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::�r.. :t,. <br /> .. - ` '� . 1�:�'� � •':. ` r <br /> 1�.: � �•'j�.'�i.:!G-t <br /> 7ii` 't . <br /> � "' ..1 �.5�r �r,1� r` �'�-�� �I, - �.:''`_'...�(1 . <br /> . . _.. � ' . � ... .. . _ -.. . :l':.) f t�l' ��� � .1 lrLr;� . <br /> ' �II\ r . •- � <br /> ;�y.. ' ' • . ,�r�I�� • ' <br /> �� .� <br /> � . . � <br /> ' •��i.r - . . . � . . , n . � :1._. ., ..''�'. .......... _'_" <br /> .. �. �••...'_ _._.. .. . _ ,. .. <br /> !1 .. ...�_'.'_'��� . .. .-. _ .. <br /> . ` <br /> . . ._ l�: .........._�... .. . <br /> . .. .. _ . . . ' <br /> OZ�ZB-198�J <br /> O�ED OF T�iUST���'Q°a�iO�� Page 2 <br /> 600n No QIAflOtD3 (Gdatl�uaA) _.___ ---� <br /> " -.._-K--.: �.._._-r—:—==-..,---------.—.�---= <br /> o�arto�by Trusta. and ��Ow ot haraA(tot alttlohed a etfb�Od to iho R881 Ptoperly:toqothGr wllh ap acCOSS�ons. pa�s� and nddillons to,all <br /> ruptacomanta of,unA att aubotltuttons for,any ot auah properiy;nnd togothor vdth ull procaods (Inctudin{�vAthout timltation nR in9umnce <br /> prcocndn un9 rcNnd�of promluma)from nny ante or othor dl�po�lUon of Iho PropoAy. <br /> pfapa�y. TRO rmrd'��opody'moano colitxiivcry lho RoAI Propt3dy nnd tho Pornonnl Proporty. <br /> Ree!PropeRy.Tho v�orda`Roal Proportl!'mosn tho proporllr,�ntorests and dghta doscdbod ubovo In tho"ConwYartco and(3rnnY eaatlon. <br /> i3slGSC� Qn�olmCDtO. Th0 v�arAS"Retatod Oooumonts"moun nnd include without Ilmitsflon nll proml3sory noto9,crodit ugreomonts, loan <br /> npreomenta,dn�ronmontni nproomonts,guarantlas,saoudty a8raemonts,moRgApos,deads of tru�t,and nli othcr Instrumonte,earoomantn ond .�` <br /> dCOUmonta,wh0lhQt now ot hOreoROt Oxinting,oxCOUtod In aonnaaUOn wllh tho Indabtodness. � - <br /> ,. '��' <br /> � ' ° ReMi. Tho wad '9iontA"monn�ull prosont und luturo ronW,rovenuas,tncomo,Issuos,royaltlos,protiW,and other bonoflta derived trom tho <br /> ... �,o�,�y. � <br /> Ttuatt0. TRO word'?ruatao'mpans UNITED IVEBfiASKA BAN1t and any subndtuts or succaasor trusteos. <br /> �.. <br /> � � T�uuot. Tho wa0'��u��o�'means uny und alt poreona end entltlos oxsouting thls Deed ot Trusl,including wlthout IImlWtton atl Trostors nnmod <br /> • ab0v0. <br /> � ., PROPERTY.1(1 ta'11 Q� TO 8 CllgiB�(iT PA MLNTtOF H$1[ADE8IEDN 88 AND 1 ICP�ORMA CE 0F ANY AND AU-SCt�LIQRO aN� <br /> TRU�TOA 4lNDLR TFCH MOTB, YHE� �EIAYED DOCtlMENTB, AND THIS OEED OF TRUBT. TQtIS DEE�OF TRUST, INCWDINO TFI� �r <br /> H <br /> A801tiNIIIENY�F AfiN?8 61N0 YItE OECURITY INTERH9T IN Tk8 RENTS AND PERSONAL�AOPFATY,18 AL30 GIVEN YO BECUiiE ANY 4;,}','r''(' <br /> ' AND ALL 08LIOAT1011�li aF T R U 9 T Q A U N D E S I T H A T C E R T A I N C O N B T R U C T I Q N L O A N A QRE�l19ENT B&TWF�N TiiUBTOA AND LENDER OF <br /> � OR A N Y O F T M E F 1 p.A T W <br /> 6VEM DAt'6 41H13SYl�TH� ANY EV�IT OF GE�AULT UNDER THE CON8TRLtCT10N LOAPI AORF.EMENT, ;;;_'� <br /> OOCUMCNTB RE�FBAf1It0 TO Tii E R B I N,BHALL A1.80 BE AN EVENT 6F[fEFAtAT IfHDER THIS OF.fD OF TRUST. TF�NOTE AND YWI3 �_ <br /> QR�ED QF TR!!SY AR�f E I V E I i A N D A G C�P T E D O}7 7 N 8 F 0 1 1 0 W I N O T E R M 8: •:,�;;�. <br /> �. pAY[rSFNT AND�F.AITOANDISNC�. 6zcopt ns othorwlse provldod In 1Ns Deed u4 Trucl,Trustor shali pny to f.c�ndor e9 amounts seoured by lhis Oaed A.�` <br /> , .. of Tn�st a9 they becomo duo,and atu�ll atrlotty and In s Ilmely mannflr perform all ot 7ruator's obligadons under ihe Note,lhls 08ed ot Trust,and ihe ,.�.. <br /> � Rolntnq Oocumonta. •:x: <br /> •� •• POBSQBSIOAO ANO IAAIHBBNANCB OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustors possesslon and use of the Ptoporty sh41t bo govornad by ��_= <br /> � Ihe tottowlnp provt5lorta: '�.;.- <br /> ppsNaWoif Mul Uu. Unlil lho ocaurronco o�nn Evont ot Oefault,Trustor may (o)romain In possession and control of the PropoRy, (b)use. ^ <br /> aporato or rnantBo 1bo P►opaAy,end (o)eolleat uny Rents hem iho Proparty. ' °" <br /> � Outy to MAtntYn. TruBtor ohaif malntaln lhe Propcuty tn tenentab�e condldon and prompUy portomn eU ropnirs,ropiaoc+me�b.s^d ma1"t�ria"ce ��;�- <br /> neoassary to qosorvn IQe valuo, �"� <br /> PQ�tlydou�8uDlttNtol9.The tetms"h�ardous we8te;"huardous eubstance;"dtSp09A1�""rol6es9�"and Rhreatenad�e��so;Y8 Y58d iTl lht8 _ <br /> . �, � qNd af Trust,th1�U hpva ihp aeme meaninpa es aot talh in tho Comprehensiva E�Nronmentel Response,Compensntion,ead UablUty Act of -_— <br /> 1080,se om�nded,4�U,8.C.5eo�on seq p�����U S C.u�lion t801 et�seq.,the esourcn Coa�seNaUOn and RecovetY Aa1. <br /> . * pg..tes�('Si�'�.itm i;a:ortiatr!.�l�k Tra�ert_ � €_ <br /> aa u.s.c.SacGOn 6D01,ot aoq.,et other eppllcabie etuto or Fmd9rN taws,ro�ea�a repuletlons aqopted Aurauartl t6 asy ot tns!�i- <br /> otroieum and petraleum by-produots ar any hacUoe �?- <br /> " tYrme"tur�tdouu waoto'and'harardous aubstance"ahatl also{nciude,wilAOUt IlmitaUon,p _ <br /> thor�Df end tlDeslo9. Tru6tor represgnta and wanant�to Londer that: (e)Dudnp the pedod ot Trustors ownership ot the Propeity.then►has <br /> � � Opm no use,gone�atlan,manuttature,atoraga,treatmenl,dlsposal.release or lhreatened releese ot sny hazerdoua waste ar subatanoe by any <br />„ d�o ed to e dTfl knowlodQed by 4ende�r In�urcil�8�u(1 an�use,{�enera0on.�manutaecturetstorefge,tre�i�tmeIXed�pob.�al��e�as��t�threate BO = <br /> " nNnto 01 Bn�hozerdou�wasto or eubstence on,undor,abote!or trom the Propudy bY any pdor ownors or oaup p�o�����o and - <br />_�� . ` aetu�l ar throalqned Qttgadon or Claims of any kind by any peteon rslating to suah matte►a;and (o)ExceD �;, <br /> ncknowledped by LonEor In w�itlnp, (t)nelthor Tru3tor nOr any tenant,contraotor,apent or other euthorized usor of lne PteDeAY shal�use, �,,; <br /> ` - penar�te,manuiaoture,etoro,tro8t,dispose of,or retease uny i�nrardous wttate or subsfanoa on,urn�dur�abo��att�i�the�oP�d����houyt <br /> - �� such�tctiv�ry tha11 tra conductad�n cwnptl�nce wlth all apptteub►e te0erat,state,and toaat laws, <br /> IlmtlNion lhost tawe, npN�tlone,end ordlnaneos deacAtred nbovo. Trustor autho�ims Lender und ib age�s to erder apon 1h�Pr��„� <br /> mtko suah Iropmellons end loste,al7rustor'e�enae�es Lander may doom apptop+iate to detormtno eo llanea ot�ha P� �Y <br />-- e!�et�pn of/h�Daad o!Truct. Any Inapectlons or testa rt►qd�by Lene or s�hmad�ba fa Len�e�s pu��oos fl�warrantles eoMii�d htorofn aro =_ <br /> �ai��:.;;:.. �;� <br />�;„_.•,��,,y�,.,� any t�DOmihrity a tiabnity on tlro part ot Lentler to Trualar 2v o Y P� ;;�;;�: <br /> _�,,,,,,.,�� busd on Trus�or e du�duigance ln Invw.+tlpstinp the Propcirqr►a harerdous waste and harerdoua subctancw•Trustor hereby (e)rolea�s and <br /> wiN�i tny fulure tlalma apAl�1�ender tor Indemnity or contrlbutlon in the evont Trustor be,:ome911a6b tor duanup or otho�cost8 untler arry �. <br />— ' ." ;af' tuc� lawa. and Ib) Gp►eE�to tndemNty end hoid harm�ess tsndot u�alnst any and all clatms,IosSOS.NablliL'as,dama6es,Pe���and --- <br /> 1;, �' �xp�nte� wNCh lander may direotty or tndiroetty austnln a suffor�c�suNtng trom e brcuteh ot lhks cocUan ot tho Deed ol Trusl or as n � <br /> conaeqwr�co 01�ny us�,panerauon,mnn�taeture,atorage,disDo3e1�r�laaso a threatoned reioese o1 e hawrdous waste or aubstanco on tha __ <br /> ' p����y, iho D�Ow�onB at Ihts eooUOn 0!the OeaO ot TruOt,h�ctu�ing the obAgnUOn to indemnity,chaU survivs iho payment ot!h0 <br /> _-- �y ' In�bftdnasf�nd�hs telftlAOtkon and rv�conveya���►on of INS�ood oi Trust end shatl not bo aitaaled by�enders aequtsiUon ot any � <br /> � ��.. . Intensl In Iln ProD�►tY�whpfhor t�y taecl0aure or ot �``-= <br />� rmit any nWSar�o�x comm�.permil,or suHer any sMpD�n9 0l o►Wasto on or to the ■r�� <br /> - pyl�l�lLp.WqI�� Tlustor ahnu not eYtCJO.cOndUOt Or pG d��° <br />�,�;�.--'= �rope�tY o�iny poRlan ot thv proyeAY. WIIROUt IImIUnp tM gor»rallll at i:'�n�xe�a"9�Trustor wiU not remov9.a prant to any other par�►ti+e `,y,. <br />-_u'�""`,..._ �t�hl to rtmov�,�ny pmbm,mme�nb(InquCtnp ol md Qas).edl�O�av¢I a rt�tsc�addcb w7thoul thmpda wrlAe�ch� h a���consont =..�- <br /> • {i�e�ovtl oti�lytOdoGWAtG. i'ru:tCt eh:Jl not @^r�;r�ikh�r ro�LCn��may�Qb�rD Tnptor b�ake��o���en�;,zC:tGL'tory t�lenQs►to � . <br /> ; ` � nt 6nrda. N�cnnd�tlon ro ttro remova�of eny Ic��x oum,r��r� , �. <br /> rpkCN o�tt���Arov�mints wtth Improv�m�nte of at ldzsf oquW v¢tuo. ���*�-� <br />- � te�nQaxPp�nlai�i�nnd o tnspoc►ths Rro�porN to�PurPoses of Trniritare eomDllur o v�h tt�o te�m�a"d c�rondlUons�otrethis O�d of�st attend to !�-",•'.: <br /> � ".-`- <br /> �i CpMptuo�ri�wtlh 0ovorommiN[�rqulamonte. T�uotor QhM D��Pt�y�^�fal�w�o�II Iawe,ordlnances.and ropulatla�.now or haroaRC►In �.,` <br /> ettFSi,of �7 povernmental eutha�uoa appllcnbto to tho uso a occupanoy�U��'�Y�������lon m'Tnntor thss rtarn� Lortdc3r «�.- <br /> �' mdtn�nCr,o�repu�Rtlon pnd wit�hold oomAlunco durinp any procooding,Irtciu�dtt{y aC�r+tp r <br /> . 'r R.s„>' <br /> in wiitmg p��r lo datn�eo and ao lon8 ao,in lendor'o a0►o opinien,LertdCr'e�nhussGt��n tAq Property aro not jaoyardiu�d. t on0ef maY ro4�tre r.:�: <br /> Trustnr Io posl K4uqua+e s�curuy or a nuroty bond,rossonnbly antlofaClGry to LertCOt,Mr p�ot0c1 Lendo�a intsrosL ��?;:. <br /> . '. �;• Trustor 8ha11 do ap olhtr acts,In addltlon to thaie Qots +,i�;;� <br />_ QUiy lp PtOtICi.rrusta agreos no�tnar to ubandon nor teavc urtnttaredad tiw�,qaitY. 1� <br /> Gy1(1�ID fi00v9 1n Qug 6Ye1iOn,w��ch Irom iRO charnator nnd use ot tn�Prepa�lY n.n���a$onabty noafssnry 10 proteci and presorve t►�a Proporlfr. <br /> ����{,�.CqM�EtiT 8Y L�NOE{1. Londor mny,ut lta optlon,doNnro ImmaCautWY�1�e nnd pnyabW all eums cocurod by th�s Oeed of Trust r.;�;. <br />- ��pun It�aet� a��niler.rmhoul ih�i.an9er'e prtar wrtttcn eonr:nt,et eJl or nny Dn�c ct lim tdaal PropoAy,or n�►y In���j�1b oewi�l�o�untary ::: <br /> gale a trensterr'mpuns ti�e conv�yance o1 qpzl ProAaAy a anY dp�����p°a►�ntm+mt tNant�tt;�utsother Ie4N,Dor�tat i#�� <br /> ' .,.u,�m,u�f,uv:Wt�alfw by ouUtDAt btts,d9atl,lnst�tlment oate contrtcf,lartd cwstntet,tarttract tor Oosd,tonsoAdd intorost a11h a tum arant9r�►�►n • ,.;,�, <br /> -___-- . - - �-•� 1n er tn aM tmnd Uust holdlnp tiN.A to th9 RBeI, .,;,; <br /> ' - ----- I1vOtl 1,) Y88�e,ti�11A O�LOn GQI1ttAtl�.Ot Gy 6St��06S�Qnmam�o�`vin5m+ :�a•:J••.-•..,.._._._.__. . <br />� Pu�uaily,oi hy Iny rthc��n�1h�0,olc�n�bynrwe ot Rnat Proparry�ntorc�t. Ir ersy Trc+atc�!s n corpomtlon,��s�+•D�pmftatJ nnbmry c�pa l+.. `,;' <br /> han.t��tau�:u:�u�e�e��y cnA�we�n own¢rah:p ot moro Ihan hvvnh-�vo t�a�t(28'u)ct Nn vatlnp stcctc. D���P inteiosb a Ilmtted pab:llly y, <br /> � r.�z�,y�Any u,t�iods, u��f�u casv mny bo,ot T�ustor. Howover,this opt�on aRnll nat Co anar�l�ed bY lonGor tf sucb oxactse Is proNbltcd by.tadarcl ti,;,, <br /> iaw ar hy��nt��a�Ma iaw .'•. <br /> � TAllffi AND A ITKN. 1RO fOi:Owlnp ntuYisttfn3 t0lotinfl l01Ra.taxQS und uorts on tRo Propo�are a Psrt ot thls Oeed of Trust. <br /> piymtuf, i��ast0i chaU pAr wAen duo(nnq m n11 ovont9 prior t0 dc1lnqu0noy)ait tux�os.epeciN texo��c�ccso3amants.cAar�o�(�^auding�ntar <br />- a,�c�r�:.-��,u��s�nno�m�ouuons ianed a��ina�or on accou►.t ot trto�r�:pady.ana ePU�i�pey when due att c►alms ta wak dano on a ta <br /> ' ttt�nf.d5 �Ond?t0A[n m(1�t tl l��Q�!�he�d"o Io�CejOA���ttontof laxas n dnau'onn�m0�nol dreo nnd tutcoat as otnheprw 0 R o dad�ln IAis 08ed <br /> uilr,�ost�ct�c�►rtci untla � <br />' �!1��itt y <br />_ ,. it,��rc�Cro�R�na 1 o�dr�,o u�t yc51 hn t o Propc ty Ao rtot�qanrdiu:d./f n I on,QAOSS o�i flod n9 8 restdl�ol�eon�Palrrtant� ���n <br />- , � <br /> � _ _ - <br />