'P,�"7I�S9'F'�'�p` � - _ �. .=L ._
<br /> • j�. "� 1 -�V` . . '_
<br /> � '- • i�� .i .. . ��� ��•t •�� • f. J
<br /> 1��, A _.__ _ .. ._ ._ : �..
<br /> "-. .r._ ...�.. _� �.. �-----
<br /> - - '93-��i
<br /> 'noaETHBit wm1 d�ure impm�rancm�now a hc�ear�er arctoA on ihe�Opaty�ana aU�ma�n�•ppunaw�ces.
<br /> - �nd lixwia now ar Ue�esRer� p�rt of UK pmpe�ty. All rcpl�cemrnts u�d�dditions cludl Ww be oavonod by this Ss�nby
<br /> lamwaeal. All of tho fiMeQai�i�rci�med a ia tbia Sxu�ity InWrument as�he"Pnipeny. —
<br /> _ - BORROWBR C�OVENAN7'S tlw Hamaer is u�►�'ully seicad oi�ho esuae heneby am�eyed end has thc o�ht to�rant
<br /> ud eanrey Iha Pbopaty and Ilwt lho Propaty ia unaKUmbened.oxa�N for encumbancc�oi rocoN. Haroww wartwnc and
<br /> wW d�fand�enaally�he�itb la tho Prop�nY a�s��st�II cl+dm�a�d denwnds�wbjec��a�ny cncwnbran�YS af rcoo�d.
<br /> - THIS SECl1RITY MS1RUM6M' oamAines unitam covcnantc far nw�iau�l uce and nnn�uaifura� uov�wiUi
<br /> ���--------------- fitaited vari�dans by juri!sdictin�lo canstitutc a unifc�m�ocurny incnumem coveao8�ProiK�y �-_-
<br /> A� UNIPORM C�OVBNAMS. Bomnwer�nd�.ender covcrumt�nd�gro�as fdbws:
<br /> l. P���t d P�Mcipal�d lota�esti PreWY�eal a�d I.ate CYwr�ea. Bonower sludl P�PUY W!'whai due the
<br /> = of�ad intenst an tho debt evidenced by the Notc�nd anY P'�P�Y�t and I�te charges duc under�ho Nae.
<br /> - �i� FY�Ibr 7Mxq aad 1� Subjact w applicsble Isw ax to a wrltun waiver by I.toder.Bamwer shall p�y to —
<br /> .- �,p�r p���,Y monthly p�yments ane due under dK Nate.muil�hc Note ia p�id in fuil.a sum l"�')far lal yearly �
<br /> - ts�a and sssessma�u wbich may atlun prio�ity uver�his Security Inrinanail as a lien oo the PrepeAy:(b)Yeuly kaxhold
<br /> _- paympqs a goaund re� aa tFa Property. ii�ny:lc) Y�9 ��a ProP�!' insurar�cc pemiums: Idi Yearly Oood �...
<br /> -_= i�uan�e pemiwns.if�ny.(e)Y�Y �B� � Pm"iums.if any: and l4 any wms pvysble by Bormwer ta
<br /> - l.ender.in a�co�datqe with�he provisiau of paragraph 8.in lieu of the paiyment of mortgage inwrance pemiums. Thesc
<br /> icems arc poled"Rc4mw Itemc: I.ender rtwy.at aey time.collect and huld Fi�nds in an�mou�t oa to exc�eed the mRximum ----
<br /> ==L"���'� amount a lender for a ieder�lly relatod moitgaga luau� m�y �oqui�e for Barower�escrow aocaunt under 1he lederal Real
<br /> - • Fst�te Setlkment f'rooedures Ac1 of 1974 as art�ended Fiom tiine a Iimo,12 U.S.C.4 2b01 er stq.("RESPA").untess anottrcr
<br /> •�":•;,•� IwW tlql�IICS[O lI1E R�MIi SCZB A ICSiCi�IYIOUR[. IF SO.Lender may.u Any time,eollect and hofd Plmdc in an uiwunt not to -
<br /> = - ��'. e:eeed�he Iesser amowu. I.�oder may estimpte 1ho amount of Rincls due on 1he basis of current dala and roacawble
<br />_._::_ - - � •�=�
<br /> '_'�� y� �tes of expeoditums of futuns Fscrow lumc or dherwlse in acca�nce wilN applicabk law. --
<br /> '!'he E{�ds shw11 he heW in an instituuon whose deposits ane insurod by a federal agency.insuumartality.or cnliiy e•v
<br /> �, (i�cludb�g L.cnder.iP l.ender ic such nn inuiwtion)a ln any Federnl Home Loan Bank. l.eudcr shall Appfy the Funds to pay =-
<br /> ., �`)s;r>!r� the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bamwer for holding w�d applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow ;.
<br />� :-'1 , �},., aocoun� or verifying the F.scnow Items.unless Lender ppys Bomower intaest on the Funds and applicabie law pemnits �"'=~
<br /> �, Lender w make such a cha�e. However,L.ender mey rcquire Borrower to pay a one•lime charge far an independent real
<br /> - '���� estate tu ieponin$service used by Lender in comiecdon wlth thic loan,unless appiicable law provides Wherwise. Unless�n �
<br /> - ;, agroement Is it�ade or applicable I�w requi�s intercst w be paid,I.endcr shnll nat be reyuirod to pay Borrower any intcrcst or -•-.
<br /> ;��7�' s;i camings on the Rmds. Bormwer and I.ender may agroe i�wridng�huwever.thAt interest shall be paid an tlw FLnds. I.ender '-"'�,
<br /> .--
<br /> `=_�� �,{ sl�ll give W Bomower.wlthau[chA+rge,an annual accounting of the Punds,shawing cr�edias and debits to 1he Funda aad the ��
<br />=�_�: ,a• �`' pwpose ior which each debit to�he Hu�ds was made. The F�ndc are pledgod as addjNonal seeurity for ail sums cecured by �;�:
<br /> ���. —.
<br />___ " ' ,!;y. lflls SeCtUily IIISqLt11EJ11. • �;=`'=
<br />±L`�`}-. _��',-�_,_ !f s!x A:ssds hek! by l.tnticr e�re•�d Ihe �m.wn�.s �+ermiued to be hald by applicable law.Lxpder sFwll account to -
<br />" Bomower for 1he excess PUnds in acmrdnnce wi�h the requirrments of applicAble law. lf the amount of the Fluids tield by ��,,
<br /> ' i.mder at any time is nat suffiaient to pay the Escmw Items when due,Lender may so nmitj+Bomowe�in writing,and,in r;t
<br /> - • �'- ` such case Bomower chall pay to Lender the amount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Bormwer shall make up the `
<br />• ,� . �" • .,,•:.
<br /> . ,'' ,�«`j4`� � deficiency in no mara than�welve monthlY ppymenta,at Lender's sole discr�etion. ,•:,�
<br /> ��, Upon ps�yment in full ot All sums secwed by �his Security Inswment,L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �r:
<br /> h��.,�'
<br /> � i Ptsnd»htlQ b Lentler. !t,undtr re �t,Lt�lt��he!! uirP�r arll�he i�r rtv Lender, or to the oc uisi�bn or �=`
<br /> �r Y �€ Ph- �`'�! °I� .• P� q .�.�.,
<br /> .;�' �t.�� '�'{ ��.t=. ,; sale of the P r o p eR y,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiHan or sale as a cnedit against the sums ��«
<br /> � �_�:.
<br /> ,'ia''- }�1:;y;a �-.._
<br /> :;.: ;,.� � ' cecwed by Ihis Secumy In.4miment. .�
<br />--, •���.+`I�' { �<•,�..
<br /> ,.. ,Y".�� 3. Applicatbn ot Pa�rnents. Unless applicablc Inw Nrovides otherwise, all�payments �eceived by L.ender rnder '
<br /> �� �• ��t Y;�F�`�."� ' ParngrnPfis I and 2 shell be applicd:�rst.to any prepayment charges due unde�the Nae:seoond.to amounts payable wder �•:41:
<br /> ��:°;
<br /> �_,'r ; J ` �,.� �wragraph 2;third,to ioterest due:founh.to p�incipul due:sind las�,�o any lace ch�uges cW,e uawter�he Nae. •��=
<br /> wa n .
<br /> °,- <'�"�.•'' ' � � • 4. CbArges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taacs.assesamenGa, ciwr�es. 6oes sa�d ienpoaitims attributable �o �he �,'.�'•-
<br /> - �-; .PC�li,• � . � . ' :c;--
<br /> �`* ''• ���'� v � �' Prope�ty whieh may atta i n piM dty o v e r t h i s S e c u r i ty I n s t r u m e n t,a n d l e a c e h a l a�p a}-m+e na s a,r�+o�a m�r c e,n-.e f a n y. B o n o w e r �u,
<br /> ��, ,,�.. �..;..
<br />�•4.� ���, �• � shail pay the�e obligaliuns in the manncr provided in paragrnph 2,or if noz q►wi�!in a�hAt rnunnea.Bor�oweP shall pay tfiem on -:-•T
<br /> ��'�' `' U m e d i r e c U t o t h e o w e d u e nt. Borrower shall rom 1 fumish t��Lenciec a19 no��ces of amounts to be aid under
<br /> ;.� y ,.. r, �t y. P e r c o n P Y m P P�Y P ,.s-.
<br /> ���'�`�' �'�'� . this lf Barower mf►kes these a ien�s direcd Bortower 9hall 0� furni:h to L.ender recei s evidencin � ;•'r'
<br /> �': . . .��, t ���.n�,�}„ ParaBraPb• P Y� Y• P�'�'�) P� � .;;�.
<br /> .. � �r'�, �° the payments. ��i��...
<br />= �i''•�;: �• � . ��� Bomower shall promptly discharge uny lien which iws prloriry over this Security 7eas:r,,,ment unless Borrower.(a)agrees .�•__
<br /> �' � '�� . . in writing to the pnymem of 1he obligatian secured by the lien in a manner aeceplable to L�enAer.(b)contests in goad faith the _r_k_
<br />��a°�' ,.�. ��',�M• lien by,or deiends ugainsl enforcement ai the lien in,legal proceeclings which in the Lee�LrS�opinion operate to prevent the �_
<br /> �;4.
<br />-x�' , ��-f� enforooment of the lien;or(c)secu�es from Ihe holder of�he lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinaling t6e lien _.,,
<br /> "-��� �:'!`���"� to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender detetmines thal any part uf�he Property is subje�,:o tJ a lien w h ic h may attain pri�rity ��"'
<br /> , �, ,�;,�t
<br /> k�1.. �7,.� ,,.:,..� �;;..
<br /> . �it��•3 over this Securiry Insdument,L.ender may give Bortower a naice identifying the lien. Bceerav��r ah�ll sati:fy 1he lieu ar iake
<br /> • ". °�''.-Pa'�• � one or more of the actions sel Path above wilhin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> '' '�' .,.�!t '� a ; s, 11AZSrd or properly losurance. Bor�ower shall keep ihe improvements now exis�ing or hert�a6ter erected on the
<br /> '�a�� _ � Propetty insund against lossby fire,har.ards included within the term"eztended cover��ee"811d g11v¢�,h�cr�hBZAfds.including
<br />- -�-`�,�1�T:�r.
<br /> . � �t.�'�•�• .. floodc or flooding.for which I.ender requires insuronce. This insurance shall be maineair.�ed in the�mounts and for the ;
<br /> . ` .,'�1;:��'�n'`ii:'4�; " �orai�ot� 9/90 !►wKe 2 oJ 6 poRra) i5'.
<br /> �1;;1,;.'Y; � ��..i;,�= .-�' .. �.=�
<br /> L •!' } C'�;�, ,r� !' �,•t
<br />.'`•,, • , t,'}` .�.,,!�,()`y`� auo,;_
<br /> �}_ � , d Y� � �'+�1j��'.:•*.� r i �ra.._i.__��.: '.�ust:'���°.L.T.7T1'Le . _. ,�,. -..ra«wn� ., --- s` -
<br /> ,s��,' �`� t���'(!�f.f- u ..:,;15?� �S'+X'�l�+;�1 dJ7�SS�i�s�:,<�;�c.c .�,�_,r...,,:�.. R,�n -- __
<br /> \ , ; + �"'�,S ., �i�"�.k'� 1 y,'
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<br /> '� t:�'I SJ{��'," .)• •;�t��ii� �1`��.`,1�.':W'� .�.' �''+�.. �"n.,;4: :'�.'. ,.R
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