.. lk7F '!if!",IT�IAi� �G' � -Y� � ' ' . ... �y l'���.
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<br /> . periadr Ihiu Lender roquirea. The inwanco cartier providl��he inaurance shell be chosen by Borrower subject la L.endarti
<br /> - �pruval which slull not be ume�son�bly wlthheld. If Banower fails to mdnuin covcrage descrihed sUove.L�der tq�y.at
<br /> ' Lenderl�optian.abW n covenge lo protect l,rnder�ri�ts in U��y In�acatdanco with pu��gr�ph 7.
<br /> - � � All inwrancc policies and�newalII�hall6e 6fc to aod dtall irtcludc a atanda�d maAgage clausc. Lcndcr -
<br /> __� - sludl lu�ve the�ight to hald the pulicie�and rcnewal�. i I,ender roquirc�,Bata�wer sh�ll p�nplly give lo L.ender dl rooejpu
<br /> - af Mid pRmiums and mnewal notices. in the evcnt of lass. Bamwer shall givc prompt notice to thc inw�ance cankr and
<br /> ' I.crde� Lender may mwke p�oof of lass if oal mpde P�P��Y b!'Banower.
<br /> _`-'" Unless l.a�dcr and Borrowcr othcrwice agroe in wriling�inw�rance praceeds shall be�pplied to rcstoralion or�air of
<br />_ """ ' theProp�ty damaged,if the trstoration or repuir is eGOnomically feasible and l.enderk securiry is not lessened. If the �_---
<br /> restc�tion ar repa�ir is not ocanomically f¢asibk ar Lender�s securi�y wauld 6e lescened,the inwrance proca�s shall 6e
<br />, oppliod to iho sums securod by thic Socurity Insuument.whelher or not 1he�dac.wlth any excess paid to Bomnwcr. Ii
<br /> Banower abydon�the Fhoperty,ar does not answcr witAin 30 dvys a ndice from LenAer that�he insa •nce carrier has
<br /> ' - off'etrd to�utle a claim.then l.erder may oolkct�he insutanco proccedc. Lender may use the proceoda to rcpni�or rcstorc —
<br />_-;�i� �be Pmpeity a ta pay sumR securcd by thi�Secu�ity Insuumcn�,whatt�eror rot�tien due. The 30�day peiiad will begin wikn
<br /> , Ihe notke ic givrn.
<br /> __.i��„ �5���� Unlesx L.ender w�d Bomower otherwlse ag�ee in wriling,any applicalion of ptoce�eds to principal slwll not entend a —
<br /> _ postpa�c Iha due date of thc monthlY payments r�efemed to fn p�ramgraphs 1 and 2 or change 1he amoum of�hc paymeats. If
<br /> - ; under pan�grapb 21 tha Property is acquircd by I..ender. Bo�nower�right to�ay i�noe policies wd proceedc tesulwig �_
<br /> from�►moge ta ihe Pr�eAy prior ta the acqui�ilian shall p�.+w Lender to�kre ex�ent of'thc su�u secuRd bq this Socuriry ��.--
<br /> ' � In�tromcnt lmmodiatcly prior[o thoacquisilion. "��'
<br /> '�+� 6. Qoeup�cy. Pr+eserv�tfoa. M�fatenwnce aad P�te�e1{o� d' tie Propetty. Barrower's Lo� AppUc�tlo�; E__
<br />_ � � I.duehaldr. Borrowcr chall occupy.cstablish.and use the Pkopeny as Banow erk txinclpal residencc wl�hin sixty daya a� _,
<br /> d�e oxecution of tliis Secudty Ins�run�ent and slwll continue to occupy thr Pra�party as l3onnwerls principal residence fo�an --
<br /> � kast one year afler 1he date of accup�ncy. unless I.ender aherwise agaees ie� wriGng. which cansent shall noe kr� ��
<br />-_ _ unmr.nnahly withhetd,nr unlwcc ex��uning�i�rnmaanrea e�iFt which�hc?„nr4 Rnnowerk cc�lml. Rortnwer r�hali tat �
<br /> destroy,dmnpge ar impair�he Prope�ty.allow�F�e Property ta deteriarate.a cuuuonit wuste on the Property. Barower s6naEE �_-
<br /> • '�� •� 6e in default if any farfeiture aetion or procoeding.whether civil or crimir�l. is begun thal in 4ender's good faith judgmeJU �-'-
<br /> „ ;� a t'"` '�' _,-:
<br />_ ,;,.�t cauld nesult in forfeitune of the Pr+upeKy or othenvise materially impai� the Ikn crcated by this Socu�ty Insaumena �s �:
<br /> 5 -?�!�•�. � I.ender�s security interesl. Bomnwer may curc such u default�1 rcinstate,a�provided in parrg;r,iph 18.by causing the aCtii� --
<br /> ,_x;�: ..E:r. �-':..t. � ('�::.:
<br /> ?�, • or proceeding to be dismissed with a ndiog�hn�.in 4ender's gou�taith detetmination,precludes forfeiwrc ot the Bortawerk --
<br /> �• , t.. ,.•� intercst in�he Property or other mpteriul impaim�rnt of the lien created by [his Security Instrument or �.caderl� securiry M-r
<br /> ;t•�ti,��- •�.� • ; intercs� Borrower shall also be i� default if 8omower,during ttr�e lvwn apr�lication process, gave mnteriaGly false or "
<br /> � i naccura t e in fama t bn or swlements to L.ender(or failed io �ovialz Lx�eP wia�e an material informution in corukction�+rnth �=.•
<br /> a t �►j"'�-� � P Y ) �rY
<br /> R�; ,�,.�;;`•�,�' :r, ; the loan evidenced by the Nae, including, but oot limited kr, re�e:+entotions concerning Bormwer's occupancy oi'.tfie
<br /> . ,s� ��►.. �`:
<br /> I Propehy as a principal�esidence. U�his Securiry Ins��unx��i,u�,a IeasehoW,Bomnwer shell comply with all the pravisioa�s �::-
<br /> _ of thc le�nr. If Bomaw�er acquir�es fee�itic w tbe ihuuehv.Uie Ieuse4u�ld ac�thr tee ti�k sMall not mergc unless I.ender agrer� -"�
<br /> ! ���i., � to the merger in writing. - ��--,
<br /> ��, ��5:-' , , 7. Protectiun ��Q.�mder's Rights in the Properly. If 8arrowcr fa�i�s to perform the covenants and ag�+�ements �'��
<br /> '� � ���ti..,�=�.�-rq� contained in thls Security InsquuietM,or�here is a leg�l procecding that �Ay significantly effect l.ender�s rights io tQ+e
<br />�--'Y� •'�;•�:;�?';;'�"'"i''?�,, Plropertp�scuch as A procceding in bankeuptcy.probate.for condem�nation or foefeit�uQC or to enfnrce lews or regulations),tt+��n �
<br />_ '';� 1 Lend�e;n�+y do and far whntevr:;s neces to rotect the�ulue of the and L..nder's ri hts in the
<br /> - � ��� ��i� � I.endeq:actions ma Pinclude m an sums.ti��ecured b A lien which hA.+ ri�ti�a�vover this Securit lrgistruu�e�o�.��� � r.
<br /> -- ..� Y PaY� B Y Y P Y PGe�nB
<br />- -:�_--'h�- in coun,payi�g reasonable uttomeys tees nnd enrenng on�he 1'�openy�o m+�r repairs.Although l.enclrc mAy take action �"m.
<br /> ff'.:°�••:�,. . a�der this paragraph 7.Lendcr daes not have to do so. •�
<br /> ���ar�'.�.'�.'�••--;; . '�� A�y amounts disbuned by I.ender under this parogrnph 7 shall become additionul debt of Bomower securcd by this �*'
<br /> `"'��� � yw�1. Security Ynsttument. Unless Bomower and Lender ugrce to other terms of paymeM,these amoumx sholl bear Inter�es�from the �=
<br /> ; d.�w•
<br /> ' %;� =f-•:,}:,a; date of di:dnu►scment ut the Note rote and xhull be able,wilh inteneat,u n notire from L.ender�o Borrower ��
<br /> � PAY po rcquesting t;
<br /> :;}�, a. � '� PaYment. •
<br /> - k`,�;t; 8. MortgsiRe Ynwmnee. If Lender reyuircd mortgugc in�umnce ux a condition of making�he loan securcd by this -
<br /> ,�� 'F"' Securiry Inctrumene, iSurmwer shall pay the premium�r�equircd to muintuin the monguge insuwice in effect. If, for ariy ��
<br /> '' �°� :.'�y .�•�v,� r rcason, the moAg�ge insurAnce covemge reyuircd by Lender lapseti or ceuxe� ia be in effect. Borrower shvll pay the ``�
<br /> .� . � ti�,;,;��.,. �'
<br />:.��,. � . „��,,. 3s1.,,_� premiums oequired to obtain coverage substantially eyuivalent to the modgvge insumnce previously in effecl, at a c�o�t ___-_
<br /> �:;�,�_;;:'_ , <<���i�;• subslwntia0ly equivalent to�he co��to Borrower of�he mongase insurnnce pr�eviously in effec�,from nn ultemate ma9ga�z �':�
<br /> •k+�.:d+,.� ..;�' 'G���;t insurer upproved by l.ender. If subs�wrtially eyuivalent matgage insurunce covemge is nW uvailt�ble.Bortower shall pay to ,�(��:
<br /> ,. ..�y.��. ..s-i ?
<br /> �>� �,��;;�,;;�.:;�: . Lender each month a sum equal to onc-twelfth ol'�iee�•e�rly morlFage imurunce pr�mium being p�id by&xanwer when tPie +;��
<br /> '`��:� ��� ,�l.��' '' insura�ce cavemge lag+sed or ce�sed to be in efferi. Lendc�N i11 accept.u�anci rc�uin�he,r pvymems us A Iw,�reserve in li�u
<br /> af�trnca�a e insur�e. Lms reserve a ment�ma no lon er be uired,ut the o �on of Lender,if mort n e insupan,ae �'••
<br /> ;_�':�,' �'r�'y;:.'•�:., � � P Y Y F �1 M� S 8 �y.,
<br />=.,���,� �?;;,�t.�:+,:;:,. aover+ge�,in the omount and for the period tha�Lender reyuirc.r�mvided by un in�urer upproved by Lender ugain ber4mM;,�
<br />�L � t � '.�+�:��7•r . uvaeiabY:.u►d ls obtained.Borrower slwll a �he remiums re uired to mrintain mort o e in�urunce in effect,or to rovid�e a
<br />' ,�S• ��..;. , p Y P 4 R B P
<br />;:��;�: "� ''�'�' loss mser�e.until Ihe requirement for mortgage imurunce cad�in�cordnnce with:�ny written agrecment between Bomower
<br /> St;�,',c• ' . ` anef LenderoruPp➢icahle IAw. ' .�:,A
<br /> .�'"��� �'��`��'� " ` 9. Inspection. Lcnder or itti ogem may mukc rca.onuble emrie,up.M;u�d inspeczion.of thc Property. Lendcr slwll
<br />:.��tt��• ; � _
<br />-='-:,� --.� , �• ,�,•„• give Borrower notice at�he time of or prior to�n inspe��icxi►pecifying reu,onuhle caux fitt�he in,pection. �,;�-
<br />. ' �-°' .�':t'��.. l�. Condemqotbn. The prorced.af any•rwnrJ ur rlaim t„r JumaFc..Jimct or c��n`ryuenlial.in connec�ion wich arac
<br /> ,_ :
<br /> 4. -r..��F,�,•�i�rl. . Siy�k Fa�rily..Fa�k MrdFteddk Mx l\IF�ORN IN1TN4 HENT••ltmkwm C'menams ��N �pqKr?,�Pc,rwvesi
<br /> � ;, � �. ;"" Iival(di+�su.tlrce�:�rnLy tn � '
<br /> :.-- �,+���R.ipi•',�:,:�•�r Y � 1b111ARfrY t�YS7D9R9cf_ GMiAFS91-1131 �`,.
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