.f��^� jr ,. ^��� "�rm�r-��-�:q.�:.' .. . . . ... _��_-
<br /> � r �'"''�flil
<br /> .k. r J rn'� �Mr. .,- .
<br /> �' .��' ;r.. t ......'�:._. .
<br /> ,�� • .. _.. - _____. _. . .- .!
<br /> ;-_ -. :� -:.�_., _ 9�� �0�91
<br /> i.� i
<br /> candemn�tion ur c�her Wcin�ai'any pan oP tho Pn�petty.or for ca►vty��oe in Ncu of ca�dermwiaa,aro heroby�uriQned ad �
<br /> � Fhdl be pwid ta l�cride�. '
<br /> In 1ho avenl of� tad uicin�nf Iho Pmpcity.�he proceedy nhh�ll bs �pplied la Ihe cuma s�ecurcd by Ibi� Sxudly
<br /> _ - - loq�urtam.whethor ar na�thrn due, wNh Any czcxs�paid to Ban+nwcr. In tMc cvcnt of a paniul taking af the Propchy io
<br /> - - wh�h tbe fiir m�rkcl wiue af the Propcdy immeJipkly betar�he��king i�equ�l ia cx grc�cr thrn the amiwnl of 1ha rumr
<br /> secu�ed My�his Secudty lo�nement immedir�ely befarc Ihe t�icing, unle+x Bamnwer pnd l.e�der dherwl�ag�ee in writing,
<br /> 1ho sutm s�ecurcd by Ihia Sacutlry Insuumem s►1w11 he rcciuced by �ix amoun�of�he praceodR multiplied by tho tallnwin8
<br /> — — fiaction� lal�ho ta�l aiqaunt of�he aum��aured immodiately Ueforc the�oking.dlvided by lb)the f�ir�ke�value af Ihe `
<br /> -'°-''-"'��- -- ---'� pmperiy immediwely befor4s�hu luking. Any balnnre shnll be paid to &►rr+nwc�. In�he evrnt M n panial �akin8 of tbe r--.
<br /> Prapeny in which lia fpir morket vAluo of�he Pmpeny immediotely beiaie the taking iK lesa�han�hc umount of the sums
<br /> -•�� securod immediaely bofaro ihe �uk{n8,uMess Bonower a�d I.endc�dhnwi�e agrce in w�fling or unle�x upplicu6le law
<br />_�.u.� dhawise piovida.�ho procc�dr shall be npplied to tho�ums ce�urod by thi�Seiu�iiy Inclrument whelhor or not�he cums aro
<br /> - -- - then due.
<br /> �" �f'�he propeAy is Abundoned by 8orrower,ar if,afler notice My I.ender to Borrowcr lhat 1he cawkmnor offe�ta make
<br /> an�ward ar�eule a claim for damnge�,Borrawer foilR to rcspand to Lendcr within�0 days aper the date�he nutice is given,
<br /> T--•.,; Leader iR aath�ed to collect uml apply the praeeeds.at iiE ap�iw�,either�o restara�ion or mpair of the Pro{xny ar to�he _
<br /> - - — wiaa�securcd by Ihis Security Ins�nxneal,whelher ar nat lhen due.
<br /> � Unles.r l.ender and Romower otl�envf�+e ugrce in writing.any applicwian of procads to principal shall �extend or
<br /> = p�aponc�ho due da[e of ihe monthlY P�Y�ntn rcfemed w in p�rsgraphs 1 aad 2 or clwnge the amaunt af such paynnencs.
<br /> �- il. Borro+rer Nnt Rekascd: Forbear�nae dy �� Kd • Wiiivn: Facteaxion af�he time for payment or �
<br />�"' modii'rcnion of arr�oAization of�Me�xns securccl Iry thi�Securi�y Insuument gronted by L.eader�o au�y succrssar�n interesl
<br />=r � of Borrower shall na operate to relrase the liabili�y of the original B000wer ar Borrower's succe�s�ors in interesl.Lender
<br />`'=__ �1u11 not be requi�ed to catunence praYedings agsunct any suc�.�sur in inte�t ar refu.�w erk�l li�ae fo+r payment w ..^
<br />= �xi�erwise modify amortiza�ia�of�t�e sums secured by�his 5ecurity Inslrument by n�ascm of any demand made bg t�e uriginal �°-• -
<br />---_- �xruwrr u�Sorrowtv�succcssars in intenest. !�ny feMl�earance by l.ender in exeaising atly�ight a rcmody sdall not be a �-=
<br /> �,f�, , wcrver of a preclude the exerci�.�e oi any dght or rcmedy. 1,,
<br /> .��t,� 12, S�eeescors and A�Bawwl:Joint and Seve�ul l.iAblllty;Co-sfgners. 71�e cavenants and agreements of this !"-_�=�
<br />"'�?5�;:' Secu�iry I�nra�em shall bind�d beneGt �h��ucce.sors ond a�sigas�f Lender and Bornower. sdbjoct to the provfsions of -
<br />_�;,;r':(� pxagraph I�. &+rrower�co��eounts aml agreements shall 6e joint :uKA seve�al. Any Borrower who co-signs�bis Security _--
<br /> __>�_._ �;:-=
<br /> __ -- --;;,= — la.trument but does nat eaeru�e�he Nde: lal is ca-si�ing Ihis Secutily Inswmeot cmly�o mortgage.gmm and eoavey thal _`�
<br /> -- W��mower:s intercst in the Pr�oprny under the terms of thi�;�ccuriry Imuumen� lbl ic nw pen�anally obligaied to paN�he sums ---
<br /> �cecured by this Security Instrument;wd(e)agrees thul l.ender and mY uther 8orraver may agree to extend,mali4'y.forbeur �'.'-
<br /> `:;�" or malce wty ecc�ommodatianY with reFw�d ta the termc of this Security Instrument or Ihe Nwe widiout�hat Borrower� _
<br /> -
<br /> caasen
<br /> t.
<br /> __
<br />_- " 13. I.oan Clw�'gea If the loun xrured by �his Security Instromcnt is subject to a low which r.ets maximum loan ---
<br /> -`- - c6ugcx,�su3!l�as!aw is f naE!�,inle�rrt!y!u►�ha��he intere.ct or other loan charges collected or la be collected in connection .
<br /> ;: � v�ah the laun exceed the pecmined IimGa,then: lul uny+uch lonn ef�arge shull be redw�zd by the amauot necexsary to rcduce �S�:.
<br /> u•
<br /> �- �^ �": . '� tnr charge to the pemtiqed:lamii:und lb)uny sums almuct}�callec�ed from Borrower which exceeded pem�ilted limi4c will be �;tt�;;'
<br />'�+z '�a. R�e�unded to Sorrawer. �.encler may choo�e�u mnke�his caSurul by reducjng the principul owed under Ihe Nwe or by malcing a
<br /> :.%. ,•`: •"'`n •dirrct payme�et to Borrower. If a refunJ�rduce�principul.�he reduc�iort will be treated ax n partial prepuYmeot willtout any
<br /> r�,.,� i�-_
<br /> � `'-' � p�epayment charge under Iho Note. __
<br /> � 1�l. Natlas. Any nMicr te B•,rmwPr rm�ided 4irr ir.!hia Se:rrit�M��rumtet shs!!!�!�oiven hy �'li�•edno it�r hp .�s
<br /> _---.. - _ .:...: .
<br />- �`�%` . '� rmailing it by Prst claxs mai0 u�texs upplicable luw rcyuic�e.use uf uno�her method.Th:notice sholl he directed to thr Property ��;��ti,;.;'
<br /> �' � •;'! Acldress or ony Wher addrers 0orrower designate+by no�icr to Lende�. Any notice�t.*Lender �hall be given by firs�cla.cs �,s�;�:s
<br /> �.- moil to Lender?s addrexs clated herein or uny other addresx Lender designnlez by notice�o Sormwer. Any naice provided ior sn
<br /> 6� �. in this Security Inwrument shnll be �mal tn huve heen �iven to Borrower or Lender when given sis provided in this �=F;•
<br /> .�. ��-
<br />_„> P�S�• -
<br />_�'� ::�.... . � IS. t',overning LAw: SrverabilN�: Thi�Sccurity In.trument shull Ix govemed by federul iaw s+nd the law of the _
<br /> ,�� ��aisdictlon in which�he Prer,perty is lacuted. In the even+thut uny provi,ion or cluux:ot this Security Inntrumeru c►r the Note ,_�
<br />--`-" " S�fJlcts with applicuble luw,sunc�onflict shull na ufferi oihrr provision4 of�his Seruriry Inslnrmenl or ii�l�.ae which cun �R,__^
<br /> x:; . � • '• . fie�ivep eiftct wi�haut the contlictinF provisian. 7b thix end the proviuon�of Ihi� Security Imanimen�aacl ifie Note are
<br /> ,�"� , •�"" • 'cioclsrtec�tc�bc:���erable. �v.�"
<br />,;�,,!�,;.,, �
<br /> _,`,; '
<br />.,_�N:^' yi.:., �' '` �•.Y` 16. 'IDvo�ri�v�•er's Copy. Borrower xhull6e given one ronf,�rt�rc�c����af the Note suid af thiti Sectuity Instrum�nt. ��-_;
<br />',-_;�j. �� � 17. 'll�nsfer of tMe Proprerty or a Beneficial lnleres�t in 8wrww�er. If all or any pan of the Propeti�cX nny interest in
<br /> ro .t
<br /> � ,4 "% '�� ;t is wld or trnnxfemed 4��r ie�beneficinl interest in Borrnwer is sold or�romPerrecd and Borrower i+not u ra�tur�l personl �f�'
<br /> - �•�� tr� w�ithout l.ender�prior wrim:���consent,Lender muy,ut itr oN�ion,reyuire immediatr pavment in full of ull aum>;ecured by ��{�'�°_
<br /> �a; ,;�.��"i�:.' � �
<br /> r,-�° ;,q�M this Security InstrumeM. However,tBi���ion shall not be ezerci�d by Lender if exorcl�e ix proAibited by federal law us of '.:;._
<br /> _ - ':;�%'�� ::
<br /> �.-. '! �` the date of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> � t`°��'�•" If Lender exereizes thix option, Lxnc?cr shall give Hormwu n��tice of ucceleru�ion. The nnuxe shull provide�periad of �.;,'
<br /> r.:°z. ��;...�:�.�r �:/.
<br />= �+:'t•t-xr� ;M � na Iess thun 30 days from the date the noiice i�drlice�ed�x nwil�Yl wi�hin whicb Iiurn�wer muxt pa�•ull num�secured by this R.
<br /> _ , x•:•�,�,. Seruri�y Instniment. If Borr++we�faih u.puy iheK tisacT�,prior to�hc expiru�ion of�hi+ prriod, lxnder may invoke uny
<br /> �;�.,�.
<br /> �"±c�' •��..e?i a., . re m e d i e c p e n n ioed by�hix 5rcurity In�trument withc�u�0'uather notice ur demunJ un Borrower. 'if;•�`'
<br /> _' 'K - - �.;;, , r ;t�x 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Rein�1at,e. If Borrowcr mret,r�nain rondi�ion+. Bormwrr sh:i➢! have thr tight to hnve `,,;x�
<br /> '{�_�'� �'���'f+' of�his Securil Inslrumenl di.cu��tinucJ ut un timc �r�or t��Ihr eurlier ot': lul 5 duys�or Kucfi atMr period a�. ��''�
<br /> :". , .. .,,.f:.. .,. enforeemea y >' E
<br />'�;<<", .c. ,�Jj:;!t:• �:, �;'Ni
<br /> ��• Z'
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