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<br /> �.. ._ . tiv�.nw.. .. ..._... ... . __ ' '• . .. a
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<br /> , o,.��,s� � �9°°���� �_..� ��°
<br /> . Laa�:�8�°�371 Conilnuod)
<br /> �---- •
<br /> � � psA of the inde4tadness cecured by thls Qoad a!Tru�t; (b)� flo tax oo Trusta v�hlCfl Ttustot i�nu�hot�rcd or rCquirud to d�du�t'hom ___
<br /> pnymentlr on!he Indebt8dnct�a�taurad by tha lypa ot Qaa yop nr�t; (c}n tcuc on tAi�typa W Oasd m�T��n�►9�bQaand!nt rhe t medo by •��,:
<br /> tha hc;dar o41�e Note; and (d)a spac�no tnx c�an ar an oA�on ot tho Indobtedrtnss o►c�pgY O P
<br /> Ttu�tOr. ''
<br /> nl7txef. If uny tnx to whkh thts s9otton applle�b snictsd sub�ttquanl to t!u>Cate c?tRts Qocd a?Tr�l,thts ovant ahni!hiva tho .+"
<br /> ` et�t Qa an Evenf W Oatautt(as deflnad betaw),artd L�nda nuy exer�ise ony or aD af tb Rvti�ble rere�as tor en Event W Qnauit as
<br /> ' . prat,�'d_0 D��C3tY ltPt!"_S4 TNS107(l11PiEt Il1)DaY3lhtD�7t D81ptA lI Il e�ecoc�esd�it�noq$�Qr�(��b)���y�'��„��!���gbove In tM T�s end .c•�
<br /> . Lt�r�z�cdon end dpos[b with Lendtn cash or n eut�3den1 aorpo► tY
<br /> _ ..::�� EECIJRiTr A(i��ENTi FlWIUtCiNQ STA7EM�1T8. Tha taflovMO Provislans��aBnp to thts Qoos of Truat as a socudty 89re��mont ar��pari of ,',=
<br /> ttta Ltoad c!Tnr
<br /> r" �;►� gpWA�y A�rppmeftf. TNs Inshumant BhNI consituto a aecudb e9��nt to tt►e mdent any of tho Propr�Ay constttutos fi�Auras ar other M ;,
<br /> „ p�t���1 P�aA�1l�and l.onder sAr�li havo N1 of tho dghla o!�socared Pu�Y under thfl Untfam CommeroW Code aa amondo9 trom tlrt�o to � ;:,�
<br /> Uma. _
<br /> Secoui�►In4er�r.3. Upon�cqu�t by Lendef,Tn�stnr shatl mceouto 8nar+dng stato�ants nn addiUon to reco dh g h�D�droot Trust M the�oal =-
<br /> to pNf�ct and canUnue Lertdeta soaudty Intorest In th�Renb�nd Personat PropeAY. --
<br /> } pro��ty recorps�Londar m�y,at any tlmo and without turila�nutho�he8on hom Ttuslor.
<br /> ryl�axeeuted eountorperhs.eopas or reprodueUons of
<br /> �
<br /> Mb Oeed o!Tntst as a flnsndnp sffitomaM. T�ustor sha11 rdmburs�'LeQ�far�n►�►n�i p4��n�ry c�a�gnt to Truator a d Londer
<br /> � �nt�rast. Upon datautl.Trustor shalt assombto iho Pe�s�ru�l P�oPeM
<br /> � and mnko t t avattablo to�ender witMn thrao(3)days aftsr recelp4 ot wrlUen damund irom Londer. __
<br /> �. Addnt�es, 7he mWtnp addressos of Trusta(debta)eRd Londe�(w�aur�d P�Yb hom whtch tr�ormaUon conooming the socudiy lnturest
<br /> "� pranted by this Ooed o!T�ust may ba obtalned(esoA as requlrad DY the Unttorm Commar�clai Code).aro as cts►ted an tho flrat pngs o!thtn Dood
<br /> � '•. � 07 Tnist.
<br /> ° '` FUpTtS�R AS81�iANCLB; ATYOAkEY-IN-FACT• Tho toliowing provf�Nons�e�Ung to lurther nsaur�noss and atlotray-l:rtacl e►e e Eu'.rt Qf this _
<br /> �� � Oeed of TttcSt. _
<br /> Furlher Assura�ees. A1 u�sY time,and hom Ume to tlme. upon request of Lcindet.Ttustor w►It make.ace�ute a^al d�'Uv�'•ar w(�a��be �
<br /> �• . .,n:��' made executetf or delNered,to londer or to I.endors destg�oe, and whon�equostod by Lsnder,ct�una to ba fl:�d.�ordsd,rc�i�d,or
<br /> ,, rereearded.as R1�e aase nnY be.at suoh tlmes and In euch oiRoS.s and ptsoes as Lender may daem app:apr1ate.amr and a►1 suoA tn�g a� -.
<br /> ., �. daeds ot trwl�aocurlty d�ora�ceourity agroomerrts.8nandnp atatements�conar destrablo in order�to oNoctua o�comp��portect.conllnue�or 6-_.
<br /> and oihar document9 ms maX,in the sole opinion ot LenBer�bc►necessary R.
<br /> t
<br /> ' + p�eiva (a)11w oblignUon��t Tnpta undar fhe Note,thb Daed af Tnist,and the Reta"�d Dooume�s.and (b)the Uens und secudiy Interes �' '
<br /> ueated by this L"Jeed ot Trust on tha Properfy,wAet�+er naw owned a horeaRer¢cVut�n�i 0Y Truslo►• Un►ess proh!bitod by Iaw or epreed to thp
<br /> contrary bY Lartdor In wtlling,Tnutor shalt reimburse Londa tor atl costs and expense�Ineurred in connectton wilh tho matta�e retemid to In �°
<br /> ,.. tNs pv'&Qtitph.
<br /> ��FacT. If Trusta ta11s to do any ot tho things roTOrtad to In 4ha precedlnD Pe�9�Ph.�►nde�may do so to�r startdf�� ��
<br /> '1YUSior artd d Trustor"s e�ense. For such purposes�T�cs.+x lierebY��bN HPP«����T��ettomey-i p
<br /> ° ai mai��.�. �'�'i.1��',roexrdtng,and daUaB a9 other things as may be neoessnr�►a deslrabte.in L.endets sato apinion.to
<br /> accomplish tA9 matters rete�ed to tn tha preo9dlr►g psraaraph•
<br /> �pt�Trust, Le der eball mcteaute and delivar to�T�Wa re4u�t tas UuD s�aconvo ance end sh�N�e�cec��ute and det�re r to Tn�stor�3du�1taDte
<br /> r�.;t,��n.;, te�nenb of termlruUon ot flnY Rnarw�n9 sffitomoni on file evl6andng LendaPs secwl�r Intarest In tlw Ra�s and t� P�sor�at PropertY. A�Y
<br /> w�
<br /> . roconveyanoe tee�quWd bY�w shaJt be P�►�by T�usta.It per►Ntted bY aPP������.
<br /> � �
<br /> ,.`�,.�; ;,;;; pEFUM.T. EacA o!tho fotl��ir�i,&t tho optton af Lender.sha7 eoas�lut�an evant ot detnu'•t('�'�nt ot DatautP')under thi9 Qeed of TrusC ___
<br /> ' ',. ,w p�p�h pn IMgabtednet8. gnuuro of Trustor to mnka arry paYment when due on th9 laEobYednoss. K,
<br /> � a`.�� DefWlf on athar P�Enta. Failure a4�rustor wlthtn tho Ume mquired by thl�Deed of Trust to mako anY paymAnt tor ta�ces or Insuranoe,or
<br /> - :�����. any nlhar pay�eM neo�s�Y to pravan17111ng ot or to eftect dlscharg�of anY Iten. ,
<br /> _ ,�,, �m�tir�Ce Dalxftt. Faliure o!Tn�stor to aomply.wlth aoy other term,obUgaUon,covonanl o►condlNon co��od In this Deed ai Tcus4,the
<br />-'_�_ ;�,,,�,�, Note or in any of 1ho Relsted OaoumeMs.
<br /> �'�"•`�"� FA►!�gtatertie�t�.Any wareanty,representado�ot etstement matte a tumtshed to lsnde►by a on l�ohell ot Trusta•¢n6or Mla Dced of Tnist,
<br /> `;._;�;7.`� the Note or ttKS Relcted Oocuments b talse ar misteadinp in any matednl r�Peob ettAer�ow or at the tlme made or tumts?�e9.
<br /> s__..
<br /> -�.�-.f--��`r%�'�� Cstective CotFatsniiuitao• This Deod of Tnut or any ot tho Related Cocuments aoases to be in MI totco and ettec4 pnctudtnp t�uc�o any
<br /> —y y,,, • ��d�umenb to aeute a valid and perfectod securitY inter�st a Oen)at any Ume artd tar any rot►son.
<br />:.e:..,,:... Mment of a receiver ia eny paR ot Trosta'3 P�mT�r►Y�s�Y
<br /> .'�"."•..::+r,, ppftA or infoivanr.Y• 4L�e dealh at Ttustor.fhH I�oN��toy ot Tntstor�Rie ePP�t I under en bankrv�►iaY or --
<br /> ;`;� ;.. at creditor workout.or ttre commm�rtzsment ot any prooeed n8 Y
<br /> �:F .•,'�`'�'rr asslgnment for the�m�e�10!creditas,any lype m __
<br /> ��-,•.:: ' Insolven�Y ta►vs 6y c�apalr�s t Tnu lor. r000eding�seU-he1P�roAo�ses�on �.
<br /> � :a.�,r.;
<br /> ,LL r:,-a Fo�ectou+ro��Ituro�ato. Commancement of torectasure or torttdturo pr000adtngs.wfiether by ludt�l P However.thb subsecSten ahaY not
<br /> �-;,.�s,..>� atnst eny ot tIw P�D�N-
<br /> .. � a em,ott�er method.by any eredltor of Ttustor or by any yovemmen�t agenay aS
<br /> -_ _ _ �,���nw ravont ot e aood fa►th disP�e by Tnuta ss to the vaxdit�r a raosonabteness o��e d�tm whlcA is tt�e b�sis of the toraa�lasure a
<br /> -- -- hvMwlturw ars�6i�o�,provld�d ttrst Fre�tof{�v�i sr�t'.:,.'ti:rte'.rt nar.�s vi�ttn�c�-�i�1 r.iK!ti�ivlt.�t"..8.':"�`!.�"'=aqaty hnnd Td 1hB II10trt1
<br />_-"`-�-�''y�� C811SfHCto�Y10 0.eedUT.
<br /> `�'-'"i�'�'""�;, ^ gr�pp p���y�ert�nt. Arry breach by 7n�stor undsr tna tartns of nnY otAer aqreoment between Tru�ta nnd Lfiader lhat Is not tertwdled
<br /> �=�;-r;:;:°:.. wlthin nny yrece period provided tMxeln,indudinp wilhout 6rt�laSon ar�Y a8reement cones�n►rg any tn�btedness cr o1hnr obilya�on a!Tn�stor
<br /> '� '"����� to lender.whelher o�s'1na eow or Itit�r.
<br /> .:.... i+���, , t
<br /> � �,�.a Erttits At[tctlnp atfmts►tor. Any ot tho p�easdin9 ownb oaurs w111►�►osP�t to any�uarantor of sny ot the IndoBtetlness or�inY Qwunnta
<br /> �`• ' dlw�or becomes It�a�ptot►1.ot revokes or d1sP��Re validAy o7.or 11�bUlty urtQa.ctnY�uartintY of tho 1 ndobtednes�. Lender.at i!s apflon,
<br /> ..,,: may.bat shall no1 t�r��uired to.P�+it tho Guaran4aPe osinto to nssu�no urtconditionaity the obtlgnflons arisfn8 undet the 9uera�Y U Q
<br /> #.. rtwnnet satlstactaY to LoRd�x.and,in doing so.cu;s 9hn�vent ot QsfrtWt —
<br /> `• Int�ecltAty.Londer In goad Atith d3em3 itseif insoeur0. _
<br /> � ;. • c�s7inp in1aD:�!� A dtNaut!sha11 occur under nnY Dds8n9 irtflaDledc�ess ar un0er any tnsWmant o�+ttio P�operty ceaud�any F�dsUnO _
<br /> a �edobte6no�s.a commencemar�o!any sWt o►otna ecuon to torc�'asn any o�dstln9�ien on the Prop�iY.
<br /> ,. EilyA!to Cure, if s����,2)months��t�mny'b cutre0 a�n o Ew nf Det u i w�I hava oc�ttrt�c�tt 7rus tor�.�9r l.ander sends�wr[egn
<br /> within tho prc�caQn9
<br /> noUco dEmnndtng eure o!sucA talluro: (o)cures tho hilleme wllhin ton(10)days7 or N)if tho curo requlr��oro thun 9[m(10)days,tmmod+utcrlyy
<br /> " ' tnttiatea steps suNidont to cure tho fatluro and thureaRer ca�inuos and compWtos aU reasonabb nnd nQOU�ary ateps autticio�t to produce
<br /> �� compnanee as soon as roesonobry preaucai. _r..�.,,e.mna. ��er�onder.et tb aalton,
<br /> —_ .-�__ _= RI(iNTB AND NE/bF�l�BON DEFAt�T. Upon tho occurt�no9 ot nmr evem ad uoiaun e��.a.a.•,•••.�-,.--._. ..-- -
<br /> may oxon�e eny one or mao o!the loqowlnp dgMs nnd rcsmodk►s,In edd!llon to any othor d9hts c*remedic+s P*'�dud by Iaw:
<br /> odk s
<br /> . �xieatbn upoio Detautti Additton�l Rcm�ia�. It cmy ovont at datautf oac�rto as pa tt�terms ot tho Noto ccicurod har0by.l+ondcr may
<br /> rto
<br /> ° ° dpclaro M Irtdcbtadne�ssaured by thts Deod of Tn�t to De duo and paf+abb and tho cn^no sheil theroupan beaome duo and payable w►lhout
<br /> ' on�r pro.gontmont,damartd,protost or rtotloe ot nny klnd. Thcboaftm4 t+endtsr muY
<br /> _ . ��aro to he a�de4��Y o i�gzecudb enta u�pon d�tako D�o�eS�Joa ot��o any p�ar�t th��reo�pntts uwe e amo w n�no name _
<br /> ,' of Trustoo,artd do any actn�vnlch ll dnoms ncx�ss� ���m fho opeA!►or p t�t�c�h��t����'tand,w�h�or�wttf�o -
<br /> � e!th¢Rrpperty a tnt�t In tho RroparlY� ne�easc�
<br /> laktrq p�sesslon of ti�Properly.8uo tor m otl!erwLso cnAOCt ths rontn�Issues flnd profib ot the Pir�erly�Ir�ctu4ing Mose past duu art _
<br /> " � ���la�Qnd etypty tho same,tess eosM and e�otr.�us ot o�sxoBon aad coUection,lncludl�nttanoys too�,ta amr indebiedness aocured
<br /> th�oo�ect�on
<br /> by tNS OeoO o!Tnasl.ptl In sucn order a�lon0ot may determino. The ontoAnp upon and taktng pa�a�ton a1 tho ProperlY. _
<br /> �• of�uch ronts.h,sup and proft�,nnd tho apP�►�aSon 111emo!ehetl not curo a walvo any dofaWt or not�ce of du1au11 undor thbs Oemd of Trust
<br /> . :i. :. • .
<br /> •w,• ���;�
<br /> � ' ' � _ _
<br />