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� ..L _+.. / .. yt:r:� Ay'��ih• ±�^�:�i •M!,�• <br /> . , <br /> .. �r� � � f �t; � � <br /> 4 <br /> ; ..�n .. 7 . � fP {)�° i•,� . it��:, /�F � �''�.' — . <br /> _ �.�i���-� <br /> ,'.._... ' llt��.Y Y . F.�� �t_� k . . . _ <br /> .'� ;�f�') � � . ... ----- ._ _._ <br /> I�� �� 93� 11��9 <br /> p�ymarw mry no longer��e QEC�vire�f.�a thc aption of l.cnder.if man�a�c inFUrnnco crncm�a(in u►e anxwat aid fM Ilw peiind <br /> Ih�t[.e�der roqui�t);praviidal by�insurer agpe�ovad by I.endcr ag�in bocamo��v�1l�ble �td i�abqinaf.Bc�mnw�er�II�II pY <br /> the pt+amiumn require�'t��•�a�aauhtuJ��m�origAgc iaix,��r,ce in effoct.or to ptovidc n Irnia reserve,umil the�equiremenl far anAp�a <br /> _ I�noe e�in a000r+ieanrr wi�sw,,}:writtin��aecmem betwaai 8arrowar and I.etNfer or eppii¢abk I�w. -- <br /> 9.Ln�pectlon. I.em'�kur rt�r ia> a�t mvy ntake rcaso�wble entries upon md incpecyionx nf the Prupeny. l.aider rbdl�ive <br /> Bottower noticc�t tho tieae�c�f or pr^or to an inspoctlon cpecifyln�rrasonable cause for�ha inrpeaio�. <br /> 10. Candan��t0oia, '�prorceds oi itny aw�+d or claim for danwges,diray or mnsa�uential. in c�nno��tian wilh �ny <br /> candemn�tion or other taku�af any��ut of th�Pmperty.or for ooaveyonce in lieu of oondann»Ilnn��ro Ikr�!►y acsi�nod aw: <br /> --� �Itwll ho paid to Lcnder. _-_. <br /> In!tw ovcM of a tptal �wking•�ti;t�he Pmperty.thG procoods shall be appliod to thc�umR racurod Ay�I�ix Yoeu�ity Inxlnimau. , <br />-, whcthor or not thcn due, w�¢Oa n�V ex�es.�pstid to Barrower. In�he evem ai a punial taki�g nf�he Pn►peny �n whh:h tho �►ir <br /> muket vQlue af thc Propc"�,y e.mlaiecl3.Atetly b�:Prn�the taking is equai 10 ar g►ralcr lhan�he +�nxwnt oP iha rumn havrod hy ihlw <br /> ' � Sdcurity Incuument inwnncJaa�t�0y+be�F�ae th��uk;,�.unless eorrower aad Ixnder�ihervvisc agroe io writinp,�he num���oruroJ hy <br /> - this Socu�ily (nslrumena shnJ� be euxluced bv c;�r wmount of�he proc�eds mulUplied by tAc fallawinp fracii�x�: (u) Ihe 1a1a1 <br /> -. - �tnount of tho sums secured imm�diute�y�fiefw�t the wking.divldod by (bl �he fai�markd value of�he Propcny immodlately _ <br /> befbrc the �aking. Any bs��uncc stuat;l be.��;3�,i�prrowe�. 1�the eveot of a pahi�l laking af the Propens in whirh the fpir <br /> � tn�ukq vxlue of thc Propeaty imrn�diute9y b�e�rz aihe taking is less tiwn lhe wnou�t of�be sums sa�urcd immafiMcly F�efi�ro�ho <br /> lafcin�.unless Borrowe�auxJ D.ender ot�raprvise at3�in wr�ling o�unless applicable luw ottienvise pmvida,lho proceods rlMll <br /> -= — be�ppNod lo tho�sums securet�by ihis Secar6��[u-�uument whether or aot thc surro mr�hen due. — <br /> ,�` If the Property is abai��cc�b� 8orrow�e�,nr if,after reotice by I.ende�to Borrower tOwt the rnndemiwr uf'f'ers ta nwbe wn — <br /> award ar renle a claim For d:unngns. &►a�owcr�ails to rcspand to l.enck� wiihin 30 days Afle�ihe date 1M aaice is Qiven. <br /> L.ettdcr is swtho�izcd to collcca urul r�+l}•�Cx prctix� its option.ekl�e�to��toratiun or rzpair oi the Praperty or w thc oiuwr -- <br /> — eecurod by thia Sacurity Instrss;ncn;,v:�scthc:or r.�;slscns due. � <br />- � Unlcss Lcndcr and Borrawer �otherwise �xee in writing, any applKalian of pruc�ls to principal sp;+ll nd extcad ur <br />= k�� ! po�tpane thc due date of the ma�nh;w }+avmen�ts�r�3'c�ted ta erc p�ragraphs 1 ar�d 2 ar change tlie anxwnt of�uch payments. <br /> A1.8nernw�er Not Rele�te�l;�arQae�raawe Q9y Leoder tiut a Waiver. Extea�ion��'thc iimc for p+yme�t or madiRauion <br /> �� af�twrti�tion oP thc sums sccuQav!i+y ahos Sec�uricv lnstrument grented b�•I.ender to pny succc.csur in iater.;s1 uf Rortowcr sl�I! � <br /> not operata to rclwce the liubllity aR't�e���rigitaa![ia,rrower or Borrower'�u�uttwsors in interesl. I.c�ler shall ncN be royuirod to <br /> ccmuncttre pnx�oedings uQainst any s�c�essor ir�vmter�t ar��rfuse to extend time for payment ar whenviae mudify amortiuuian <br /> - uf Ihe cumr cecurod by this SecuQ�ty 1ns�rument 1+!► �;�n oE uny demand made by the original Barn►wer ur Bornuwe�'s = <br />_-, <br />��; aucce�snr� in intcrc�t. Any forbe�rA�k�by i.ender i�exerc+sia�Any right or remedy shall not be a woiver uA'ur pro�lude the - <br /> exerciso of aoy�ight or remody. <br /> �`;--- - !2. Ss�res�r� siM Assl�ns Bs��x9:�01� � Ssti•cra7 Liatd9�t3•;���.Tlsa a�vs�sssts snd ag:xr.xssts of tl��S <br /> Security I�utrument stwll bind cmd bene�t t�e suti�:essorc urtcl assigns ot'[xnder suxl Br�rrower, wbject �o tlx pmviaiom of <br /> parograph 17. Bi►mower'� rnverwnts and agrecrn�enqc yhall bc ;oint and severul. Any Borrowcr who rn-signs thi� Securily — <br /> +• �� ;,:ir'. Instrunxnt lwl J�x�rxN cxecute the Note: (AD is casi�ning this Serurily Instrument anly to mongr�ge.grant und cunvey that -- <br /> . �,���:' ' Born�wer'x intcrc�t io the Pn�pcny under the�errr�s o;F t�i;Svcudly InstrumerN; Ib)is not penc►nally obligaled In p�y the suma <br /> .,,,,_„r' +Kr•unvl hy Ihi+►S�YUri�y Inurument:anJ(cl s�rrrc rhna p.encler;�nd any r���r Nnrn►wer m�y vgme d�exlend.mndify,fort+ea�ar — <br /> .,:1,�r� moke nny wa►mnN�luli�mf with regu�d�o thc tern�s.a1'�ihls Sccu�iay ln�tr�rt�nt or thc N�xe wi�huu�thut Bornnwer'x�ron►eM. — <br /> �' � �µr, 13.l.a�n(hary�rR. If the Inun securcd b�,tEr,�i,S�ecuriHy lncqsum�nt iz nubjecl t��a law which set+maaimum loan clwrges. � <br />_ ' u�xl thul luw i� linully inlerpreleJ x�that 1he iniernt o,-ether loan churges callected or lo be collecte�i in rnnne�tinn wilh the � <br />_ ,�,,.,. � loun excee�J�Ik perniiu��l limit..�h�:n:(al un+, surh lour+cha���sha�l be�educed by Ihe�r�xwnt neressary w redu��e the ch�ge `. <br />= '+ '�;;•,z,G tei the permitluJ limi�:anJ lhl nny �um�alrwc�1, xDerltd Srom 8om��wcr v►hich ex�r��ded permitted limits will be refundal to � <br />_ . &�ROwer. I.e�Wer nwy clxx►r�e to muke thiti r�f���«d fi} reducing 1he pnnc�pol uweJ under Ihe N�Kr or by muking a dinoct � <br />_ ' -+"'::� . puyment to Bnrn►wrr. II' u refund rcJu��c� pain��pu�l, ch� �eductinn w•ilt be �reu�cci as a pani�i prepayment wi�haut any � <br />:::,;:J; . <br />"-n� � ; ; �u�"`'g.�.'�` prepwyment clwrgc under�hc Nutc. � <br />�'`a��_ • �°° ���,,_. l4.NMltti.w. Any�xNice lo&►rmwer provi�led fo�;io this�ccurity� 9n�trument shall Ix: gi��en by delivering it ur by muiting � <br />--'' ' '�$°`"�'� it by linu dw�muil unlc��uppli�ablc luw reyuirrs use o1,�r mc�hod. The notfcc shall bc dircc�ed�o�he Pn►peny Mld�ss � <br /> .�,.. - <br /> ` ��r•• �•�`� ur uny other u�ldr�h. Bom►wer Jesignutes by �n;r:i:c to Lender. An} notic�to l.ender tihull bc given by first cluti� m�il to -- <br /> ". ' �""� " l.en�lc�x wlJrc�..l�tal Ikrcin ur ouy uthcr•rdJrrs,Le�ncler c�esignnte� h} :e�•iicc ta Bormv►�er. An}• nuticr provideJ for in this � <br /> . ., r._ . . <br /> ��rn;.. . <br />:��r,,r-r---�:aM�, Secu�lty In�In�nkat�hull iK d�rm��l ta have bccn giver�to B�rn•wcr or l,enu'tr when gi��en u,pro�iJ�KI in thia par��tr�ph. � . <br /> - IS•�iOYlfl1I11R IAW= Sl'YCfAIIIIII�'. This Sc��uriiy Inwniment shuW be guverneJ hy I'��leral luw unJ �he luw of the � <br />� ';� ''y �� juriedicti�m In whieh Ihc Nn►�xny j�:I�KUtcd. In thc evcn� �hut any� proviston ur cluusc��f thi.S�curity Instrument or the Nae � <br /> '�.4.s�. cc�nflict�with upplirLMc luw.�uch�ymllict xhall nut affe�i c�thrr proti•i>ian�or�hia S�YUrf�y In.�run�enr ur the Nixe which can he L <br />, ""r ,��„�,L Riven eff�tii wf�l�w� Uk�cunllir�lnk pnwi�i�m. Tu diis encl v�hc provi�iuns ni�hi�S�tiurily In+trunkr�a;uwi thc N�Kr aie decl�ri <br />