.' __ _ „''..v , �r.._ . . . . . , �.r,
<br /> a� � . I • r �_ .
<br /> . � �.3�"'' _ ' ._T.
<br /> - _—.,_' �_:8�.,. -+..:� ..
<br /> - -- — _ � . � 93-� �.�2 o���i8�
<br /> �': eh� r�ainiAa prai���) �fuli b� psid to th� 8�tufiaitry a�nd app]�i�d iu luli
<br /> or it� pRrt at eh� opeiaa oP th� B�a�fici�cyr ia r�duction of tb� iad�bt�da�s•
<br /> h�r�b� t�cur�d= �j� tfut tlu Mn�liciat� �hall lu�va r.lt� riQltt to in�pct th�
<br /> ,� Prop�tt� R� �uah r�ataubl� eia�s a� t� B�n�ficissyr asp de�ir� to d�t�r�i�
<br /> — . ?ru�tor•� cosplia�c� aitti th� cownaat� contaia�d ia tbi� D��d o� Tsu�t� (k� --
<br /> - tbat th� 8�a�ticisc� as' s�l���� £saa th� li�a h�r�of aar pact or para�l of
<br /> Pr- th� Prop�ct� vithoaL r�quicl.n� an� con�id�raeioa th�r�for. aad (1) tbat
<br /> .
<br /> f�� • 1� �t
<br /> ___ Tru�tor i• ],a�ull� ��is�d af �sid pr�mi��• and Psop�ct� in Lnp .
<br /> - th� �aow as� fc�� fras all li�a� and �aaumbr��� a�eopt ao aay ath�rvioa 1so °`—
<br /> �p�cifiaally aoe�d 1t�r�iA or Maiwd it� �►riting b� th� L�n�fiaiar�� that
<br /> � .�,k,� Trwtor vill �:�cuts or procur� aay i'urth�r u�c���sc� aranraac�� of titl� aad
<br /> -- do�� 1►�raby �rsaat a�nsraily th� titl• to �aid Propert� and �rill gor�wr
<br />'�,� � � def�ad th� sa� a�sia�t tba clsi.m� and d�mand� of all pos�on� db�a�osv�r. aad
<br />--- ;?� ' tl�wt ?rnstor'• s�p�rat� e�t�N. �fi�th�r w�t�d. coatfag�nt or in �zp�cuac��
<br /> - --- i� 6erQb� conv�y�d �d ?ruttor dw� h�r�b� �spre�sl� vaive. r�luae �11 right� —
<br />„�� aad bnpf9�t� of any haM�tead� darer. cautes�. appsaiseaeat. �:�mptioa aad
<br /> -� ptay la�n of this �tate. It fs �gre�d that thQ ix�tere�t provided for in
<br />;�.: wb��ction (g) �bov� �hsll M at xh� ss� rat� a� �p�ciEi�d in th� Not�
<br />::,�, �� � ��cored h�r�by oa th� priacipal ti�r�af aftQr d�fault �ud �atucity.
<br />- :. . ' ,.tc�.:£,' '`Q'� .
<br /> °� � �if '�4i�: 8�: In tha sv�nt Tru�tor, vithout th� prior �ruitten con��nt af _
<br /> ��'.�H K;. .;. 8enefici�rq o6a11 a�ll. tran�f�r or conv�y ms contrwct to �eli. tranaf�r or ' =
<br /> .'r.�.� ��_'":: conv.T tl►a praparev, or aa� part th�r�of os an� iateaa*at t.�ur�ia. th� eatir� . �
<br />.-�-�" 4
<br />:y,;; y°.��•:. .xr� •r bulaace d� tbe ��s�i�btedaes• lur�b� �ecured ohall bacome and b� iamadiately du� ��'�_�-
<br /> ;;;:::.;: `•,,. and pw�re�b�e at the option of B�n�ficiaryt provid�d. hoNV�r� Bs�t�ficitry mq �-
<br />:"�' � ` �� q val,ve s�nc� option to accelerat� if, prior tw euch oale� traa�fer or cauv��raace �
<br /> � or cont�act therefor. 8�aeficiaty and thQ per�on to rham the property it to b� �'
<br /> -:�;:,��' ' eald or tranoferrod roach aa agreeaent in vritiug that tha credit of o�xch —
<br /> ��'"'%� ��. �• perooa io oatiofactory to B�aafici�ry and that tha iatereat payable on the
<br /> :�.%..•. . ;. —
<br /> ".,� '�i'' '.�.� �� � oumo escurod by thi• D�od of Truot oball bQ at �uch rato ao Hna�ficiary du�ll __
<br /> .;;,:� rtquQOt. "-
<br /> <'�;�• ,.
<br />;;;;,;:; •� + ' THTRD: Tha�r �s further ascurit for th� s ct of tha Nota aad tha -=-
<br />. il��,���f; . 7 P Y� --
<br />,;�F�f���, ;4 ��,��� � indebtedmeoa tk�erebq evideaced anc,! the perFosarnc�e �o�F wll of the t�rnu. �-
<br /> •"�`',� � �'�- '•�°• aovetu►mta and c�oaditiona hQreof Ts�aator agreos that Beaaficiary o2�a11 and `;=-
<br />?t:;;r.,. 'n..�r�r��,,+y►+lti1r ... � _
<br /> ;�:::;::�4 , '.doee �t�esa�,y have the right� poasr and authoritq during the coatinuanee of thie �
<br />`��'`�'„'' `a<����.':.�� �'`
<br />°:ird+• ,,.-•. �' Deed of Truat to colloat the rente. ieaueQ and profito of th� Property and of _ _
<br /> � ' anq pereonal pzo�p�erty located thereoa with or �ri.thout takiag poo4esaioa of the N
<br /> . - .�.y�°���..�,_.:. ' propesty affacted therebyi and Trw�tor hereby abaolately and uncondicioaa].ly �
<br /> ...:�.:. �'��' �•,-� � 'i asaigt�s all �ach rente. i.esues end profita to Heneficiary. Sene£iciary� _ _
<br /> "�'�s°7 �,��Y• i ' bereby coaeente to Trustor'a collection and retentioa of �uch rents. �.
<br />-,���, , � *3•�' �i• IfO�V@I,
<br /> }t,; ..:s..�;. , .. .i%{!',,n C..,....
<br /> -t+,:: � :.��� �� << f� r �� i��ues aad p ro f it s a s E h vy a c c r�a e sAd b e cams� �ay a b1 Q a o long a s T r u s t�s i s a o t �=
<br /> '�'�'�� �:"'�;�;!. � � � at such time im �default with res c+t to a nt of �►a iadebtedaeas oecured �'.-
<br />;::�:,,1 �:, �,�::,1 , � PQ P 3�° Y �<--
<br />-•-�+�. R�:; ', h e r e by o r i�x e h e p e r f o r m e�n c e o f o my ag r e e m e a ti b�r E U n d a r. II p o n a a y a u c h ���
<br /> :;�.��, •-::a• ; -� �„• ,o defstalt. Beaef3ciary may at anq tia�e. either in person. by agent. or by �•-•
<br /> ,. �-
<br /> .':;,;rs, �"����. ' r::^+'._. receivec to be appoint�d by s court, �rithout notice sAd aithont rogard to the F°`-.
<br /> -'?,��:j ��"`��• x r adeg�awcy of any �ecurity for tha indebtednes�s hareby eQCUred (a) enter upon
<br />'!��.r�� n .��.,, apd takA poeaesoioa of the Properip or any part thereof and ia ita own name �,
<br /> .��;•'; .�. �
<br />•- _ ��'s?���1�:'`•-�', e�e for or otherwiee collect 9uch rento� ioaues and profite, including elz�ae �--
<br /> "'�,� '���'`;•. pn�t due and unpaid. aad applq the oame, lees co�te� wd expea�e of operatiom —
<br /> �t?,�:� ��?��...���,� • � anal coliectioa. includirag reaeoaable attorney•s fee�, upon a�y indebtednoss
<br />.-..�i
<br />,.::�;: , :: �-���'�� �' ee�u�r�Q hereby and in au�fi order ao Beneficiary may determiae;, (b) lesce 4.he -
<br />,,<<}` ;r,. ;4
<br /> r � esme or any �se�rt theseo� �or euch rQntal. term sad upon such conditi�s es r�-�-
<br />..•���je" , ..s� ' `l.:'_
<br />=w�`�`•+ � "-`'` ' 'S� � � �� Beraef ic�ar •e e�ci ement ma dictane or terwinate mr ad uot thQ terra� ar�d �,
<br />`a'�rj ,5��`;•';i.G�;`;, '. ' '� Y � $ Y j {i:'-':`
<br />• `�f�1 ..>.���,�tx���t•;•. ..;��:1�� comcd�itiono of a�sy exieting leaQe or lenses. Unle�s Truotor and Benefic�lsa�y j^;i
<br />_?�,'-: . �- �a's��: . ag�ree othororiae ia ovriting. aaq application oE renta. iesues or profite to aIInq. _
<br /> �u,«.�.'�4
<br />!ii;:}.?� :L .' , o�:-rs:s =-
<br /> :../A� .:tf
<br />_� {�. ' ��i �!� ,� �A
<br />'-i �• _+4'V�.�,}/� .�tl��
<br /> ` � •�"� ��� ;�,. Loan F�196814 Page 6 of 1Z Initials���y, �_�
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