.. .�..v..- _ �/
<br /> .. ..�..._. . .. _ . . _. . . . . . .
<br /> _ ..._....�.�....L...�... . /
<br /> � ' ]
<br /> DEED 0� TRl3ST �n� �ca3 3 .
<br /> � • 09�d4-9989 �9'm ����r� .
<br /> � 'Loen W�869371 (Con!lnuad) _�.��
<br /> _._. _��-- --"' .
<br /> � undcr Iho Ton.n��t���Londor as nn atld�lonal�obRgoo u d�cr nny ourolY bond furM�sh�d�in Iho con�ta�t pr ccod np�tor¢GmaM aQttlasl t�o . .
<br /> Property �
<br /> . " puthOrfZ9 he upproprt8t0 QOVCrn o'ntnl otttela o a ivo�io�on cani o y iamo a��c�ip�o tamnnt�ot tPro toxo and nsao;amon�t9tagatnsl tho ..
<br /> . Propurry.
<br /> PloEleo o?Cu;w�rucC.�.Tru,�ner sA�ti notify I.ende�nt loasl Gftoon(1G)daya beforo any v�ak Is commonaCd,uny ce�vlcos are lurnished,er nnY
<br /> ry�gtprlCp dtg 01tRp116d t0 thE PfOpW�y� if any mech�rtlo'8 08n.m8terf61rtl81Ye Ile�,0► olhe► ikn Could 60 4G:.:.11��On�t�%ouM Ot tit0 WWk. :��-
<br /> servicas,or materlats. Tnrstor wUl upon�equest o!Lendw N►nbh to Lende�advanae assurnnx�s oatts�$a�ory to l.ondcr tht�t Trustor an�nd wiu
<br /> _. pay tAS cast ot such lmprovemsnt�. ,;:
<br /> _.., -^ pRppE.i�TY OAiMA�E INEs`!lMt9CE. The tollowinp Pto��s�tlnp ta Insudnp the Properly are a OA�ot tAts Dsed of Tnr�t.
<br /> ^ I�t�tntenrne af trtawrence.T�ustur ctAall prauro and malnt�ln pol'.cWs o1 Rro Im3urtnco vith n an amoun s�utP•ctont to avntd eppl�toa on m a'y f 'y��
<br /> replaoament Dasta tor the tuu insurabh veluo covartnp�ll Improveew:ds on the R[�at PtoSsaAY ,;,
<br /> eWn�uranp eta��,and with n atenderd moRgageo cla�tse In tavor of l.ander�topother wlih such olhQ+���H tobLe idu and hsuod bY a �•
<br /> may reasenably roqutre. PoDeles ohell bo wdtten In tonr�erteour�s�eovorayes and bs�ls�easonabN axA --�='
<br /> companY or companles ressonabty noceptnbb to Lender.Tcusta.upon requesl ot Lendor,w�l v��not bo carteeli d or dimtnlshed wilhoult ot —��
<br /> cr cedtflcates ot insurancs+In tom�satisteotoh to Lendc�r,In�tudinp sUputattons tha!covsra�es =-
<br /> nc
<br /> � least ten(10)days'p�lo►w�lflert aottce to Londer. Be.cA Usurunoo Poltcy atso ahaU I�tudo an ondorsemoni provlding ttu�t coveraQe In tavor of ��'
<br /> " . L6adOT W�U not bo ImpaUad In any way by any act,omtssion or dohtult of Tntstor w aAY oth�►pKso^• Shoutd tho Raal Proysrty at un`�y�USm�o ��r
<br /> � pecome locatod in an aree designetod by the Olrocta o!tho Federal Emergenay Mnnc�gamo��5�,��uQ�°a�fl�mh�p�'Tnutar �
<br /> , _� egreos to obtttn ana metr�in Fedt�rW Flood�rciuranee ta the Np unpatd pdnclDal bslaa;e �,-
<br /> urt6et tho Nettonel Flood Imuranca Pro8►am�ar as othe�wise n4Wred by Lendar.tnd to mdnWn such�nd ^m tamaka proof a!los M Tmstor __
<br /> . .•.J. Appltea4tan o!PtoteLQo. 7rustw shati promPUY aoL'y Leadsr at arry!aa or dam�tA Ihe ProperiY• � receiva Qrtd eGta�a !" �-
<br /> R4�"!�__
<br /> ,�� talis to do so wltNn fifteen(16)days at tAe cusuatty.Whather or nct Lendor8 secudty ts ImpatreA.Lend Q�riller,e ecUnp tho Properh�or the �;�;�, -
<br /> tho Pr���any Insurance end a9Pry tho P��a to fhe�educUon of tAe Inde9tedness.PsI� y
<br /> t restomtlon and repalr o!tAo Pro¢Erty.
<br /> If Londer elocts to appty tho Praceeds to restorattan artd repaU.Trustor shall roPair a a0t�os tne �..
<br />, � damaged or destroyad tmprov�monts In a msinrter sattstaetory ta Lender. Lendsr shea,oPon sal�actnry proof of auch e�andllure,DaY a ��,���
<br /> retmbuise Yrustor hom lhe proceeds ta the reasonaDle cost d repalr ar�toraUon It Trusta Is not ln dafautt urtdK tlds Daed ot Trust. Any
<br /> ' procosds whtch have not beon disbursed within/80 daya nft�r lhe:r reeetpt and wh1aA Lender hes not commttted to Ihe�epak ar rf�taa�m►of
<br /> Intc�est,and tho romatndn►.ll �•�:-
<br /> the PropertY sha►�bo used Nst to pay any$mount owing to LF►nder under ihis Deod o!Tmst.ihen to DaY a�tuil ot the indebtCdness.such 1'. '-x'
<br /> ;. �. any,ahep be appUed fo ttua prie�dPa►balanoe ot the Indebledrsess• If Lender hotda niy proaeeds aftet Pa1m�e --
<br /> prooeeds shsll be pald tp Tn�ta as Trustor's interests maY aPPenr• �p�py this E`�—
<br /> :'. ;; ��p l���p�t S�Lo. My urtexpired irtsurence shall im+�Qa 1.,�aefit o},and pa:s to.the purehaser of tP�C Prope�y► ��_
<br /> �;�:';�,� . '�. Deed af Tnut at any Wstees sBte�r other sala held under tlx�p�u�rm�u..•lis Oeed of Trust,ar at any toreota►ure sale of such Pr�with —=_
<br /> ,,.��,;•!„
<br /> , +�i� �p��p��► In�l n d e D t v a n e s s D ud rt�the p e�l o d In whlch any F�dsUnp Irtdebtedness doscribed below is in effe�t,com
<br /> tha Insurence arov�sla� contslned in th�Ir�NU�wM evldar�dnp such F�dsttng Indebtednes4 shal consUt u te cotap N a n c e witA the lnsurance
<br /> .X.. provislotq under tt►Ta Aakid ot Tnst,to tne exburd com�ni�w�'tii ii�o tarss�cf�'s�!e±t Tn�st wautd ConsUtute e duplicstton of Insluance
<br /> _ -�ls: -; rsqufrert►erd. M uny procaeds ttcim Ihe Insurance become P9Y�le on Ioss.the P�visloas In thf�Deod ot Trust ta a►vision oi Proc�ev�si�R =_
<br /> .;;�:I;,� apPry onty to that portlon af Ma P��not payable to the hold�r ct tha C�dstln0lndabtedness.
<br /> . ;;,;��,. ��D�yy��g�y�. tf Trusta feit�to compy w►1h aoy provtslon of tht�Read ot Trus+r.l;xtudi^9 a�np oblyaUon to rts�tr,inln Ex�tfny
<br /> � ' Indebtedness in Qaai standing es requtred bolow,or it any ectlos�a proceedtng b aommenoed tha4 watAd mate�auy��y���q����b�
<br /> prope�ty,Lender cn xr.usto�'s beheif may.but aheil Rot be rep�cf►ed to.talce amr a�tlon that LenOe�deems ePP�D
<br /> �ends in so dairtg w111 bear interost at the rate provided fa in tho Note hom the dete tneurre0 a P�d by Lender to the dato a!rapaY�'n�
<br /> ,.,,t�:':. . ' Trostor. Alt such e�onses,at lendets aptlon,wlil (u)be payaDie on demnnd (b)be addad to 1AO Wl�nce o!the Note and be�P�o�ar�or�
<br /> j j nnd be payabfe w�th arry ir�statlment payrt�ent�to bacome due dwtnp elther(i)tlre term of any aDD�»inauraooe PcltaY� (�I t�"a�t���m
<br /> 't�;:' o!1118 No'.e.Ot (0)b0 treYted 8s a ba 4 0 on pey m e n t w h l�G h w i D b e d u e e n d p e y able 8t th0 P1ot9a m9tutl�Y• ��D���t���ute
<br /> � ,�l..ny�
<br /> ����i;+' psymeM of these amourts.Tho Mpat��rovlded fa In thts Parepraph shail be tn addiBon to any other d8hffi a any re m e d i e s to w�i c A L e n�e r m a!�
<br /> � e�Ued on account W the deiaNG My suoh action by londorshatl not be consh'ued es cudn�the d°ta°tt$°a�to bar Wnde�trom n�Y rom�Y that
<br /> , + tt othe�wise would hnv�had.
<br /> . • , WMEiANTYi OgFFNSE OiF TI1L.E.Th0 tottowing p�ti�5►oms rek►Ung to ownorshfp m1 Rro Properly aro a pcut ot!hb Qued ot Trus�
<br /> ,"'°• .„ ' TlU•t. Tnutor wartants tNax (a)Trostor hdds 9ood and ma�ket8ble tille of recad to theProp e+tY In fee simpte.treB and ciear of oB GenS and
<br /> `�` :.�..�', encumbranoes othsr thnn those set torth tn the Rse1 PropeRy Ee.�.cylPltnn ar in tho Exlstle9 Irdel�tedn�s sectlon botow a in nny tltls inwranoe
<br /> ; '�.1�Iffs..Y�'.°'' ��
<br /> ,S'.'i�, . P�py.t�p repprt.or enal ti�e opinton issued In tava ot.and ua�cpt¢d bY.�rtder In connoctlon wilh lhts Deod of Tiust.and (0)�v��sio►Rts the
<br /> � �. � ,r . tuli dgh�power,and euthorfiy to oxoCUte and detivar thls0eed o'117vst to Lender.
<br /> '��'�� petenae a!Title. Subject to the exce9Uon In fhe paragraph eEove►.Tn+sta�rm�a^ta and w�forover de�end the tlUe to!he Prop�lY ap��s1�tw
<br /> :',''f���". lawtul delms ot att persons. In tho ovont unv acHon a prooeeding N�Comt*.�onoad ihflt quesUons Trustors Utle or tt�Sntetmtr������
<br /> ����;�,5�� Tnista mey b0 t�9 naminnt pa�lY
<br /> ;•4��,+,,;�i y lender under this O�d o t l r u s t,T r u s t o r a h a U d e f en d the aatlon a1�irusttw6 e�� b cou n s e!o t t+s n e(e I e o wn clmbo�.and
<br />- ..r?l.i;;'} L�ndor ahall bo e�Ullod to parftCtpate In tho proxedirq nnd ta 6e repr�or►tcd tn the Rracsed��8 Y
<br /> ::�,'Sr��� Tn�star wN daUver.a cause to Ov doUverod.to Londer such In.,trumems as tendor may re4u�4?rom time to tlme to pc+rm►1 auch� tsws,
<br /> _s ��y.se«.�•:Y3l�s L.:.�. ?r�tc+�urmrants that tho ProAaM nnd Tntstor's use ot 1he PtopettY
<br /> cempNes wlth atl�Sltrg eAF
<br /> �-..�-..._..�-...-. r-•-
<br /> c_:.�_.ri�i �!�SM.'04.P.nA IFMt48COnS 4F�WVe���tutl��i813tiihOhtt�.:�. `--
<br /> • F�(18T(NO tNDEBTF�AtESS- The tolto+�lnp prov)s9ans conoernirg e�dsti!y indebtedness phe'�xisllnC tetlebiatnc�`7 ere n V�i oQ i�w,�:.:�:�
<br /> �
<br /> .;:'''I'p�`��� Tnts� . �
<br /> ,,, . artd ir�tcMa to an e�dstln9 tien. Tc�fsta eocyressN
<br /> ,,•,{� �M
<br /> '.•;,,+y'� � pdattnp Llen. 71ro Uon ot tt�s maed o4 7aw*t seeudn8 Iho Indobtodness may Oe saeond�ry
<br /> ,� covonanb nnd agroes to paY.or so9 to lhe A�l/�+ent ot,iha E�dsttng Indebtedness aRE to P�nt flnr detault on sueh InQ��nass.a�Y�� �
<br /> , t undor lhe instru�nenb eddo�ln0 8uch IndeL:s�t�s.a uny dotautt under arqr secu�ib Cocumenb for sucb indebtedness• —
<br /> Y pefputt. I!tis��nyment of any lnHaUmont ot p7tndpul a ae�y intorosl oa lho E�dstln9 Indebtedness�s rtot mada w��hin fhe tlmo rsrqlrhad by� __
<br /> noto ovldanci�8 svch IndebteQnc�s.or shoutd a detauu occur under the Instrument eoaurin9ts�u�ef����t N���m mmszll��y dua —
<br /> ••<<•.�.,,., ;S nPpl�cnb�o graae pe�►pd thefdn.thon,nt the opUon of Londor,ttto Indebtadroess securod by a���
<br /> '�'';`';}' anA paynbto,nnd tNs Deed otv�st shall bo tn dataWt.
<br /> alond ot 4rust�or other seewtty m�r�u�mo�t wNcD ��._�
<br /> :�,,;,;^„i�� ,'� �t0 Modltl�on. thista sRpJi not entc�into any agreemart wifh ita hclder ot ony m �.;
<br /> a�-�� h�s prlaity ov.or this Deed ot Tn�st by whleh thal egresme��modlHod,emertded.mRt���ar�mord without the pdor vMtten consetd ot m�._,
<br /> •�'�• Londnf. tn�lor ahait�dthor roquost nai ncaapl nny Ntaro edvanoes under any stxh
<br /> .� L�nder. �,,:
<br /> CO.E�dEdONATtON.The toilowinp provistcro roiat(r�ta condemoaUon pra�adings aro o pert of iPda Gtaed of Trutii. �.
<br /> >- ----- ____r-= Applia�tton of We1 PnaCnQda tf c�lt or uny ptul o!tho.�e��S+wee d�i emr o vboYMinn�ot tno net�ppmcauds ot tho�awNd 1=m�� � �`
<br /> �y
<br /> pU(CltiLiO!fl ROU O1 COflOBini�itot��t-ttnvar rtw�a�°w o�w.��procuads ot lhe eward shatt moan mo owaro cmer pa��^o,�•�••��---
<br /> inQobtedness ot the rcipatr ar restora8on of lhe Propady.
<br /> � costs,oxPonsos.nnd uHomays'fais Incurtod by Trustoo or Londcx In connucUon wlth Iho condemnaUon.
<br /> •�� „ ptocetltnp�. If ony Proa��id�nd tho ttcUon and obtNn ttu►taward.�Tnistor may�the�no nal pedY U such p�r0000dir►g,Eut�ahatt
<br /> st�g as may be n�ssn►Y
<br /> bo onGUsd to ptartidRato in Iho proceeding and to 0e reArosonted��tho ptoo�oding by coucuet of ib own choh�.end Tlrustot wUi dellvar or
<br /> causo to bs doUvorod to Londer auch Instrumonb us may be rcsqurrstod by ll tram U�no to tlmo to perrrdl auch partldPa�on.
<br /> 4
<br /> � ' t�d chargos�pnrt of�th D�d�R�S 0Y GOYER1�11iFJtTAI AtlilIRAITtLS. Tho toilowln9 provlstcns rotaUnQ to govomme�et�s.
<br /> dtrtant Taes.Fees an�Charpe�. Upon rc�quest by Lend�r.Tnator sha�oxuzuto such doeunwnb in a TntSta�shaN mf harso Lendef ta aH
<br /> " h0
<br /> whatrner olha acUOn 1s roquestad Oy londar to perfeet an0 continuo Wnders Iton oeuhe��ng'�O� of Tnts1.ineht�r�p wilhoul
<br /> toxos.es dst3cr(bad be�ow.togelhor wllh ell tu�csr�sos tnc�mr�In tucotding�PixfoC g thts I1eBd of TtusL
<br /> nmttalon an tazr�s,toos,dacumontary stnmps,and at1+er chargr�s tor rccading a�gbtcxt� on t � p}�Trust or upon al!or nnY
<br /> " , Texeg. Thp following shatl comtilule tnzos ta whtch Nb seCUon appttos: (n1 a&A�� � ���:��. ,
<br /> � _ --
<br />