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zt��i �� '• ;�"o� . r••'�" . . {�• �I��e(,� SiA���ti��r{� . <br /> . .-� _ " . r ` x 1 <br /> •., � <br /> . .. � . <br /> .� � � •� . -: I f- :. <br /> �• .i . . � ' ' . �j17u`l i�i r_..Nt.--- <br /> '�.. .. ' ... .. ' ""-�. ' _. .- . . . � -�� .-- -._---�- <br /> L_:��_�..::..r:� 93 �.�n��s <br /> � , - <br /> �. Nwrd or propaty Ip�uduioe. Arnrnwm dtNll keep tbe (mpmvemeni� now euluing or hen�Rer e�octod on tGe <br /> Propeny inwrod��inc1 la�w hy Qro� luir.��dw includat w�thin�ho tern�'exteoded covenge'�nd any ahcr hrzw+ds. includin� <br /> - -- tloads or Quodln�. for which I.ondor roquiro� i�Futanuc.'Fbi�inwmtayc siwli tx nz�hu�inixl in Ihe�n�uunis wnd for the perfoda <br /> tlW I.e�der roquiros. Tho Inw�nce c�n{er pmvklinR Ihe Inw��e riwll I+e ch�n�en by Borrower subjoct ta l.ender'�uppraval <br /> �r which sfwll not be unnea:ntwMly wUhibki, If R�unnver CuNr a► nudnain rnver�ge doscdbod ahove. l.endtr n►�y. w L.eMer's <br /> option.�Main eaver�o m pmtoct l.on�er•�riytlur in Ihc Nn�hy in wc��Juncc witA pu�agraph 7. <br /> All imwnutoe pc�lklea wd �enowwlw rhall t�e+�cccpwl►Ic �u l�nckr and �fwll lnclude a atandaM mortgage cluuse. Lender <br /> chwll lurve the�l�ht to hnld tho pc�Uoiew wnd rcnewal�.If Laiwle�roquina,Bomuwer shail promptly give to Lender�II rcceipts af <br /> - - paid prrmium!+and renew�l nnticeo.In tho evoM��f Miw.Hnrmwcr�hall�ivo pmmpt a►tice oo�he inswrancx carrler and L.aider. <br /> -_.;.�.�� <br /> ' Lender m�y make pmaf af loa if nM m�do pnwnplly by d�n►wor. <br /> -- Unless Lender And Bnrmwer Mharw{ro++�roo in wrilln�,inruruxro pnK�oodr�iwll tio appticx!ta rcstoration or re{wir of the <br /> _ Pmpotty dpnwged.if iho matamtion o�ro�lr i�aYnwanlc�lly fawlMo wM! I,cn�ler'r Aecurity is noc fessened.If thc restarotion or , <br />- -�— r�epair is nnt aonomi�;ally fwiriblo nr I.omfer'r rauri�y wau1J bo Inuenal.�he insurance proceais ni�it bc Appliod to�he sums <br /> _- - - securod by �biR Secu�ily Instn�mcnl, whethcr or ncN Ihon dur, wilh ony execsr pwid ta Barmwer. If�aRawer abundans the <br /> _�;��,�.���,�,;�; Pmpeny,or doex not anewe�wUhin 30 d�yr a nwi�n from Lemlcr�hw!1�In�utwxr��Mer has affererl to setUe A cla)m,then _ <br /> .'�"°�:;:°'~:"'"�'�'� L.eodier mAy collxt the inRUmnca proco�dr. Lc�der may uw�he��xaal� �o rcpair or res�aro ihe Propert� or to pay sums <br /> '�___=;�'�sM,��'`v�''��� cecurod by thio Secu�lly Insl�unknt,whether a��x►t Ihen duo.The 30-d�y pe�i�xl will be�in whon the nutice is given. <br /> - - ----�:a`='-•':.,. �� T ��. Unlesa Lende�and �ormwcr othenviRe A�rcc in w�tin�. �ny appli�titi�M ��f pn+coeds ta principsl shall nnt extend ar <br /> .::�„�;�;� <br /> �:_;�_E�,�;;�2 � postpone the due date oP tha moMhlY paYmc�l4 rcfemed �o in p���MK 1 unJ 2 or clwny{a the amaunt of the payments. If <br />;,«.;��`.. i <br />::;.::��.��:r�: urder paragrnph 21 �he Property is siccquired by Lende�. Barrowc�'r�iyht tu any in�urance pnlicic�s und proceeds resulting fmm <br /> `""'!�"``��`°"' � dw�ge�o tha P�operty prlar 10 the Acquiaition�hdl pw�to L�ende�w Ihe extent o61hc sums sxurod by thio Secudty Instrument <br /> :�iA�■C.��u"' <br />__Y�;�h;�j y in�dialaly pri�x oo�Q�e Acquiaition. - <br /> �:i,l�i�+��r, 6.Qtctijtatsc'y. �.,:,is'AtlaR.ttalntessatttr atst!Pe'atretla!ott!!e Pe�tert7! l��rtr+wK'r I�wn A�ydtcatfwr.;aeac�t�ulds. <br /> ��:�tC Bomower shall accupy.eswbNsh.and ure 1he Ptope„y as Bormwer'a prinripul rcMWetke wi�hin sizty duys uller 0�'�e�eR�cwu3on af <br />' 1�� <br /> �,r'_ _►�' �his 3ecurity Instrnment and shall continue to �xcupy�he Prapeny ux B��m�wcr'h prinripul �esWence Yor ut te�,�c�a�ne Jea�r af¢�es• - <br /> ' the date of aocupancy.unlesa L.endc�otherwiRe agroes in writina. wMch�Km�M�Iwll r�N(x unrea�anQbly wiclhi�eld,or wa�Ce:c <br />:._� '' - <br /> cxtcnuaHng cfrcumslanccs cxiat which arc bcyund Bc�rrawcr'x cnntail. &�rrowc� xh�ll n�N dc�tmy, dartuig< ,�r smg�ais tDk <br /> P�upo�ty.allaw ihe Property to dete�iorate. or rnmmit wusle on thc Pmperty. Burn►wc► s+lwll be in defauU iB aso� forfeituro <br /> � action or pmooeding, whethcr civil o�c�iminal, iR begun�Iwt in l.cncler'x ga�l fuilh juJ�mcnl��nuld rexult in fiiQf�i�ure of the - <br /> '- ; Pmpeny or othcrwisc moterially impair ihe 11en created by Ihi*Socurl�y Inswmcnt or L.c�wlcr'x r�cou�ity interes�.�c►rnc�wer may - <br /> •r'' cu�c�uch a dcfault and�cinatate,ua providal in pa�Qroph I8,hy cauxfn�the ur�i�m or pnxcaling to bc dismissod�m:h u ruling <br /> u u <br /> t• .;ti ttwt, io l,endcr's determi�wtion, precludes f�rPeiwrc ��f�hc Bom►wcr'K imc►eF� in thc Pmpeny o�othei�aterial <br /> '-�--��•:,� <br /> ;�-. ° •.� _; , isnpafrnic�i of thc licn rrratr�by this Srnsrfty !nslnssnen! or l.s�xkr'�ari.�ur!!y lnlcn�. &ermwcr sha!! alsu be in default �f _. <br /> .:���. ''. �f Bomnwer,du�in�the lo�ui applicution pnx�cus.gave mutcriWlly fulxc ur inu�curutc inG�rn�utlun ur Mutcnknts to L.ender(or fafled <br />'�y1f. � t� to provide I.ender wfth any mote�ful infarnwtionl in connr�tion wi�h dk I�wn evidcnr�d by Ihe N�►lu,including,but not limitod = <br /> �""' ��t to,apresenw�ions corkYrning B�rn�wer's occupanry of�hc Pmpcny a.�u prinripul rcriJcnue.If thiti Sktiurfty tnstn�ment is on a ° <br /> ,�, _ <br /> �- � � leasehold. Borrower sl�ll comply with dl ti�e pr�wir�ianx uf ihc Icu�c. II' &�rrawcr ui,�yui�c� 1'oe �fU� to thc Propeny. the " <br /> � Iraschold und the fee title shall not mergc unte�.i..rn!:r s� tltr es�rgrr fs:ti:�rftink. _ <br /> YKS� ..:� I = <br /> ., 7.Prwation of I.ender's Rights In lhe PropMy.If W►rn►wcr fuil+��u�x�fi�rm Iho�Ywanunlh und uprocments cbntainelJ an <br /> '•.: I this Security InstnirnBnt,ar there is u legul pnKee�ling �hu� nwy rignilicunUy kl'f�ti� l.end��r'h rfghlti in�hr Pmperty(such3u a _ <br />_ ����, proceeding in bankruptcy,pn�bate, for c�ndernnutian i�r fi►rfeiturc or�n rnli�rce luwti or roµululiuu�l. lhen l.e�xfer muy do�,cd <br /> _ ' •'-•>:,,. ' � pay for whatever is necessory w protect the vulue of�he Pra�xny unJ l.��rkr'� righ�ti bi Ihe pn��rty. l.eiwler's uctions may <br />�-- i • '.,' i_,.;M '• include payfng any sumw sec�urtxl by u lien which hu.� priari�y uver Ihi� S�YU�i�y In�lrunk�n�. up�xuring in cnun, puying - <br />-"� �'F''`r '� � ., neasorwble attomeys' fees ond enterin�on thc P�aperty tu makc rcpuin.Ahiwu�{h l.cmkt ntuy luke+wUun uixler this pwra�rnph <br />"'`� �''� 1' 7.Lxnder daes not heve to do sn. <br /> .,�:,�, _ <br /> ,�'�+=��` Any cimounts disbunKxl by l.emicr under thi.r paagraph 7 �hull h�.�.unk wulili�nul doM ol' li��rn�wcr scrured k►} nc�� - <br /> `:��' „ �a � 6ecu�ity In.strument. Unless Bar�wer und LenJnr ugrce t��other Irmr ul'�wYnknl, �he.�unNwm, ,Iwll hr�r intercst rr.� - <br /> cl�te af disbursemen� ut thc Nrne rnte unJ rhall be puyublc. with fn�rre�:�, u�m iwake 1'r�►m lA�xkr�u Bon+nwer requesting ; <br />.�_�. payment. - <br />-_:,:��,�:: _� 8.Mortgage Ins��nce.If Ixndcr rryuinrl nx►nguge in�uaukc u.u�a�xli�i�m al'nwl�ing tl�e I�wn+��aunr!hy thix Security _ <br />__� � � �Dnsttument. Borrower sholl puy the premium�c reyulrcJ lu muintuin thr nwh�tupc inw�wwe in etli�cl. If, li�r uny reaKm, the _.. <br /> ; "— tnottgnge insurance coverage tequired by I.en�rr lup�es nr ceuk+ ���ix fo ell'�w�, ti��rruw•��r.ludl puy ilk premiumx rcyuire�l to <br /> '�- �l , ���,• M�tuin coverage substantiolly equivalen�a�tlk mnrtgugc inauruncc in elf�v�, +d ,�cu�� �uh,tamiully��uivplent �o the = <br /> :._��' �, ��. ��:; .,. . <br />_ ; Y r�i,,;.,, coat to Borrawer of the mongage insur,�n��e prevKwxly in c1�cc1, fnmi un ullrma�r nHmµu�t�� inwt►�r uM+nw�ti! by LcnJer. If �" <br /> �u,,,,. ,,�:.; subslantially equivulent murtgage insuran���w•vcr.�Fc is nut uvuiluMc. f��rraw�r.hull puv�u�ler�wh nM�nlh cyuul tu = <br /> „�:•.� ,_ <br /> `��`• ' �4��R��•,,�' � one-twelflh of the earl muh a e inwr�nre rem�um hcin aiJ h &►rr��wcr whcn Ihe w�uruuc�r�n�ru � In +nl�►r ccu.r��l to <br />':',.;:+� , .I�^.• �,.'"'`�''�(' Y Y R 8 P 8 p � Y R' P <br /> ,,,,.} + <br />`:;';�C' .:�t•'�,,}� ••:��r;" be io effect. l.e�der will accept.use ond�tuin�he:K puyn�nt.r ur� o la.. r� Ileu �H nM�n�uyt.� IIMIIfAIk�. Lu�� r�krve <br /> . i`.1�3�.>i�;;����� � _ <br /> .•' a{`fc:b.'J �pll�i01� YIYO - <br />• :n: �,;=_ ,1 :. <br /> �'� y��,!r�+.'r{.}��µ` ,,�,r P�ya 3 0l E _ <br /> , ,'f t.. <br /> %:'.;'1.: • .�� ��:��nyi�'tii�. _ <br /> . �t 1,f.' r� 1 <br /> q.���,�� � •�If�f� p���"4�+•� � - <br /> K� ,. , �, <br /> � rrt����+'�"�y7 � � <br /> r4` i�, �J � �1� , • iT,-�.YS:tblarl2tfA1RAM'Li��.1':..� '•IDFuZ.x!::�:.2"_�1"y'.71�_" " _ <br /> �tid� �'�A��<�+2.1n��,��q�' �. •t .,�;..-;���.� .-�-;r.r=..a---• . _.�_.,.-. -' �--- — _ .. - --`_..st_ <br /> �lCh�� i�'Y`��Kf�J .TJy� . � „���1 ���:..:��'.�i � +� ii'1h '�rw w�� �� '�Y�iy.r <br /> }� 4 �.�.yy�f�'F} .�.y, �1�: x, , , ' .e. . " ' '�� d <br /> � �./i�t '�ai j�•.� � �b .i�\v":r;;• . . .T . . .�� x� - - -'- �4."�v.r.�2 <br /> !'.� '-L ~� �l4't'l:¢ttr}!i rR ,��� ��� . '�� . . . (-�1 l7 � ,r� S_� <br /> � ibi;;'.`� � •'�}�cSt• �r.t+,� .,i��t��v t'- .7._ .�t._ � ��,`'��. �•. <br />.�_-- ____ . _ _t:, . _._ '�� _.—.." r .r .' . . ._'-,.._ __ '..__�_ .,, i _ _ ' _:"' —_'—_'__ -T _ - - __ <br /> �m�a-�---- --,.- T-- f, <br /> ,y � <br /> ; 1��i��,�..�,k G��q t', S{��,-� _, • . . :��'.�• <br /> 2�r����'t^t t�t.r��f � �'.���tF� ,,� ' <br /> � ' i s,��v�~���54 �L.� j� � ;� , ' . . . . , <br /> . •. p� k�,t) p� ��r •P, y^ ' .' , , . , . <br /> .4r. �,� t -1{t���1 i1 t`(��,V L i' Z f .i �`ll'.\.. :l,r.�- � . � ' . - � . .. - ' . � .., ,i . <br /> i, �.�� 4��J1�'R ����tt�+Y _ FI -� r��''. .,�'• ' - ti. , . . . � .. .. <br /> Y_ . �-� �«l�+ti �� r�l`�`/ �.�/������ , . .� .� . � . . .. � .. ' .. � , ' . <br /> :��,.,�'�.•r� t�,��, ���., t �} :_. <br /> .ry���� �t ,;�t :�r1'.r�,Af:y , , . <br /> �`�+�,�t, "�4.:,�� � ,��'���, � .i . . ' . , ' � .. <br /> `af3d1 ` .}�,. ��"����1'�4�r 1 � , . . ' , � . <br /> �, ,,. 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