, .
<br /> , , � , ,
<br /> . �:,� .
<br /> . , ..
<br /> . _ _ _. ___ .
<br /> ---- - --
<br /> -- . ..... _,
<br /> : ._..._
<br /> . .
<br /> . ... .. ..._.... ___.
<br /> r.n..._�.�.rrt�ptA'f171�Y�:nr�r ... . .�r . � "'.'.._...."_."."'_'... ......... . .
<br /> _..._-.._......._._._.._...--_.�...._.. -.
<br /> � ..�..-......_.�.�...._-..-���_.�..__.'..___.v_..._'__.".n .
<br /> ' �� substuutiaQy equivnlent mortgugo i��surance cover ge is not avuilable.BaR�wer tiholl puy tu I.ender each month u sum equul to �
<br /> " onc•twcllih uf thc ycnrhJ mnrigoRc insurnncc prc�ium Ucing paid by Borrowcr when thc intiutanrc r��vcru�c lupycd or ccuscd t�� �
<br /> `� be iu effect.[.cuder will uccept,ues un�l retutn these pt�ym�nts ps u lasti reservc in lieu of nxN't�uge insurunee. L.u�s reserve �.
<br /> piiyntcnt�+mny nu lungcr bo rcquircd,nt ti�:optfon af l.endcr,if�nurtgngc insuruncc ravcrAgc tln thc umount and fi►r thc periwl �._
<br /> ` � thut l.cndcr rrquires)pr�wided by nn insurer uNproveJ by I.ender ugain bccomes uvuiinble und iti ohtaincd. 8orniwcr+huli puy —_
<br /> � thc premiums required to malntuim m�rtgngc insurnnce in effect,or toprovide a loss mservc, until thc rcyuircment fi►r m��rigugc �
<br /> insua►nce ends in urcorduncc wlth uny written ngrccment bet�vicen Bum�wer and 1.cnJer ar uppllcuble luw. _
<br /> 9. Inspcctton. l.ender ur itw ngenl muy make rcau►nuble entrics upon and ln�+pecti�m�: of the Pmperty. L.cnder shull give ��
<br /> Barrawer natice at the time af ar priar to an inspzctinn specifying reasonuble cuuse for the inspe�tian.
<br /> 10. Condem��ntton. 7he praceeds nf uny uward or claim for dumuIIe+, direct or cansequentiat, in connection with uny �
<br /> ° condemnutian ar other tuking of any pun��i the Pruperty, ur fi�r�unvey.�tncc in lieu nf ronciemnutiun, nre 0ereby u�,igned and �_-
<br /> '"'�' shutl bc patd to l.c��dcr.
<br />- �� --�� ln the cvent af a totut tnking af the Praperty,t he proc e c ds shail be a p piied to thc hums saured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> w«ir�Y.�' whether ar nat then due, with uny exress puid tu Borrnwer. !n the event af a partial tuking of thc Property in•which the fuir
<br /> .,•�•••�'� murhet value af the Prnperty immcdiatcly befare the taking ifi equnl to or greutcr than thc :xmount af the sums sc�cnral by thir
<br /> Security lnstrument immaliately beforc the taking,anlesa Aarrower and Lender otherwise agree in writin�.the sums securcd by _
<br /> this Security instrument shull be rcxiuced by the anount af the proceeds muttiplied by the following fmction: (u)the totul
<br /> 'f amaunt of the sums secured immediutely befure the tnl:ing,divided by(b)the fa�r market vdue of the Pmperty immediately _
<br /> '�� beforo the tnking. Any bal�nce shall be puid to Borrawer. ln the event of a partiul taking of the Property ln which the fuir
<br /> `*� mwket vulue of the Property immediately before the tnking is lcss tbnn the amount of the sums secured immedlntely beforo the �
<br /> tuking,unless Barrower and l.endcr otherwise agree in wrlting or unless upplicable law athcnvise pruvldes, the proceeds shsill .� __
<br /> be applied to the sums secural by tt►is Securtry Instn�ment whether or not the sums are then due. , _
<br /> If the Pn�pe►ty is ubandaned by Borrower. or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar offe�s to muke ar�r�
<br /> � awnid or setde a clntm for damuges. Borrower fatls ro respond to 1.cn�Fr within 30 dny5 after the date the notice is glven,P!
<br /> - Lcnd€r is uuthodzed ta callect and apply the proeetds,ut its option,cither to restamtion or r�i r of the Property or to the sum�
<br /> sccumd by this Secudry Instrument,whether or nat then due.
<br /> , t Unless Lender and Barcower othetwise agrce in writing. any ap licadon of proceeds to princi ul shall not extend o
<br /> � postpane the due vRate of the monthly pnyinerts referred to in p�� S�Phs�� Exten i`anof tlie ti�ne fa�r p ymen aoimmodifirntio�
<br /> � 11.Borro��r Not Released;Forbeaa�ani�2 By I.enaler 1Not u Waiver.
<br /> ' D��s, of amortizadon of the sunis secumd by this Securiry Instrument�ranted by I.,ender to any suaessor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> '�'1' not operatc to release the liabilaty of thc originul Bonower��r Sorrower's successors fn int�rat. Lendcr shall not be required to
<br />'•'?� .'' `:�, commence proceedings ngatnst an}•successor in interest or rcfuss to extend ttme for p;�ymentor otherwise modify umortizattan `..
<br /> �� of the sums secured by this Security insttument by reason of any dcmand madc �y the original florrower or Barrower s
<br /> ',�',"'�`' successors in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lendzr in exercisin� any right or remedy shul I not be a waiver of or prcclude the
<br />-,.1;;� + ,::. exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ;,:;f��a.,. • 12. Successue's and Ass�gns Bound;Joint end Severol Liabi➢ity;Co-signers. 1'he covenunts tu►d agreemer�ts of'thi�
<br /> Sesudry Inst�ument shall bind :and benefit the successors and assigna of Lender und Borrower,subjc.�:t to the pmvisIons of
<br />%.�����u�:�s. - �w�:.�oraph 17. Bonower's covenents and ugreements shaU be joint and several. Any Rorrower who co-signs this Security
<br />'��"�?�'`�t�� Tnsnnment but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-si�ning ihis Sauiity Insiruincss:��l' �0 onail�obligatod to uy the sumas
<br />°��-<�:.,,,,,.�;,� Borrower's interest in the Property under the Yerms of thi9 Security Instrument:(b)is nat pers Y
<br /> ==:�5 a;•.:, secured by this S2curlt�Instrument;and(c)agree�that I.ender and any other Borcower may agree ta extend.modlfy.forbcar or
<br /> ��w�;';+� ".'c matce any+�ccommodahons with regard ro the terms of this Serurity Instiument or the Note wilhaut that liorrower's consent.
<br /> ,�,� ��,Lostn Churges.If the loan secured by this Securlty InstNment is sub]ect to a law which sets meximum loan chnrges.
<br /> ;.���„� � a;��tt�ut luw is finally inte�preted so thut the interest or other loan charges rn�lectod a�r t�bs colleeted in conazction with the
<br /> ..,„�`y;;����r� loan exreed the permitted limits.then:(n)eny such loan churge shall be reduce�by tho nanount nece.9sat}r ta reduce the chaege
<br /> ___�Y�.�� w the permittcct limit;nnd(b)uny sutt�s alreudy collected from Borrower which exccedec�permitted limus will be refuttded M
<br /> -,,,.,�,� Borrower. Lxnd�r mAy choose to muke this rePond by reducinR the principA1 owed under[he Note or by making a direct
<br /> ,_,_,,_�.�_,,,_� puyment to Boraawer. if a refund reduces principal. the reductton will be tmated as a paraal PrePayment wtthout any
<br /> __.�:;� pmpayment churge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notiees.Any notice to Borro�ver provided for In thia Security Instrument shall be aiven by delivering it or by maii ng
<br /> N � � it by tirst cless mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be dtre�ted to the Property Addre�s
<br /> ur nny other address Borrower desisnates by notice to Lcnder. Any natice to I�r:nder sh�ll be given by tirst class mnil to
<br /> Lender's address atated herein or nny other addrays Lertder designates by notice to Bo�rower. Any notice pruvided for in this
<br /> Secudty Instntment shaN be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when�iven as pmviflcA in this paragraph.
<br /> ` -`y 15.Governing Lew; Severubfitty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdictton in w•hfich the Pna',p�tY ts �oc�ted• In the event that any provtsion or cluuse af U�is Securlty Instrument or the Note
<br />- =-�;�.� ce�nflict�with appltcuble Inw.snch�rov Sion�To this�end tfic prpo�vi ions of this Secudty Instru enttand the Note Varo daclarcd
<br /> _ ____ �iven effcct without the coatltcdng P _
<br /> ---- to be severable.
<br /> _-�-- _— 16.Borm�ver's Co py.Horrower shall be g(ven one conformai copy of the Nate and of this Security Insot�y n��t iaf it
<br /> �w-R� 17.Trunsfcr ot the P r operty or o Ben e f i c t u l l n teres t in H o r ro w e r.I f u l t o r c�n y p a rt o f i h e P r o p e r t Y
<br /> cn
<br />.__,,,,� is sold or unnsferred(or if s Iseneticinl interest in Bomower Is sold or transfermd and Borrower is not u natural petson)without
<br /> =r� i�cndei s pliui w-rktcn r�sn.:cn=, Lender may, et irs option, requtre immediate pzyment in full of atl sums secutc�d by this _
<br /> -= -- S�x:mily iva��uax:ni.Sar:ever.this oQt't^n chwil nnt be exercised by'LendCr if exerci�C ts pNhtbttcr.l by fetIersl Ia�v es o6ihr d.�t� _
<br /> --_••�:.�,� c►f this 5ecuriry Instrument.
<br /> � If Lertder exercises this opttun. Lender sh�li give Borrower nntice of nccelerntion.The notic�s7�n11 provlde a periad of moi
<br /> =r'��''',�a;:�;�� tess thun 30 dnys from the dutc the nottce is deliverc:di or mailed within whtch Borcower must pny all sums secured by this
<br />--;r;�;,;;�"'_ Security instrument.If Bomower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiratton of this period. Lender may invokx ac►y remedies
<br /> _ •�.::l::•.. ` pennitted by this Securfty instn►mtnt withuut further nottce or demv►d un Borrower.
<br /> `'=;'• �� Ig, gorrower s Ri�ht to ReinsWte. If&�trc�wer meets certaln coadltions. Borrower shail have the ri�ht to have
<br /> .. .,:s��.:•' enforcement uf this Secunry Instrument �iscontinued nt uny time prior to the eaclter of:(a)5 duys(or such other pedosi:;s
<br /> applicaUlo luw may spucify for reinstatement)before sale of the Propecry pursunnt to any power of sule contained in eibis '
<br /> _ .' Si,'�writy Instrumcnt;or(b)entry uf a Judgment enforcing this Secttrlcy Instntment.Those candttions are that Bc�rcower:(a)pays .�
<br /> � "r [rnder nll sums which then would be dne under Rhis�ccqsrity Instrument and the Note �s if no ncceterntion tind oocurred: (b)
<br /> curet:uny defuult of uny ather covenants or agreements; tc) pays all expenses innirsed in enfon:ing ehis Socar�ty[nsuument. ,
<br />_. � �=t-.�-� including.but nut limited to.musuauble attorne�s•' foes:and(d)tnkes such action as Lender may reasonably rcquire to ussure
<br /> :�.
<br />;.', thut the Iten of this Secutiry Instrument. Lxnder s rights in the Property und Rormwer's obli gntion to puy the sums secured by {�
<br /> •�++�� � .,.�. co....�sw inr.tnim+uft shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borc'ower, this Socurity Instrument und the ?�
<br /> .. _.� tt_......� �I.ie wnht tn►a;Ml'tL�c SIIllII �
<br /> - ----
<br /> ._..,,...� ..., .., - •...o ....r-'y -'-°-
<br /> ' ; �:` obliguttons securod hereby shaii remain fully sffe�:tive a.g if no acceteraiion nao activ��w•«••••�•�••••••�••o----- ----•-- •
<br /> �.�"` not apply in the case of uccelemtion under Paw.►�r�ph 17.
<br /> 19. �ule of Notc; Chnnge ot I.nan Scrvicer. The Notc or u partfal intcrest in ihe Note (to�ether with this Sccudty
<br /> ' � instrument)muy be sold onc or more tima without prior nottre to Bcmowcr. A sale may «sult in�chnnBe in the entity tkrtown
<br /> ;�the'Loxn Serviar")that coltects monthly payments due under the Note mid this Secudty instrument.There nlso may be one
<br /> " or mure cl�an�es of the Lnan Servi��er unreluted to u sale of the Note.lf there is u clvinge otthe Wan Servi.er,Borrower will be
<br />- " . given written notice of the chanIIe in ascordance with paragruph 14 ubove und upplicuble Imv. The nntire will state the name cutd
<br /> ' u d dress o f t he new l.u a n S c rv i c e r u nd¢he uddress to which puyments should be made. 71ie notice wiil ulso cnntain any other
<br /> ' information rcquired by npplicublc law.
<br /> Z0. glur�rdous 5ubstnnces. Borro�ver sliall not cnusc nr Qermit the prcwence.utie.d ixpowi. storuge. or relcase of uny
<br /> ' ' Ha•rurdous Subswnccs on ur in the Prnperty &nruwer shull not do. nnr nlluw unyone cisc to do, un thinB nffccting the
<br /> Property thut is in vi�latian nf nny �nvironmentul�Ly'S b�tu�'���hat um gcnc�Clly nrognfzed pnybc uppropi�t�c��n�rrttSi
<br /> storc+ge on thc Pmp c�ny�f smatt yuuntitics c�f Hu�u
<br /> restdentiat ures und tn maintenam�c af thc Property•
<br /> � v���o�4 Form 3028 O�ftO
<br />