*i . � y .� .. �
<br /> /. .� ^ :.a' �. . .
<br /> � "� :"�lhL� S^ ��r�c•.y .
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<br /> :;; :���,:� . .. . 93- ��x ' .
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<br /> � � •' Sii�. notic� tih�r�o! �lu�ii b� �iwn ia tb� �sa� aw�a�c a• th� ori�ie�l Motic�
<br /> o! �al�. lswtao �6a11 ��aat� �ad d�liv�r to th� purclu��r it• D��d
<br /> — ' coew��i.t� th� prop�re� �o eold. but �rithout sa� aov�n�at or Masrant�. ��r���
<br /> - -- --�-�--�_-�_:-.-� or iwpli�d. Tb� r�cital• ia eh� A��d of au� matt�c• oe f�ct� �hali b� �.-
<br /> _;�.% conclwiv� praof of th� truth�uln�t• th�r�oi'. My p�r�oa. iaaLuAie� witbout
<br /> -'.,;. liaitatiara, Dm�ficisr� or Tsu�t�� wa� pu�ciu�� at ttu �al�. SRid tRl� sha11 -
<br /> -�; b� conduct�d at tlu c�al ��tat� �os�iaa a part of tlu Prop�st� or at th� courE
<br /> `" -- = how� in ttu couat io ifii.cb !1� Pro rt to b� aold, or �o�s art tdur�of. i• -,.,�.
<br /> Y i P� 3► P :w�_,::
<br /> ���.ti;: �ituat.�d.
<br /> '�;,.
<br /> 's;;� —
<br /> --•� � b) Mlun Truse�� sells pur�uant to ttu paMas� 1u�r�in. Tsu�t�� dull appl� �=�
<br /> .��J�`�`- tlu proc��d� of th� �sl� to pa�meat of tt�t co�t• �ua►d exp�n�e� of �
<br /> "°'���� � esercisia� th� parer of oal� and of � �al�s. fneludfaR. `rititout
<br /> -�. limftRtion. the paraent of Truatee's fee� incursed. rhich lruste�•• �a�� ��=-,
<br /> — - sluil aot in the ��reRat� �sce�d tlu tnw of Five gnadred u�d no/100tha �`'
<br /> "-'`, � Dallar* �$500,00) plas i/2 of lx of th� uouat s�cur�d hereby aud `-�H�`�
<br /> �;',� ra�iui�ng w►paid aad tPr;�n to the itew� �et forth in subparw�r�ph (c) of ��
<br /> .R-�• tbia pasa�r�ph lIFTH !a� t1�e ord�r th�r�in �twtad. �
<br /> �.,
<br /> _, ti,7.C..tr�;�j. � (C) Aftes �aying th� itau �pscifisd ia a�n�i�+asagr�ph (b) of this �
<br />. --= '•`•;'''� psragsaph PIF'T� if tIw ule ia b� Tru�tee„ or tia�e proper court nad oe�er �"
<br />-_ '�Fr'�'� � �:� � �:
<br /> ,,;,�} co�ta af for�clo�ure a�d �ai� if �ale i• pu�•suant to j1id�.C��L �OTeCI.QYI�Cl�
<br /> -__ - ''`= t.�a �szocaadII af a�2e r�I2 lx apgl3ed ia the order atated belosr Lc thr _
<br /> �u � .;� paymsat of�
<br /> _ �` �sj'' ��'.�.
<br /> _ Y ' ' (1) Coat of sny evideace �f title procurtd ia cwmection vi.th euch ��.
<br />_ '��. . � � �ale and of any revenae required to be paidi
<br /> ° ',�{�. .,i,�r` •. t.,iY.i.. . P. (2) All sumo thea s�ecured hareb�= �_�`
<br />- ;}' ,.� ts) T1w ranaiudor� if �ay� to tha persoa or peroon� Le�ally entitl�d =°-
<br /> � " i ��:, therqto. �,�1
<br /> .;*i.� Til? i.:iiai::•
<br /> -- `�� �ach of tlia parti¢r ta �:.fy Daad of Sru�t hcrahy reqi::�ta Lhet s ccgy of nay �.;
<br /> "" ,�k,: .'�;;:,�••�' ;; Notice of Aefault and a c�py of any Notice of Sale Providad �mr hareinabove be _-
<br />,:_� �� '�`�'� � '� m�iled tc� each �uch party at hio poot ofFice addreea aet fortL� .".cerQin. IIpon _
<br /> � z, .�� _ �
<br /> �,. , ; ;,�� the occurence of an� default heteunder� Benefici�ry shall ha�e tD�e optioa to �F.
<br />�;�;;�;,%,. ••'��' forecloa� thia Deed of Truot ia the uowaaor psovid�d by laM for ;th� for�clooure ��.^_
<br /> , ,
<br /> ''n:�?'•^�� {!r>'t: of mortgage� oa rQal property. — '
<br /> .... �.�'y;:. _--
<br />__.� - �.�,
<br /> �` �F��'' '"'�`r�'� SIIlH: Truetor Qpecificslly ag,re�es tfl�.�e (a) Truator. at ita espease. ,�!,,;�
<br /> �� �;�. f��:`�. • vill esecute and deliver to Heaefic�ary. p��oraptly upon requeat. ouch oecurity � �=�
<br /> Ii:,
<br /> •;��'""`"� in�trument� ao �ac►y ba required by 8eneficiary� ia a fora aad aubatance �r_
<br /> f:;':� r
<br /> �t`�� � ��`1'�� �'S�...� •atiofacto to Banaficia
<br /> ��� ,� ry ry. covering aay �f tha Properey coavoyod by thi4 �;-..
<br /> /.;}, . , �:;.._ " • Daed of Truet ahich aecurity inatruments �Iull be additional �ecurlty for ��=--
<br /> � `,� • `��` `•-c�• Tsuotor'o faithful performance of all of the termo covenente sad conditioae of �Y f
<br />` �' � t ��•" � thia Deed of Tru4t� the Note and �debtedawe� oecured hereby. and any othar ,. �,
<br />' l' . �;�{!: �/;;y. ...4 ' .i
<br /> �, �,• , +;,:, � oecurity in��rumento e:ecuted !�n �m�nnection vith the indebtedriess �ecurc�,': by �s",'�;
<br /> .. . .r .F �..i . �.i
<br /> �` �'`?��� 'r �� �=•'-�� � thia Deed of Tru9t= aad el� 9ucb 3natrumeat� stull be filed sn� recc�r�e�l at � ;;c
<br />�.�;;•. �� ��:,.a.r, �•' ..:.
<br /> ..,Hff �C, . . _ {I_.--
<br /> �`f> � '��14� ,� ,1�.°•,A����• Truotor•s Qzpenoa= (b) Be�ePiciary may, £rwn time to ti�. 'by writtea 5t•„�
<br /> ��..,.•�,.•, �;;,}� , �. � � •. „ _�
<br />��,,r�,; ,af� �s}c;�'�;,,.',p� inotrume�.t axecuted and aclrno�+ledged by Be�:Eficiary. mailed to Traetor aad -_�..;
<br /> '°' 3��F �t��ti�%y��r..''+����'•}, record�� �m the countq or countieo ia vhich the Property io located and by �.,�_
<br /> �, ����:,;�::�.:
<br /> f' - +•:'�.4�;.'`�"lk "•� otherwiea coa A im, with the rovioiona of tha a licsble lavo of thQ State of ��?�
<br /> rx-�' � � �, �`�r:��. P 7 � P PP ,.;�,�.:;,
<br />,L.��,�''f;� '•��ti:�•'•l, �"" '''`-
<br /> Nebraska. aubst�twst� a succeaoor or aaccea�ort to the Truetee n�mad hereia ar .
<br /> " ; S4 r�.r,..
<br /> t;�` t�,; acting hereuader; (c) aAthough the Truotoa. or hio succaaaor or auccesoore� 7•�•�
<br /> � �'�'�' �������J�� msq be an agent of. or attoraey for. or others+ise coaaected aith the -
<br /> i�;:.,.••��,,;,t�� ��, :
<br /> _ r�}:.;� .� ;,�" . ���.
<br /> Beaeficiary. auch fact ohall not be coa�trued to diaqualify him to act aa otub
<br /> �''" �''+�`� ��=�`��-��- Truetee. nor ehall euch fect prevent the Truatee or eeneffcinry from bidQiag -.�`��
<br /> ;�; ;1,,;��;, � �
<br /> ` ' ,:�1� —
<br />.��;•���{�4. i .' ., . E
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