.J , xR ,��_;;. . ` '��)��':i�". m♦ -__��� _
<br /> �-',� •. ' . 1..��^ . . _.
<br /> . f: � . M., r ' � ' _-.�+
<br /> 1L .r •��rj-. - ' . ..�.��1'•, _
<br /> .
<br /> " .P� 1 . . --..._ '���-- -.
<br /> 1. . . ..� . .:_____ _.--_-_..__
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<br /> � 7�Of]E�7'�IBR WITH dl�he impmvementa nnw ar henaAcr eroctal an the propeAy.i�ind��ll eue�I�c.�dwnoa.ad
<br /> I flxtuna now or he�eafier a p�rt oi �he ProperlY. All rcplwoemen�� wnd Additions dudl alco bo cavo�od by thi� 8ecu�ity
<br /> Uatroment.All of 1he farcgoing ls refened lo in this Secudty Inslrument a�the"PropeMy.•
<br /> BORROWER COV6NAN7'S1 ihat Barrov►w Is I�wfblly reined af the estate hercby uanvoyod and iw�the rl�ht ta anuU�nd
<br /> ' oanvoy the Pro�erty uid that�he Pmpehy iR unrncumberod. exocpt for encumbrmc.�es of rovrnd. 8ornawer wu�w� +ud will
<br /> defend gcneally Ihe title to the ProperlY i►g�incl xll cl�ims nnd dem�nds.bubjoc�to ony en¢umb��er af trc�Kd.
<br /> _ THIS SECURITY INS7RUMENT uombines uoiform rnvenant�far nationwl use iud non-unUarm covenants wilh litniled
<br /> � vari�tlo�by Judidk1ion to oon:Ututo a unifarm cocu�ity inctrnment cavering real property.
<br /> "---- - -- UNIFUKM 4`OV�NANTS.Harn►war aral i.ender covetwnt and u�roc+u.fult�wb: -
<br /> ..,;-� - 1. Pl�ymeM o�PrindpN u�d IptenWi P�'�Iw9ma�t wnd I.wte Ch�ry{a+. earmwer �hwll promM�Y PAY alien due the. `_
<br />_,,;ti, I princlpal of and intemst on thc debt evidenad by tho Note end any p�paymeo�And late charges duo un�le�the Nate.
<br /> 2. E�ada for Tpaes pnd!�.Subject to applicable law or ta a writlen wAiver By I.ende�. Borrawer alwll pay to
<br /> I.ender on the day monthly payments aro due under the Nate.until the Note is paid in PoII.a sum("Funds")far:(a1 yearly taxes
<br /> — uid as.cessments which mAy a�lain priority over lhis Secu�ity Instnimeat ns a lien on the P�opcny;(b►yea�ly leasehald payments
<br /> � ; or ground nerrs oa tAe H+operiy,if Any;(c)yen�ly hszuM or property insuranoe prcmiums; (d)yearly ilaad insumnce pnmiums.
<br />--_ --- � ii any:(e)ywrty mo�tgage E�uranco premiums. if�ny:and(�any sums puyablo by Borrower lo L.ender. in accordence with v =
<br /> ,Ihe provisionr oi pacag��,in lieu of the paymea�ot mongage insumnce premiwns.Tf�ese itoma a►e callal "Escrow Items.' -
<br />_ _ . - i ' Lc�ader may,at any time, .rnllect su�d hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed th maximum amount a lender for u federally -
<br />-'r��{� ��Meiated morrgage(c�an may roquirc fw Botrow+er's escc�w eccount under the fedeM Reai F.state Se�dement Pracedu�es Act af -
<br />-`F`�� � 1974 as amzn;3�:�i�from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section Z601 �r seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that appNas to thc Funds
<br /> ;�,;.�. a
<br /> �:'s sets a lesser a�ea�unt. If,x�, Lender may. �t any timc, rnllact arid hc�id Funds in�n anwunt not to excend�he lesscr amount. �
<br />_�'` - .. .;� I L.ender ma�r eatiardte Ihe atnnum of Fw�ds due ore th�.�aslv of current droa swd reos�amble ealimates of e�cpendiwrcrc�of fl�tur�e o _-
<br /> `" '�_::,, � Esc�ow items ar otQrrwd�r in arcordance with aPPlicah:e law. `=�`-.
<br /> �a:i:� — t�;=`
<br /> ���m � The Fw�ds,st�alt be heid in aee ;a.a�tulion whc►se deposits are insurod by a federul a�ency, instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> 1,} "°�;�"�iks�: (including I.eaw+1cr,if Lender is such�:,i�es��tution)ar in any Fedeial Home Loan Bonk.Lender.ha�l apply the Fuods to pay the ��
<br />�--'°�'-=-• ���� Escrow ltems. �::�vrkr ma not c e Barrawer for holdin and I ia the Fuads, annuall anal zin the essraw asrauou,or
<br />==:4; -;,;r�,wiif � ' Y �8 8 aPP Y B Y Y B
<br />: �; ns��y4� verlfying the Escmw Items,unless lxnder pays Bo�rower interest on the Funds amKi applicable law permits I..ender to naake such ^
<br />'�"� :`�``;��,:{s p charge. However.L.ender may require Barmwer t�pay a one-time charge far um independent rcal estate tax seporlir�service
<br /> ' " � used by Lender in rnnnection with thls loan, unless applicable law provides ahenviice. Unless an agmement ix muck or i'
<br />-- applic�able law rcquircs intcre.st to be pa3,d,l.ender ahall not be requiQaJ to pay Borrowcr any iMerest or earni�gs on the Fun��s. _
<br /> --°' � Borrower and Lender may agree in wdair�g,hawever.that interest.r•'ha0 bc paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bortower.
<br />-•H I
<br /> t sr for which cach -
<br /> - wltlaut c e, on annua� accountin O�lII�FUIIdA showin crcdits and debfls o the Funds and the
<br /> �8 8 • B Pu�
<br />:��z '� I debit to the Funds was m�de.The Punds are pledged ns additianal securlry fo�.ui1 swns secured by this Security]nstrument.
<br /> '• ' If the Funds held by�.ender excetd tfie amouna;permitted to be held by ap�firable law, L.ender shall account to Borrower ��.
<br /> �� ' I for 1he eacesa Fundg ia�accordence wi17� �he requirements of applicaWe law. If the amount af tfie F�Lnds held by I.ender at any --
<br />- . ..T�r''h
<br /> ' � � "��� � time is nw�uf�Fi:ven��o pny the Escruw lRems when due,l.ender ma� sa notify Borrower in writin_,and.in such caso Burrotiver
<br /> � �,�: , ` i
<br /> ,�_•.., ,: � '�;si.t shall pay ta i.ender the umount necessary to make up the deflciency. Borruwer slwll mulce up the deficiency In no moro tfian �"
<br /> ' ��r'- payments, at l.ender's sole discretion. '°''�'_�
<br /> . �, twelve monthly
<br /> _�•.! v (�'��� 4 �.r 4 Upon payment m IuQ1 ot all sums secured by th�s secunty Instrument, L.endcr shall promptly re�und to borrowcr a��y `
<br />-.--_ ' � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragmph 21, l.ender shull ucyuire or scU the Property,l.ender,prior to�he arquisition or sale -
<br />�� ���"• ��;1'�''��+- of the Property,shall npply any Funds held by l.ender at the time af�yuisition�x.r•ale os o credi�egeinst the sums secured by �''--
<br /> ' '�>°��x�;'� � thie Securiry Instrument. ���r,.`�--
<br /> �� :;;., .. r''a�:��
<br /> .���;_r;� , . �r•-� 3.ApplicAtbn of PAwanents.Unle�s�pplicablc law provides athcrwiyc.ull paymcros recoived by Lencler under parugrephs �;�
<br /> � C, y �' � '��'�'� 1 and 2 shull be applied: �Fr.Y, to any prepayment charges due under the NMc; sernnd,to wnaunls payable under paregraph 2• `°
<br /> ,� � �„� r�s .fi� + . �r,,__
<br /> 5.;. �, �t1 �,�,:,,,� third.to interest due;fuurah,ta prinripal due;and lus�,to any lute charg�due under the Note. �Gt:
<br /> Sr�;1.�,� ¢,� ��,+�'��•<K��%; � . 4,Cliar.Rcs; I.kns. Botrower sha�1�ay all taxes,assessments,chnroes, finea wrxl impnsitions ariributoble to�he Ik�.*:�e�y -
<br /> _,.�!t:,t�ur ' �_�=
<br /> _;: ,;��;1y��� which muy attain priorUy over this Secu�ity Instrument, and leatichold payments nr ground rems, if any. Borrower sha10 pay
<br /> `�'m+t �;���,`.,. • these obligaiions in the manner provided In p;�rngrnph 2,or if not paid M thut ma�nar, &�rrower shbll pay t6�cm on time directly ,�:i
<br /> � � � � � to the person owed puyment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lxnder ull notice+��f mnounts to be paid undcr this purugraph. °
<br />" �f° �, • '4�M�.:�� If Borrov►�'r makes these pAyments directly,Borrower shull pmmptly furni+h to l.rndc�R�ciptx eviJencing the payments. ��_�
<br /> `:� ��' "t'�;;'� Borroa�r shnll promptly diticharge any licn which has priority over this Security Intitrurn�nt unlexs Borrower:(u)aRrees in �,.
<br />�'� � . :.�,A.:��.�:• writing to the payment of the oblig�tio��cured by the lien in u nwnner ucceptuMleio Lender.(b)cunte,ts in gaod fuith the lien �t;=
<br /> '�`� ?'� '� �;��;�;,_ by, or defends agufn+t enfoacment of Ihc lien in, Iegul pnk���Jing. which in �hc I.endcr'� apiniun operate to prevent the
<br /> � r� :�
<br />'.'i��E '; � '�";�•.•''� : enfot+cement of the lien;or(c)sewres from the h��lder of Ihc licn un ugr��ement �.�ii.fuc�ory tu I.cnder sutN+rdinating the lien to ?i"�
<br /> t��,�., ..<•-. • 't,: ,''
<br /> ! - this Security Instrument. 99�.ender determines tha� uny pan of�he Pro�x:hy is whject�o u lirn which muy auain priuriry �wer ,'„:
<br />- - ` '�"""' thia S�curity Ina�runxnt, l.etuier may �ivr&�rruwrr a uotirc iJrn�il'�iug thc lirn. &a«�wcr tif�all ,.�li,fy Ilic lico��r lukc one ur "'
<br /> 4 �7:�.� "�.SL'_'_:;'`'' , .
<br /> , . - - -�� �.;,�,, mnre of the actions set fonh above v►�ithin 10 days of thr givin�t ol nutice. ,,•
<br /> � �', ..�....�- .�,::
<br /> : �. �.w����: ,�`:�_� �.
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