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.-r,.. . . . .. <br /> ..r' �r . . . - <br /> - . . . � ..+r..._. <br /> � DE�D d9F TRUST ��° ������ Pego 6 . <br /> p�•Z�1999 CQntinued� <br /> ,� Loan N� aO�QOS � —� ` <br /> ,. _ _ _�-__.—=_�_ --�---�_� -.;._— _-- "- .. . <br /> � Trualaa ahnil daom wcpedtent,nnd In fiuoh ordar no It msy dotorminn,at pubUO nuodon to tho highost blddcr tor cutsh tn Iaerlui monay of <br /> tho Unitad Stato3 poylibio At tho ttmo ol8nlo. Tru�tco ehpll dolivor to auoh purchnCCr or purohaoQro lhoreof it�good and au�tetonl doad ot <br /> daods eonvoy�ng Iho proporty s�aold,but wllhnut any oovannn!or wnrranty+,oxpr�ss or Impttad. Tho racllnis In evah daad o!nny mallart <br /> �� or tacto ahnll bo concluslvo proof of tho truthlutR��a thoroof. Any pernon,inotuding without Ilmltn0on Yrustor,Tnrslao,or Landor,mny <br /> ri ;. <br /> purcnaso nt auah eato. „ <br /> (b) As mny be pormlttod by law.aHar deducUnp ail costs,leos and oxpensos of Ttusloo nnd ot this Ttuaf,inciudinp oosts of ovldenoe o . <br /> lltlo In conneoUOn wlih sa�o.Trustoo ahuA appry tho procood:t af oato to pnymont of p)nil eums oxpondt�d undor tho tcrms of thls Oaod of � <br /> 17uat or undnr iho lorma of tho Noto aot ihen ropntd,�ncluding bu1 nol Ilmited lo aCCru��Int,^,tc;�t and Isto chnrq��, (��I A��othor aums Inon ��.,, <br /> �, aecurod horesby,and (Ilq the romalndor,tf uny,to tho porsor�or poraons legatty entittod thaoto. ,•4� <br /> � '� --.. (c)Trustoo may in thu mnnnor prouldod by law poslponu snio of a�i or nny porllon of Ihe Prop�dy. ; <br /> � ,^"�. qeme0:aa I�oS f9tctuniv0. Tnmtoa and Londo►.and oncA ot lhom,61+a11 bo entitlad to anbrco paymont nnd poAormanca of any Indebtrsdne�s y�_,., <br /> or abltgnUonn saoured by thls Daod of Truat and to oxorCSO aq rlphts and powor9 undor Ihis Oood o}Trust,undnr tho Notn,undor any ot tho � <br /> � Rnt�ted Ooaumpnla,ot undor arry othor ngroorrtont or uny tows now ot hotosftor in 4orco;notwNhstnnding,som�►or aU of ouoh indeDtedm�ss �±;: <br /> ° and obltgnttons seaured by this Deed of Trust mpy now or horaafter bo othorwl;�o saaurod, whether by morfpngo,dood ot bust,ptodpo,Uon, - <br /> �' �� ass�nmaM or othonulse. Nalthor tho neceptsnce of this O�ud ol T�ust nor Ib anforcomanl,v.+h9lher by couA acROn ot pureunnt to the powor of ___ <br /> sala or other pownrs eontulrtad in thb Qoed ol Truat,shnll pre udioo or In nny manrt^<r nftaot Trustoe's or Lenders rtght to reatlno upon or _ <br /> r enlorco any olher seourily no�v on c�►reaftar held by T�usteo or�ndnr�It being oprnod ihat Tntstoo und Lendor,and oaoA ot them,ahaA ba � <br /> - + enUlled to entorco this Deed at Trust and ony othe►ssowity now or hororittor held by Lunder or TntStee In such ordor nnd manner es tifey or T_s <br /> � � �Ather of tham may in thelr absotute dt�,ccetlon determine. No romody contaaod upon or roservod to Tnistoo m Londor,Is Intonded to bo a <br /> ' exduslvo of any other remedy In this Dan�of Trust ar bY Iaw provldod or permltted,bul each ahatl Ds cumulnUva nnd shatl bo In addlUon to <br /> overy otAer remedy glven I�this Oeed ot T�ust or now ar hsreafte►e�dsHng at law or in eqdry or by stntu:�.Evory powor or romedy given by tho i�, <br /> �'� Note or any ot tho R3lsiod Oooumenta to T�ustee or lsnder nt to whiah ettlror af Iham may bo otherwise entltlad, may be exareised, <br />'%''•� ' 3�� conc��rrontty or tndepanol�ntly.hom tlme fo dme and cis oHan as muy be dsemed oxpedtent by Trusteo ot tender,and�iher of tham may <br /> ;,,, , u mant _ <br /> pursue IneonslsteM �medias. Nothing in thts Dead ot Trust shali be construed as prohibllfng Londsr trom seek�rn3 c+dAfkfenay'J d8 <br />'-�'�`:%�:�: � ����� a elnst the Trustor to IAo extent such attion is permitted by law. —' <br /> .q� �;��',;,,;;. 9 <br />'7:�'�'.' °'°"�a'1"'��1�.� - _ <br /> .�.,, ���{��;,SV Y, Request�a Nottce. Trustor,on bnhalt o9 T�ustor und lender,herebN roAuests that a copy ot nny Noibe of Defautt and a copy o!any Pfatleo - - <br />-t;�_.f, , ot Sato unWer thts Oeed of Trust be mailed to them at the addressos set fodh In the flrst pemgraph of thb Roed ot 7rus1. _ -- <br /> ti;j� Walver,Electton ot Remadtea A wa►ver bY arry p�rN o4 a brettch ot a provit,fon ot Nts Oesd ot Tnist shali�ot co�dtute e waiver of ot <br /> �.v •� proJudlce the paAy's dphis othenvise to demend atACl compllsnce wl►h that provislon or any other provislon. HleeUOn by Lender to pursue nny ,, <br /> romedy proNdod in this Deed o}Trust,the Nota,in any Helated Oaoument,or provided by Iaw shnit not oxcluda parsuit of ftny other romedy. �<,� <br /> ' �,��>�:� and sn etectlon to makeexpunditures or to leke acUOn to pedorm an ob�igation aJ Trostor under thts Ooad of Truat after tallure ot Tnistar to <br /> porlorm ahnA not aHect Landers dght to dactsre e�defrsult and to exerdse any of fts remodbs. � <br /> Attoraeys'Feea;Expenses• �I Londer incdtutes any sult or aeUon to entorce any of the terms ot thts Qoad of Trust,Lender shali Oe onlitted to _ _ <br /> recovor such sum as the court may ndJudge reesonebto as attorneys'ieos at trlal and on any sppeat. Vlhethor or not any couA aalton l� <br /> • invotved,ait reasonabte expenses tnourced by�ender w1�ch in Lenders opinion ere n�1�at any dme(or the proteGtion ot Ib Interos!a tho <br /> ,._ ' enforcemont ot ita�tghte shalt bocomo a pnrl ot the Indebtedne���Ya�blW'�n������on howev�subJsot�toeany Ilmits und�er appticab�w►. <br /> expenature unfp repa�d. E,y�a+'+s�ca'.'stsd D�!h�psre^� - �z. <br /> � ,�� �;. Lendars pNorneys'tees whethor or not tRere is a Iawsuit,lndudl nttonteys'tees tor bankraptay pro00etiings(InCtua�np eNoris to mvdnY o' � <br /> - • ''.�,��'j:. � vacata eny eutomaUo atoY ar inJurtcUon), appeals and any anU�yatsd post�udgmenl coCc�etton serv�es,the COS4 Of 6oflrChing c��otds. <br /> � '. , pe mi ri d by apPilcabte1law a T��ustonralso w�pay�)Y court costs,/n a d�ll ont o All oiher�uums p►o��by aw.��the Trustee,to th�mxteM <br /> ��..�.:. <br />=i��� . Ai�ta ot Truatee. Trustee shall have ali ot the rights and duUes of Lendar as set torth in thls sectton. <br /> 'r)��. � ; � ppWEqg AND OBLiQAT10NS OF TFiUSTEE. The foqowing proNslons toluting to the po�vers and oblignUons ot Trusteo Are part o!this Oeed af <br /> • ,..�16y�i�;.' Ttust. <br /> . •.��� �� poqrera+ct Tn�atee. in uddltion to r�n powae ot 7rustoe arlslnp es a m�tter of U►w.Tnntoe sha[I Aave tho power to tatco the toltavnng acUons <br /> n <br /> wlth rospeat to the P�operty upon ttw written request ot Lander a�d Trustor. (a)Jo1n tn p�aparinp end flling e map a piat a!the Real i�ropfuty. <br />_,;,h:��F � Indudinp the dndicatian of etroob or other dghts to tho pubUo; (b)loin U 9ranting am►easement or crseUrg any regtrteUon on the Re�i ProportY: <br />=i,�• •�•� and (o)Jotn in any suDardlnatlon or other agrdamont atteoUng thts Oeod of Trust or tho tnterest o!Lender undor lhia Deod of Yrus� <br /> °.'�-,N `t'. Trusiee. Yrustaa shyl me�ee!ei quc±��ncaUOns�equlred tor T►ustaa undcu appucable taw.In addiNon to the rfghta and mmod:as 6e!torth abovs. <br />��'�`'''�'�� with rospect to all qr nny part ot thB PropsAy,the Yruatee sh�l havA tne�lgMt to tarectosa by nouco and sa►e,nnd Lendor�i�u'.I i�ava Va r�pht ta <br />-t��'`'°`��'`•�;,.., (proctose by judtc�al taeciosure,In eHner caso in accordance vAth and to iho Nill e�deni provlded by aDplioabte 6�w• <br />.-�1!^�"_...�M't�l':�� <br /> -.-__..._/^�}j� �sy�Tntatee.Londer,at Lender's oplio�,may hom dme to Umtt nppo�nt a eucce��sor Tnutao 9c 6nry��eppdnt�b���nb�i <br /> '°.�''T`J"�r� instrumont oxeauteE and acknowted8nd by�enda and rocordad In lhe oiflce of tho�acartter of HALL.Caun , rasko <br />�`�'�s����.� eontaln,in addition to all other matters required by�t�10 tev�,lhe names ot the o►tQinal I.endBr.Trus4ee,and Tnt<,13r.lhe 6eok flnd pr�ye(or <br /> .�:.� � computor system retaenco)where thb Oeed of Trust ta rocorded.and lhe nnme and aEdross of the sucoe�.�sa tr�esi�.8nd lhY insirurtwnl ehatf :�;- <br /> x �• ` <br />-__ . �. �};,.� bo�cocutnd end eoknavledged by ali the benoTlcl4des undur tho Daod of Tnr�t or thelr su�essore(n�rrtt+resL Tha suce�ot trustee�wl��oW <br /> M� eonv�ynfn�e ot the PropeAy,shall su�ccaad to c�t�the tltle,power,and dutfes conterred upon the Trusiee In this Qeed o}7ru3t and by eRl�� <br />-_ '._.K.-:.. ( � �4' �__.._ <br />`a+�.ZL.rwt,��:c,5 law, Thls pracodure tor substiludon ot 4n,steo shnU govom to the exctusion of atl othor provtstons for substltWon. <br /> =��'��t NOTICESt TO TRUBtOA AND OTHF3i PAiiT1E8. Any nofko undor lhis Daed of 7rust shaU ba�n v+dUAO�may be sdM by tetetacsimmft�e(unlos3 <br />�"`'�1°''r"�� othenvls�roqufrod by�aw),nnd shell bo oftective whon aotunliy detiverad.a whan depo5itnd with a nntlonNiy rqoo0nined ovamiptct eourier,or.H - <br /> �••�"ry�� ��uie�f.siMtt�.a c�:.:,m.zd etrecth a v:hr^s de�e�-�t�t tn t►w t mitwef 5tatas mall flrat etass.certlA�d ar ro8�stcred mall�postepa PreAaid.dlrected to tloe <br /> �,s <br />-'° `'"'!`" addra��ses shown near tnA oc�ptnm�q of tn�s Deod ot TrosL Any party mGy ctwngo f�¢ddress for nvtic.f,s undar itu�usad at�ncf�v e��"a��" `_ - <br /> -i6�9'�'`�py'r�"; wdtten noGOe to the other pertisa,spedtying that ihe purpoSO of the norioe is to Ohattge tRe�s address. A!I coplos ot+�eUeea o!tanceta:uro irom <br />_-: +,.....,,r7;.•�!. <br /> - . .••`����;� For notfce pu p yosos�Trustor ugrepos to keep Loi de�d Truatea h obmed nt nll t mes ot 7ruslors urre�addrosa��Inning of lhis Deod ot Tnut. <br /> . � MISCFLLANEOUS PROV18lOW3. Tho to�towfng rnisceilanoous provtslons ere n part ot t�b Deed ot Trus� _ <br /> - ' � -- <br /> ;''�l� A�oscndrt�ent8. This Oeed of Trust,togethor�vith any Reiated qacunean�,consUtutn311a onUre undur6tnnding«rtd agraement af tho patUes as e,:=� <br /> „ ..,..,�;S;t�. <br /> � r. .f,• b tP�q m�NerB set Podh t�this Oasd at Tvust. No atteradon ot or omss�zt�:ent b this Dood at tYus16hn0 bo utteCt�ro uniess ghren tn wrWng a �_ <br /> , ' t`i�°ti,,ti: slgne6¢�y tna pnrty or parHes sought to be eharged or bound by the altaraUon ar nmondmonL .{� <br />_ tr:�•. -_ � <br /> ��,•'� ��;�I�� AppUcsbie Law. 4�'�►t�ed of T�uat Aea been detivered to Lender�nd�eeePt�hYlendar tn the State M Nabrsalu. Tht�Beed ot Trunt ��-- <br /> if' !�.-. <br /> e..�, _. <br /> i;,' ' :��.����.,. . ah�it De poveneC by�and cona1rued in exordence with the tawd at the Steto a4 Nr�raske. �r;.;; <br />-�•; . ' ���'���1+; . Cr�t�Q�11er.dinpa, Caption headinga m thls Oood ot Trust oro tor convenianco pur�os�s onry and cjre not to bo usod to InWrprot a dtitlno tho a�-�.. <br /> �, ,� r�-� <br /> . •. . .,.l:i:�ti;.��i:i provlslons ot this Oeed of Trust. ��:�• <br /> �,;1,r,�+.., <br /> �;'' '•:�t�,_�;;L hSe�Qpr. Thoro shutl bo no mor{tor ot tPra Intorost or osfato croatad by this Oood of 7na1 wlth nny oYhm Intoraat or osfnto ln tho Ptoperty a B�Y <br /> _-�----- . . ______...�.__y.,........d,����,Wtmeut thnwrittoncor�rtt of lendor. �� <br />-•` ---°-------`- - ORIO IIf3�0 Oy Of�t u�o wnrnw�n.o....o....«.�--.--•...... _� . <br /> -.S <br /> _' . Q Q�ry��g�1ern�I�obatngpt�each ot tho paraoas s!8n�9�ow s ro ponsibte tor Nt obttgaUoe�s In�thb Qe6d o1c 1'n�r�tor Qhall mean ecch srtd �':�.•. <br /> 8evardbtitty. 11 n court of compotonl�urisdiadon Hnds a�y provlsbn of thls Oond ot Trus!to bo tnvalid or unentorc�abta es to en)+pa8on a <br /> clraumstnnco,such findtng sholi not rondor that provislon invattd or unontorceablo as to nny otha pasons or droumstanc�►. �f toesibb,any <br /> Q tho ctiea�np proNston <br /> auch otionding proNSion shall bo doomo6lo be modl8ad to bo�vlthln thfl Umib of ontarcoa0lqly or A�Ms aG�rometn vaiid and anto�0tbk�. <br /> ennnot bo so modtRod,lt Shail bo sMckon and aU othor ptovislons W thf�Oosd ot Tn�.,l h ali othcr res� � <br /> &cccassors and AoWgna Sub{ao1 to the Ilmitatlons atated In!hb Oead ot Tn�t an transter af Truslore Intarest,this Coed o?Tnn!shatl be �;, <br /> binding upon nnd inuro to fho bonofit of Iho pMios,t1►t►tr succe3sors t►nd asstgns. {f ownaship of!h9 RtoF+eriy DeCOmes vested In tt petson <br /> othc3r then T�ustor,Lander, without notfCO to Trustor, mny dc3a1 with T�ustcx's suao�sma w�lh rotaronco to this Duod of TNSt nnd tAo <br /> a <br /> ° • Indebtodnoc,s by wey of fo�boarance or extonslon wilhout ro:easlrtg Trustor hom tho obtignttons ot lhis O�ed ot Trust or l:nblGty unQer tho <br /> Indoblodnes.g. <br /> Ttme te of the F.zsseneo. 'tlmo Is ot iho es5s�nce ln!ho portormanCO ot thts OaOd Gf Tr�l. <br /> ,' . <br /> ..�t <br />