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<br />----°���"•�, Yii!!i OE�80 OR TRU9T IS DAiED F'�8Rli0�iF3� �8, 1�99� emotrg �331RY L C�aE�EW r�t� d�RR!Y!� ��OP ,
<br />_""¢ . .� HUS�AIVID AND WIFE,whose addreas fa �i�&9SU►ND ORiVE+ DONlPHAN� NH 8883Z (rotarrad t�o belnw �s
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<br /> '�_'."��� •'Tniator"); UNPIED N6BFiA8KA BIiNK,whose adaireaas la��0 N WE�n RD,PO BQX 601s�GiUND tSLAND�N
<br /> �..��,�.,,.,....�.,�
<br />-°��� 6880�(�aterred to 6stow �oemttmes es "t.ander"andl eorraepn�ea � "Qe�latary"); and UNtTED NEBF1l18
<br /> `��:��.��,: BAt�K,whose addr�si ir 700 N WEBB RD� �0 BdI( 6095 /qi�AND IEUIND. NE @860Z(�eTettad to be�otN q
<br /> ':�"�="'«;�r "Trustae").
<br />-+����� CONV�tlAMCQ ANP�aRANY, Car vduobt�conatdQratton,Tr4�ator convaya to Tn�stae In truaf�WITM P4WEli OF S�.toe tti�0��
<br /> ` ""--_� LanClr q GnrflCiMy,ap of 4�ultor'e rlpht, title, end intere�t In and to the tWiowinA described reai ptop�rly.to0sthlr wKh tY�tlnp a
<br />_�t� subssquently�teat�d a�tNxM buUdinps,improvqmants artd flxturos;all easemeMS,riphts ot wa9�end eppudor�nt�ees;atl w�l4�r�waf�A�hb and
<br />- - - ���pew tMr_.p�dlrw atocf: In uUtIINS wllh tll�h ot trtigallon�Iphta);Ond ell ottler righb._�yalde���d��its_[ _�t NiehrUs�ile�l� (,tfb��N
<br /> _ = wnnout�milauon an mm:rnt�,at;,pw.ponthUrrnA�ene�miku mati�s, iBCFi'dSd !tt ti�l.l. �"_ ,
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<br /> '- " ��'`. � The Reel P�operty or fle Qddreem le commonty knawn aa N8IS4.A�9D QRiVE,D�NIPHAN�NE 88892.
<br />:�:.:�
<br /> TruntCr presYntq asslpn�1�llrtdYr(atDO known ao Bonolict3ry In thM3�eod of Tnqs)aA Ot TnptotB d�ht,Utlo,and intocest In Ynd to aY pr�S�nt art� -
<br /> " tuture letsoa ot th�Prop6�ty tn�t9 RwNS/rom!he Properly. In adduton,Truatu grants Lender u Uniform Commmctul Coda secudlY Utaast In tta
<br /> r� � Ronto nnd fhs Panonel Pr9RMh►d�M�d bslow. --
<br />�� ' j` � OEFIHITIOH�. Th�tol►owinp wotdl oheu hav�tt�e toliowlnp moanings vaROn usod in thls Deod of Tru�t. Terms not othsrvvt59 de8ned U thhs D�d W -
<br /> �' . �� 7ruaf shntl Piavs tIw mwntr�aittlDutad to euah terms in tho UNto►m Commordal Code. AA roioronces fo dotlar amounts ehaE mein amou�In
<br /> z- .�.• � : IauAUI money of Iht Unit�d�I1tPS ot Amlric�. �
<br /> s• Beneflcl�ry. Tho word"aYrrottcWl�' m�ens UNITED NEBRASKA BAh9K ns auccessore end ass!gn3. UNITED �tEBRASiW @ANK etso b __
<br /> � ;�1�_� retottod to�s tende"In IRfs OwA of Trust. _
<br /> ��,t.{F': -
<br />- ? OOed 0!TtteN. The wa(3a 9led ot YNAP mean thl�0aee d o!_:bst�on9,�.i a�,���ndor.end Trustoo,and Inctudes vfihout UmltaUon W
<br /> '=�-----
<br /> .. -:,,i assipnmonteno{/CUf(1YI11L�fRi�tO�tetRSmrywo�v.a.,,......-.�.,_._ ._..._. --
<br />- " � � � aW�nntor. YfN word`(�utrmsloP rtw�m and Inciud�►wllhout UmltaHan uny snd M gu�raMors,surottos,nnd [t000mmodaL'on ptAfos U E:
<br /> � , connsotlon wltPo ifl0lnWDtsdniam, ��
<br /> 8tf11Ctuf63� E,
<br /> � � tmprovemant�, Tha aac9"ImDrOv�r+nnis'moans ond Inctudc�s wilhout emlteition all wdsting und futuro Improvomenis,bWtdinas. G.
<br />`- ��• • moblis homY!aH►xod on Iha qtaY Fropul�►.feSillUes,addiUoas,ropiacomoob nnd otnor eon�fntoUon on Ihe peat Properry, _
<br />�. InCt�bdntN. T1w M►Ord"Ind1bN0�tf�!'mctans dtt princfpsl and Intnrc�st payabto tJnder tho Noto and any Amounls c��on�od or�dva�d by _
<br />- �� ��n0er b dlwhdrQo ob�jetlon��1 Truftor W�xptns�s Inounad by Tru�tao a 6onder to ontotcn obllgallona ot Trugtor untlar lt��a O�od ot Trus4 _
<br />�., topet�er with lnteroQl on tttAB arr+oun4;�ue prevtdad in thls Dond of 7ru�t.
<br />' ° Lendet. Ttht wotd'Land6a"mttln�l�N1TG0 NGdRASW►BANK,Itts eucco�and assigns. _
<br /> ' � . ttot�. The word��Not�'miM►a IM ltol�dtted o�Dtu�t�►20,tY99,in tha�rin�lg�nl amount ot$7 Bfl,OD�.00 trom Trustor to lortdnr,
<br />_ " topethor wlih�U renewail,exton3lons,mOd1P.CaUOtr�,reflnenoUOs,And eubslila ons tor the Note. _
<br /> _ ., pitAOn�l Rrop�tfy. TI�D tY0f�9`Pnieonni propeAy'maan aq as�ulpmo��t��s,and o1h6r at11c►es ot peruonN propnrly Row or h�outto► _
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