or ConUnulrtg thls OC^d ot lnrst,ineludtnp wiqs0ut <br /> `• "" � I lm i la li on c►p tax9a,ttios.dooumc�ntflry sG7mton.urtd otAOr ch3rgvs tor meordinp or roptstodrtg this Qeod ot Yrtat. � <br /> .., r,,. m <br /> `�`�`(':�+.�,;!• ��'��i� Taxea ?Pco following shs;l cor�stltute toxes to whtch thts st�tfon appAcs: (a)e speclfio tax upon tMS type o?41'eed o?vvusl at upon eti or 4ny ,.s, <br />- '''�;V;:'... pnd o!thn IntlaOtodness ssCUrad by Ihis Deed ot 7rust; (0)n npOdflO tex on TtustOr whICA Ttus�tOt ls 8utho�fu3d c �muiro�to doduat tram :,;,;� <br /> �;°�,:'�•. • p a y m o n t s o n t h e I n d o D l o O n�s s seeured D Y lhis typo ot D�eB e7 Trush, (o)81�c an thts typv ot Deod of Trust chiuge a�In"-rat the Len9c+�or <br /> ' tho holdar of fho Note;and (d)a speclfto fax on a�t or any poAton af the Indobtgdnoss u on paymonts ot pdnd p a l m r a fl O�t ma d e by . <br /> . _--_ ."_-____-- tttl.11N. <br /> ' ,, Subsca�nrn4 Ymxes. If any tex to which this sectton npplios is unncted aubsaquent to tha duto of thNS Oaed of Trust,thts ovan!ahoH huva tho <br /> " • sema aftocl es an Hvont of�otnult(as doflnod bolow),and Lender may eucordc�nny a�tl W�b avallabte remedles kr an Evonl of Oetault as <br /> LIO 3dsocUon a d dop slbgwith londo�r or a sutflcbon corPoa►o aurotY�b�d a otha sQau ty snNstaPGtory tor�ndod abavo in tho Texas nnd <br /> ' �� 6ECUA17Y AtiRFEMENT;FiNANCItJG€TATElxEN7'S. 'fhe toQowing provlstom rolalhg to lhis Deod ot Tru�t as o scsoudty agrcomont oro a part ot <br /> � Ihls Oeod of Trust, '• <br /> Sccudty A�ecntcnt. Thi3�nstrumont BhGIi con49tut8 o SeCUdty�greOmclM to 1h0 axtQnt flny Ot the PfOp@Ay COrt9UtUt89 1UttUf89 Ot Oth9t �� <br /> � pQrsonN proporly,and landar shall have all ot tho Rghts of a socurod paAy under fhe Unitam Commtudal Code es emendod trom tlmo to <br /> timo. <br /> Seeurlry interosl. Upon roque3t by londor,Trustor ohall exocute�nanctnp statemonb snd tek0 whatovor othtx acUOn!s roquested by Lottdar <br /> �� to parfo�M and conUnao Londor's secudly interest In Iho Ronb and Psrson�Piroporty. In ndClUOn to roeorJinp this Oood of Trusl tn tho«�al <br /> . � proporry rocords,londor may,at nny tfine nnd wllhout lurthrr authalmGon tror+n Trustor,fito aroautad countarparb,copf�s or�eproducUOns of • <br />_ ., . .'� C.1�� �.. <br />