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_ _ _-_,r�� ,.w.-� _'_ <br /> _r1, � q.� rtl. . . , .... - <br /> . _ ���. � `�� � :f,.. ' .....w� . <br /> P •' <br /> ..+ ���t i:.., . — _ _ <br /> �. <br /> _ ,�;`. •7aJ'� �� <br /> , applicabb I�w nu�y cpocify for rei�teutant)betoro cale of�he Pmperty purcumt to any pawer af�ala cantafnod in dti� <br /> Secudty Insaument:or(bl entry ot�judgment enfo�ing ihi�Socu�iry Iasaum�rnt. 71�oce eaaditiom�ue�h�t Bamower: (al <br /> - -- --- p�ya L.cnder dl sw�u whlch lixn would bo due undor thi� Secudty lnsuumeni �ad the Nate u if no�coler�Uan hsd <br /> _ --_-- accuned;(b)cuna�ny deiwit of any dha coven�nta or�gr�eement�:(c)p�Ys�11 ezpe�tses irtcumed in enforcing�hia Securiry <br /> -- "' Incuument, ineluding.but not Iimited to,rcuon�blo�nomeya'fas;and(dl lakea such actbn as I.ender mAy rcawnsbly <br /> roquiric w aswrc that the licn of this Secudty In�m�ment.Leoder�rights in tho Propeny and �orrnwer�obligadon to p�Y the ---• <br /> — wmt sacurod by �hi� Secwiry Incaument ciull caitinue unclwn�ed. Upon ainnatoment by Sarower. �his Security <br /> ,._��s�..� Instiunx�t�uri ihe obllgationa socured t�by chall rrnu�in fully nRecUve as ii na acceleradat had occumed. However.thi� °-- <br /> - �._�—_-_,-:.�-.-�--.---� <br /> :.'�;:., rfabt to roins�ute ah�ll not apply in tha caso of axeler�nian under pwrag�ph 17. �- <br /> 19 Sak of Notet ChaaQe ot I.oaa Savic�ar: 77�c Note or s p�rtid inte�st!n the Notc qogether with Ihis Sa:u�ity <br /> ;:W ' ::. ,, Insuument) moy he sold one or morc times without prior nodce to Borrower. A sale mwy resuU in a change in tha entity =- <br /> , (Icnown as the"L�wn Servicer")Ihw colkcts moruldY VAY�nts due under ttw Note and thie Secudty Instrument. 7liero alsa <br /> ' --- may bo oae or more chonges of the Loan Servicer umclakd to a sa�e of the Nate. (f there is�change of�hg Loan Servicer, -- <br /> .,�+.,',""` ��:�� Bamwer will be given wriaen notic�e oGdie chaoBe in acca�dan�e with paragr�ph 14 above and applicable law. 'tl�e ndice —. <br /> =� . ",, will smte�he n�me and addness of the new Loan Se�vicer and�he addresB to which QaYmeats sGouW be roade. The natice will -- <br />— ��r� also rnnuin any other infornwtian roquiEOd by apptirable law. _�. <br /> ' �0. fla�ardous Su6qa�ees Bo�mwer shatf nat causc or rmit the nce.use.dis st e or release of�n — <br /> �--.;ae�- l�c Prese Posa!• aa8 . ease Y — <br /> �ty s ; �:;�; , Hav�rdo�s Subctances on or in the Hvperty. Bac�mwer shall nd do.nor allow anyone eAse ta do.anything afiecting the =_ <br />-_ ':� PtopntY lhat is in viol�of any EnviraiuneaWl Law. The preceding two sentences shall�ra:apply to the�.ar !�=�. <br />_:;:;`�,' stonge an Ihe Pnoperty of smaU quamities of Haxardous Substances that a�e generally rerog�t�ir.a�va be appnupriate w nonnal �� <br />�`��-�' rcsident�al uses and a ar�intenance of�he Pro�ar+tr'- <br />`"`'`�� Bonuwer ahall pmmptlY Bive Lender wti¢�eao avotice of'any investigation,cCaeen.demand lawsuit ar att�rr nctian by any �-• <br /> _ govp�tental ar r�egulAtory agency or private par�tc��volving Ihe Property s+rt�.a:ay 69azsudous Substance�x F�vi�+o�unental �u�•'". <br /> _ ,•�... Law d"wbich Barower has actual k�wErdge. li i�ormwer cea�ms, or is notified by aay govemmental or regul�tory _ <br /> � _ - audrucaap,iwt any removxl ur uQ�ca��uwalia�iw+oB any Hara��I�+u. SubaGun:c aff�:tfi�g li�c F�upe�iy i+�i�ueaawy,Bw�uw 4 d�-;, <br /> .. r � 'shaGG p�amptly tatce all necessary rerQUx:�a!actioa�i�accordance with Envfronmental Law. - <br /> , iQ� ' ; � :�c used in this paragraph 20,"F➢uzarb�us 5c�bs�ances"are substances defined as toaic or hazardous substances by �'•�: <br /> .� � F,nviRmmenwl Law and the followlog substartcrs: gasoline,�erosene,other flammable ar axic petroleum products.toaic <br /> ����,.:. M c <br /> • • �'•` pex4ie+cles and herbicides,volatile solvents. materials canwining asbestos or formaldehyde,ond rudioa�tive matcrials. As a• <br /> �•,� used l�a Ghis paragraPh 20,"Environmental Law°means federal lawc and laws of the jurixdictia+wf�ere 1he Property is lacated �"'_"' <br /> ' '• � Itwt re➢aQe to or environmenlal protection. -- <br />- �a��.'�� .'•� NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S. 8orrower and I.ender fuAher covenant and ngree us if�lt�ows: <br /> - 21. Acoeleradoa= Remedies. I.eader sbAll glve aotice to Borrower prtor b acae8eration tdbwing Borrower's ��� <br /> � bre.ach of aay covenaat or A�reement in tbls Security Instrament(bul not pria�,to ae�elrration under paragraph 17 ; i% <br /> _ ;,: ;;:� ' ..x. ' uakss applksble la��+nvWes othenvisel. 7'he aotice shWl cpecify: (a)tho tYeO'a�Ol;46)Yl�t actlon requ�red to cure the E= <br />_�., --�---'U�.�,4,��,�;�;;�;f,�;r � de=a�3;:tl a dste,aat less il�a���laya lsam!!�date!he�t Ls�lvea!a Horrflsvrr,�y a�tcls!!se s!S!'ault mnst!x <br /> .,. :;?v� • � c u�l;.s�c J I d)t l w t t a l l u re t o c u r e+�F d e f'a u l t o n o r b e f o r e I h e d a t e s p e clfled i n t he n c M i�c e m ny�s ul t i a n c c e le raMiun uA �=` <br /> '�Gr� the a�m�secured by thia Securlt��Du:slrument and sale of ode Property. The notice ahu91�'aa�ID�er ini'arnn Borro�►•�er�o-ti' �'`'� <br />_ '�.�; F., ::. . u <br /> � .-�%�, . • tbe rigU�t!o reinslate after accelera03an and Il�c r3gbt to bring a court actbn to assert IO�e wua�existeac�e�of A�Detau�lY ar �'��'� <br />_",r ��!���� any wher detensc of Borcower b acceleration und sale. 1�Ihe dePaull is not cured on or�tare the date specii�ed in ��`. <br /> the aotice.Lender at its optbn may require immedlpte paymeoi in iull of all sums ssecure�l b,v thts Secu�d�v Instrumenl <br /> -• .� withnut furtder demand and roA�� invoke Ihe power oi'sAie�nti uny uther rrwedir� prru„ii�i Li ,.ppiiwble IA:�. <br /> �'� �,� � I.ender shall be er+lltled to calYc�r� all ez nses incurred ia �rsuing t6e remedfes �rnvided ia this a�ra '1. <br /> , .`�-�y;.c: ,•.:'..� Pe � � P P Ph - �:;:.. <br /> � iruluding.but not limtted w.res�nabk Attorneys feec and cusls of title evidence. 6;-- <br /> '� �•'' ' 1�fbe power of sale Is invo7:ed.7lrrstee shall�ecurd A notice of defawlQ an each county M wMkh Any part of Ihe E_. <br />-,;; "�""'�°'�`�'; • Properly i�located aiwdl r�pa01 M�ai!copies of rwch notice in the manner pre.s�r3bcd by ppplkablc Is�w to Borrnwer and to �- <br /> -�tt...• .r. . . <br />- ;� � �'- the other persons pra�:xibed b;v upplicable law ARer the time requlred by Applicable law.'tlrustee shall glve publk �_-.' <br /> ` `.+�.+«.a'�; A;*. aotice ot sule to the persoav pnd ba Ihe mnnner presc�ibed b} appllcable law 7lrustee.without demsmd on Borro.+��. �•-•:: <br /> '� ' ' ' '` `' sbaU setl the P rt at ublic aa�rtlon to the hi hest bidder at the time and lace and under the terms desl naled'w� i� <br /> .,�F , .,:�;t;.;�'.: .,� � Y P B p � .. <br />. .�°.�;r;�; . ,f'"a the aotice ot sWe in one or more psrcels And in any order 7Yu4lee determiRew 'I�ustee mvy postpone snk ot all ur�tie ,_ <br /> ,; ;;,�;"; ���'. _.a_ parael d the Properly by publk annonncement at Ihe time and p1ACe oi any previously scheduled sak. Lender or i0.s ,, _._ <br /> .. � � deslQnee maY purch�.se the Properly al nny�ak, :: <br />•�3`.. ��zx;�F.� Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid.aiustee slwll deliver lo the purchs�sser 71�ustee's deed conveying the - <br /> e <br />�- ' '�►'�,•.x�;�"�.`;;:• PropeMy. The re��itals in Ihe'I�uslee's deed shai�be prima facie evidence of the truth of the slatemen�4 made therei�a. �;'.'� <br /> r:W��`'. ,;.; 7lrostee�IwN npplY IUe proceeds iaF i�e wle in the following arcler: I+�I lo all casls aad expeases otexercisinQ t6e pw���er :��„_ <br /> -,, `,,: ,_: <br />�.� ,..�� �•.-;' <br /> � '.Y <br /> .J� �. ...,,..,.�fs'., �P <br />-_•e4• �':•I���l�; '- <br /> °— — -- - p�p^• r__ <br /> � ;'j`�� P� <br /> - . �`>�'�I�';`r��� t-•u- <br /> � ' :,�i.+.'�,r� Fara�3Y2Y 9•'9Y �pue�t�d�n►wtr.i �-- <br /> .� - � -:�,r.s��y;�� :� <br /> ; � ��� <br /> �.. , �,xi�,��;r:. , �,,. <br /> , ;;�,`r '"'��.'. <br /> `� �"'�; � :i-r�; . � �:.-^�rxar,,I�10�q�lAr�°'^`.-►�e:;• , . . . .. ,. .�.;;''�'r"'.'""`�'._.�;. <br /> .• �4' ,, ,a��. . , • r . ..r ,.. : ,, <br /> '�` r ". � c,'. ,�•,. <br /> �•X�� <br />� K .. '�-i+se:.eea.`�.�� . n .°.�,: � . . . i .. - - . .. .. � . � . _ u� .,. . . . .. - • <br /> - — -- --..r-_,�- _—_ .—_;�.�_ ,'-._:. . . .._1 __i =� . _ <br /> `�. . . ,. . . , . <br /> �,. . " . . <br /> • � .. <br /> �; , �' . , <br /> 1 �.� • • . , � , <br /> ��, . . <br /> ��- . . � . � , <br /> . , . ,. ,, , <br />- ' '�1 I A � :. .. ,+ ' . .` � . <br /> a J%♦ � '� . ' , � . 1!�'.•a . -+�"''• <br /> ... 4,,.;, . . .�: 3 ' . • , i <br /> . 3T • � i <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . � <br /> r � � --- - _ _ - - <br />