' . ' _,_ 4 A . .. y „_ �r..--,M_„�_
<br /> r��yI�y�� . • • ^ � L:1f7�X�d� �
<br /> � ., �� q- ' o. _.._�_ . -
<br /> . --
<br /> ._ . _._- -------
<br /> I .
<br /> _ � � ��h ------�-��+ � • . , 93-' 1�� 02�19�7
<br /> ..: l.ad�bt�da��• ��cur�d h�r�b� �bsll uot �st�nd or po�tpoa� eh� du� dat� 08 th�
<br /> . ia�tai].w�at ps�nt• �• prorid�d in tl� Mot� or cha�� th� aMOUat o! �uoh
<br /> ivatalle�ne�. s'h� �ne�tia� upoa and takia� po����rios► oi' tlt� 8rop�sty. tb�
<br /> coil�ctiaa o! �ach r�at�. i��w� aad prolit�. aad tlt� �ppiication tiur�ot a�
<br /> —" - a4'os��a�id� shail noz �in oc aus� ai►� d�i'ault oe notia• of d�fault b�s�uad�r.
<br /> >� or iavalidat� �ay act dono pur�uant to �ucb aotic�. Trn*tor a�oi�� to
<br /> �-: s�ficl.as�. ar t'urtb�r ��curit� for t!u p�rformana� o� th� ind�bt�da��• and
<br /> :;:• obli�ation� ��cnr�d h�r�by. s11 p:�paid seats and all mon�y� Mhl.ah may itav�
<br /> • b��a or wy Lorwttoe i� dapooitod r►itit Truaeor �r aay l00000 of eho Psop�rty� __
<br /> ' eo ��cuc� eh� p��antti of aay rsnt oc dNaa��a. agd upon d�!'ault i.n th�
<br /> p�rfosa�sac� of an� of tlt� provi�ion• lur�of, Tru�toc agr��� to d�liv�s tucb
<br /> - - r�nt� as�d d�po�it• to 8stuficia�r�, D�liv�ry of Mritt�a aatice of
<br /> _�:- ��-"�� B�Qaficlary•• ��c�rci�� of th� ri�hht� granted b� thi• paragraph ehird to �a� -_
<br /> _ t�naat occupying tit� Prop�rt� or an� portian ttu�r�of sl►all be ouffici�at to —
<br /> �` r�quiro oaid t�aant to pq �aid r�nt to Seaeficisr� antil further aotic�. -_
<br />_�7f#�y`,. ---_ I�+DD�TB� If there slu�ll be filed by or agaitast the ?rustor aay petit3an �
<br /> ��;r�, or �coc�ndis� ��okia� �n •sr�ng�snt or compmeition or e:t�n�ion or aAy otL�c
<br /> � rtl3�r und�r �r pur�uawt t� tk� 8t��ra1 8aa1¢ra�tc� Cad� �r aa� �th�r siwil�r
<br /> .�tatat� ai aar or h�r�aft�r i.n effect. or if the ?ru�tor �hall M ad�udicaeQd
<br /> ,� -�a�lcrupt or iutolwat or an� of T�uttor'• prop�rty ehall hav� b��n �eque�t�;ed _
<br />._=�, :�, ' . :wacd ��tch dacr�� shall bavo cant�nu�d uadi�charQed and ua�tsy�d for 90 da�ya ��_.
<br /> ;,,:;;�,;�y ' s�t�r ths eatr� th�raof. thea tbe whole of ttu lTot� and ind�btadae�a heteby
<br />---�. . ,y- ��'� cecurad �patl. vitbouti notic�. �t thm oQtiou of t!a 3�n�iTicisr�. becos� dw ='
<br />_�.; ,;: • � and Ps7ab1�. �...
<br />_.'� ' AJ.
<br /> _ u� ��� '` • +k� �y saiao1 IIpoa d�fault by Tra�tor iQa rhe ps�aeat of ar perfosmanc� of the �?�.'•
<br /> " �• ` tQrms and coaditioaa oi' tha Note� or an� renevalo, modificati�on� or as�cutioas =-
<br />_ ,,��:�:•.,�,..�. thereof, th� psyment of any other ia�ebtadneos o�cured �ereby or in tbe �''
<br /> U . � parformanca of sny agraemQnt. covensat or �+arranty herQia coatained or eet
<br /> ',`�f`r' „• '..i..
<br />�=;` � ;�� '•:� forth in any agroement of inotruu�at ezacutad by Trwtor ia► connection vith =—
<br />- ;.,,. _. , _
<br /> the ind�btedu�n heraby Qecured. Ben�ficisry maq d�clare �►11 �uma socured --
<br /> ,- �� aoseby iaa�di�tely due and p�yable and tAe �aaw �haii theseupoa become due waa. a
<br /> �" �' pa���le vithout preseatment� demand. proteot or notice of any k�oa�.
<br /> ����"""�h. Tin�z�after. 8eneficisr � deliver to Tru�tee a vrittea decl�rwtio� �� ��_°'
<br /> � " ,X�s;�``�"• • �,�efault and demaud for a�Ae. Tsaoatee st�11 he+v� ume povar of s+mle o� •�tbe ' i;�°
<br /> �.. �s?'�..;.�;,�;5:, � _
<br />-�w r,��,�..,y� - �aa��erty an�D ff Beaeficiacp -u1��s.�ea the Proper�q 3o to be ool� i.: ahall Ry=_�.
<br /> �� �e�rmait �+ith Tru�tee tt�.is 7�eai of Truat a4►d the Note or awte� am�l aasy other ��...
<br /> - .-�r=-.-"-- -
<br /> !"ti,,�`I{. ' �co�c•�+meaES evidencing ettg��eut��lt�area secured horeby. and rlull deliver to Truotee ��i�_
<br /> - �..�F!. •:•:,"..;�,:M1 �:a wRitten notice of default ���1 eaectioa to cauoe the Property to be sond, aad
<br /> �z,�;. Truataa. ia turn. alull prepare � oimilar notica ia tlw farm roquiumd fl� laM. F-��`
<br /> ^�` ��r� -a�. ' Mhich �hall bQ dul� fil�d foc recard by Tru�te�. "��:-
<br /> • �� ;.. +
<br />--��' + " ��"'`�:«.r� . �'�
<br /> ,��ul . �: (a) After the lsp�e of euch time ae may be required by laM folloai�g the �'.�'�
<br />`�';�� �, .��,yt,;.:i..: � recordatioa of Notice of Default, erd notice of Default aad �0�ti�ce of Ssle
<br /> �:� ,,.+ii�;1�.a„�.•�.�M�.' havit� beon givQn ao required by laa, Truotee. without de�aaa� � lruator, �-�;�
<br /> r:.x....,
<br /> - `��,�'�-�• alull eell the Proporty h�erein beforo doacribed. and aq�► w¢�d1 �erq part �� "
<br />_ � ':�.��_,'.fi;F��Ti� '
<br />- �,� r thereof. in a�parste parce3s or ea �s�e so the Tru9tee aa$q eAec2 and in
<br />- 5'.' ".Ml•� ,�',r /f� Q�_.'-
<br /> •�• ,� ��°��t� auch order aa TrusteQ maq determiae c�n the date and at the time amd plsce .
<br />--�� �'�'�''�°�:r`�/� deoignated in �aid Notice of �a1Q. at pubiic auctfoIIn to tln� �nigbest ����
<br /> bidder. the purchaoe price p�yablo in caoh in laaful money of t&e IIaited �`�
<br /> '��" ,� �J�,'� —.
<br />-- ,� �,.-.�;,,,. , , State� st the time of sRle, Tha paroon conductiag the oale ma�. for snq
<br /> � o � �-• � � • cauo� hQ or abe deemo e:pecifent. poatpone thQ �ale from time to time until �'`'
<br /> �'"'�� "� i�"'R
<br /> . .r. -. ,�r ,����r.�•:,.••� it �hall bo caaploted and. in every ouch caae. aotice of poatponQae�t � _
<br /> = ,���,.°:'�•�:�:� ahsll be given by public declaration thereof by auch p�raoa at the time ___ _
<br /> , ���� �� ' " and place last appointed f�r the eale; provided. if the aale io poetponed =-----
<br /> t , :� ...,' , -
<br /> - - "� - _"- for loagec thaa oae (1) day beyoad the day desigaated in the Notice of _
<br /> -. � ,�i{.+'', : -:y.
<br />_�:;;',�''� � • :�;:�r!�%;;::; I.oan F-196814 P�ge 7 of 12 Initials�y���` ��
<br />=i:•'` � �i��El+. •��'
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