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,, <br /> . MN+�Mp�-- � . . . _��.' . <br /> ! Ot-04-1�399 �9E�D�F Y�U�Y ��° ��;�� �e�e a . <br /> Lot�a P�o t36�J379 (Contlnuerd) � <br /> � - — _--- �-------±^�-5-�.� <br /> ' clReS�! ptoptrf�. Tho vrords"P nat Ptapar�l�°an c�!I oqulpment,Poctures.and otheu ortioles of poraonel proparly rtaw,or P�Eraattar , <br /> i <br /> ownad by TruStar,and Row or haroaftcr attnchud a afibcod to iho R�ttl P►ap�rty;togflth�r with n�l accc:,�tons,parb,and ndditions to,n11 <br /> ro <br /> • r�placoms�nM ot, flnd QII aub�lllutlons/or,nny of auaA prapeAY;and togothe�r wltA NI proaoads (inc�udlrtg vdthaut Ilmltalis�n ntt Insumnco <br /> pracecds and rutunds ot prcmfums)hom any snta a olhar dtsyoa�tton of tho Propo�ty. , <br /> ' , propaAy. Tho word"Properly'menns cottocUvssty 1he Real Rropody and tho Poraonal Pro�urty. �� <br /> � Reat Rrcyttrry. T1►o aords'iZca►ProPCrly'maan thopropcAy.intarost9 and rtghts descdDod abovo in the'�Convoyanco nnd CiranY socUOn. <br /> � RBtated Oocument�. The words'Related Document�a'mean artd InWuOO wlthout umttcUOn eil promtssory nolo9,wedil agrcarr►ont:.,loan <br /> e.aroomonk►,enwroamonVsl aSroomonb,puaranttes,sacuAry apreernonb,moAQapes.deeds of b�t,nnd a�l oth0r Inshumanb,apreements artd ';- <br /> � " ..- documo�►ts,whethor now on c�roaftar extsting,oxc;cutad tn cannoctlon wtih tho indabtednera. ; <br /> „ • " Rerlta. The ward"Rents"mEans ai�P�a�nt and fuNre rents,revanuea,ineomn,issuos,roya[it9s,profits,nnd othor benetits deriviced hom Iha <br /> . � PropeAY• . <br /> ' T�uete�. The word'Trustao meuns UNITED NEBAASKA BANK and any aubstitute or succcrr�sor hustaes. <br /> Trtt&YOt. The word"inisto�'mcnns anY snd aU P���and csnGUes exeCUtin9 thls D�3Rd of TruEt,tnduding withoul Umllation utt Trustora namod .;; <br /> � abovo. •� "'?" <br /> TMil1 OEm QP TRItliT.IttCLUDING TFiH ASSIGNINENT OF RENTS AE19 TME SECUNIYtl INTEFtEBT IM TH� iiENTB AND PERSONAL �'-_-,__ <br /> PROP�7iTY�Iti QIVEN YO 8ECttRE (t)PAYMENT Qf THE IND�7EONE88 AND (2I PERFOAIAANCE OF IINY At�iD ALL OHUOATIONS OF - <br /> ".'�• TRUSTOR UN9ER TQR:NOTE,THE RELATED pOCl11AENT8,ANA THi8 O�D QF TRUBT. THIS DEW OF TRUST i8 ti1VEll AND ACCEPTED ���_ <br /> i QN Tt�FOLLOWINO TEAtAB: • �`' <br /> .: � PAYMF�IT AND PERFOAIAANCE. Except as ath9rwir,e provlded in thts Oaed of Trust,7nistar slwli pay to Londnr NI amau�sccured by thb Qeed �: <br /> of Tntst es Ihey becomo due,and shall at�eUy nnd In a Umety manner porform ail of Trustors obAduBsns under tRe Note,this De�d of T�us►.ctr�d fho �_,V. <br /> _t.,. <br /> ,,;, Re�atc3d DoCUmeMS. '''� <br /> d <br /> L�'.. <br /> ' �'�� POSSESSIQN APtD MAINTENANCE OF THE PROP�RTY. Trustor 8grees that TruOtors possess�on and uso ot tha Proparly shaU Ae gov�by -5__ <br /> �'� ., the Witowing provisior�s: ' �'•,'. <br /> ° p,a���n��, �t�,i the o�aurronco of uv�E�ant ot datault,Trustor may (n)romatn tn possor�sion and conVO1 ot tho Proparly, (b)usn, (,I.�;:r; <br /> : operete ar manage tt�e PsaPmtY�and (e)coUeot arry Rer�b trom the ProP�Y• „:_: <br /> `'�rF� � . .;�,,,.� Ot�ty to���t. 7�ar sta�7 malntein tha P►opery tn tenantnble eortdtUOn and promP�y Porto�n ati cC�x�,replaoements,aM mairttur►ance <br /> ,,t necessary ts Cte:terve its va.'ue. �,--V,= <br /> .��, He�erdous�Subat�nces. Trtaa terms'4�amrdous weste."'has�udous substance;'dispose�:'Yetea,o'c+rt�'".ruaatened uwd t�this �;,,. <br /> Oeed of Trust,shnil have iha snme meantn�s as�e►twth In the Comprehensivo 8rnironmentat Respnnse,Comp�nsadon.and Liabll�ty Ae1 ot E'::- <br /> �,.�", •� � t980,ss amunded,42 U.5.C.Seadon 9601,ot sep,("�ERdl►9.tho SuPerfund Amendmenb and ReuuthwlmUon Acc41011988, Pub.L-No. _ <br />_ ;�:;:,,.` gg.dgg("SARN'.the Hamrdous MsteriNs Transpalatton Act,49 U.S.C.Sactton seq.,the Resouree Cor�cmratim and R .. _- <br /> �� 42 U.S.C.SD�llan seq.,or other epplicabte Gtate or Fsderat Iaw�,�ulos,a regusUons adopted pursuant to any of the toregol � - <br /> � � terms 9�rdous waste'snd"hezardous substa�oe ehaA atso indudo,wrlt�out Amtffitton,pehot9um and petroteum by�produats orar►y ,, <br /> ,..', �:; tt�eroat ana asbestos. 'irustor ray;sser�ts snd s73tra�t��to l�nMr 1nnh. (a�oaring the Qertad N Trustors ownerahlp of ttre P�ope�ty,ihero <br /> -,+i:1,�� been no u?s,9eneraBon,mnnutaature.atorage.trealrrtoeL dlsD���a or threa4ened rel�ase ot any hamr4ous waste ar sutstano�bfr a�Y <br /> ";�, ' rson on,under,atoul or 4rom the PropaAy; (b)Trustor has no knowledga of,or reasan to beiteve that the�e has boen,except as prevtousty <br /> '''t'�"i�� ' d�closod to und acknowiodged bY�ndor In w�fiirg, p)any usa.goneraUan,manufactvra,atoraqe,treatment,�or ttreatoned -__- <br />=:������;�. <br /> 4��•���' relsasa of any hamrdous wa51e or substanae on.undor.eboat or hom the Propady by a�y�ownera or o�ct es� revlousry d�osed to�Rnd �=-°. <br /> � aetuai or threate�d Iitlgatlon a Gafms ot any klnd by any person refi►ttrag to sueh maflers;xnd (o)Excep P <br /> . ��'i acknowlo�lpud by Lender in wdtlng, (i)nniihe►Trusta nor anr tenani,conUactur.89ent or oitl8r at��hai+aod user ot ih0 Prope�ty s►tA3�sa� <br /> "'��l�•� ganerate.manulacture.stare,heaL di�P������fl^y�dous wasie or substance on,umler,p0yU1 a trom thfl Propodf►and �)any <br /> •• � sw:b ncUvity shall bo cond�oted In compmanoe with aq appltcabie tederal.state,and toaet lawa,rtrQWatlons and ordlnanoes.Mdu61nD w111aut � <br /> Iimttatlon lhose laws,reDulaUOns.and a�dlnances destdDod ebovo. T�ustor autho�s Lenda and ib agerds to entor upo»tha Pr�ry�o <br /> mako cueh inspeottons and tesb,at Trustors oxpense�as�ender maY doem eppropriato to detarmins complianco o!the Propcxt�r <br /> ;'' � cocSon o}ihe Qe�d of Tros� Any tnspecUons or tesls made by Londar shell bo for i.�onde�s purp�e3 only and sht►tl not be cwnstrued to txeate <br /> ,,. nny respoaslbAity m IlabUlly on the paet e1�ender to Tnutor or ta any othcr porson. Tho reAresor�tlons nnd warrentivs conteinod hetetn are <br /> � U�.' bnsed orf Ynrstor3 due dulgencu In Invos'Ugating tho ProporlY fa henrdous�vasto and harardous substeneos. TNSta hereby(a)relea.sess end <br />=r,,,,,,,w P,. waives any tutta'e claims egNnst lender iar IndermNY or conMbutlon In iho Pvent Trustor beaorr�es liabla for oteanup or other costs undEx eny <br /> such laws.and (b�agrees to Indemnity and hdd harmtess Lender agelnsi nny and all ciaims.lossos.IIabl�tie9,damaye9,Ren9ttles,end <br />;;:k ;;r.�:;;;,,�, � exQsnsc�s whlch Lender may directly or Indtreotly sttstain a suNer resulUng hom a brettch of ihfs sectioo ot the Oeed ot Trust a es a <br /> consequsna►of any use,genemNon,manufaaturo,stcrape.d�sposel,release a threatened retease ot a haxardous waste or cubsfarxs on the <br /> .` '�' � � '"� , properBes. The provtslons ot this soction of the Qeed ot Trust,induding the obCeAtian to IndemNry� shett suMve 9Te�payment of the =,, <br /> e <br /> �• •,� -' indebtedness and the snt�faadon and recomreyenoo ot lho Ilon o!Ihfs Qeed of Tnist anA shall nat be atfeoted by lertder's acqt�sltloa of any �r:+._ <br /> . :...� . ,.,_ ! interest Ir�tho Propedf+.whethar by toroclosuro or olherwlse. t oi or v�asta en¢rr!a Ihe <br /> Nuleanea,Wasie. Trusta shall not ca�o,condud or D���+�^Y nuK..anco Ror commtl,p6tmN,or su4.�u nnY striPP�8 � <br /> L�;�� • <br /> � ProA�f►or any poAlon ot the ProPert�'. VYBhout Mrttlng tha 9CntxAblY ot ihF�toregoing.7eixltor wiil nol retttovo.or 9rflnt to eIAY ofl�r P�k+ih0 �„_. <br /> _ �ght to removo.any tlmbar,minerels(Including an eed gas),sdl,grevtrl a roak products without lho prla'wr�tten co�rrt ol Lxndot. ii',_;;- <br /> � Renavel mt improvemenio. Tnista shell not demoitsh or romove any imProvornpnts trom Me Rea!Properiy wit�►°ut me prta wrttten eonsertt �.� <br /> .,_ oi��_-. �;;cant.'!'ca ta ths r�m^==��t�.Ry knp!!�!'�!'"ta,t.�edar may rn4uire Tnistor to make arrangamenb saUsiactoy to Lender to <br /> u:�.�:.�::.:�sr ��p;,�„h Irr�p►o�mmmants with tmprov�ments of at teasi e�luei vutus. _ <br /> :-��`.�'' . �cnan'a iU�i to Fntar. lender and its agents artal ropresontatives may entar upon the Reat Properly at M roasonatde Ume�to�na 10 ^,_ <br />»�i`'�,k. "�-" Lettder9 Intere3fs eed Qo inspeCt the Propotl�l tor pu�e�fls�2 Trustore�omptit�nCO w[th 1he tr3ttns and Condittor�s o!this Deed Ot Tntst �„_ <br />_�,�"i��. with aD lawa�ardtnana�s.and regutatlons��ow or hereaR�r tn ��.: <br /> ��„�. �:� ComWlaace wttA Qovxrnmantd R�Autremcnta Tnistor shal1 promptty eomA1y <br />- s:. etfcxS,ot e0 govemmentAl e�dhorittos npPltcabte W the use a occuAancy of the ProFe+tf�• Tnnta�u►�long as Tn�stor ha9 noIlfied Lo der -- <br /> ' ' , ,"Qr erdinatue.ot r89ulaUon nnd withhold comA►la�e duKng ony prooeedtng,lnetuding eyPropdate appe2s. _ <br /> •'� U wrlUng p�lot to doi�so nrtd so lo�as,in Lendars solo oPlnton,Leailtx's Interesis In the PropExtSt&�tt aot jaopatdiffid• Lendor m3Y�4� <br /> Trustw to post Gdequato securib or n surely bor+d,reasonubty sati,�ctory to Lender,to protect Lendcr's tnte�vst � _ <br /> - ' Cuty to Prote�t. T�ustar egre�s�e�lhc►to abandon nor loaw unattcndod tho P+opertlr• Tnstor ohal{do ull�ott�e�in additlon to thoso acts °� <br /> sot tath abovo In iNs s�on,whtoh hom tho cl�amotar and uso at th9 Proporty am�:sII�ably�000s�ry to�!n n�p�oservo tho PropcxtY• ,,„ <br /> W�ON BAL�-COtiSEMT BY LFNDEA. Lendar maY�at Ib oPti�.dednre fmn�e6latny dua and payc�lbb at!aums:�cia�d 8y tKS Oaed W Tnist �_+: <br /> - upoa tho e2to a transter�wttAoul tho Lond�ts PAar wdtten co�ent,ot eN a any part of tM�R9a1 ProDeAY.or any�nterest ln tht�Rna!Property. A `•� <br /> ��k�er trenster means the comraYanoo of Real Propedq or enY dOM.tltle a Into�e3t thetetn;whetha tepat�benoiidel a oquttabb:whether volur�ary ,_ <br /> - _ -- - pr Invotur�UuY:wh¢ther OUa co9ntra�or b�y�sulo�issslgnment,a�transferROt�nny bo fldnl IM�rest i�n or t�ny�ian Mut hWding titlo t�o t�tmt Rnal � <br /> thra�(83 Ye�•la�so"°p <br /> PropeAy,a bY enY otha matAOd ot convuyarao a!paJ Propcxhr Interes� tf any Trustor Is a caporatlon,paRr�ershtp ar um►tad N.n��ry compa^1. , <br />- . . Intm'osts or ltmttod(febUity <br /> _-_____— ero�.n�ra tndudr�s em chango in ownersh of maro than MreMy-tivo pc�cont(2L96)of tho volln stodc,purtn�rshlp .' � <br /> � --- � . <br /> -w..�..�.te.u c1u�r��.s=1s ntollihilIId bY.tBdQB� "� <br />- - - . u CORIpafl�l 1f1�Qf8S�S�4.4�h0 CfiSO RL1�1 D0�OT TtUStOt. �ef�ii��7 oFovn�i�ion w v:.o�..:......i�..�.----- - - . <br /> - law or by WeDreska taw. •.. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. Tho fott4wlr►g provislorts ro4�Un9 to the toxag artd Ibns on the Propc�tY ere a P��this Ooca o1 Trust. <br /> � . ,• payment. Trustor sAaU pay whon d�a(and In et o�n►s pda tn Cnlirtquanol9 at taxes�sPOCtN ts�ms,os�essrteat�b,ehiugcss ltndudinp.wator <br /> .- and rawer).ttr�es an�Impasillons bvtod aSa►rr3t or on T�a �cnaN mat+►�tat���d shall���cens haN�tms tor o�r ar�oque!to the " ,� <br /> sc3rwogs rendarad a matcrlsl tumtsl+ed to tho ProD�. a� Drta1�1�� <br /> � Intdrost of Lortdnr unQer this Oaed o}Tru�t,excnDt ta►the llen o!tezes and essessn�en nat due,mccopt tar tho cndsttng fndeLtadnox►rota►ad <br /> to bolew.an0 mxcept es othonylso Rroddod In thls Qeed ol TnisR <br /> Rt�t To Contest.Tnisto►m�Y wnhhotd PaY��at nn�r tax, "e�s3m°nt,°r cta►m In connncUOn witA n good faltA A�uto oror lAe obSl�aUor► <br /> to tong as lendor e In'prost ln 4ho P►opaM�nm MoO��. It a IMn eAr,es or Is filnd es a rosult of nory7aymcmt.Tn�tor Qh3D withtn <br /> " fiRaen(16I days eROr 1ho tlen ortaos or.U s lton IS Atod,wiihin BZa¢n(16)dnys aRer Trusta has notbo of the�tng,soeuro tho d)sc�aR�of Itre <br /> - .. � qon,a�It requa3te0 by lenda.doAosit wlth lan0er ash tt� �n1��c�thst o O�aeeruo as n mSUtltof�oredosure a�ea►o <br /> flntoun4 4uf�Ch►n9 to d1;Ch8rg�ttto IfBn plu9 u�y Co3t3 n d ci y9' <br /> ,. �� „ � . <br /> _ . • , � <br /> �p ...__._,...... _._�__..�-•° --- -_ � <br />